ESJF restoration of pre-burial house at Chernivtsi Jewish Cemetery
ESJF Reconstruction and Restoration Project at the Pre-Burial House at Chernivtsi (Czernowitz) Jewish Cemetery, Ukraine, 2017/18.
walking to the coldness (jewish cemetery, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 23/9/17)
ESJF renovation work at the Beit Tahara in Chernivtsi Jewish Cemetery
ESJF is proud to announce the completion of the first stage of renovation of the Chernivtsi (Chernowitz) Beit Tahara (pre-burial ceremonial house), in the Jewish cemetery, which was constructed in 1905.
The renovation consisted of external works including renovating the dome, the windows, external walls and changing thecovering to copper.
This part of the renovation was made possible with the financial support of the Auswärtiges Amt and accomplished in cooperation with the Association of Jewish Communities and Organizations (Vaad of Ukraine), who will now complete renovation works on the internal parts of the site and create the Museum of the Holocaust in Bucovina.
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Jewish cemetery in Kremenets, Ternopil oblast, Western Ukraine
Vandalism in jewish cemetery i Chernovitz. Chernovtzi.Ukraine.
Vandalism in jewish cemetery in chernovtzi. Chernovitz. Ukraine.
Х А Н У К А в Черновцах – 5776 | 2015
Приглашаем Вас до просмотра полного видео о празднование Хануки 5776 / 2015 в Черновцах.
Организатор праздника - Главная синагога Буковины имени Исраэля и Зельды Майберг.
Celebration of Hanukkah 5776 / 2015 in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Organized by the Main Synagogue of Bukovyna named after Israel and Zelda Mayberg.
Пурим 2017/5777 в Черновцах Концерт. Purim in Chernivtsi 2017/5777 Performance.
Пурим в Черновицкой еврейской общине 2017/5777.
Purim in Chernivtsi Jewish Community 2017/5777. Performence in former Jewish Theater.
Boris at the Jewish Cemetery in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
The Chernivtsi Jewry
For the 9th episode of Freedom Alternative Western Ukraine tour we will take a look at the history of the Bukowynian Jews.
Chernivtsi was the last stop in this tour and, since I've already made two videos showing you around this city, I decided to focus on this detail of the Chernivtsi/Cernăuți area.
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Songs used (in order of hearing):
Наталя Май - Моя Україна -
Хай живе вільна Україна! -
Sergey Cheremisinov - Charms (the whole album - songs used in the same order as the album) -
Kai Engel - Something -
Nattbusen - Farewell (The damaged one) - first three songs of the album have been used -
Ending song: Warchant - Graiul Oștirii -
Compiled by Michael Landesman (pictures:
vandalism in the old jewish cemetary of Chernivtsi
unpunished desecration , vandalism and degradations in the old jewish cemetary of Chernivtsi ( cernowitz )
Khotyn Jewish cemetery - 33 minutes with old caretaker in third generation
Dymer: Jewish market in the center of Shtetl
Історик Григорій Іванович Гончарук розповідає про Євбаз в центрі Димера
Der jüdische Friedhof in Czernowitz
Gräber und die alte Zeremonienhalle auf dem jüdischen Friedhof in Tschernowitz, West-Ukraine.
Jewish Cemeteries of Moldavia & Bukovina
Beit Haim, House of Life.
This is what the Jewish cemeteries are called. This is the name given to the Jewish cemeteries of Moldavia and Bukovina too. A house of life built in stone. A house of life that each of us should visit. This earth has received the Jews who are awaiting their afterlife. This earth has become a sacred place, another promised land.
Monuments, untold stories, past lives, memories carved in stone and … silence.
Some stones are still standing while others are leaning on trees or on the cemetery’s fence, which looks like a Wailing Wall. Many are broken, torn, eaten by time, lop-sided, fallen, swallowed by earth and vegetation… but all of them without exception “speak silently” of a Destiny.
Ukrajnai esszé
Beregszász-Csernovic-Hotin-Kamenyec-Podolszk-Mezsibozs-Uman-Odessza -- és vissza
Glimpses of Yiddish Czernowitz
Sokal. Jewish Cemetery
Sokal. Jewish Cemetery. Ukraine, pre 1939 Poland
Jewish Cemetery Mikolow, Poland 1726 year Walking Tour
The oldest preserved matzevot comes from 1726, that of Chaim, the son of Judah Lejb, who died February 26, 1726. About 200 gravestones remain. With inscriptions in German and Hebrew, they have rich symbolism and ornamentation. The cemetery survived WWII almost intact. IIn January 1945, a death march of the prisoners from Auschwitz-Birkenau passed through Mikołów. Sixty of them are buried in Mikolowski cemetery, those who died from exhaustion or were shot by the Germans
Jews first are documented in Mikołów in 1674 when the Singer family established an inn; however, they probably lived there much earlier. The synagogue in Mikołów was established in 1816. In 1816, a brick synagogue was buil
In Mikołów there was also second Jewish cemetery which was established around 1682. It was completely destroyed