Madagascar 深度之旅 V - Isalo National Park
From Ambalavao to Tulear
2019.06.09 - 2019.06.11
Isalo National Park 位於馬達加斯加西南地區,附近是以畜牧為主的 Bara people 居住,生活比較艱困。 這個NP是以6000m深的沈積砂岩,經由風及河川切割形成奇岩怪石的石柱,岩壁,高原及峽谷著名, 溪谷深至200m類似 Utah 的 Zion NP, 可惜來的時候是乾季,溪水很低瀑布不大。 Park 內不能空拍只能由 parking lot 或是 N7 路上找機會側飛由外面一窺高原及奇岩怪石的風貌。
National Park 內生態豐富,有六種 Lemurs 和近百種的鳥類棲息於此,我們在 Park trial head 附近遇到幾群 ring-tailed lemurs,拍的不亦樂乎!
Tulear 位於Madagascar 西南部海邊,由 N7 一路下來距離首都 Antananarivo 約一千公里遠,西南部氣候乾旱水源缺乏人民生活困苦,可以由他們低矮的土屋穿著生活方式看出來。 導遊建議大家把用過的瓶子裝滿自來水帶上車,在這些資源缺乏的鄉村中是最實用的禮物了。
Isalo National Park is in the Ihorombe Region of Madagascar, it was created in 1962 and the Bara people have traditionally inhabited this area, a nomadic people subsisting on zebu farming.
Isalo National Park is a sandstone landscape that has been dissected by wind and water erosion into deep canyons, sandstone domes, flat-topped mountains and “runiform” mountains - steep sided outcrops that have been dissected into odd-shapes. These odd shapes are referred to as runiforme, based on the French word for carved. The most famous monuments sculpted by nature such as the Window and the Queen that can be found right next to the National road 7, then the Boot, the Wolf that will complete the natural beauty of Isalo National park.
Tulear is located on the southwestern coast of Madagascar. It is about a thousand kilometers away from the capital Antananarivo. The climate in the southwest region is dry and water resource is a premium, instead of farming, people here is mainly herding Zebu to support their families. Their lifestyle and living condition is considerably lower (compare with highlanders)
MADAGASCAR - 21 - Isalo National Park (Part 1)
Window of Isalo. Evening lightning.
This film shows lightning at the Window of Isalo in Madagascar. It was what we saw when we got into our bus. You can read the story about when we were there here:
MADAGASCAR | Mangily a Ranohira | [ 4K ] 12
Madagascar capítol 12(4K)
- Mangily
- Ifaty
- Ranohira
- Isalo window
- Isalo
Instagram: @untombpelmon
Video en 4K
???? Gopro Hero 5
???? Iphone 7 plus
A big spider at the window of Isalo.
We found this big spider right next to the Window of Isalo. It had spun a big net and was hoping to catch a meal or two with it. You can read the story of when this film was made here:
360 panorama in Isalo
Near the sunset window
A Disoriented Ring-Tailed Lemur
Filmed in Isalo National Park, Madagascar
A Village For Transient Miners Outside Ilakaka, Madagascar
En route we stopped in the town of Ilakaka. This town was put on the map when a Frenchman discovered a very large sapphire field here in the late 90's. The field is apparently huge, something like 10 km long and 25 km wide. This sparked a 'gold' rush of sorts and the town grew exponentially and for a period of time was very lawless, where might was right, and dangerous, as people tunneled into the ground to find the gems and many people were suffocated when tunnels collapsed. The government stepped in and dictated that the mining had to be done by open pit. These huts in a makeshift village are where people live who hope to find their fortune working in the sapphire mines. The children have obviously learned to beg on the hopes that tourists will throw things from the windows.
To see photos and read more about my Intrepid tours through Madagascar and other tours and places I visited on my second year long sabbatical world tour please check my blog:
Driving in Tana
A bit of footage driving through Antananarivo, Madagascar. Footage taken with a Flip camera through the car window. Music is by the Malagasy artist Rossy
Une partie de la descente d'Andringitra
Madagascar Timelapse 2011
Reminiscence of Mada 2008
Photography, Sound recording and mastering, Video assembly - all by myself (no kidding!) ;-)
Canon Elan 7e and my right index finder responsible for the photos.
Music captured during a hot dark night of Oct/7 2008 at Parc National d'Isalo. Nothing advanced but Nikon Coolpix P5100 used for the recording. Thank you Kuna for the device.
Sound mastering by SoX v14.2.0 for Linux.
Video mix in Picasa 3.5.0 for Windows TM.
More pictures, complete caption and even a map can be found at
And don't forget, keep building up your own ideas of traveling! ;-)
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