O-mizuokuri Jingu -ji
Obama Japan 2 March Tendai Buddhism
Omizu-okuri festival at Jingu-Ji
Tendai Buddhist temple in Obama Japan
- Taken at 4:57 PM on March 03, 2010 - uploaded by ShoZu
小浜市 名通寺 Myotsuji Temple in Obama, Japan
Myotsuji Temple in Obama, Japan
Obama Festival - Omizu Okuri (Water-sending Rite) 若狭のお水送り
In Japan they love Obama so much they named a town after him and put together a festival in his honor with fire and men in white robes looking more like Mississippi on a Saturday night rather than Japan. Obama, a secret Shintoist ninja, approves however.
Ok, ok! That's not true! Obama is age old town in Fukui Prefecture that does a religious ritual in conjunction with Nara's Omizutori festival. On March 2nd, priests carry torches from Jingu-Ji Temple to Unose rapids where they pour sacred water into the river which they believe will reach Nara in 10 days when they begin the main part of Omizutori March 12-14.
2018.10.24 福井県小浜市 若狭神宮寺 Wakasa-Jingu-ji Temple
2018年10月24日に 福井県小浜市の 「若狭神宮寺 (わかさじんぐうじ) 」を訪れました。
Wakasa-Jingu-ji Temple in Obama City, Fukui Pref.
How To Get Your Fortune At A Japanese Temple
How to get your fortune at a Japanese Temple.
In this video, we take a step-by-step look at how to get your fortune at a Japanese temple. Omukji (fortunes) are a big part of Japanese temple culture, not to mention it's fun to do.
How to pray at a Shinto Shrine
Crafts Collection - Discovering Asia with Pimmie: Nogi Shrine Manners 1.1
A guide to Nogi Shrine manners Tokyo, Japan.
Adress: 8-11-27 Akasaka Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
Nogizaka Station: 1 minute walk
Thank you for following... Discovering Asia with Pimmie
Background music is by
福井)たいまつの山伏ら行列「お水送り」 若狭神宮寺
Shinto Prayer: Mujo Reiho Shinto Kaji, with the flame of a candle...
Shinto Prayer and Meditation, with the flame of a candle. Voice in English. The prayer is from Kanetomo and Norinaga teachings: Mujo Reiho Shinto Kaji, which means that we are practising the insuperable treasure of the Shinto power of harmonizing heaven and earth in mankind, through the mind, words and gestures-acts...
Meiji Jingu Shrine Ema Votive Tablets
I created a wishing prayer for everyone, here's how it's done at the Meiji-Jingu shrine. Come watch and see if you can answer the question at the end with your intuition.
The Ema tables are small wooden plaques that people write their wishes and prayers on to God. The word Ema in Japanese is made of two characters, one means picture the other horse. Back in the old days people would donate a horse to the shrines so the Gods would more likely listen to their prayers. Eventually, for most people, the horses became too expensive so they then made small statues of horses out of wood, paper or clay. These evolved into wooden plaques with pictures of horses on them. The plaques stayed and the pictures changed. Some of the tablets are art forms. The art or pictures often depict a relevant image associated with the shrine that supplies them for visitors.
Anyone can buy an Ema tablet and there are no strict rules on what to write, though most people put down their wishes and prayers.
旅の星 Tabinohoshi 「若狭~お水送りと鯖街道」 Wakasa Obama, Japan vol.13
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★타비노호시 '와카사 ~ 오미즈오쿠리와 사바카이도'
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福井県 小浜市
Wakasa - Omizu-Okuri and Saba Kaido Road
Obama City, Fukui Prefecture
Obama City, Fukui Prefecture
Every year, Shinguji Temple in Wakasa-Obama religiously ‘sends water’
to Nigatsudo Temple in Nara as a time-honor gesture of camaraderie.
The torch-lit procession featured in this ritual and the alter
where the torches are lit are breathtaking.
This film introduces you to the historical townscape of Kumagawa
that long ago served as a layover point for merchants transporting
marine products from Wakasa to Kyoto along the Sabakaido.
鯖街道 熊川宿
関西地域振興財団 Kansai Window TV
Two-Minute Travel to Tsukiji Market, Tokyo, Japan HD (1080p)
Travel to the Tsukiji Market in Tokyo, Japan, and experience the Tuna Auction Tour.
To learn more about Tsukiji Market, please checkout JapanSauce.Net !
Music: ESBE---Reverie
#Japan #Tokyo #Tsukiji #Kyoto #Osaka #sushi #fish #GoPro #HD #travel #trip #fun #cool
福井県小浜市 食の取組PRムービー校区内型地場産学校給食
Omizutori お水取り
The last day of 2010's omizutori (water drawing festival). This festival has been around for a few centuries and is said to be necessary to happen for spring to come to Nara. It takes place in Nigatsudou, that makes part of the Toudaiji temple complex. It was held in March and seen after a excruciating 2hours waiting. 2010 is the year to celebrate the 1300 years of Nara Heijo-kyo Capital.
PS: gotta adore the Japanese comments on it ;)
若狭神宮寺と若狭彦・姫神社-Jinguji temple & Wakasahiko-hime shrine
The Wakasa Jinguji is the temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism in Obama-shi, Fukui.The sango is a reiousan,the principal image is the Yakushi Nyorai sedentary statue.It is the temple where water sending to the Todaiji Nigatsudo is performed.A Wakasahiko shrine consists of a kamisha and a shimosha, a kamisha is called Wakasahiko shrine and a shimosha is called Wakasahime shrine.It is also called Onyu Myojin from a county name as an another name.
ИСПОЛНЕНИЕ ЖЕЛАНИЙ в храме Мэйдзи в Токио Японии / Ema Meiji Jingu 明治神宮 Shrine Tokyo Japan
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Зачем нужны деревянные дощечки Ema в синтоистском храме
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Мэйдзи Дзингу (яп. 明治神宮 мэйдзи дзингу) — самое крупное в Токио синтоистское святилище, посвящённое императору Мэйдзи (明治天皇) и его супруге императрице Сёкэн. Местоположение святилища: Камидзоно-тё Ёёги, Сибуя-ку, Токио.
Территория святилища, расположенного в центре Токио, имеет площадь около 708200 м². Окружённое деревьями здание является характерным примером уникальной японской храмовой архитектуры. Этот стиль называют Нагарэдзукури, при строительстве используется кипарис из Кисо. В саду представлены все разновидности деревьев и кустарников, которые произрастают в Японии. Более 100 тысяч кустарников и деревьев были пожертвованы людьми со всей Японии.
Культурный код (или просто Иероглиф, как мы любим его называть) — это канал о путешествиях, о нашей любимой Москве и о разной культурной всячине. Здесь мы можем рассказать о книгах, которые читаем, или поделиться впечатлениями об интересном мероприятии. Мы — это Shtukensia и Tangar — пара довольных бурундуков! Подписывайся, чтобы узнавать о новых выпусках.
Ginza to the Imperial Palace Tokyo Japan
A quick visit to Ginza, Tokyo's high end luxurious shopping and entertainment district. Also a visit to the Sony Building, but I put away the camcorder because I didn't want a cute Japanese employee to scold me for taping Sony's latest shit. Afterwards I continued to walk and found the Imperial Palace. Video footage still shaky, lol.
A Korean martial artist arrested
JG 4K 福井 お水送りの神宮寺の紅葉 Jinguji,Fukui
福井県小浜市 神宮寺 Jinguji,Obama city,Fukui