Vivere in Tunisia - Kerkennah
Una breve visita alle isole Kerkennah che poi è una sola perché unite da ponti.
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Kerkena Island Tunisia
Les Kerkennah , parfois orthographié Karkenah, Karkena, Kerkenna ou Kerkena, sont un archipel tunisien de la mer Méditerranée situé à une vingtaine de kilomètres au large de Sfax. Administrativement, il constitue une délégation rattachée au gouvernorat de Sfax, composée de dix imadas, mais aussi une municipalité.
Il est composé de deux îles principales — Gharbi, aussi appelé Mellita du nom du village qu'elle abrite, et Chergui ou Grande Kerkennah — et de douze îlots, Gremdi, Roumadia, Rakadia, Sefnou, Charmadia, Ch’hima, Keblia, Jeblia, El Froukh, Firkik, Belgharsa et El Haj Hmida. Le périmètre de l'archipel dépasse 160 kilomètres. Gharbi et Chergui sont reliées entre elles par une chaussée d'une longueur de 600 mètres existant dès l'époque romaine. La principale route asphaltée, qui traverse l'archipel entre Sidi Youssef à l'extrémité ouest et El Attaya à l'extrémité est, mesure 35 kilomètres.
Kerkennah - قرقنة | Tunisia
Kerkennah Island - Tunisia (1080p)
Shooted with canon 600d in 1080p with 18-55mm and yelangu s60t (Steadycam)..
Canon 600D:
18-55mm lens:
Yelangu s60t:
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Isole Kerkennah, Anima Mediterranea
il Mediterraneo che incontra l'Africa...
Un viaggio itinerante fra le Isole dell'Arcipelago di Kerkennah, Tunisia.
Navigando con le feluche sospinte dalla vela latina come le imbarcazioni dei nostri avi.
Kerkennah Islands Tunisia - جزر قرقنة تونس
The Kerkennah Islands are nestled in the Gulf of Gabes, off the eastern coast of Tunisia. Offering a step back in time to a simpler day, Kerkennah Islands are perfect for holiday travelers.
This forgotten paradise is almost untouched by history, save a brief point. During the Roman Empire, Kerkennah and its natives were displaced while Kerkennah was utilized as a port and strategic viewpoint. After the Roman Empire collapsed, Kerkennah once more belonged to its people.
A reminder of Kerkennah Island history can be seen in the Borj el Hissar, ancient ruins of a fort built almost 1000 years ago. In the 16th century, this fort was rebuilt by the Spanish. Appearing as if it were quietly disappearing into the Gulf of Gabes, the Borj el Hissar is a compelling sight. Travelers will marvel at the Roman mosaics and the remains of the Roman fortress itself.
Travelling in the ferry, holiday travelers will soon see exotic palm trees swaying in the breeze, and shallow waters beckoning them to swim. The ferry stops at the smaller, southern island which is connected to the larger, northern island by a causeway.
Holiday travelers will find the Kerkennah Islands peaceful and unspoiled. The locals do not believe in roadways intersecting and detracting from the Islands’ true beauty. While the main towns and port have roads, the rest of the island does not. As a result, charming tracks as from old can be seen.
The Islands are picturesque, with little villages near the sheltered bays, and everywhere palm trees and fig trees. Kerkennah Islands have remained somewhat unnoticed. It is this very gift that makes Kerkennah Islands the perfect holiday paradise. For those who want something different, far away from the jostling people, Kerkennah Islands is idyllic.
Gita alle isole Kerkennah
Kerkennah Islands , Tunisia , جزر قرقنة
L'ile de Kerkenah / Isola di kerkenah / kerkenah islands - Tunisia (by Omar Fakhfekh)
Kerkennah Is. (Tunisia)
Dicembre 2013
قرقنة,Kerkennah Islands,Kerkennah Adası
قرقنة,Kerkennah Islands,Kerkennah Adası La Sharfia isole Kerkennah
Tecnica di pesca nell`arcipelago delle isole kerkennah tunisia
Isole Kerkennah, Anima Mediterranea
Base Elba a Kerkennah dal 18 al 25 ottobre
Con i bimbi per unire il Mondo
il sogno diventa realtà
Kerkennah : La Perle De La Méditerranée
Kerkennah : La Perle De La Méditerranée, un projet de fin d'études réalisé par Rami Gnidez et Mahdi Arous, encadré par Elloumi Anis & Kasdali Mohamed Anouar au sien de L'Institut Supérieur d'Informatique et de Multimédia de Sfax (ISIMS) et en partenariat avec la société VirtualArts la Damsa, il battimare Isole Kerkennah
Tunisia mercoledì 13 agosto 2008
Sversamento al largo di Kerkennah
“Il 14 marzo una marea nera si è riversata sulle coste delle isole Kerkennah, in Tunisia, ma nonostante sia numerose pagine Facebook (come Kerkennah Islands) sia qualche giornale on-line abbiano pubblicato le foto del disastro (che in parte ri-pubblichiamo) la grande stampa tunisina ha praticamente ignorato l’evento, e altrettanto ha fatto quella italiana.”
Maggiori info:
Kerkennah island
Dream island
Kerkennah - The Island of Dreams
Video, Better quality than previous video, pictures by Hytham Chlouk, Amy Stopporton and my mother, Sharon Chlouk
Isole Kerkennah, Anima Mediterranea
Base Elba a Kerkennah dal 18 al 25 ottobre
Con i Bimbi per Unire il Mondo
Base Elba alle Isole Kerkennah
Con i Bimbi per Unire il Mondo
dal 18 al 25 ottobre 2009 in Tunisia
alle Isole Kerkennah