Hamlet. Ivan Vazov National Theatre, Sofia, Bulgaria. Director Javor Gardev
Ivan Vazov National Theatre, Sofia
The Ivan Vazov National Theatre is Bulgaria's national theatre, as well as the oldest and most authoritative theatre in the country and one of the important landmarks of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It is located in the centre of the city, with the facade facing the City Garden.
Founded in 1904 by the artists from the Salza i Smyah company, it was initially called simply the National Theatre, but before being named after the prominent writer Ivan Vazov it also bore the name of Krastyu Sarafov between 1952 and 1962. The theatre's Neoclassical building, designed by famous Viennese theatre architects Hermann Helmer and Ferdinand Fellner, was finished in 1906 and opened on 3 January 1907. The building was extensively damaged by a fire in 1923 during an anniversary celebration, but was reconstructed in 1929 by German architect Martin Dülfer.
National theatre Ivan Vazov | Sofia, Bulgaria
A short documentary clip, shot on 20.07.2012 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The National Theatre Ivan Vazov impresses with its exquisite architecture.
Кратък документален клип, заснет на 20.07.2012 в центъра на София, България. Народният театър Иван Вазов впечатлява с изящната си архитектура.
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What to See in Sofia: National Theater Ivan Vazov
The Ivan Vazov National Theatre is the oldest and most respected theatre in Bulgaria. It also serves as one of the country's most important landmarks in the center of Sofia.
Read more on GrubOrPub.com -
Street musicians National Theatre Ivan Vazov Sofia Bulgaria
Official opening of # eu2018bg in THE IVAN VAZOV NATIONAL THEATER in Sofia
Румен Радев: ????????????????
От първи януари поехме председателството на Съвета на Европейския съюз. От 11 години ние сме член на съюза, но от 13 века България е югоизточната порта на континента. Това е скъпо платен исторически опит. На Балканите знаем добре, че от разделението покълват трагедии. Европа е твърде голяма, за да бъде монолитна, но твърде малка, за да бъде разделяна. Затова и мотото на нашето председателство е „Съединението прави силата“. България притежава изпитан във времето модел на добро съжителство между религиите. Ние сме родината на кирилицата, която е мост към Изтока. България, която днес догонва развитите страни в съюза, навремето спаси своите евреи през най-мрачните години за континента. Това ме кара да вярвам, че много сме дали и много можем да дадем на нашето европейско семейство.
Поемаме председателството в труден за съюза момент. Глобалната несигурност превръща европейската отбрана в императив. Миграцията и тероризмът изискват активен диалог с големите съседи на съюза. Конкурентоспособността не бива да се постига чрез орязване на социални права, а чрез прозорливи инвестиции в образованието и високите технологии. В едно съм убеден - когато проблемите засягат всички, ключът е в реализма и солидарните усилия. За да пребъде Европа, ни трябват разбираема реч, опростени процедури, взаимно доверие, ново самочувствие и надмогване на егоизма.
Вярвам, че през следващите шест месеца нашите гости от Европа ще се чувстват у дома си сред римските руини и православните църкви на България, особено тук в София, в която православна църква, католическа катедрала, джамия и синагога се намират на няколко стотин метра една от друга. Това е уникално историческо достояние, което ще напомня на всички нас, че Европа не е само икономическо пространство, а територия на свободата, вкоренена дълбоко в историята, културата и хуманизма, които не бива да загърбваме. ????????????????
Председателството на България идва във важен момент, когато нашият Съюз трябва да удовлетвори очакванията на гражданите във връзка с основни проблеми като миграция, сигурност и създаване на работни места за младите хора.
Убеден съм, че България ще поеме отговорността и ще работи усилено над тези проблеми в тясно партньорство с Европейския парламент“.
Председателят на ЕП Антонио Таяни взе участие в официалното откриване на Българско председателство на Съвета на ЕС - Bulgarian Presidency Council of the EU.
Chalga dancing in front of Ivan Vazov National Theatre, Sofia
Spontaneous event
National Theatre Ivan Vazov Sofia
July 2011 - created at
National Theatre Ivan Vazov - Sofia
National Theater Ivan Vazov and the city garden, filmed with a drone
The city garden in Sofia, near that Ivan Vazov national theater, filmed with a drone
I took a walk in the city garden of our capital city and flew around the beautiful historic buildings in that central part of the city. The only problem was the height restrictions, as due to the garden being situated quite away from the airport, but right under the trajectory of airplanes, the DJI app is restricting me to fly no more than 60 meters high. This is not a big problem as, unless I fly into the ministry of transportation building, which is the 60 meters high “skyscraper” in the area. Our center piece is the amazing National Theater “Ivan Vazov”, in a stunning neoclassical architectural style, with gold decoration and patinated roof with its lion pulling chariots – a true art piece from the ages. The building was finished in 1907, but later had to be reconstructed several times after its partial or full destructions from fires and WWII bombings, but here it now stays tall as a true Sofia symbol. So many government buildings can be spotted around, the ministries of transportation, justice, defense, economy, the National Art gallery, the Telephone hall. The square near the garden is now empty and is used for different events and installations, but until the nineties here was situated the mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov. In true communist fashion there was a mummy in the center, but when the democratic years kicked in the mausoleum was deemed too much of a reminder of a time we want to forget so it was duly demolished. Also interesting is to peep in the new Parliament building – it is not a new building, but the parliament is going to move here in this iconic building, which was called the Party House (not famous for its fun parties, but for the communist party who inhabited it). Looking over it we see a lavish glass roof and facades hidden behind the historic walls.
Sofia, Bulgaria, 05.10.2019
Bulgaria Travel Guide - The National Theatre of Sofia
Take a tour of National Theatre of Sofia in Bulgaria -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The National Theatre of Sofia, also known by many as 'Ivan Vazov National Theatre' is an exceptional Bulgarian cultural landmark.
This, the oldest and the most distinguished theater in Bulgaria, was first opened in 1907.
The primary facade of the building is adorned with works of beautiful Apollo sculpted with her muses.
Built in Neo-classical style architecture, with beautiful reliefs, gold plated details, and embellishments, this building is truly awe-inspiring.
Having faced considerable damage during a bombing raid in World War Two, the theater was almost immediately reconstructed in 1945, a testament to its importance to Bulgaria.
Bronze statues amid the reflecting fountain in front of the building only add to the charm and charisma of this illustrious theater.
Sofia, Bulgaria - view of the fountains in front of the National Theater Ivan Vazov
София, България - изглед на фонтаните пред народния театър Иван Вазов. Sofia, Bulgaria - view of the fountains in front of the National Theater Ivan Vazov
National Theater Ivan Vazov
София, България - изглед на министерство на отбраната и народния театър Иван Вазов. Sofia, Bulgaria - view of the Ministry of Defense and the National Theater Ivan Vazov
LG 3D Mapping Sofia National Theatre Ivan Vazov, Sofia - Georgi Kadiev
LG 3D Mapping Sofia National Theatre Ivan Vazov, Sofia - Georgi Kadiev
National Theatre Ivan Vazov
Music: Rannar Sillard - A Place In Heaven 5
BULGARIAN FOLK DANCE - EthnoTree 16.08.2015 Ivan Vazov Sofia BULGARIA
Ivan Vazov Museum House Sofia, Bulgaria
Ivan Vazov Museum House Sofia, Bulgaria
National theatre Ivan Vazov, fountain
Sofia, Bulgaria
Live 3D Show on theatre bulding Ivan Vazov - Sofia,Bulgaria
Live 3D Show on theatre bulding Ivan Vazov - Sofia,Bulgaria. It was awesome!