This video is a drone-tour around Hungary with my nicest shoots! You can visit Szechenyi bath and Tihany also Balaton while you are in Hungary. Also you can see Holloko and Szigliget Castles on the countryside, those you can find in most travel guide but not in every travel video. This video gives you some idea for trips in Hungary while you are on a Budapest vacation, and you like to see more than just Buda castle.
Enjoy your time here! Ivan Votisky
Places in the Video:
1. Holloko Castle
2. Margareth Bridge
3. Margareth Island
4. Parliament
5. Varosliget
6. Hosok tere - Heroes square
7. Andrassy street
8. Szechenyi Bath
9. Budapest Zoo
10. Szigliget Castle
11. Badacsony
12. Balaton
13. Tihany
14. Budapest 7th district
15. Varosliget
16. Vajdahunyad vara
Nemzeti Szinház Hungary - Budapest
Nemzeti Színházunk és a Duna (Duna budai ) miután a nemzet új színháza jóformán a Duna partjára épült.
Orchestral: Night Breeze - Memories and Stories
OPERAHÁZ Hungary - Budapest
Épült 1875 - 1884- ig
Tervezte Ybl Miklós
Music: Rossini: Tell Wilmos Overture - You Tube
Ivan Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra the first 25 years/19 on tour in Hong Kong
On a 2004 tour in Hong Kong of the Budapest Festival Orchestra, Ivan Fischer announces and conducts the 14th Hungarian Dance by Johannes Brahms
Budapest - ( Capital of Hungary )
Budapest I. rész
Bazilika altemplom - Hungary (Budapest)
Music:Kevin MacLeod Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
A Bazilika altemplomát Hild József tervezte, - Puskás Ferenc is itt nyugszik az altemplomban . Időnkénti kiállítások színhelye.A főszékesegyház talán legmisztikusabb része, az altemplomot, amit korábbiakban katakombának nevezték.
A Bazilika altemplomában érsekek, egyházfők sírjai, köztük a Magyar Római Katolikus Egyház történetének első számú, egyházépítő alakjainak, s köztük Mindszenty József bíboros, vagy Lékai László bíboros, prímás érsekek sírjai is itt találhatók..
Citadella Budapest ( + )
Music: ( 39.494_erh_herat-3 , 39661_erh_herat-7 ) by ERH.
Dunai aszály Hungary Budapest
A Duna korlátozottan hajózható. Kevés a derűlátó meteorológiai vélemény a jelentős csapadékra. !
Budapestnél eddig 51 centiméter volt a valaha mért legalacsonyabb vízállás, amelyet 1947. november 6-án regisztráltak. Szerdán (2018. október 17--én) 41 centiméter volt a vízszint.
Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar – kulisszatitkok a próbateremből
Hogyan készül a Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar egy koncertre? Magyarósi Csaba ellátogatott Selmeci utcai próbatermünkbe, és olyan zugokba is eljutott, illetve olyan hangszereket is felfedezhetett, amit más eddig még nem. Kulisszatitkok Óbudától a Müpáig.
A Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar a Müpa és a BFZ közös rendezésű Debussy–Ravel-maratonján a Compagnie Pal Frenak táncosainak közreműködésével adta elő Ravel Bolero című művét. Vezényelt: Fischer Iván.
Tabán - Budapest ( + )
A Tabán Budapest I. és kis részben XI. kerületének városrésze. Egykor önálló település volt, előbb Buda, végül Budapest városrésze lett. Az 1930-as évekig sűrűn épített egy-két szintes házak jellemezték, a 19. század--20. század fordulójára szórakozóhelyekkel, vendéglőkkel, borozókkal teli romantikus negyeddé vált. Az 1930-as évek elején-közepén rombolták le, a helyére tervezett városrészt azonban az időközben kitörő második világháború miatt sohasem épülhetett meg.
Ivan Popov one month in Budapest (2016)
That started as a typical story , when somebody invites you to chill together because it's gonna be cool, but then you actually never meet each other again.This time something went wrong , and I found myself in a Bus to Budapest with 50EUR in my pocket and no ideas in my mind about what is going to happen there.I could not expect that this trip would be 3 months long, and certainly had no idea what's gonna wait me there.
The plan was to find a job, but it failed because the only thing that we had been doing was riding. We've been riding everyday , 20 days in a row. That was hard , I was absolutely not ready for this, it was freezing outside, the wind was blowing , sometimes it was snowing. But we went for riding everyday, and , damn , that was amazing!
We were pushing each other, going to different spots. We did like 20 km one way to a skatepark just to save some money, and that was really cool !
Laszlo had a camera and captured some of our moves on it. Here is a short overview of this times !
Thank you!
Things to do in Budapest, Hungary: Night Life : Visiting the Opera House & Concert Hall in Budapest
Live music in Budapest, Hungary! Try the opera house and concert halls in Budapest, Hungary featured in this free video on travel advice and tips.
Expert: Sarah Satmari
Bio: Sarah Satmari is an experienced tour guide at Yellow Zebra / Absolute tours company. The company is specialized in organizing walking, biking, and Segway tours in Budapest.
Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky
20180504 ivan & the parazol @ óbuda napja budapest (hu)
Budapest-Vac-Wien trip 2013
Nice trip, cool experience, perfect Budapest!
Szikla templom-Rock Church Gellért hegy-Budapest
The Gellért Hill Cave (Hungarian: Gellérthegyi-barlang) is part of a network of caves within Gellért Hill in Budapest, Hungary. The cave is also referred to as Saint Ivan's Cave (Szent Iván-barlang), regarding a hermit who lived there and is believed to have used the natural thermal water of a muddy lake next to the cave to heal the sick. It is likely that this same water fed the pools of the old Sáros fürdő (Muddy Baths), now called Gellért Baths.[1][2]
In the 19th century the cave was inhabited by a poor family who built a small adobe house in the great opening. The mouth of the cave was closed off with a planking and it was used as a peasant courtyard. This situation was recorded on a painting by Mihály Mayr (made sometime in the 1860s) and a photograph by György Klösz in 1877.[3]
A Szent Gellért-sziklatemplom Budapesten található nemzeti szentély, építését dr. Lux Kálmán tervei alapján 1931 tavaszára fejezte be Weichinger Károly. 1934-ben egy neoromán stílusú kolostor is hozzáépült a templomhoz, a Gellért-hegy Duna felőli oldalán. A magyar pálosoknak a rend megszüntetése után 150 évig nem sikerült újraéledniük Magyarországon. A sziklatemplom a szülőföldjére hazatelepülő egyetlen magyar alapítású férfi szerzetesrend, a pálosok számára készült. Egyéb elnevezései: Barlangkápolna, Gellérthegyi-barlang, Gellérthegyi sziklakápolna, Iván-barlang, Lourdes-i Barlang, Lourdesi kápolna, Pest, Szentiván-barlang, Szent Iván-barlang, Sziklakápolna
The first modern entrance for the caves was constructed in the 1920s by a group of Pauline monks. After its consecration in 1926, it served as a chapeland monastery until 1951. During this time, it also served as a field hospital for the army of Nazi Germany during World War II.
In 1945, the Soviet Red Army captured Budapest. For six years, the cave continued its religious functions, but in 1951, the State Protection Authorityraided the chapel as part of increasing action against the Catholic Church. As a result of the raid, the cave was sealed, the monastery's superior, Ferenc Vezér, was condemned to death, and the remaining brothers were imprisoned for upwards of ten years.
As the Iron Curtain disintegrated, the chapel reopened on 27 August 1989 with the destruction of the thick concrete wall that had sealed the cave. By 1992, the Chapel had been restored and the Pauline Order had returned to the cave. Today, the monks continue to perform religious functions within, though the cave is also a common tourist attraction.
I tried vlogging while i was in Budapest.
This is a montage of of the stupidity and the craziness of my classmates.
ig: @ivanjoshuafelipe
Dreams by Joakim Karud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Budapest Festival Orchestra, Iván Fischer, Rabbi Slomó Köves visit abandoned Hungarian Synagogues
In June 2014 the first joint tour of the Budapest Festival Orchestra and the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation took place in abandoned Hungarian synagogues. Local residents have been invited for a free concert. Members of the Budapest Festival Orchestra played works composed by Jewish-born composers and Rabbi Slomó Köves spoke about the history of the building and the everyday life of the Jewish community before its deportation in 1944. A few Jewish survivors joined the generally non-Jewish audience that filled the synagogues of Mád, Keszthely and Albertirsa.
Iván Fischer, music director of the Budapest Festival Orchestra and the Konzerthaus Berlin described the initiative: Anti-semitism is mainly ignorance. If we remind Hungarian villagers that their parents and grandparents once lived peacefully with their Jewish neighbours, if we can show and explain what these empty buildings were built for, if we can open hearts by music, we may be able to reduce that ignorance.
The tour will continue in November 2014, in Szekszárd (Nov. 10), Szolnok (Nov. 11) and Kisvárda (Nov. 16).
Budapest,Hungary Tour(fisherman's bastion,Buda Castle,Great Market Hall) Bangla VLOG part-3
Budapest,Hungary Tour(fisherman's bastion,Buda Castle,Great Market Hall) Bangla VLOG part-3
The Halászbástya or Fisherman's Bastion is a terrace in neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style situated on the Buda bank of the Danube, on the Castle hill in Budapest, around Matthias Church. It was designed and built between 1895 and 1902 on the plans of Frigyes Schulek. Wikipedia
Address: Budapest, Szentháromság tér, 1014 Hungary
Opened: 1902
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 11PM
Architectural styles: Neoclassical architecture, Gothic Revival architecture, Romanesque Revival architecture
Architect: Frigyes Schulek
Did you know: It was designed and built by Frigyes Schulek between the years 1895 – 1902.
Buda Castle is the historical castle and palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest. It was first completed in 1265, but the massive Baroque palace today occupying most of the site was built between 1749 and 1769. The complex in the past was referred to as either the Royal Palace or the Royal Castle. Wikipedia
Address: Budapest, Szent György tér 2, 1014 Hungary
Area: 4.73 km2 (1.8 sq mi)
Phone: +36 1 458 3000
Architect: Jean Nicolas Jadot, Miklós Ybl, Alajos Hauszmann
Architectural styles: Middle Ages, Baroque, Baroque Revival architecture, Modern architecture
Did you know: The new communist government of Hungary considered the Royal Palace a symbol of the former regime.
Restored neogothic hall for traders with grocery produce on the ground & souvenirs on the 1st floor.
Address: Budapest, Vámház krt. 1-3, 1093 Hungary
Part-2 :
My Trip to Budapest
Ho realizzato questo video soltanto per divertimento, spero piaccia anche a voi!
Canale di Federica:
Song: Ehrling -Champagne Ocean
10 trick with Ivan Cueje at the Budapest Skatepark
10 trucos con nuestro rider Ivan Cueje en el skatepark indoor de Budapest. Grabado en 1 tarde. Mucho seta!!!!