Chairlift Budapest Libegő János-hegy
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Chairlift Hungary Budapest János-hegy Libegő
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Budapest Chairlift / Libegő
Riding the Chairlift / Libegő from János-hegy to Zugliget in Budapest, Hungary.
Technical Specifications:
Camera: Sony HDR-CX410VE Handycam (2013 model)
Negative Format: AVCHD 1080p/25
Filming Dates:
May 2014
Zugligeti Libego chairlift to the highest point of Budapest Hungary
Chairlift to the highest point of Budapest including inside the Tower
Hungary from Above - Budapest Normafa / Elizabeth Lookout / Libegõ / Erzsébet-kilátó 4K/UHD
Found atop the Buda Hills, Normafa is a popular hiking spot in all seasons. According to an urban legend an ancient beech sprouted here at the time of King Matthias in the 15th century, and was named Normafa (translates to: Norma-tree) after a famous Hungarian opera singer, Rozália Klein, sang an astonishing aria from Bellini's Norma in front of it in 1840. Unfortunately, the tree was struck by lightning and was destroyed towards the end of the 1920s
Budapest - Children's Railway - Budapest Attractions
We are on The Children's Railway located in the Buda Hills in Budapest Hungary. This footage is filmed in April whilst on a long Easter weekend brake visiting the city of Budapest. The Children's Railway or Gyermekvasút as it is called in Hungarian is one of Budapest's Top attractions or at last one of the must sees.
The Children´s Railway (Gyermekvasut), built after World War II, is a real life railroad complete with real trains and passengers, run by children between 10 and 14 years old under the supervision of adults. The adults maintain and drive the train engines while the children control the traffic and commercial services on this Budapest train line.
A Children's Railway is an extracurricular educational activity (much like scouts or cadets) where teenagers learn various railroad jobs or professions. This activity for the teens and youth was developed in the USSR particularly in Soviet times. The first Children´s Railway opened in 1932 in Gorky Park, Moscow. When the Soviet Union broke up there where still 52 Children´s Railways in the country.
Many Children´s Railways in post Soviet countries like the one shown in the footage still exist today and are operational train lines. Children's railways built in the communist block have a track gauge of at least 600 mm. These train tracks can carry full size narrow gauge rolling stock.
The Budapest Children´s Railway services are operated every day from May to August, and from Tuesday to Sunday the rest of the year.
All train stations along the route of the Children's Railway are popular spots for recreation. Csillebérc, is where the Challangeland zip-line is located; Normafa is known for its beautiful scenery; János Hill, the highest peak in Budapest; Vadaspark, where there is a zoo; and Hüvösvölgy, the site of a popular restaurant...
Wiki writes about Budapest, Budapest, Hungary’s capital, is bisected by the River Danube, and the 19th-century Chain Bridge connects its hilly Buda district with flat Pest. A funicular runs up Castle Hill to Buda’s Old Town, where the Budapest History Museum traces life from Roman times onwards. Trinity Square is home to 13th-century Matthias Church and the turrets of the Fishermen’s Bastion, which offer sweeping views...
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#Budapest #ChildrensRailway
Onboard the Budapest Zugliget Chair-lift (Zugligeti libegő) Budapest, Hungary
The Budapest Zugliget Chair-lift (Zugligeti libegő) is 1040 meters long and spans the 262-metre height differential between the two end stations. It can handle 500 passengers per hour.
The Chairlift was constructed in 1970. The Chairlift, which runs between the saddles of Zugliget (nook grove) and John Hill (János Hegy), was opened in 1970.
In poor weather conditions the Chairlift operates periodically, and in such times the machines are run for five or more passengers only. The Chairlift is started up for groups regardless of the schedule. The arrival of groups does not need to be indicated in advance.
János hegy - Erzsébet kilátó - Libegő - Budapest
Music: Royalty Free Music - O.V. - Lost Dreams - YouTube
Az Erzsébet-kilátó száz éve közismert kirándulóhely, mely Budapest legmagasabb pontján, a Budai-hegységbe tartozó kupola formájú János-hegy tetején, 527 méteres tengerszint feletti magasságon áll.
A kilátótorony építése előtt a hegytetőn egy alacsony, fából készült emelvény állt, amit 1908-ban bontottak le. A kőből készített kilátótorony építését Glück Frigyes[1] javasolta, majd gyűjtés indult az építkezéshez szükséges pénz előteremtésére, aminek során 51 000 korona gyűlt össze. A főváros közgyűlése 1907-ben elfogadta az építkezés tervét, és Schulek Frigyest bízták meg a tényleges tervek elkészítésével.
Ez az építmény az akkori Európa egyik leghatalmasabb ilyen jellegű építménye volt.
Neoromán stílusban épült, kör alaprajzú építmény 23,5 m magas és 100 lépcső vezet fel a legfelső szintre. Az alapnál az épület kerülete 53 méter, majd a felére csökken.
A felépült kilátótornyot 1910. szeptember 8-án adták át a közönségnek, és Erzsébet királynéról nevezték el, aki 1882-ben járt a hegyen.
János Hegy Budapest
János-hegy (German: Johannesberg) The tallest of the Buda hills, it rises to 528m. From the tower on top of the hill, known as Erzsébet kilátó, one can get an imposing panoramic view of Budapest. The hill is in proximity to Normafa and can also be accessed by the Libegő, a chairlift which connects it with Zugliget.
Chairlift way up to the János-hegy, Budapest, Hungary Libegő út a kilátóhoz 3D Half SBS
Chairlift way up to the top of the Janos-hegy, the highest point of Budapest. Nice Panorama view to the city. The Chairlift system was built in 1970, it has 102 double chairs.
Libegő út felfelé az Erzsébet kilátóhoz. Budapest legmagasabb pontjára.
Timelapse Video from Normafa of Budapest
A spot frequented by denizens of Budapest in the Buda hills, Normafa is known for its panoramic scenery and fresh air. It is located on Svábhegy and is in close proximity to Jánoshegy, the highest point in Budapest.
A Normafa a Svábhegy–János-hegy vonulatában található. A Svábhegy legmagasabb pontja, tengerszint feletti magassága 477 méter. Az itt elterülő tisztás szabad kilátást biztosít a főváros felé és a belső budai hegyvidékre.
The name is derived from the name of a tree, the Norma tree. Traditionally the beech tree was planted by King Matthias Corvinus in the 15th century. The name stuck when performers from the Hungarian National Theater visited it, where they performed Vincenzo Bellini's Norma.
JÁNOS HILL - Hiking near Budapest | episode 01
Trip movie to János hill near Budapest Hungary.
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- Camera: GoPro HERO4 Black
- Gimbal: Z1-Rider2
Zugliget Chairlift Budapest, Hungary - Attraction Guide [HD]
The Zugliget Chairlift in Budapest is a spectacular chairlift that traverses down a 1000 meter journey on the side of a mountain. The attraction is open all year and gives you stunning views over the beautiful city of Budapest. Get a taste of what to expect with our video!
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Budapest, János hegy - Zugliget libegő 2013.04.14.
Budapest - Normafa - Gurulás (FullHD)
A Budai-hegységben járunk, Normafán. Most egy komment nélküli videóban csak gurulunk a város felé, aszfalton, illetve turista utakon.
A felvételt az SJ1000 sport kamerával készítettem a kormányra rögzítve.
liberty bridge - szabadság híd
gellért hill cave - gellérthegyi-barlang
elisabeth bridge - erzsébet híd
danube river - europe's second-longest river
st. stephen's basilica - szent istván-bazilika
széchenyi chain bridge - széchenyi iánchíd
dohány street synagogue - dohány utcai zsinagóga
children's railway - gyermekvasút
hungarian parliament - országház
jános hill - jános-hegy
elizabeth lookout tower - erzsébet-kilátó
ethnographic museum - néprajzi múzeum
i wasn't planning on stopping in hungary but I made a friend who welcomed me in to her home. for the weekend, i couchsurfed in budapest. szilvi was really nice. she made me dinner, showed me around the city, introduced me to her friends and family, took me hiking and sightseeing, we traveled to the top of budapest and so much more! i am grateful to have a friend like szilvi. and i hope to revisit soon and explore because this is a huge city and there's so much more to see.
Hungary: Downhill chairlift ride from János-hegy to Zug-liget in Budapest 2011-03-20(Sun)1331hrs
- Budapesti libegő, elkészült 1970-ben csatlakozik János-hegy és a Zug-liget, egy csendes lakóövezetben alja felé.
- Budapesti libegő ist ein Sessellift (abgeschlossen 1970) in Verbindung mit János-hegy (Johanneshügel) und Zug-liget (Zughain) in einem ruhigen Wohngebiet in Richtung des Bodens.
- Budapesti libegő is a chairlift (completed in 1970) connecting János-hegy (John's Hill) to Zug-liget (Zug Grove) in a quiet residential area towards the bottom.
Budapest Children's Railway (Janos Hegy to Szepjuhaszne)
Through the hills of Budapest
Riding Budapest | DH Enduro
In September 2016 I came for a traineeship to Budapest and I felt in love with the city, the trails and the biking crowd. I was out for a long time with a capsule rupture, and it was the first time that I have been able to ride my bike without any interruptions (injury, exams etc.) for a really long time.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to use a lot of my videos I took as during a lot of the runs I dropped my chain, it is finally fixed now. I didn't get to ride the trails a lot either so didn't have them all memorized. Riding in different conditions every time also made it slightly more difficult. Finally, I have had so much fun here in Budapest and enjoyed riding Semmering bike park (which was also my third bike park visit overall).
This Video is a retrospect of my riding days. Hope you enjoy it.
Cheers guys
Date: 2016.10.02 - 12.11.
00:10 ?
00:34 Erzsébet-kilátó DH
00:42 Komment alsó DH
01:02 Semmering Freeride Area
02:45 Kiserdő
03:02 Kápolna
04:14 Desszert Kerülő + Libegő + Tündér alja
06:07 BroHill
07:22 Contest alsó
07:50 Root of all Evil (DH) + Kiserdő
08:39 Csikicsuki
09:28 Szépjuhászné Büfé
10:05 Contest alsó
01 Aphex Twin - Heliosphan (Remaster, 2008)
02 Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now
János-hegy ősszel
2018 november 2-án egy külföldi TV csatorna részére készítettünk felvételeket a János-hegyről és most arra gondoltunk, vágunk magunknak is egy rövid videót a meglévő anyagból.
Drón: DJI Mavic Pro Kamera: Sony A7S II.