【K】Slovenia Travel-Radovljica[슬로베니아 여행-라도블리차]트리글라브 산 2/Triglav/Mountain/Trekking/Mountain cabin
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[한국어 정보]
다음 날, 해가 떠오르길 기다렸다가 트리글라우 산을 직접 올라가 보기로 했다. “슬로베니아에서 가장 아름다운 산 트리글라우에 오신 걸 환영해요. 최고봉은 2,864m입니다” “출발합시다” 해발 고도 1410m에서부터 산행이 시작된다. 많은 고봉들이 그렇듯 이곳 하단부도 초원이다. 풀빛이 짙은 흙길을 걸으니 자연의 포근함이 느껴진다. 그 길에 반가운 친구들을 만났다. 초원에서 방목돼 자라고 있는 말이다. 이곳에선 모두 이렇게 자유롭게 말을 방목해 키운다고 한다. 익숙하진 않지만 말과의 교감을 시도해 봤다. 다시, 갈 길을 재촉한다. 오늘 하루 10시간 이상 걸어야만 정상을 딛고 하산할 수 있다. 어느 새 초원이 끝나고 숲길이 나타난다. 트리글라우 산의 중턱에 도착했다는 의미다. 길은 좁아지고 중간중간 장애물이 생기기 시작했다. 새벽 5시에 출발했는데 아침 해가 벌써 산 위로 올라와있다. 아직 가야할 길이 멀기만 하다. 한 무리의 등산객들이 바로 뛰 따라 왔다. “알프스의 좋은 기운을 담아 아름다워요. 슬로베니아에 이런 속담이 있어요. 걱정은 골짜기에 내려두고 새처럼 자유롭게 떠나라는 거죠” 슬로베니아 사람들에게 트리클라우는 큰 의미를 지니고 있다. 일행과 떨어졌지만 씩씩하게 있는 힘껏 산을 오르는 할머니다. “67살이요. 트리글라우는 슬로베니아의 자존심이라고 할 수 있어요. 일생동안 한번이라도 트리글라우를 등반하지 않은 사람은 진정한 슬로베니아인이 아니라는 말도 있거든요” 어느 새 숲길도 사라지고 이제 남은 건 석회암 암벽 덩어리들뿐. 더구나 절벽을 낀 좁은 돌길이다. 서로가 서로에게 길을 양보하며 이곳을 지나간다. 천길 낭떠러지를 걷다보니 트리글리우 산의 명성이 새삼 다가온다. “저기 산장이 보이네요” 드디어 첫 번째 산장에 도착했다. 하지만 오늘의 목적지는 이곳에서도 한참을 더 들어가야 한다. 산장에서 간단히 허기를 때우고 다시 출발했다. 지금부턴 계속 오르막길이다. 자신과의 싸움으로 한 발 한 발 앞으로 나아가야 한다. 무려 4시간을 그렇게 걸었더니 두 번째 산장이 나타났다. 고도가 높아선지 바람이 제법 분다. 이곳에서 밤을 보내고 내일 다시 정상에 도전하기로 한다. “축하드려요” “기분이 어때요?” “아주 좋네요. 지금은 친구들이 내려오길 기다리고 있어요. 경사가 심해요” 저 멀리 산을 내려오는 이들이 보였다. 난이도가 매우 높은 등반 코스다. “정말 놀라워요” “저는 못 올라갈 거 같아요” 멀리서나마 친구들을 응원해 준다.
[English: Google Translator]
The next day, I waited for the sun to rise and decided to go up the mountain directly. Welcome to the most beautiful Sanctuary in Slovenia. The highest peak is 2,864 meters. Let's start The mountain starts at 1410 meters above sea level. Like many peaks, the bottom is also a meadow. I feel the warmth of nature because I walk on a dark earthy path. I met good friends on the way. It is a horse that is growing in the grass. Everyone here says that they are free to graze horses. I'm not used to it, but I tried to communicate with the horse. Again, I urge you to go. Today, we have to walk more than 10 hours a day to get down to the top. A new grassland is over and a forest road appears. It means you have arrived at the middle of Triglau mountain. The road became narrow and the middle obstacle began to appear. I left at 5 o'clock in the morning and the morning sun is already on the mountain. There is still a long way to go. A group of hikers came right up. It's beautiful with the good aura of the Alps. There is this saying in Slovenia. The worry is to leave it in the valley and leave it free as a bird. For Slovenians, Treklaw has a big meaning. It is a grandmother who climbs up the mountains with her strength, which has fallen apart from her party. I'm 67 years old. Triglau is the pride of Slovenia. It is said that someone who has not climbed Triglau once in a lifetime is not a true Slovenian. Any new forest road is gone, and all that remains is limestone rock chunks. Moreover, it is a narrow road with a cliff. They pass each other through this place, giving way to each other. As we walk through the heavenly cliffs, the reputation of the Triglys umbrella continues. I can see the cabins over there I finally arrived at the first cabin. But today's destination should go a long way in here too. I simply hung up in the hut and set off again. It is an uphill road from now on. We must go forward one foot in battle with ourselves. I walked like that for 4 hours and the second cabin appeared. The altitude is high, so the winds of the sunrise are splendid. I spend the night here and try to challenge again tomorrow. Congratulations. How are you feeling? Very nice. Now my friends are waiting to come down. The slope is heavy. I saw these people coming down the mountain. It is a very difficult climb course. It's amazing. I do not think I'll go up.
■클립명: 유럽101-슬로베니아02-15 트리글라브 산 2 트레킹
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 오성민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 12월December
산,mountain,wood, woods, grove, park, walking, trekking, wild, animal,숙소,lodging,트레킹/산책,체험,,trek,유럽Europe슬로베니아SloveniaRepublika Slovenija오성민201612월라도블리차Municipality of RadovljicaObcina RadovljicaDecember걸어서 세계속으로
Rail traffic in Serbia - The main hilly railway line south of Belgrade [4K]
Train traffic in Serbia, but this time with a special poser, a dog that seem to love railway and trains. Although this can be dangerous, the dog has chosen to walk along the track and stay alongside the cameramen and trains. While train shooting the dog appeared from the surrounding villages and was doing interesting performance in the boring and long intervals between trains. For some reason, the dog was also interested in a railway tunnel, in which he did a short sniffing research.
Video was created along the main corridor railway line in Serbia, railway line Belgrade - Nis, on section between Resnik and Mladenovac. Due to railway maintenance on the other arm of this railway line (Belgrade - Mala Krsna section is under construction) current and next year this is the only way for all freight train traffic between north and south part of Serbia. Therefore, the video shows the most different types of freight and passenger trains at Serbian Railways. The most various freight trains from domestic and international traffic are shown.
According to the order of appearance during the video:
0:02 freight train mix, Ralja,
1:07 rail tunnel Ralja,
1:36 tunnel Ripanj and the dog,
2:40 intermodal freight train, Siemens Vectron locomotive, Ripanj tunel,
4:27 great pipes train, Ripanj tunel,
6:10 Despotija container freight train, railway bridge Parcani, near Ralja,
7:04 freight train mix, haul and push locomotives, ZS series 441 and 444, station Klenje,
8:02 the dog and passenger train, EMU ZS 412/416 series, Ripanj tunel,
9:42 freight train with copper anodes,
10:52 freight train mix, locomotive ZS series 461, station Ralja,
12:01 EMU passenger train, station Pinosava,
12:40 freight train mix, Pinosava,
13:36 EMU passenger train ZS series 413/417, FLIRT, Pinosava,
14:11 coal freight train, 2 locomotives, haul and push locomotive, Ripanj tunel,
15:15 coke coal train, 2 locomotives, haul and push locomotive, bridge Parcani,
16:18 EMU passenger train, Ripanj tunel,
16:51 freight train with steel plates, Ripanj tunel,
18:22 fast passenger train from Skopje to Belgrade, Ripanj tunel,
18:51 EMU passenger train, Vlasko Polje,
19:13 freight train, Vlasko Polje,
20:03 EMU passenger train, Kovacevac,
20:21 freight train, diesel and electric locomotives, Ripanj tunel,
21:21 fast passenger train from Belgrade to Skopje,
21:59 freight train mix, Resnik,
23:16 EMU passenger train, bridge Parcani,
23:47 passenger train from Nis to Belgrade, Ripanj tunel,
24:25 freight train, Ripanj tunel,
25:47 locomotive train, Pinosava,
26:20 locomotive train, Klenje,
26:45 two freight and EMU passenger trains, Pinosava,
30:35 passenger train from Belgrade to Nis, Klenje,
31:08 coal freight train, Klenje,
32:04 EMU passenger train, Klenje,
32:38 passenger train, Vlasko Polje,
33:10 rail tunnel, freight train, Ralja,
34:39 rail tunnel, passenger train, Ralja,
35:53 EMU passenger train, Ripanj tunel,
36:18 freight train with steel coils, Ripanj tunel,
37:12 freight train, Ripanj tunel,
38:03 freight train mix departure, Mladenovac,
39:39 EMU passenger train, Ripanj tunel,
40:07 passenger train, railway crossing, Ripanj Kolonija,
40:38 machine for rail catenary works, Ripanj Kolonija,
41:37 EMU passenger train, Ripanj tunel,
42:08 EMU passenger train, night at railway station Klenje,
42:57 EMU passenger train, night and reflector reflections at catenary inside the rail tunnel, Ripanj tunel,
Video material recorded during 2019.