Kakaban Island - East Kalimantan - Indonesia
Kakaban island is a large coral atoll in the Derawan Archipelago in the district of Berau, off the east coast of East Kalimantan, covering 774 hectares of uninhabited terrain. It’s most distinctive feature is a huge land-locked lake, which makes up almost two thirds of the island. This brackish lake is alive with several species of endemic marine life, including millions of stingless jellyfish that only exist in one other place on the planet. The island is shrouded in a tangle of dense mangrove forests, right down to where the water meets the earth. There are very few sections of beach, as most of the Kakaban’scircumference ends in a rocky wall of sheer limestone cliffs, some sections dropping hundreds of feet to the choppy waves below.
Kakaban Island is one of 31 islands belonging to the Derawan archipelago, which include Sangalaki, Maratua and Derawan. Kakaban was elevated through years of geological pressure, which eventually sealed off what was once a lagoon, creating the Kakaban Lake. “Kakaban” comes from a word in the local dialect meaning “hug,” because of the way the 9-shaped island “hugs” the lake in the center. Kakabanlake has been declared a government nature reserve, and has been nominated as a World Heritage Zone.
The ecosystem of the lake is very similar to that of the open sea, but with a twist! The trapped sea-water diluted with rain water and ground water creates a unique habitat that has caused the creatures trapped inside to evolve! The lake has warm, brackish water of 11 to 17 meters in depth, and is carpeted in marine green algae. Four species of jellyfish criss-cross the waters of Kakaban lake, but unlike their counterparts beyond the coral wall, the lake-jellies have no natural predators, resulting in the evolution of the species to no longer need their venom as self-defence.
Other evolutionary processes have also taken place in this lake: The box jellyfish, normally one of the deadliest creatures in the world, in addition to losing its sting, has shrunk to barely a third its normal size. The Spotted Jellyfish is no longer spotted, and the Cassiopeia swims upside down, with its tentacles to the surface. This is so the sun may shine on its algae-covered tentacles, creating a photosynthetic reaction and thus producing food! Meanwhile, the white anemone has evolved into a passive jellyfish predator.Eight species of fish also dwell in this biological paradise, as well as sea cucumbers, sponges, crabs, tunicates, snakes, and orange purple and yellow clams.
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Kakaban Island in East Kalimantan, you can , not only swim unharmed with this fascinating creature, but you can actually touch them since the island is one of only two places on earth where you can find stingless jellyfish.
Kakaban Island is a large coral atoll in the Derawan Archipelago in the Regency of Berau, off the east coast of East Kalimantan Province, covering 774 hectares of uninhabited terrain. Its most distinctive feature is a huge land-locked lake, which makes up almost two thirds of the island. This brackish lake is alive with several species of endemic marine life, including millions of stingless jellyfish that only exist in one other place on the planet which is at Palau in Micronesia. The island is shrouded among a tangle of dense mangrove forests, right down to where the water meets the earth.
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tour guide Derawan Happy Fun
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2pac feat sade - jezebel
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Travel vlog: Kakaban Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia ???????? #massytravelogue
Stingless Jellyfish at Kakaban Lake near Derawan Island at East Kalimantan, Indonesia ????????. Thank you Konsulat Jenderal Republik Indonesia Kota Kinabalu and Indo Travel for the trip.
Wonderful experience, wonderful people.
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Three Islands of Dream - Maratua, Sangalaki & Kakaban
A short film about one of magical islands of Indonesia located in east Kalimantan. The islands are Sangalaki, Kakaban, and Maratua. In Sangalaki you can swim with Mantas, turtles, and gorgeous beach. There's an ancient lake isolated within Kakaban island where you can swim with thousands of non-sting jellyfishes. Meanwhile in Maratua is heaven for Scuba Diver where the big fishes are easy to see.
Sebuah film pendek tentang keindahan pulau pulau di Indonesia yang terletak di timur Pulau Kalimantan. Pulau-pulau ini adalah Sangalaki, Kakaban, dan Maratua. Di Pulau Sangalaki kita bisa berenang bersama Ikan ikan Manta, penyu, dan pantainya yang luar biasa indah. Ada juga Danau purba yang terisolasi di Pulau Kakaban dimana kita bisa berenang dengan ribuan ubur-ubur yang tidak menyengat. Sementara itu Pulau Maratua merupakan surga bagi Scuba Diver yang ingin melihat ikan ikan besar.
This film directed by Kaufik Anril, produced by BELAJARDIVING.COM, some aerial footage taken by HELICAMINDO.COM.
Feel Free to share the beautiul of INDONESIA !
Aerial Filming by HELICAMINDO.COM
Holiday in Derawan and Kakaban Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Kakaban island is part of the Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Kakaban surrounded by high cliffs that are steep, so a landing had to achieve from flat and open areas. After going through the wooden stairs then the visitor will find one of the world's heritage.Kakaban can be reached via the sea from Tanjung Redeb, the Capital of Berau Regency. It takes about 2.5 hours by speed boat or seven hours with a regular motorboat.
In connection with the tourism potential, Lake Kakaban may be in threatened condition if precautions are not done early. This threat can be caused by the impact of uncontrolled tourism that cause pollution, increased sedimentation, and physical damage caused by visitors who swim in the lake, use of outboard engines on the lake resulted in disturbance of habitats, species extinction, and will eventually result in decreasing the potential for tourism. ( more video, please visit:
Kakaban Island (Pulau) Stingless Jellysih Lake East Kalimantan Indonesia 穿越婆羅洲游踪印尼東加里曼丹島無刺水母湖浮潜旅遊景點
Kakaban Island with its unique fame was definitely worth a visit. It is one of the only two in the world with a brackish water lake within it. For more info & description, please check out our web
Spot wisata Kalimantan Timur, Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban Island || Sound Tayler Buono- Sorry (Remix)
Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban adalah pulau kecil yang mana di dalamnya banyak spot yang menarik dan yang pasti menyediakan pengalaman yang baru, dan mungkin tempat ini gak cukup untuk dikunjungi hanya satu kali....
mudah mudahan suatu saat bisa kembali ke sini dengan kesempatan yang berbeda....
oh iya teman teman, vidionya masih ada kelanjutannya ditunggu ya ...
thank you
#Derawan #Amazing #Maratua
Heaven on East Kalimantan: Derawan Islands (Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban, Sangalaki, Nabucco).
A recap of our trip to Derawan Islands with Kakaban Trip. We stayed at Maratua Paradise Resort which was fantastic. The trip itself consists of island hopping, snorkeling and walkaround from Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban, Sangalaki and Nabucco Island. This is definitely a must go destination for every traveler.
Stingless Jellyfish Lake of Kakaban Island [4K] | Indonesia from Below (S01E03) | SZtv
World's largest jellyfish lake at Kakaban Island!
In a hidden corner of the globe, surrounded by steep cliffs, and protected from the ocean outside is a body of water like no other. Formed during the last ice age, the lake inside the island fortress of Kakaban, harbours alien life. From huge swarms of stingless jellyfish to kaleidoscopic coral clinging to the fringing mangroves, a swim here feels like floating through space.
Watch more epic scuba diving videos in Indonesia from Below on SZtv!
Derawan, Sangalaki, Kakaban Island , North Kalimantan Indonesia
17-20 August 2017 - Trip to Derawan Islands North Kalimantan .
Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Derawan Islands is in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Jellyfish Lake - Kakaban East Kalimantan Indonesia
More picture :
Wonderful Indonesia Jellyfish Lake Kakaban Island, East Kalimantan
Danau Kakaban bisa dibilang danau yang unik. Kenapa unik? unik karena air dari danau ini terbentuk dari Air Laut yang terperangkap yang masuk lewat pori-pori tanah dan air hujan. Proses penyatuan 2 sumber air yang berbeda tersebut diperkirakan sudah terjadi dari 2 juta tahun yang lalu sehingga terbentuklah Danau Kakaban yang berair payau seperti sekarang. Keistimewaan lainnya dari Danau ini adalah ternyata cuma ada dua di dunia pulau dengan Danau air payau di tengahnya, satu lagi berada di Pulau Palau, Mikronesia. Air laut yang terperangkap di Danau ini bukannya tidak membawa apapun, ternyata air laut tersebut juga membawa organisme yang salah satunya adalah Ubur-ubur. Ubur-ubur yang ikut terperangkap di danau ini ternyata awalnya merupakan jenis ubur-ubur yang menyengat. Namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu dan keharusan untuk tetap dapat bertahan hidup, terjadilah evolusi pada ubur-ubur tersebut yang konon membuat mereka menjadi tidak menyengat atau bisa dikatakan mereka menjadi kehilangan kemampuan untuk menyengat. Evolusi tersebutlah yang membuat mereka bisa bertahan hidup sampai sekarang. Keanehan pada ubur-ubur ini juga yang menjadi surga tidak hanya bagi para Travelertetapi juga bagi para peneliti. Para Peneliti dari berbagai belahan dunia sering datang ke Danau Kakaban guna meneliti bagaimana bisa mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan yang sudah berubah total. Selain ubur-ubur (terdapat 4 jenis ubur-ubur di Danau Kakaban), di Danau Kakaban ini juga terdapat ganggang, beberapa jenis ikan dan beberapa organisme lain yang juga masih diteliti karena keunikan pada Danau Kakaban ini.
One of Indonesia's gems: Kakaban Island, Derawan, East Kalimantan
Kakaban island is part of the Derawan Island, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In the middle of this island is a mangrove-fringed lake, slightly above sea level, where thousands of jellyfish which are harmless to humans live, making it interesting for diving. The jellyfish consist of four different species which do not have the ability to harm humans with their stinging cells. They are called stingless jellyfish.
Editor: @fadlinf
Music by Youth (Musician : IKSON )
TRAVEL: Kalimantan part 6 - Kakaban n Sangalaki boat tour - East Kalimantan - Indonesia - V#055
Hello my friends, this video is about a boat tour to Kakaban and Sangalaki islands, both belong to Derawan archipelago, off coastal shore of east Kalimantan aka Borneo, and both are uninhabited.
Derawan archipelago is part of the Coral Triangle...a paradise for divers thanks to its beautiful marine life with bio-diversity.
Kakaban lake - an ancient lake trapped in a large atoll - is famous as home of stingless or evolved jelly-fishes....while in Sangalaki there is a major Turtle Conservation in the South East of Asia, and normally you can swim with manta rays in their natural habitat.
I hope you enjoy it. ????????????????
Hai teman-teman, video ini adalah ttg boat tour ke pulau Kakaban n Sangalaki, keduanya termasuk kepulauan Derawan yg terdiri dari 31 pulau, lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur.
Danau Kakaban terkenal dengan ubur2nya yg tidak menyengat/beracun dan Sangalaki adalah Konservasi Penyu terbesar di Asia Tenggara, dan biasanya bisa berenang sama ikan pari (manta ray) dihabitat alaminya.
Selamat menonton dan salam santun. ????????????????
#indigokalista#kakaban&sangalakiboattour# derawanislands#kakabanstinglessjellyfish#sangalakigreenturtleconservation#cheloniamydas#pulauderawankaltim#
Happy Life by FREDJI
Music promoted by Audio Library
➪ Title: Ibiza Dream
➪ Mood: Bright -
➪ Genre: Country & Folk -
➪ Artist: Chris Haugen -
Pulau (Island) Maratua Paradise Resort East Kalimantan Indonesia Borneo Tourism 婆罗洲旅游印尼东加里曼丹岛天堂度假村
Borneo hidden paradise island, white sandy beaches. For more info, please check out our web
STINGLESS Jellyfish lake | KAKABAN Berau Borneo TRAVEL VLOG
In this Indonesia Travel Vlog we visit Kakaban. A stingless jellyfish lake in Berau Regency, Derawan, off of the island of Borneo (aka Kalimantan).
This isn't the only stingless jellyfish lake in the world. The most famous being in Palau and Siargao, Philippines. The jellies in all of these lakes are called stingless because there are no natural predators here, and they do not have the need for protection. The reality is though, they do in fact sting, but the stingers on their tentacles (called nematocysts) are too small to pierce the skin of people. If you're a small fish, or other creature... you're lunch.
There are 4 species of Jellies in this lake, and in this Indonesia Travel Vlog, we go exploring to find each of them.
Big love to Wonderful Indonesia for hosting this trip!
This was part of the #TripOfWonders, and annual influencer trip where creators get together and explore Wonderful Indonesia
#FearlessandFar #WonderfulIndonesia
My Behind the scenes content -
♥ Friends ♥
Check out Wonderful Indonesia here:
♫ Music ♫
Slow Motion - Plaincask
Abstract Ambient - Micrah
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kakaban maratua derawan Islands east kalimantan indonesia
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Derawan Travel and adventure pulau kakaban
pulau maratua Diving For Safety
Berjajar Diving
Our Destination : Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
we had a wonderful trip in Derawan, Maratua, Kakaban & Sangalaki island.
SANGALAKI - MARATUA - KAKABAN | Three Tales of Celebes Sea
SANGALAKI - MARATUA - KAKABAN,The three little island that crowned the east coast of Kalimantan,Indonesia.It's quite a unique chance to dive with Whaleshark,Manta ray,Massive school of Barracuda ,plenty of sea turtle and jellyfish lake in one single destination.But these 3 sisters island can offer you that chance in Indonesia.
I filmed this video on my trip last year on Raja Manta Liveaboard.I love to share this amazing experience from this three gems on the east coast of Kalimantan.
Thanks for the best crews on Raja Manta Liveaboard and all the lovely guests on this trip.
Enjoy the Three Tales from Celebes Sea.
Canon 1DXMKII + Nauticam Housing +Canon 8-15mm L fisheye
Video light : FIX Aquavault 10000 X 2 + Xadventurer m5000 X 2
Aerial shot : DJI Phantom 4 Pro