Krisztian Kaluzsa in Kaluga, Russia 2011
This video is made in Kaluga, city of Russia. It was a lots of fun filming this. The weather was changing in every 10 minutes. We got rain, snow, sunshine :) Video is made by Serj Sсheglov, Boris Ponomarev, Anton Korotkov. The player is Krisztian Kaluzsa and he used the CLYW Avalanche yoyo.
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Museum of Astronautics, Kaluga, Russia
Here you can found the history of Plane /Rockets and the first Satellite Sputnic to the Current Satellite Stations. The Space Mission to Moon and Mars and how to return from space etc
Kaluga Yo-Yo contest 2011
Нравились многие, но сняла не всех, простите, карта памяти не резиновая :С
И сделала мув из тех, что были.
OssiTravels: Shine on Crazy Diamonds in Kaluga, Russia
Four crazy diamonds in Russia. The story continues...
Vier verrückte Diamanten in Russland. Die Geschichte geht weiter...
Russian Strategic Missile Troops' Core Armament will be the Yars System
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Meanwhile, the share of new equipment in strategic missile forces will reach 72% this year. Vladimir Putin said today during a meeting with the military and heads of the defense industry. The core of the RVSN will be the Yars system, the same one that most recently participated in the Victory Parade, and against which any missile defense is powerless. In addition, the attendees spoke about the re-equipment of Aerospace Forces and Navy.
Khabarovsk, Far East Russia - Amur River
Near Russian/China Border
Drone shots during Russian L-39 flight
These drone shots were taken during recent video production with a MiGFlug customer in Kaluga, Russia. It shows the typical Russian concrete paving slab runways. Did you know that Eastern Block aircraft are typically made so they can even take off from unpaved runways, including supersonic fighters like MiG-29 and Su-27, with afterburner on?
Well, when you see this video you get the idea that the environment these jets operate in are sometimes not as smooth as what NATO aircraft are used. But they can handle this without a problem!
And the toughness, together with being comparably easy to maintain, makes them very attractive to operate.
The video has been taken by Artur Sarkisyan, the well-known Russian aviation videographer.
Russia: Medvedev attends Volkswagen factory inauguration
Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev attended the inauguration of a new German car manufacturer Volkswagen plant in Kaluga, Friday, which he defined as a significant event.
Video ID: 20150904-106
Video on Demand:
Калуга с высоты птичьего полёта - Калужская Форель
Профессиональная АЭРОСЪЕМКА
НАШИ КОНТАКТЫ: ☎ +7(906) 094-40-40
ООО Калужская форель было основано в 2012 году, со дня основания входит в состав ГК Ташир, в целях воспроизводства и разведения одного из наиболее деликатесных рыбных видов – форели. В тихом экологически-чистом месте Центральной России, (Калужская обл., Перемышльский р-н, с. Калужская опытная сельскохозяйственная станция) богатом прозрачными родниковыми водами плещется «царская» рыбка. Сейчас на территории форелевого хозяйства выращивают 2 вида форели: радужную и янтарную. Все желающие могут не только приобрести свежевыловленную рыбу, но и покормить ее предоставленным кормом. Детям это развлечение доставляет большое удовольствие. Питательные свойства форели позволяют использовать её в диетическом питании. Форель – уникальная рыба. Она очень богата полезными для человека веществами: фосфором, белком, аминокислотами, Омега-3 и Омега-6 полиненасыщенными жирными кислотами, витаминами группы В. Они благоприятно действуют на организм: снижают уровень холестерина в крови, благотворно влияют на состояние кожи. По калорийности форель уступает сёмге – в ней почти вдвое меньше калорий. . Она выращивается в родниковой воде с ее уникальными физико-химическими свойствами и питается только высококачественными кормами. Ведь форель может чувствовать себя благополучно и расти только в чистой, прохладной воде. Вероятно, поэтому её мясо такое вкусное, нежное и просто тает во рту. Ее изумительный вкус ни с чем нельзя сравнить.
BREAKTHROUGH: Putin Launches Manufacturing of Turbine Engines for Ships in Russia
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THE SIGHT & THE SOUND 2/2 : Flight onboard Kosmos TU-134A-3 from Kaluga (KLF) to Moscow (VKO)
Bad news !
Alrosa phases out the last TU-134 model on scheduled service in Russia in May. 2019. It’s bigger sister, the last remaining TU-154 to follow soon thereafter, North Korean aviation tours are put on hold until further notice, Lufthansa stops the operation of its legendary “Tante JU”, the Swiss Super Constellation Flyers Association has trouble finding new investors to keep their Conny in the air, bad news for avgeeks are pouring in on a daily routine.
No wonder we meet the same faces on each of the remaining aviation events, no wonder the circle becomes smaller and smaller day by day, no wonder it is difficult to organize something truly new to keep the fire in our hearts ongoing, no wonder the “fight for the best seats onboard” has become a token of aviation survival in it’s final moments.
Thanks to the persistence of Ekaterina Tropova and Lutz Schönfeld, the impossible has become another realistic option, sampling the smaller and undoubtfully sexier sister of the Tushka family, the elegant rocket, nicknamed “The Pencil” by Interflug insiders, no one less, than the legendary TU-134 !
One of the last remaining commercial operators of a Tupolev TU-134 including a stylish residence for the navigator in the legendary glass nose - Kosmos - made it’s stylish 1981 borne RA-65726 available for a fun sightseeing rotation on the short hop from Moscow-Vnukovo to its astronaut training base in the idyllic city of Kaluga, 150 km South of Moscow.
Off it was on a bright sunny Saturday, end of April 2019, rocketing down to Kaluga in merely 23 minutes, bringing back memories from our more glorious aviation past back in the 70s and 80s, from times when we were young, pure and innocent and flying onboard these submarine like shaped rockets was no less an adventure than today, when we are undoubtfully heading to our 60s and surely intimidating future in special facilities for the elderly and needy.
The return flight proved to be even more eventful including a full left turn over the Southern suburbs of the megapolis city of Moscow into runway 24, providing an unintended realistic idea of what the Soviet perspective of Socialism has planned for the innocent working subject, to be a happy member of society in communist worker’s heaven in monstrous gigantic dimensions.
This video features the return flight KSM 9622 onboard TU-134A-3 RA-65726 back from Kaluga (KLF) to Moscow-Vnukovo (VKO) on April 27, 2019.
This video is the uncut and original version.
History of Tupolev 134A-3 RA-65726
Airframe 63720 was manufactured 1981 and delivered April 13, 1981 to the Flight Division of the Ministry of Heavy Industry of the Soviet Union (Министерстве общего машиностроения СССР), registered CCCP-65726.
CCCP-65726 was registered RA-65726 and operated for Kosmos - United Rocket and Space Corporation – (Космос - РКК Энергия ) since July, 1993.
RA-65726 operated flights from May, 1995 until November 1, 1997 for Sheremetyevo based Korsar Airlines (Авиакомпания Корсар).
Until present RA-65726 has been on a leasing contract for Kosmos including flights for Aerofreight (Авиакомпания Аэрофрахт) from May 18, 1998 until September 1, 1999.
Inspired by the rapid speed of out phasing Soviet Technology, RA-65726 has sparked increasing awareness and interest among the Aviation Community and operated numerous fun flights for Aviation Enthusiasts including this rotation to Kaluga on April 27, 2019.
Thank you for visiting my channel “The Sights and Sounds of Classic Aviation”.
Flight details
Flight : KSM 9622
Date : Saturday, April 27, 2019
Aircraft : TU-134A-3
Registration : RA-65726
Former Registrations :
- CCCP-65726 (Flight Division of the Ministry of Heavy Industries)
- RA-65726 (Kosmos, RKK Energiya, Korsar, Kosmos, Aerofreight, Kosmos)
Built : 1981
From : Kaluga (KLF)
To : Moscow (VKO)
Take off : 17:13 h (1413 UTC)
Touch down : 17:37 h (1437 UTC)
Duration flight time : 24 minutes
Flying Distance : 170 km
Altitude : 2.736 / 2.728 / 2.721 m
Speed : 490 / 687 / 677 km/h
Flight Captain : Sargsian, Armen
Flight Captain : Katalov, Nikolai
Flight Engineer : Shumkov, Alexey
Navigator : Tinkov, Igor
Cabin Crew : Zblygina, Olyesya
Cabin Crew : Rudich, Julia
Cabin Crew : Sacharova, Irina
AERO-YO Team Presents: Artem Burdukovskiy (2012)
Player: Artem Burdukovskiy.
City: Ulan-Ude, Russia.
Yo-Yo: AERO-YO S.P.E.C.T.R. (Prototype)
Music: GRiZ - The Future Is Now (Original Mix) |
Filmed with GoPro Hero cam on July, 7th, in Chita-city, Russia.
Camera and edit: DEMMIK.RU PRODUCTION.
Russian Federation Aircraft Returning From Syria
A Russian Federation Air Force Tu-22M3 returned to Murmansk after completing its Syria mission. The crews completed their flight from an airfield in North Ossetia to their permanent base. The An-72 military transport aircraft returned to the Saratov region from the Hmeymim airbase. Pilots of a Tu-22M3, which flew in from Syria, were met by relatives and colleagues in the Kaluga region. The military pilots, who participated in the operation of the Russian Federation Air Force, returned to the Irkutsk region.
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L-39 Jet Flight in Russia - including outside cameras!
L-39 Flight near Moscow, Russia. The flight in Kaluga is with a Russian Air Force veteran in the rank of a colonel.
As you can see from this video, a truly Russian experience! English is spoken, by the way :)
Russia’s Industrial Heartland: Ural Mountain Factory Belt Sports Best Manufacturing Tech in World!
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ECONOMIC GEMS. Special Report by Anton Borisov.
We came to Sverdlovsk Oblast to show you the development of its economy. That's why we will build a tank, forge titanium, find gold, get ready to fly, assemble a robot, pick shavings from an excavator, and chase a fast reactor.
Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 M-LK1 RF-85655 (Open Skies) 35 000 ft Over Quebec
Tupolev Tu-154 M-LK1
Altitude: 35025 ft
Speed: 469.0 kts
Camera: Nikon Coolpix P1000
Microphone: Rode Videomic
Windshield: Rode Deadcat
Tripod: Manfrotto 055XPRO3
Fluid Head: Manfrotto MVH502AH
Russia: Mass production of MiG-35 fighter jet to be launched within 2 years
MiG Director General Ilya Tarasenko annouced that serial production of MiG-35 fighter jets will begin within the next two years, at Zhukovsky Airfield outside Moscow on Saturday.
Video ID: 20170715 036
Video on Demand:
2018.08.08 Primii patru cetățeni traumatizați au ajuns în țară
În seara zilei de 08 august patru persoane traumatizate în urma tragicului accident din regiunea Kaluga, au ajuns în siguranță la Chișinău. Transportarea victimilor a fost efectuată de IGSU cu susținerea căii ferate din Republica Moldova. Oamenii au ajuns în țară cu ruta Moscova – Chișinău fiind însoțiți de ofițerii IGSU. Medicii SMURD au însoțit oamenii care au suferit deferite traumatisme în urma accidentului, dar și le-au acordat ajutorul calificat în drum spre Republica Moldova. Pe peronul Gării Feroviare aceștea au fost întălniti de către rude și apropiați. Ulterior trei echipaje SMURD i-au transportat la Institutul de Medicina Urgentă din capitală, de unde au fost preluați de medicii spitalului. Aici cei 4 molodoveni au fost internați pentru ulterioare îngrijiri medicale. Potrivit medicilor starea pacienților este stabilă. Conform conducerii IGSU ultimii 4 cetățeni ai Republicii Moldova care au avut de suferit în Kaluga primesc îngrijiri medicale în Federația Rusă, întrucît starea de sănătate nu permite transportarea acestora. După ce medicii vor da acordul în vederea exeternării pacienților, autorițățile din Moldova vor repatria acasă oamenii.
80 years anniversary of aluminium industry in Russia
Without aluminium the technological advances made in the 20th century would not have been possible. Aluminium has become a key element in the fast-paced development of a number of industries including aviation, construction, transport, mechanical engineering, electronics and pharmaceuticals.
80 years have passed since USSR produced its first tonne of aluminium - on May 14th, 1932 at the recently commissioned Volkhov aluminium smelter near Leningrad. The film is dedicated to the 80 years anniversary of Russian aluminium industry. See how it all started, developed during difficult years of World War II and post-war years, transformed in 1990s into the Era of Big Achievements and how the industry feels at nowadays.
AERO-YO Zombie Prototype Test (2012)
Test throw of new prototype yo-yo from russian company AERO-YO (
Yo-Yo: AERO-YO Zombie (prototype).
Player: Pavel Vodovozov (Kaluga, Russia).
CameraEdit: DEMMIK.Ru Production, April-May 2012.