Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) Jakobskirche
Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) Jakobskirche
St. Jakob is one of Bamberg's oldest churches and is located only a few meters above the Domberg on the Jakobsberg, one of the seven hills in Bamberg. The Jakobskirche dates back to the High Middle Ages , is only slightly younger than the Bamberg Cathedral and today gives an impression of how the cathedral originally looked like inside. It is a flat-roofed, double-choir, cruciform columned basilica, which has the transept to the west on the model of the cathedral.
The Jakobskirche was begun in 1073 under Bishop Hermann and completed in 1109 by Bishop Otto . The western of the two choirs was gothic-renewed in the 15th century, the eastern apse masked in 1771 under Bishop Adam Friedrich von Seinsheim by a baroque facade . At the same time, the southern half-finished tower was demolished and northern crowned with an onion helmet. A coat of arms from the 13th century is the oldest example of the escorted by the Bamberg Stadtritter blazon.
The crypt under the west choir was filled in during the first restoration in 1706. The crypt of the eastern choir disappeared during the second restoration in 1771. From that time, the fresco is over the crossing with scenes from the life of St. James. From 1866 to 1882 the church was re- Romanized . After a careful restoration in the 1990s, it is today the only almost completely Romanesque church in the city.
The monastery of St. Jacob reached its zenith as an independent collegiate church in the 12th century, and brought forth a number of well-known people. The canons Heimo Sankt Jakob († 1139) wrote a Chronicle about the saving power of God from the creation to his time and to 1315 as pastor of the congregation, author of regimes sanitatis (completed in Avignon in 1317) active Arnold was personal physician of the Bavarian Count Palatine Rudolf . From 1463 the monastery was subordinated to the cathedral dean . On June 21, 1798, Johann Michael Vogt (1729-1803) was elected the last abbey dean. The Stift St. Jakob was founded in 1803 in the course ofSecularization dissolved, the Marian Sodals rescued the buildings from demolition. In 1852, Franciscans of the Bavarian Franciscan Province of St. Jakob took over and remained until September 7, 1981. Then the Archdiocese of Bamberg acquired the monastery and seminary complex.
( Bamberg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bamberg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bamberg - Germany
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Bamberg (D) die Glocken der kath. Kirche St Jakob
Es erklingen die fünf Glocken der katholischen Kirche St. Jakob in der Bamberger Altstadt.
Tonfolge: e'+8 fis'+13 gis'+12 dis''+6 g''+3
Die beiden großen Glocken entstammen der Nürnberger Gießerhütte aus dem 14. Jh. , die kleinste wurde ebenfalls dort, allerdings erst 1540, hergestellt. 1718 goss Johann Konrad Roth die zweitkleinste Glocke. Friedrich Wilhelm Schilling vervollständigte mit der gis'-Glocke 1956 das Geläut.
Quelle Glockendaten: Claus Peter: Glocken, Geläute und Turmuhren in Bamberg. Heinrichs-Verlag, Bamberg 2008, S. 156.
Ein herzlicher Dank geht an den Mesner für das Läuten aller Glocken!
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's visit the spectacular interior of St. Michael's which is a Jesuit church in Munich, southern Germany, and the largest Renaissance church north of the Alps. The style of the building had an enormous influence on Southern German early Baroque architecture. The church was built by William V, Duke of Bavaria between 1583–97 as a spiritual center for the Counter Reformation. Having suffered severe damage during the Second World War, the church was restored in 1946–48.
Munich, Bavaria’s capital, is home to centuries-old buildings and numerous museums. The city is known for its annual Oktoberfest celebration and its beer halls, including the famed Hofbräuhaus, founded in 1589. In the Altstadt (Old Town), central Marienplatz square contains landmarks such as Neo-Gothic Neues Rathaus (town hall), with a popular glockenspiel show that chimes and reenacts stories from the 16th century.
Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
Vic Stefanu,
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Saint Michael's Church, Munich (1)
Sint Michael's Kerk, München, Duitsland - Oktober 2016
Saint Michael's Church, Munich, Germany - October 2016
Paulina & Malou on tour
아우크스부르크 루터교회
성울리히 루터교회 크리스마스 준비모습
Rothenburg - a 700 éves St.Jakobs Bazilika 1-07-24-12-19_wmv.wmv
A 700 éves St. Jakobs-Kirche belső képeit készítettem el, sajnos külső fotót nem tudtam készíteni, mert egyfelől teljesen körbe volt állványozva, másfelől szakadt az eső. Belül szépen rendbe van jövőre amikor a 700 éves évforduló lesz teljes pompájában fog díszleni.
Természetesen elkészült a pps is, melyet itt lehet megtekinteni:
Männersache Book of Love
Männersache singt The Book of Love in der Jakobskirche in Bamberg | Gänstehaut-Feeling für alle, die dieses Lied für ihre Hochzeit wünschen...
Rothenburg ob der Tauber - Jakobskirche / Timelapse
[유럽여행] 11th DAY_독일(Germany)_로텐부르크(Rothenburg)/슈가레이블 | SugarLabel (17.06.19)
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유럽에서 11일째!
로맨틱가도와 고성가도가 만나는 지점의 로텐부르크!!
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하이라이트라고 할수있죠.
슈가레이블 가족은 로만틱가도를 포기하고 고성가도를 달렸답니다.
로만틱가도는 15년 전에 달렸던 기억이 아직 남아 있어서요.
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우와~우와~를 외쳐되면 독일 이쁘다~~라고 표현했답니다.
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테디랜드 크리스마스 상점을 들렸고 마을 곳곳을 걸어다녔답니다.
아름다운 마을을 걸어다녀서 그런지 피곤한것도 모르겠더라구요.
그리고선 성벽을 또 쭈~욱 걸어다녔어요.
아들도 잘 따라와 주었어요.감사하게도요.
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정말이지 아들은 사랑입니다.
아!!남편도 사랑이지 말입니다.
우리 가족 사랑해요!!
그럼 내일도 즐겁게... 뉘른베르크에서 만나요!!
Munich. St. Michael Kirche
La antigua iglesia jesuita de San Miguel en Múnich, es además la de mayor tamaño ubicada al norte del los Alpes. Construida en dos etapas entre 1583 y 1597 por Guillermo V de Baviera, como centro espiritual de la Contrarreforma.
로텐부르크 성 야콥 교회 St. Jakobskirche, Rothenburg 4K [4K UHD]
4K, 4K UHD, 2019 March
뉴스로그·NEWSLOG | [독일특집_여행] 퓌센 여행리포트 (4/7)
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동화 속 성의 도시, 퓌센
퓌센은 작은 도시지만
남부럽지 않은 보물, 노이슈반슈타인 성을 간직하고 있습니다.
디즈니 영화 '잠자는 숲속의 공주' 성의 모티프로도 알려져 있는데,
탄성을 자아내는 성의 자태, 함께 감상해보시죠.
The most beautiful town in the Middle Ages, Rotenburg絕美的中世紀小鎮羅騰堡
(No : 06) 2018年德國挪威北極流浪去(慕尼黑羅騰堡)風景誌
德意志聯邦共和國, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Germany, 慕尼黑新市政廳, 慕尼黑, München, Munich, Marienplatz, 慕尼黑聖伯多祿教堂, 天主教教會, Galgentor, 舊城門, 羅騰堡, Rotenburg, 白塔, WeißerTurm, 聖雅各教堂, St Jakobskirche, Käthe Wohlfahrt, 聖誕節, 市集廣場,
Rothenberg(ob der Tauber),Germany: St Jakob's Church-July 10,2014
The historic cathedral in Rothenburg(ob der Tauber), Germany.
Auf dem Kirchhof
Lauschen Sie den Glocken der Kirche und betrachten Sie die Leute um sich herum.
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ROTHENBURG ob der Tauber | Bayern | Alemanha ???????? Deutschland (Aéreas Drone)
Rothenburg ob der Tauber - Rothenburg sobre o Rio Tauber, uma cidade francônia, no estado da Baviera, Alemanha. Na região administrativa de Mittelfranken, no distrito Ansbach. Na Estrada Romântica (Rota Romântica) - Romantische Straße.
Rothenburg é mágica. O Centro Histórico com construções em estilo enxaimel, ruas estreitas de pedra, luminárias antigas, casas medievais, praças, cidade toda murada (muro reconstruído, a cidade não foi poupada na 2ª Guerra Mundial), museus, igrejas, pequenas torres e fontes.
Rio Tauber, corta a cidade.
Experimente o Schneeballen - “bolas de neve”.
Dica de foto: Plönlein - Cenário mais famoso da cidade, com a Torre Siebersturm, ao fundo. E a Fonte Röderbrunnen. E o portão Kobolzeller Tor.
A frente a torre Markusturm.
O Castelo e as igrejas.
St. JakobsKirche, 1485 - Fabuloso altar criado por Tilman Riemenschneider (entalhador conhecido e respeitado na fronteira entre a Idade Média e o início do Renascimento - Conhecido como o Bildschnitzer von Würzburg .), o Franziskusaltar, feito entre 1495 e 1505. Segundo a lenda, neste altar está guardado uma gota do sangue de Cristo.
St. James's Church
Franziskanerkirche - St. Marien, 1309 - Modernos vitrais de Johannes Schreiter.
Marktplatz, a praça do mercado - Rathaus, a prefeitura - Ratstrinkstube, era a taverna do conselho regional.
Georgsbrunnen – Fonte,1446.
Weihnachtsmarkt (feira de Natal)
Rothenburg também é famosa por preservar um clima natalino em todas as épocas do ano.
Käthe Wohlfahrt – Maior loja de produtos de Natal da Europa e fica aberta durante o ano inteiro. Museu do Natal Alemão.
Reichsstadtmuseum – História da Cidade.
Burggarten e Alte Burg
Der Lichterzug - Nürnberg leuchtet 2019
Die Geschichte des Lichterzuges der Nürnberger Schulkinder begann nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Seit 1948 ziehen die Kinder, ausgestattet mit Lampions, hinauf zur Kaiserburg. Bis heute gibt es diese Tradition, die bei den Kleinen, aber auch bei den Großen gleichermaßen beliebt ist. Begleitet wurden sie von dem Christkind Benigna Munsi, die den Zug anführte.
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Sehenswürdigkeiten der mittelalterlichen Altstadt
Unser Rundgang durch Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Bayern), einer ehemaligen Reichsstadt an der Romantischen Strasse, führt zum Plönlein mit dem Sieberstor und dem Kobolzeller Tor, zum Rathauses mit der Renaissance-Fassade und zur St.-Jakobs-Kirche.
Einzelheiten: siehe Untertitel
Niemcy - Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Fajna atrakcja Niemiec Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Audionautix: Opus One – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution (