Discover Bangladesh: Kantaji Temple
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Discover Bangladesh: Kantaji Temple
If you have not seen the Kantaji temple of Dinajpur, you have not seen how artistic the late-medieval community Bengal had been.
The temple lies 287 kilometres northwest of Dhaka. To show you around the temple on video, we embarked on a journey by bus from Kalyanpur early this month.
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বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক কান্তজির মন্দিরের ইতিহাস । Kantaji Temple Bangladesh | Hindu Shastra in Bengali
বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক কান্তজির মন্দিরের ইতিহাস । Kantaji Temple Bangladesh | Hindu Shastra in Bengali
কান্তজির মন্দিরের ইতিহাস
সনাতন পন্ডিতের পাঠশালার আজকের আয়োজনে আমরা হাজির বাংলাদেশের বিখ্যাত মন্দির কান্তজি মন্দিরের ইতিহাস নিয়ে। কান্তজির মন্দির সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিডিওটি শেষ পর্যন্ত দেখুন এবং শেয়ার করে অন্যকেও জানার সুযোগ করে দিন।
২০১৭ সালের কলকাতা বইমেলায় বাংলার নিজেস্ব স্থাপত্যশৈলীর নিদর্শন হিসাবে বাংলাদেশ সরকার তাদের প্যাভিলিয়নটি কান্তজিউ মন্দিরের আদলে গড়েন।
কেমন লাগলো আজকের ভিডিও? ভিডিওটি শেয়ার করে অন্যকেও জানার সুযোগ করে দিন। হিন্দু ধর্মের নানা অজানা তথ্য জানতে আমাদের চ্যানেল সাবস্ক্রাইব করে আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন।
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Kantajew Temple | Kantaji Hindu Temple in Dinajpur
Tourist Road Track Presents: Kantajew Temple Dinajpur, Bangaladesh .
This Time we visit Dinajpur and Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple at Kantanagar, is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century.
Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE . It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897. i think everybody need to visit this temple .
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#Kantajew_Temple #Kantaji_Hindu_Temple_in_Dinajpur #Bangladesh
ঐতিহাসিক কান্তজির মন্দির দিনাজপুর বাংলাদেশ৷Historical Kantajir Temple Dinajpur Bangladesh......
Beauty of Bangladesh, ঐতিহাসিক কান্তজির মন্দির দিনাজপুর বাংলাদেশ৷Historical Kantajir Temple Dinajpur Bangladesh......
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#Beauty_of_Bangladesh #BOB
Information : Online
কান্তনগরের কান্তজিউ মন্দিরের টেরাকোটার ইতিহাস - History of Kantajew Temple, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Historical Landmark
কান্তনগরের কান্তজিউ মন্দিরের টেরাকোটার ইতিহাস - History of Kantajew Temple, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
মন্দিরের বাইরের দেয়াল জুড়ে পোড়ামাটির ফলকে লেখা রয়েছে রামায়ণ, মহাভারত এবং বিভিন্ন পৌরাণিক কাহিনী। পুরো মন্দিরে প্রায় ১৫,০০০-এর মতো টেরাকোটা টালি রয়েছে। উপরের দিকে তিন ধাপে উঠে গেছে মন্দিরটি। মন্দিরের চারদিকের সবগুলো খিলান দিয়েই ভেতরের দেবমূর্তি দেখা যায়। মন্দির প্রাঙ্গণ আয়তাকার হলেও, পাথরের ভিত্তির উপরে দাঁড়ানো ৫০ফুট উচ্চতার মন্দিরটি বর্গাকার। নিচতলার সব প্রবেশপথে বহু খাঁজযুক্ত খিলান রয়েছে। দুটো ইটের স্তম্ভ দিয়ে খিলানগুলো আলাদা করা হয়েছে, স্তম্ভ দুটো খুবই সুন্দর এবং সমৃদ্ধ অলংকরণযুক্ত। মন্দিরের পশ্চিম দিকের দ্বিতীয় বারান্দা থেকে সিঁড়ি উপরের দিকে উঠে গেছে। মন্দিরের নিচতলায় ২১টি এবং দ্বিতীয় তলায় ২৭টি দরজা-খিলান রয়েছে, তবে তৃতীয় তলায় রয়েছে মাত্র ৩টি করে।
Google Map Link:
Kantajew Temple
Kantajew Temple - Dinajpur (কান্তজিউ মন্দির-দিনাজপুর) on News24
বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক স্থাপনার মধ্যে দিনাজপুর কান্তজিউ মন্দির অন্যতম। প্রতিদিন শতশত দেশি-বিদেশী পর্যটক আসে এখানে, এই পুরনো মন্দিরটি দেখতে। প্রায় দুইশষাট বছর পুরানো এই মন্দিরটি দেখতে এখনো নতুনের মতই লাগে। কান্তজিউ মন্দিরের পুরোটা জুড়ে রয়েছে টেরাকোটার এক শৈল্পীক নিদর্শন।
Most Beautiful Temple in Bangladesh, Kantaji Temple,Discover Bangladesh:
Most Beautiful Temple in Bangladesh, Kantaji Temple,Discover Bangladesh:
Kantajew Temple - A heritage of Bangladesh
Kantajew Temple is a heritage of Bangladesh and one of the most magnificent religious site belonging to the 18th century, which is a late-medieval Hindu temple situated in Dinajpur. The temple is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal. This temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini. Its construction started in 1704 CE by Maharaja Pran Nath and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE. It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897
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#kantajewtemple #beautifulbangladesh #travelbangladesh
KANTAJEW TEMPLE IN BANGLADESH, Kantaji temple dinajpur Bangladesh
KANTAJEW TEMPLE IN BANGLADESH, Kantaji temple dinajpur Bangladesh
Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple at Kantanagar is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh.
The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century.
The temple belongs to the popular Hindu Kanta or Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal.
This beautiful temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini.
Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE
during the reign of his son Maharaja Ramnath.
It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires
but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897
The temple was built in a navaratna (nine-spired) style before the destruction caused by the earthquake of 1897.
The characteristic features of the erections are the four centered and wide multi-cusped arches
the plastered surface of the walls having immense rectangular and square panelings prominence of the central archway
and the central mihirab by making the slightly larger and setting in a projected fronton in the outside directions
the use of ornamental turrets on the either side of the fronons the semi-octagonal mirirab apertures
the archway opening under half-domes the Persian muquarnas work in stucco inside the half-domes over the entrance arches and mihirab niches
the bulbous outline of the domes with constructed necks domes on octagonal drums with lotus and kalasa finials as the crowning elements
the round pendentives to make up the phase of transition for the domes and the multi-faced corner towers rising high above the horizontal merloned parapets
Kantajew Temple, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Kantajew Temple , Dinajpur
Kantajew Temple(কান্তজী মন্দির ), Dinajpur দিনাজপুর
Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple (কান্তজীউ মন্দির) at Kantanagar is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century. The temple belongs to the popular Hindu Kanta or Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal. This beautiful temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini. Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE, during the reign of his son Maharaja Ramnath. It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897.
The temple was built in a navaratna (nine-spired) style before the destruction caused by the earthquake of 1897. The characteristic features of the erections are the four centered and wide multi-cusped arches, the plastered surface of the walls having immense rectangular and square panelings, prominence of the central archway and the central mihirab by making the slightly larger and setting in a projected fronton in the outside directions, the use of ornamental turrets on the either side of the fronons, the semi-octagonal mirirab apertures,the archway opening under half-domes, the Persian muquarnas work in stucco inside the half-domes over the entrance arches and mihirab niches,the bulbous outline of the domes with constructed necks, domes on octagonal drums with lotus and kalasa finials as the crowning elements, the round pendentives to make up the phase of transition for the domes and the multi-faced corner towers rising high above the horizontal merloned parapets.
Bangladesh Travel_কান্তজীউ মন্দির দিনাজপুর/Kantaji Temple Dinajpur.
Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple (Bengali: কান্তজীউ মন্দির) at Kantanagar,[1] is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century. The temple belongs to the popular Hindu Kanta or Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal. This beautiful temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini. Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE,[2] during the reign of his son Maharaja Ramnath.[3] It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897.[4]
Kantajew Temple & Nayabad Masjid,Dinajpur
Kantaji Mandir, Dinajpur, Bangaladesh
Kantaji Hindu Navaratna Temple at Kaharole, Dinajpur,
কান্তজির মন্দির, দিনাজপুর || Kantajew Temple || Dinajpur || Bangladesh
চলুন ঘুরে আসি উপমহাদেশের ঐতিহাসিক নিদর্শন কান্তজীর মন্দির থেকে সাথে জেনে আসি কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ঐতিহাসিক তথ্য। পাশাপাশি ঢেপা নদীর মায়াভরা সৌন্দর্য্যতো থাকছেই।
হৃদয়ে দিনাজপুর
ভালো লাগলে, শেয়ার করতে পারেন। আরও ভিডিও দেখতে এই চ্যানেলটি ইমেইল দিয়ে লগইন করে সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখতে পারেন।
Kantaji Tempal, Dinajpur, Bangladesh
A travel film.
Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple (Bengali: কান্তজীউ মন্দির) at Kantanagar,[1] is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century. The temple belongs to the popular Hindu Kanta or Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult (assemble of memorable love) in Bengal. This beautiful temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini. Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath 1722 CE, during the reign of his son Maharaja Ramnath. It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897.
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Vlog-01 Kantaji Mandir, Dinajpur, Bangaladesh, The Friends 360
Vlog-01 Kantaji Mandir, Dinajpur, Bangaladesh, The Friends 360
A vlog
on Kantojiu Temple, one of the historical monument of Dinajpur
If you have not seen the Kantaji temple of Dinajpur, you have not seen how artistic the late-medieval community Bengal had been.
দিনাজপুরের কান্তজি মন্দিরটি যদি আপনি না দেখেন, তবে আপনি দেখেনিন যে, মধ্যবিত্ত সমাজের শৈল্পিক শৈল্পিক বঙ্গীয় শিল্পকর্ম কেমন ছিল।
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Kantaji Temple| Kantajew Temple, Dinajpur, Bangladesh| Bongo Traveler
Kantaji Temple| Kantajew Temple, Dinajpur, Bangladesh| Bongo Traveler
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Kantanagar Temple, commonly known as Kantaji Temple or Kantajew Temple is a late-medieval Hindu temple in Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The Kantajew Temple is one of the most magnificent religious edifices belonging to the 18th century. The temple belongs to the popular Hindu Kanta or Krishna and this is most popular with the Radha-Krishna cult in Bengal. This beautiful temple is dedicated to Krishna and his wife Rukmini. Built by Maharaja Pran Nath, its construction started in 1704 CE and ended in the reign of his son Raja Ramnath in 1722 CE. It boasts one of the greatest examples on terracotta architecture in Bangladesh and once had nine spires, but all were destroyed in an earthquake that took place in 1897.
Song: MBB - Good Vibes (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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