Tokyo to Kyoto - 08 - Shizuoka Station to Kakegawa Station
Continuing the ride in Shinkansen from Shizuoka to Kakegawa towards Nagoya.
Japan Railroad - Mochimune Station to Yaizu Station
This video is part of a playlist featuring videos uploaded across multiple channels and shot during a day-long adventure exploring along the seashore in Japan between the cities of Yaizu and Shizuoka. The link below will take you to the official playlist titled Abandoned Shangri la Hike. The playlist is featured on the YouTube Bullet Train channel.
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2009 09 27 Video Tour of Rogues' Roost in Nova Scotia
One of the most popular anchorages here in Nova Scotia. A unique kind of beauty with erratics on the shoreline, Osprey overhead hunting for their dinner and, sometimes, a solitude that reaches out and touches the soul.
国道1号線 上り(S12) 藤枝バイパス Japan National Road1(s12) Fujieda bypass Inbound
Filmed date 2015/02 野田IC~内谷IC。2019年より4車線化工事が始まりました。