Torre de Iznaga, Trinidad, Cuba
Torre de Iznaga, Trinidad, Cuba
Manaca - Iznaga Tower,Trinidad, Cuba (2010)
Valle de los Ingenios, also named Valley de los Ingenios or Valley of the Sugar Mills, is a series of three interconnected valleys about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) outside of Trinidad, Cuba
Torre de Iznaga, Trinidad, Cuba
The Manaca Iznaga Tower
VLOG 367 07/01 On our final day in Trinidad, we visit the Manaca Iznaga tower in Cuba’s Valle de los Ingenios was erected in 1750 in order to observe and control the slaves working in the sugar cane fields around the hacienda (or plantation). At 7 stories high and 136 steps to the top, it’s worth the climb for the view of the valley. The bells that once regulated the mill’s daily life are still intact.
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Torre Iznaga, Trinidad, Cuba
Un breve recorrido por el Valle de los Ingenios, en Trinidad, Cuba. Allí, el principal atractivo es la Torre Iznaga
Love To Discover: Cuba: Trinidad: Manaca Iznaga Climbing The Tower
This video is shot climbing down the tower at Manaca Iznaga showing the surrounding views and the structure that is still in tact
Love To Discover: Cuba: Trinidad: Manaca Iznaga
Valley de los Ingenios or Valley of the Sugar Mills is located approx 12 kms outside of Trinidad. Manaca Iznaga is an in tact sugar mill which includes the watch tower, the slaves quarters, the owners mansion and some original sugar relics. Well worth the trip out to see.
Trinidad Torre de Manaca Iznaga Cuba
Cuba Trinidad Torre de Manaca Iznaga and Hacienda Suikervallei met hoge toren
Just before Trinidad we drove through the Sugar Valley and we made a stop at the tower Torre de Manaca Iznaga. You can climb on the tower and then you have a wonderful view over the valley. From this tower once the slave laborers who worked in the cane fields were monitored.
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Net voor Trinidad reden we door de suikervallei en maakten we een stop bij de toren 'Torre de Manaca Iznaga' . Je kunt de toren beklimmen en je hebt dan een prachtig uitzicht over de vallei. Vanaf deze toren werden vroeger de slavenarbeiders die op de suikerrietvelden werkten in de gaten gehouden.
Cuba Trip - Torre Iznaga, Trinidad.
torre manaca iznaga trinidad cuba
torre manaca iznaga trinidad cuba, un bello lugar
Cuba 211 (Camera on board): Sancti Spiritus to Iznaga (near Trinidad)
71012-9 CUBA. Sancti Spiritus to Manaca Iznaga (near Trinidad)
• Map with all videos Camera on board by Christian Roux :
【K】Cuba Travel-Trinidad[쿠바 여행-트리니다드]인헤니오스 계곡, 마나카이스나가 탑/Los Ingenios Valley/Manaca Iznaga Tower
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■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
마차에서 첨단 자동차까지 모든 탈것이 뒤섞여있는 쿠바의 도로. 나는 수소문 끝에 어렵게 빌린 오토바이를 타고 잉헤니오스 계곡에 가기로 했다. 잉헤니오스 계곡에 유일하게 남겨진 18세기 사탕수수 농장. 높이 44m에 이르는 이 망루에 올라보면 잉헤니오스 계곡을 한눈에 내려다 볼 수 있다. 망루에 오르는 길은 좁고 가파르다. 몇 번을 쉬어간 끝에 마침내 44m 정상에 도착했다 이곳은 시가와 함께 쿠바의 키워드가 된 사탕수수 아시엔다가 몰려있던 곳이다. 생산이 절정에 이르렀던 19세기 말에는 50여개의 농장이 있었고, 흑인 노예들이 만 명을 넘었다고 한다. 백인들은 이 망루를 세워놓고 노예들을 감시했다. “예전에 이곳은 아주 전통 깊은 곳이에요. 두 형제가 있었어요. 그 중 한명은 이 탑을 짓고 또 하나는 우물을 만들었어요. 저기 탱크보이는 곳에 우물을 만든 거죠. 이 모든 것은 스페인 사람들을 위해서 만들어졌고 이곳에서 일을 하다가 노예들이 도망가는 것을 감시하고 발견 시에는 여기 위에 있던 종을 땡땡 쳐서 저 밑 우물에 있는 사람에게 알리곤 했대요.” 혁명을 거치며 계곡의 사탕수수 밭은 거의 사라졌지만 감시의 그늘 아래 자유를 억압당했던 노예들의 아픔이 다가오는 것 같다.
[English: Google Translator]
All roads in Cuba scrambled to the high-tech car ride in the carriage. I had to go to Henny Ng OSU Valley riding a motorcycle borrowed susomun difficult at the end. Henny Ng OSU only remaining 18th century sugar plantation in the valley. Looking up at the tower can be up to 44m in height overlooking the valley Ying Henney Austrian at a glance. Narrow, steep road to climb the tower. At the end a couple of times between Shea finally arrived at the top 44m This is where the keywords were flocking approached yen know Cuba is sugar cane with cigars. Production throws the end of the 19th century reached its peak there were more than 50 farms, blacks and slaves and more than a million people. White slaves were monitored sewonotgo the tower. Here's a very old tradition in the deep. The two brothers were. One of those is to build a tower Another've made a well. There did seem made a well where the tank. All this haetdaeyo Oregon notify the person beneath me well while doing here was made to the Spanish people fleeing slaves when surveillance that the species was discovered Tintin hit over here. Undergo a revolution valleys of sugar cane The field seems to be almost gone but the pain of a slave who was oppressed for freedom under the shadow of the upcoming surveillance.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
Todos los caminos en Cuba se apresuraron a el paseo en coche de alta tecnología en el carro. Tuve que ir a Henny Ng OSU Valle en una motocicleta prestada susomun difícil al final. Henny Ng OSU único resto de plantación de azúcar del siglo 18 en el valle. Buscando en la torre puede ser de hasta 44 m de altura que domina el valle Ying Henney austriaca de un vistazo. Estrecha, empinada carretera para subir la torre. Al final un par de veces entre Shea finalmente llegó al 44m Este es el lugar donde las palabras clave fueron acuden yenes acercado saben Cuba es la caña de azúcar con los cigarros. Producción lanza el final del siglo 19 llegó a su apogeo hubo más de 50 granjas, los negros y los esclavos y más de un millón de personas. Esclavos blancos fueron monitoreados sewonotgo la torre. Aquí hay una tradición muy antigua en las profundidades. Los dos hermanos eran. Uno de ellos es la construcción de una torre Another've hizo un pozo.
■클립명: 남미013-쿠바02-11 인헤니오스 계곡, 마나카이스나가 탑/Los Ingenios Valley/Manaca Iznaga Tower/Sugarcane Farm
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 최필곤 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 1월 January
,남아메리카,South America,남미,쿠바,Cuba,Republica de Cuba ,Republic of Cuba,최필곤,2009,1월 January,,,,
Cuba, Trinidad, Tore de Manaca Iznaga
Cuba, Trinidad. Torre de Manaca Iznaga. Vista desde la torre iznaga. Amazing view. Travel videos. Campos de Cuba
【K】Cuba Travel-Trinidad[쿠바 여행-트리니다드]마나카이스나가 노예감시탑/Manaca Iznaga Tower/Sugarcane Farm/Restaurant
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
쿠바에선 중남미의 그 어떤 지역보다 노예들의 반란이 많았다. 사탕수수농사가 힘들기도 했지만 노예들의 수가 많아 힘을 모으기 쉬웠기 때문이다. 이 건물은 노예들을 감시하던 곳이다. 이 위에서 노예들의 일거수일투족을 감시했다. 쿠바에서 손에 꼽을 정도로 부자였던 이 집 역시음식점으로 변해있다. 노예들의 생활을 그린 그림이 걸려있다. “시내에 노예무역을 하던 장터가 있었어요. 노예무역과 설탕으로 트리니다드에는 쿠바 최고의 부자들이 많이 살았습니다. 14,000여명의 노예가 트리니다드에 있었습니다.“
[English: Google Translator]
In Cuba, a revolt of slaves was more than any other region in Latin America. Because the sugar cane farming, but prayer is hard to raise the number of slaves increased strength easy group. This building is where the slaves was monitored. This was on the monitor every move of slaves. Cuba was rich enough in this house has turned into a handful restaurant too. The lives of slaves paintings are hung. There was a marketplace was the slave trade in the city. The slave trade and the sugar has lived in Trinidad, Cuba leading a lot of rich people. Of the 14,000 slaves it was in Trinidad.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
En Cuba, una revuelta de esclavos era más que cualquier otra región de América Latina. Debido a que el cultivo de la caña de azúcar, pero la oración es difícil aumentar el número de esclavos aumentó grupo fortaleza fácil. Este edificio es el lugar donde los esclavos se controló. Esto fue en el monitor cada movimiento de los esclavos. Cuba era lo suficientemente rico en esta casa se ha convertido en un restaurante puñado también. La vida de los esclavos cuadros se cuelgan. Había un mercado fue el comercio de esclavos en la ciudad. La trata de esclavos y el azúcar se haya vivido en Trinidad, Cuba lleva un montón de gente rica. De los 14.000 esclavos era en Trinidad.
■클립명: 남미013-쿠바04-10 마나카이스나가 노예감시탑/Manaca Iznaga Tower/Sugarcane Farm/Restaurant
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 서은섭 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 4월 April
,남아메리카,South America,남미,쿠바,Cuba,Republica de Cuba ,Republic of Cuba,서은섭,2014,4월 April,,,,
Canchanchara a Trinidad de Cuba
Trinidad invites you to discover its lovely restaurated colonial architecture. A visit to the UNESCO protected is compulsory for people discovering Cuba. Besides the city also the surrounding is interesting to see. Visit the Iznaga valley with its cane plantations and the slave watching tower, the lovely beach of Ancon at the Carribean see or the mountains of Topes de Collantes with its coffee plantations and the waterfall Caburni. You can easily spend more than one or two days there.
Without any doubt, Trinidad was discovered and promoted by the tourists already a couple of years ago. Every day the little town will be visited by a lot of people. But most of them just have a few hours for a short visit. In the evening hours the tourist leave the town again; the natives and the individual visitors take over the streets in their hands. Don't miss the atmosphere of this lovely town!
Raining in Manaca Iznaga TRINIDAD CUBA
. Thousands of videos about Cuba, dedicated to promoting tourism to Cuba and show scenes of Cuban life .
Miles de vídeos sobre Cuba, un canal dedicado a promocionar el turismo a Cuba y mostrar escenas cotidianas y turísticas de la vida cubana.
Redes Sociales para saber más de Cuba
Torre Manaca Iznaga Trinidad Cuba 2016 01 30 10 Hrs 19 Mi.27 Seg
Cuba (jour7-02) sucrerie Manaca Iznaga
Cuba (jour7-02)
sucrerie Manaca Iznaga
vallée de los ingenios
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire
Trinidad to Manaca Iznaga, Cuba by Train
The Herbert family travels by train from Trinidad to Manaca, Cuba by train. Enjoy! Highly recommend this trip!
Kuba, Vlog #11 Zip Line a otrokářská věž Manaca Iznaga
Jedenáctý den na Kubě jsem se jeli podívat na 50m vysokou otrokářskou věž Manaca Iznaga. Cestou jsem potkali zip line nad údolím, který jsem prostě museli navštívit.
Trinidad & Manaca Iznaga 2015
Here are some photos from my recent trip to the charming city of Trinidad de Cuba, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While there, my friends and I visited the historic Museo Romántico and Canchanchara tavern, among other things.
We also went to the nearby Valle de los Ingenios (Valley of the Sugar Mills) to see Manaca Iznaga, a tower that was once the highest structure in Cuba - 45 meters or 147 feet. We enjoyed a delicious lunch at a relatively new restaurant in the former slaves' quarters of this plantation, decorated with statues of Orishas, the Santería saints.
The music I've chosen for this slideshow is by the wonderful Cuban singer Maricelis Vega Alfonso, who hails from Matanzas, near Varadero.
For more information about Cuban travel, please visit my website: If you want to use this video or any of my photos, please contact me: Gracias!