Best Things to Do in Mandalay in Three Days, Myanmar
Hi guys, I’m Péricles Rosa. Today I’m going to show you how to get the best out of three days in Mandalay.
One of the best things to do in Mandalay is to explore the city by bike. Mandalay is a flat city and its streets are laid out in a grid, so it’s almost impossible to get lost.
On a bike, you can get a better sense of the city and visit some of the most important points of interest.
I went to Maharani Buddha temple. To enter the temple, you have to take your shoes off and cover your knees, so I had to wear a longyi, a kind of skirt that is very popular in Myanmar.
This temple is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the country.
The Buddha statue, the most revered in Myanmar, is 3.8m tall and weighs 6.5 tons. To pay their respects, male devotees regularly apply gold leaf to the statue.
In the temple complex, there are also six large bronze Khmer statues, taken from Angkor Wat in Cambodia. You should put Maharani Buddha Temple on your things to do in Mandalay list.
After leaving the Mahamuni temple, I went to the stone-carving district along Sagaing-Mandalay Road.
It was fascinating to see the skilled craftsmen and –women using electrical tools to carve and sculpt the marble into beautifully delicate Buddha statues, before polishing and painting them. Visiting the stone-carving district is definitely one of the best things to do in Mandalay.
Another advantage of exploring by bike is discovering places or things you’d never imagined.This tower is part of Ma Soe Yein, the biggest monastery in Mandalay.
On to another monastery, this time the Shwenandan monastery, built in 1878 out of teak wood in the traditional Burmese style.
This was my favourite point of interest in Mandalay – the elaborate, intricate and very detailed carving work is awe-inspiring!
At the end of the afternoon, the best place to be in the city is Mandalay Hill. You can see for miles and the sunset is stunning. Watching the sunset in Mandalay Hill is one of the top things to do in Mandalay.
To finish a long first day, I visited Kyauk Tan Gyi, a pagoda that is colourfully lit up at night and has one of the biggest marble Buddha statues in the whole of Myanmar.
On my second day, I started off by hiring a motor taxi to take me to Amarapura, a township on the outskirts of Mandalay. There, at the Mahagandhayon Monastery, I witnessed the monks’ lunchtime ritual – a spectacular sight, with a thousand monks in burgundy robes lining up to collect their food donations.
To get to Sagging, my next destination, I took a bus but I was not prepared for what turned up! Holding on to the back of an overloaded truck was a bit uncomfortable and probably dangerous but I had a lot of fun.
Upon arrival, I visited the Kaunghmudan pagoda, a large temple on the outskirts of the town, before hitchhiking to Sagaing Hill.
My first stop was the U Min Thonze pagoda. This pagoda is stunningly colourful.
I visited some other points of interest in Sagaing. The city is famous for the hundreds of white pagodas, gold stupas and numerous monasteries that dot its hilly landscape.
Last stop in Sagging was the Soon U Ponya Shin Pagoda.
In Mandalay, I visited a gold leaf workshop on the spur of the moment, where I saw the entire gold leaf making process. 12g of solid gold from the north of Mandalay and some bamboo paper are put in layers into a box made from deer leather. The box is then beaten until the gold is 0.0003mm thick and the gold leaf is formed.
On my last day in Mandalay, I took yet another form of transport, this time a ferry, to Mingun, about 11km away.
The principal tourist attraction is Mingun Pahtodangyi, a monumental unfinished pagoda.
Not far from the pagoda is the Mingun bell.
Nearby is the Hsinbyome pagoda, which is built in a very different style from all the other pagodas in Myanmar. I loved this very striking and distinctive pagoda! Taking a tour to Mingun is one of the top things to do in Mandalay area.
Time to go back to Mandalay and visit one of the most popular points of interest and historically important sites in the city, Mandalay Palace.
Very close to the palace is Sandamuni Paya, with its 1774 white stupas surrounding a central gilded pagoda. In front of Sandamuni is the Kuthodaw pagoda, built in a very similar style, where you can walk in between the stupas. Kuthodaw is very picturesque and undoubtedly one of the best things to do in Mandalay.
Then I went to Amarapura again, this time to watch the sunset over the U Bein bridge.
To finish my three days in Mandalay, I attended the world-famous Moustache Brothers’ show. Watching the Moustache Brothers’ show is definitely a memorable way to end your trip to Mandalay.