Jersey Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Jersey – Steeped in history and laced with cliffside walking trails, welcome to the largest of the Channel Islands. Don’t miss the top spots to check out in Jersey.
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#Jersey is compact, making it easy to explore while on #vacation here. Country lanes and walking trails lace the island, ensuring Jersey’s attractions are never far away.
#Explore picture-perfect capital, St. Helier. Each of Jersey’s four coastlines has its own distinctive personality. #Visit La Hougue Bie, one of the world’s oldest buildings, and the port of Gorey, with its iconic medieval castle. The North Coast Path offers some of the island’s most dramatic views. At St. Ouen’s Bay, surfers will find some of the island’s best waves and history buffs can explore the Channel Islands Military Museum.
If you’re looking for history, adventure, incredible food, and total relaxation, Jersey weaves it all together into something truly magical. It’s not quite British and it’s not quite French, but Jersey is 100% unique.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
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SUBSCRIBE: - In the centre of St Helier is the Central Market, a Victorian cast iron market hall which was opened in 1882 as a result of the stalls being banished from the Royal Square in 1800. It's is worth seeing both for its architectural detail including the recently restored central fountain, and for the colourful array of fruit, vegetables and flowers inside. Vic Stefanu, Jersey is a Crown dependency of the United Kingdom, ruled by the Crown in right of Jersey, off the coast of Normandy, France.
Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands, between England and France. A self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom, with a mix of British and French cultures, it’s known for its beaches, cliffside walking trails, inland valleys and historic castles. The Jersey War Tunnels complex, in a former hospital excavated by slave labor, documents the island’s 5-year German occupation during WWII.
Travels Around The British Isles - St Helier - Jersey
A brief stopover in St Helier, Jersey while waiting on the ferry to St Malo, Brittany.
Promenade dominicale St Helier #Jersey UK
Le 5 mai est une journée ensoleillée mais un petit peu fraîche à Jersey. J’en profite pour faire une vidéo ☀️???????? Enjoy
Places to see in ( St Helier - UK )
Places to see in ( St Helier - UK )
Saint Helier is one of the twelve parishes of Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. The urban area of the parish of St Helier makes up most of the largest town in Jersey, although some of the town area is situated in adjacent St Saviour, with suburbs sprawling into St Lawrence and St Clement. The greater part of St Helier is rural.
Saint Helier is named for Helier (or Helerius), a 6th-century ascetic hermit. The traditional date of his martyrdom is AD 555. His feast day, marked by an annual municipal and ecumenical pilgrimage to the Hermitage, is on 16 July.
Many places in St Helier have been formally listed as Sites of Special Interest by the Planning and Environment department of Jersey. Central Market, in Beresford Street, St Helier, is an indoor market which was opened in 1882. It is an official Site of Special Interest, and is popular with tourists and locals. It features Victorian architecture including cast iron structures, and an ornamental fountain in the centre. The market comprises stalls selling flowers, fruit and vegetables, as well as small shops and cafés. Beresford Market is a separate building next to the Central Market and specialises in fishmongery.
Alot to see in ( St Helier - UK ) such as :
Elizabeth Castle
Mont Orgueil
Jersey Zoo
La Hougue Bie
La Motte, Jersey
Maritime Museum
Howard Davis Park
The Mansell Collection
Maritime Museum and Occupation Tapestry Gallery
Jersey Museum
Howard Davis Park
Liberation Square
St. Helier Beach
16 New Street
( St Helier - UK ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of St Helier . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in St Helier - UK
Join us for more :
SUBSCRIBE: - A walking and musical tour of Saint Helier, the spectacular capital of Jersey, (Channel Islands). Vic Stefanu, Saint Helier is one of the twelve parishes of Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands in the English Channel. St Helier has a population of about 33,500, roughly 34.2% of the total population of Jersey, and is the capital of the Island.
Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands, between England and France. A self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom, with a mix of British and French cultures, it’s known for its beaches, cliffside walking trails, inland valleys and historic castles. The Jersey War Tunnels complex, in a former hospital excavated by slave labor, documents the island’s 5-year German occupation during WWII.
ジャージー旅行ガイド | エクスペディア
liberty wharf shopping jersey
Liberty Wharf shopping centre, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands
Saint Helier / Jersey sightseeing HD
We arrived Saint Helier / Jersey by ferry. The sightseeing in the city center is well within walking distance. Importent are the central shopping precinct, the market hall, the Maritime Museum, the area around the Liberation square with Liberty threw shopping center, waterfront center, Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Opera House, Parade Gardens, the restaurants at the Caledonia Place and many more! It has made us great fun to explore the city on a day trip!
Mit der Fähre sind wir morgens im Hafen von Saint Helier angekommen. Das Zentrum ist fußläufig gut zu erreichen. Sehenswert sind auf jedenfall die central shopping precinct, die Markthalle, das Maritime Museum, das Gebiet um den Liberation square mit Liberty warf shopping centre, Waterfront centre, Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Opera House, Parade Gardens, die Restaurants am Caledonia Place und viele mehr ! Es hat uns riesen Spass gemacht, die Stadt auf einen Tagesausflug zu erkunden!
Playlist: European Highlights
Time: June 2014
Location: Jersey/ English Channel
music by youtube audio library /
Huma Huma - Phase three
St Helier Jersey
St Helier Jersey
Jersey Island - St Helier to Airport road
One of the most popular and busiest roads in Jersey every day is between town and airport. We've put the camcorder in the car and drove between these points.
Enjoy the video!
Drive around St Helier Jersey Channel Islands
Drive around St Helier Jersey Channel Islands
[영국령 채널제도]저지여행 가이드-익스피디아
영국 해협에서 약 160km, 프랑스 해협에서는 불과 22km 거리에 있는 저지는 채널 제도에서 가장 큰 섬입니다. 영국의 왕실령이자, 자치령인 저지는 영국적인 분위기와 프랑스 특유의 매력이 함께 어우러져 있죠.
길이는 약 14km에 너비는 약 8km로 아주 작지만, 저지는 그 크기를 훨씬 뛰어넘는 역사와 자연환경 그리고 이곳만의 특징을 가지고 있습니다. 저지와 역사는 떼려야 뗄 수 없는 관계인데요. 신석기 시대의 유물은 피라미드보다 그 역사가 오래되었고, 수백 년에 걸친 해안 방어 시설은 마치 어제 버려진 것처럼 온전한 모습을 간직하고 있어요. 저지의 해안 지대 역시 엄청납니다. 조수 간만의 차가 매우 커서 이곳을 깔끔하게 청소해주죠. 매일 두 차례 썰물이 되면 수평선으로 길게 뻗어 나가는 수 킬로미터의 금빛 해변과 바위틈 웅덩이가 모습을 드러냅니다. 저지의 주도인 세인트 헬리어는 저지를 특별하게 만드는 모든 것을 아우르고 있어요. 역사, 신선하고 맛있는 농산물, 면세 쇼핑 그리고 그림같이 아름다운 풍경까지 말이죠. 세인트 헬리어에 나 있는 길 곳곳에는 역사의 흔적이 남아 있습니다.
저지 민병대원의 징을 박은 부츠와 저지 전쟁에서 프랑스군을 물리친 영국군을 비롯해, 1940년부터 1945년 해방까지 이곳을 점령했던 25,000여 명의 독일군이 남긴 목이 긴 군화 등 수많은 역사가 있죠. 저지의 얽히고설킨 역사의 실타래를 이해하는 것은 다소 벅찰 수 있습니다. 섬 탐험을 떠나기 전에 저지 박물관에 들러 한두 시간 정도 관람하는 것을 추천해요.
역사 공부 중 재미를 더하고 싶다면, 뉴 노스 키에 있는 해양박물관을 방문해 파도와 선박, 선원과 더불어 이 섬을 만들어 낸 전설에 대해 알아보세요. 바로 옆에 있는 오큐페이션 태피스트리 갤러리에는 현지인들이 제2차 세계대전에서 겪은 이야기를 담은 혁신적인 입체 모형이 있습니다. 저지섬 해방 50주년을 기념하기 위한 작품이죠.
역사에 대해 배우면서 휴식을 취하고, 맛있는 음식을 먹고, 쇼핑을 즐길 수 있는 곳이 아주 많습니다. 킹 스트리트를 거닐며 고가의 쇼핑을 즐기셔도 좋고, 센트럴 마켓에서 농산물을 구경하며 소소한 즐거움을 느껴보셔도 좋아요. 농산물의 품질과 맛이 뛰어나 '저지'를 얘기하면 농산물을 떠올릴 정도예요. 마을을 둘러본 후에는 편안하게 앉아 썰물이 되는 바다를 감상하다가 세인트 오빈스 베이를 가로질러 엘리자베스 성을 방문해 보세요. 흉벽을 따라 거닐면서 화약 냄새를 맡다 보면 어느새 밀물이 들어올 거예요.
언제든지 차밍 베티를 타고 해안으로 돌아갈 수 있죠. 저지는 여행을 다니기에 안성맞춤인 자그마한 섬입니다. 지역 도로와 산책로 덕분에 이 섬의 풍경과 관광 명소, 예상치 못하게 만날 수 있는 것들을 보다 가까이에서 감상하실 수 있어요. 작은 어촌과 만, 해변을 연결하며 끝없이 이어지는 해안길을 따라 버스를 타거나 차를 빌려 운전하는 것도 좋고 거닐어 보는 것도 좋아요.
세인트 헬리어에서 동쪽으로 가면 그루빌 교구가 나오는데요. 이곳에는 6,000년의 역사를 자랑하는 라 우그 비가 있습니다. 전 세계에서 오래된 건물로는 10위 안에 들죠. 역사가 저지섬 전체를 아우르고 있는 것처럼 이곳에도 역사가 겹겹이 쌓여 있죠. 12세기부터 16세기 사이 이 묘지터 위에 중세 시대 예배당이 세워졌습니다.
근처 언덕에는 독일군 벙커가 있는데요. 이곳은 현재 독일군 방어 시설을 짓기 위해 저지섬으로 끌려온 수천 명의 강제 노동자들을 기리는 현대 박물관으로 활용되고 있습니다. 근처에 있는 지질학 및 고고학 박물관에서 저지섬의 신석기 시대와 켈트 및 로마 시대에 대해 배워 보고 땅에서 발굴된 금화 한 더미와 고대 유물도 감상해 보세요. 차를 타고 이 조용한 지역을 가로질러 10분간 달리면 저지섬의 3대 항구 중 하나인 고리가 나옵니다. 이곳에는 굳센 중세시대의 그림자를 드리우는 성이 있습니다. 바로 몽토르고이 성이죠.
13세기 초에 지어진 이 성은 1600년대 후반 엘리자베스 성이 그 역할을 대신하기 전까지 프랑스와의 주기적인 전쟁에서 영국군의 첫 번째 방어선으로 활용되었습니다. 구불구불 나 있는 복도와 계단, 터널에서 길을 잃고 거닐다 보면 어느새 '죽음의 무도', '계보'와 같은 예술품을 만나실 수 있어요. 저지섬에 있는 해안 지대 4곳은 독특한 개성을 지니고 있습니다. 북쪽 해안길 몇 군데는 꼭 거닐어 보세요. 해안길 주변으로 과거 해안 유적과 들꽃이 가득한 절벽이 있어 저지섬에서 가장 아름다운 전망을 감상하실 수 있죠. 길을 따라가다 보면 옛 밀수업자의 작은 만인 불리 베이를 만나게 됩니다.
지금 이 해변은 스쿠어 다이버들에게 인기가 좋고 소렐 포인트처럼 바람이 휘몰아치는 높은 지대도 있죠. 아이들과 함께 여행하고 있다면 아늑한 그레브 데 레크에서 휴식을 취해 보세요. 랍스터와 게를 잡는 어부들이 오가는 곳이에요. 썰물로 바다가 바닥을 보일 때 한적한 백사장이 있는 플레몬트 해변으로 내려가 바위 웅덩이나 숨겨진 동굴을 탐험해 보세요. 분위기 있는 그로스네즈 성 유적이 보인다면 북쪽 해안의 다다른 것이에요. 이곳에서 또 다른 자연경관이 펼쳐지죠. 서쪽 해안을 따라 남쪽으로 가면 바위투성이 언덕과 수많은 들판이 점차 사라지고 따뜻한 백사장과 유럽 최고의 서핑지인 생투앙 베이를 만날 수 있습니다. 생투앙에는 히틀러가 건설을 명령한 약 3,218m의 대서양 방어 방벽 시스템의 일부였던 거대한 방조벽이 남아 있어요. 이곳에서 채널 제도 군사 박물관을 찾으실 수 있어요. 군인과 민간인 유물이 가득한 벙커 단지로, 5년의 점령 기간 속에 녹아 있는 저지섬의 이야기와 영국군에게 버려져 혼자 힘으로 살아가야 했던 41,000명의 섬사람이 겪은 고난을 말해주는 곳입니다.
남쪽 해안으로 다시 돌아가 만날 수 있는 세인트 브레레이드의 아늑한 백사장은 모래성 쌓기를 좋아하는 가족들에게 인기 만점입니다. 여기서부터 1.6km 떨어진 곳에는 중세 예배당의 초석이 되었던 세인트 브레레이드 교회가 있습니다.
내려오는 전설에 따르면 이곳 요정들이 공사 때문에 너무 화가 나서 인부들이 알아차릴 때까지 매일 밤 해안가로 돌을 옮겼다고 해요. 교회 바로 근처에 있는 누아르몽 포인트에서 옛 독일군 지휘벙커를 구경해 보세요. 실컷 구경한 뒤 계단을 내려가면 보이는 포테렛 해변과 작은 섬 얀브린스 툼을 감상하는 것도 좋아요. 세인트 헬리어로 돌아가는 길에 세인트 오빈에 잠시 들러 아이스크림을 먹으면서 방벽을 거닐어 보는 것도 좋습니다. 썰물이 되어 보트가 물 밖으로 나올 때 항구를 가로질러 세인트 오빈스 요새로 가 보세요.
해안가에서 저지 최고의 경관을 감상하실 수 있고, 섬 안에서도 다양한 활동을 즐기실 수 있어요. 성 로렌스의 우거진 숲 깊은 곳으로 들어가 저지 전쟁 터널에서 저지섬의 전쟁 당시로 시간 여행을 떠나 보세요. 이곳은 섬을 침범한 수많은 독일군이 주둔한 지하 공간 중 하나였습니다. 한때 치료 센터로 활용되었지만 오늘날 이 0.8km 길이의 터널에는 전쟁 시 사용되었던 유물들이 멋지게 전시되어 있습니다. 햄톤 농촌생활박물관에서 길을 따라 거닐며 한가로운 생활로 돌아가 보세요.
팰럿 스팀 앤 모터 박물관에서는 과거의 물건들이 활기를 되찾는데요. 저지섬의 기계 유산이 사람들의 사랑을 받으며 보존되어 있죠. 차를 타고 10분간 달리면 저지 동물원을 만날 수 있어요. 이 동물원은 50년 넘게 멸종 위기종을 구조해왔습니다. 역사를 배우고, 모험을 떠나고, 맛있는 음식을 먹고, 완벽한 휴식을 취하고 싶으세요? 저지에서는 이 모든 것들이 마법처럼 이루어집니다. 영국 같지도 않고, 프랑스 같지도 않지만 저지만의 특별함을 100% 느껴보세요.
Views of St Helier - Jersey
Views of St Helier Jersey
The Travel Guide: A Weekend In Jersey
We spent three days in Jersey, Channel Islands and managed ro condense in to 5 minutes! Check out the live action of things to see, eat, do and get the full review with all details on the blog:
Places featured:
EAT: Crab Shack, St. Brelade's Bay.
DRINK: The Boat House, St. Aubin.
EAT: The Old Courthouse, St. Aubin.
SEE: Portelet Common, St. Brelade's Bay. (Hike)
SEE: Elisabeth Castle, St. Aubins Bay.
EAT: Mark Jordan at the Beach, La Plage.
Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Jersey officially the Bailiwick of Jersey , is a Crown dependency of the United Kingdom, ruled by the Crown in right of Jersey, off the coast of Normandy, France. Jersey was part of the Duchy of Normandy, whose dukes went on to become kings of England from 1066. After Normandy was lost by the kings of England in the 13th century, and the ducal title surrendered to France, Jersey and the other Channel Islands remained attached to the English crown.
Jersey is a self-governing parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy, with its own financial, legal and judicial systems, and the power of self-determination. The Lieutenant Governor on the island is the personal representative of the Queen. British cultural influence on the island can also be seen with the main language being English, British pound currency, driving on the left, BBC and ITV regions, school curriculum following that of England, and the popularity of British sports, including football, cricket and rugby. The bailiwick consists of the island of Jersey, along with surrounding uninhabited islands and rocks collectively named Les Dirouilles, Les Écréhous, Les Minquiers, Les Pierres de Lecq, and other reefs. The island of Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands.
Although the bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are often referred to collectively as the Channel Islands, the Channel Islands are not a constitutional or political unit. Jersey has a separate relationship to the Crown from the other Crown dependencies of Guernsey and the Isle of Man, although all are held by the monarch of the United Kingdom. It is not part of the United Kingdom, and has an international identity separate from that of the UK, but the UK is constitutionally responsible for the defence of Jersey. The definition of United Kingdom in the British Nationality Act 1981 is interpreted as including the UK and the Islands together. The European Commission have confirmed in a written reply to the European Parliament in 2003 that Jersey is within the Union as a European Territory for whose external relationships the UK is responsible. Jersey is not fully part of the European Union but has a special relationship with it, notably being treated as within the European Community for the purposes of free trade in goods.
Jersey is a distinct jurisdiction for the purposes of conflict of laws, separate from the other Channel Islands, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Jersey law has been influenced by several different legal traditions, in particular Norman customary law, English common law and modern French civil law. Jersey's legal system is therefore described as 'mixed' or 'pluralistic', and sources of law are in French and English languages, although since the 1950s the main working language of the legal system is English.
Administratively, Jersey is divided into 12 parishes. All border on the sea. They were named after the Christian saints to whom their ancient parish churches were dedicated:
Grouville (historically Saint Martin de Grouville; incorporating Les Minquiers)
Saint Brélade
Saint Clément
Saint Helier
Saint John
Saint Lawrence
Saint Martin (historically Saint Martin le Vieux; incorporating Les Écréhous)
Saint Mary
Saint Ouen
Saint Peter
Saint Saviour
Alot to see in ( Jersey - UK ) such as :
Elizabeth Castle
Mont Orgueil
La Hougue Bie
Jersey Zoo
Samarès Manor
Hohlgangsanlage 8
La Corbière
Howard Davis Park
Maritime Museum
Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Merchant's House
Grosnez Castle
16 New Street
St Matthew's Church, Jersey
Hamptonne Country Life Museum
Victoria Tower, Jersey
Victoria College, Jersey
The National Trust for Jersey Wetland Centre
Channel Islands Military Museum
La Pouquelaye de Faldouet
Les Jardins de la Mer
Portelet Tower
La Cotte de St Brelade
Battery Lothringen
La Motte, Jersey
Corbière Lighthouse
Battery Moltke
Steam Motor & General Museum
Sorel Point
St Ouen's Bay
Eric Young Orchid Foundation
Grève au Lançon
Queen's Valley Reservoir
La Sergente Tomb
WWII German Naval Tower MP2
Saint Ouen's Pond
aMaizin! Adventure Park
Le Couperon dolmen and guardhouse
La Crête fort
Beaumont Tower
Dolmen du Monts Grantez
Marine Peilstand 1 tower
La Caumine à Marie Best
La Tour de Vinde
Coronation Park
La Grève d' Azette
La Rocco Tower
WWII Gun Emplacement
Grève de Lecq
( Jersey - UK ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Jersey . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Jersey - UK
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Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Jersey officially the Bailiwick of Jersey , is a Crown dependency of the United Kingdom, ruled by the Crown in right of Jersey, off the coast of Normandy, France. Jersey was part of the Duchy of Normandy, whose dukes went on to become kings of England from 1066. After Normandy was lost by the kings of England in the 13th century, and the ducal title surrendered to France, Jersey and the other Channel Islands remained attached to the English crown.
Jersey is a self-governing parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy, with its own financial, legal and judicial systems, and the power of self-determination. The Lieutenant Governor on the island is the personal representative of the Queen. British cultural influence on the island can also be seen with the main language being English, British pound currency, driving on the left, BBC and ITV regions, school curriculum following that of England, and the popularity of British sports, including football, cricket and rugby. The bailiwick consists of the island of Jersey, along with surrounding uninhabited islands and rocks collectively named Les Dirouilles, Les Écréhous, Les Minquiers, Les Pierres de Lecq, and other reefs. The island of Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands.
Although the bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are often referred to collectively as the Channel Islands, the Channel Islands are not a constitutional or political unit. Jersey has a separate relationship to the Crown from the other Crown dependencies of Guernsey and the Isle of Man, although all are held by the monarch of the United Kingdom. It is not part of the United Kingdom, and has an international identity separate from that of the UK, but the UK is constitutionally responsible for the defence of Jersey. The definition of United Kingdom in the British Nationality Act 1981 is interpreted as including the UK and the Islands together. The European Commission have confirmed in a written reply to the European Parliament in 2003 that Jersey is within the Union as a European Territory for whose external relationships the UK is responsible. Jersey is not fully part of the European Union but has a special relationship with it, notably being treated as within the European Community for the purposes of free trade in goods.
Jersey is a distinct jurisdiction for the purposes of conflict of laws, separate from the other Channel Islands, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Jersey law has been influenced by several different legal traditions, in particular Norman customary law, English common law and modern French civil law. Jersey's legal system is therefore described as 'mixed' or 'pluralistic', and sources of law are in French and English languages, although since the 1950s the main working language of the legal system is English.
Administratively, Jersey is divided into 12 parishes. All border on the sea. They were named after the Christian saints to whom their ancient parish churches were dedicated:
Grouville (historically Saint Martin de Grouville; incorporating Les Minquiers)
Saint Brélade
Saint Clément
Saint Helier
Saint John
Saint Lawrence
Saint Martin (historically Saint Martin le Vieux; incorporating Les Écréhous)
Saint Mary
Saint Ouen
Saint Peter
Saint Saviour
Alot to see in ( Jersey - UK ) such as :
Elizabeth Castle
Mont Orgueil
La Hougue Bie
Jersey Zoo
Samarès Manor
Hohlgangsanlage 8
La Corbière
Howard Davis Park
Maritime Museum
Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Merchant's House
Grosnez Castle
16 New Street
St Matthew's Church, Jersey
Hamptonne Country Life Museum
Victoria Tower, Jersey
Victoria College, Jersey
The National Trust for Jersey Wetland Centre
Channel Islands Military Museum
La Pouquelaye de Faldouet
Les Jardins de la Mer
Portelet Tower
La Cotte de St Brelade
Battery Lothringen
La Motte, Jersey
Corbière Lighthouse
Battery Moltke
Steam Motor & General Museum
Sorel Point
St Ouen's Bay
Eric Young Orchid Foundation
Grève au Lançon
Queen's Valley Reservoir
La Sergente Tomb
WWII German Naval Tower MP2
Saint Ouen's Pond
aMaizin! Adventure Park
Le Couperon dolmen and guardhouse
La Crête fort
Beaumont Tower
Dolmen du Monts Grantez
Marine Peilstand 1 tower
La Caumine à Marie Best
La Tour de Vinde
Coronation Park
La Grève d' Azette
La Rocco Tower
WWII Gun Emplacement
Grève de Lecq
( Jersey - UK ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Jersey . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Jersey - UK
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Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Places to see in ( Jersey - UK )
Jersey officially the Bailiwick of Jersey , is a Crown dependency of the United Kingdom, ruled by the Crown in right of Jersey, off the coast of Normandy, France. Jersey was part of the Duchy of Normandy, whose dukes went on to become kings of England from 1066. After Normandy was lost by the kings of England in the 13th century, and the ducal title surrendered to France, Jersey and the other Channel Islands remained attached to the English crown.
Jersey is a self-governing parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy, with its own financial, legal and judicial systems, and the power of self-determination. The Lieutenant Governor on the island is the personal representative of the Queen. British cultural influence on the island can also be seen with the main language being English, British pound currency, driving on the left, BBC and ITV regions, school curriculum following that of England, and the popularity of British sports, including football, cricket and rugby. The bailiwick consists of the island of Jersey, along with surrounding uninhabited islands and rocks collectively named Les Dirouilles, Les Écréhous, Les Minquiers, Les Pierres de Lecq, and other reefs. The island of Jersey is the largest of the Channel Islands.
Although the bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey are often referred to collectively as the Channel Islands, the Channel Islands are not a constitutional or political unit. Jersey has a separate relationship to the Crown from the other Crown dependencies of Guernsey and the Isle of Man, although all are held by the monarch of the United Kingdom. It is not part of the United Kingdom, and has an international identity separate from that of the UK, but the UK is constitutionally responsible for the defence of Jersey. The definition of United Kingdom in the British Nationality Act 1981 is interpreted as including the UK and the Islands together. The European Commission have confirmed in a written reply to the European Parliament in 2003 that Jersey is within the Union as a European Territory for whose external relationships the UK is responsible. Jersey is not fully part of the European Union but has a special relationship with it, notably being treated as within the European Community for the purposes of free trade in goods.
Jersey is a distinct jurisdiction for the purposes of conflict of laws, separate from the other Channel Islands, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Jersey law has been influenced by several different legal traditions, in particular Norman customary law, English common law and modern French civil law. Jersey's legal system is therefore described as 'mixed' or 'pluralistic', and sources of law are in French and English languages, although since the 1950s the main working language of the legal system is English.
Administratively, Jersey is divided into 12 parishes. All border on the sea. They were named after the Christian saints to whom their ancient parish churches were dedicated:
Grouville (historically Saint Martin de Grouville; incorporating Les Minquiers)
Saint Brélade
Saint Clément
Saint Helier
Saint John
Saint Lawrence
Saint Martin (historically Saint Martin le Vieux; incorporating Les Écréhous)
Saint Mary
Saint Ouen
Saint Peter
Saint Saviour
Alot to see in ( Jersey - UK ) such as :
Elizabeth Castle
Mont Orgueil
La Hougue Bie
Jersey Zoo
Samarès Manor
Hohlgangsanlage 8
La Corbière
Howard Davis Park
Maritime Museum
Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Merchant's House
Grosnez Castle
16 New Street
St Matthew's Church, Jersey
Hamptonne Country Life Museum
Victoria Tower, Jersey
Victoria College, Jersey
The National Trust for Jersey Wetland Centre
Channel Islands Military Museum
La Pouquelaye de Faldouet
Les Jardins de la Mer
Portelet Tower
La Cotte de St Brelade
Battery Lothringen
La Motte, Jersey
Corbière Lighthouse
Battery Moltke
Steam Motor & General Museum
Sorel Point
St Ouen's Bay
Eric Young Orchid Foundation
Grève au Lançon
Queen's Valley Reservoir
La Sergente Tomb
WWII German Naval Tower MP2
Saint Ouen's Pond
aMaizin! Adventure Park
Le Couperon dolmen and guardhouse
La Crête fort
Beaumont Tower
Dolmen du Monts Grantez
Marine Peilstand 1 tower
La Caumine à Marie Best
La Tour de Vinde
Coronation Park
La Grève d' Azette
La Rocco Tower
WWII Gun Emplacement
Grève de Lecq
( Jersey - UK ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Jersey . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Jersey - UK
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Castle Quay, St Helier, Jersey.
Restoring St Helier's connection with the sea, Castle Quay is a mixed use development in Jersey, the largest of the channel islands.
Developed by Dandara, Castle quay offer a lifestyle mix of dining retail exhibition and function space together with apartments, creating a community to link the town centre with the marina with vistas of Elizabeth Castle in St Aubin's bay.
Top10 Recommended Hotels in Jersey, UK
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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Jersey, UK: 1. La Haule Manor *****
2. Hotel La Place ****
3. Longueville Manor *****
4. Greenhills Country Hotel ****
5. Old Court House Inn *****
6. Panorama Guest House *****
7. Golden Sands ****
8. Pomme d'Or Hotel ****
9. Grand Jersey Hotel and Spa ****
10. Somerville Hotel ****
1. Route de la Haule, Saint Aubin, JE3 8BS, United Kingdom, Price range: $110 - $200
La Haule Manor is a splendid 5-star property located on the south coast of Jersey, 10 minutes’ drive from the airport. It has a well-maintained garden with picturesque views over St Aubin’s Bay.
2. Route Du Coin, La Haule, Saint Aubin, JE3 8BT, United Kingdom, Price range: $120 - $246
This restored 17th-century farmhouse provides peaceful guestrooms in rural Jersey. Set 1.6 km from St. Aubin’s harbor, it has an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi and offers free airport transfers.
3. Longueville Road, Saint Helier Jersey, JE2 7WF, United Kingdom, Price range: $191 - $395
Just outside St Helier, this 14th-century manor house features a 3 AA-Rosette restaurant, an outdoor pool with al fresco dining and a casual cocktail bar. Longueville Manor is in 18 acres of private woodland with its own tennis court, croquet lawn and jogging trails, just a kilometer from St Helier Beach.
4. Mont De L'ecole, Saint Peters, JE3 7EL, United Kingdom, Price range: $122 - $227
Greenhills Country Hotel provides a peaceful setting in the heart of the green lanes of St. Peter and features an outdoor heated pool, as well as pretty, colorful gardens.
5. St. Aubins Harbour, Saint Aubin, JE3 8AB, United Kingdom, Price range: $99 - $203
On the harbor at St Aubin, the Old Court House Inn provides luxurious rooms and a restaurant and bar on Jersey’s southern coast. This inn enjoys stunning sea views and is close the village’s shops, cafés and pubs.
6. La Rue du Croquet, Saint Aubin, JE3 8BZ, United Kingdom, Price range: $143 - $226
Located in a hill, in the pretty coastal village of St Aubin, Panorama Guest House offers well-appointed rooms around 2 mi from Jersey Airport. With fine sea views, it offers free WiFi and has public parking nearby.
7. St Brelade's Bay, St. Brelade, JE3 8EF, United Kingdom, Price range: $107 - $246
Situated right on the beach in the center of St Brelade's Bay, the 4-star Golden Sands hotel offers excellent views of one of Jersey's best beaches.
8. iberation Square, Saint Helier Jersey, JE1 3UF, United Kingdom, Price range: $114 - $203
Overlooking Liberation Square and the yacht marina, the 4-star Pomme d'Or is located in the heart of Jersey. Guests can enjoy elegant rooms and free access to the nearby Aquadome Leisure Center.
9. Esplanade, Saint Helier Jersey, JE2 3QA, United Kingdom, Price range: $122 - $242
With views of St Aubin's Bay and Elizabeth Castle, the luxurious 5 star Grand Jersey Hotel and Spa is one minute from golden beaches.
10. Mont Du Boulevard, Saint Aubin, JE3 8AD, United Kingdom, Price range: $76 - $249
On a hillside overlooking the picturesque harbor of St. Aubin with its restaurants, shops and pubs, this charming hotel is set within award-winning gardens.
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