the wonderful scenery of Korea Mt. Chilgapsan Jangseung Park
A wonderful view of Korea, Mt. Chilgapsan Jangseung Park.
This wonderful place is located in Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea.
jangseung, Korean traditional totem pole at the village entrance
Nature Sound - Modeok temple, Chilgapsan Jangseung Park, Janggok temple #ASMR #Sleep #Rest [1 hour]
Modeok temple:
12, Nabundong-gil, Mok-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
Chilgapsan Jangseung Park:
119-17, Janggok-gil, Daechi-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
Janggok temple:
241, Janggok-gil, Daechi-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
※ Tourism website of Cheongyang-gun :
※ Website for Cheongyang Red Pepper & Goji Berry Festival :
Traditional Technology :
《We enable the traditional technologies stagnated in the past to flow into new direction in the modern era.》
Traditional Technologies are contained in high quality 4K video with the processes of traditional technologies as they are. Through this, the excellence of traditional technologies that had been forgotten or did not know of is made known widely in the modern era and such technologies are being succeeded in new methods that had not been attempted by anyone in the past. We approach viewers with high quality 4K media contents that fully demonstrate ASMR and sense of satisfaction on the basis of the methods of traditional technologies (how to).
※ Subscription to the Traditional Technology Channel:
※ Website for Traditional Technology:
Nature Sound - Modeok temple, Chilgapsan Jangseung Park, Janggok temple #ASMR #Sleep #Rest [7 hours]
Modeok temple:
12, Nabundong-gil, Mok-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
Chilgapsan Jangseung Park:
119-17, Janggok-gil, Daechi-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
Janggok temple:
241, Janggok-gil, Daechi-myeon, Cheongyang-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea
※ Tourism website of Cheongyang-gun :
※ Website for Cheongyang Red Pepper & Goji Berry Festival :
Traditional Technology :
《We enable the traditional technologies stagnated in the past to flow into new direction in the modern era.》
Traditional Technologies are contained in high quality 4K video with the processes of traditional technologies as they are. Through this, the excellence of traditional technologies that had been forgotten or did not know of is made known widely in the modern era and such technologies are being succeeded in new methods that had not been attempted by anyone in the past. We approach viewers with high quality 4K media contents that fully demonstrate ASMR and sense of satisfaction on the basis of the methods of traditional technologies (how to).
※ Subscription to the Traditional Technology Channel:
※ Website for Traditional Technology:
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■클립명: 전북10-순창6-01
■촬영 편집 제작: 한상준, 허유리(KBS Producer)/최낙준
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