Trying ARMENIAN LAVASH for the FIRST TIME + Visiting the Matendaran | Yerevan, Armenia
After arriving in Yerevan, Armenia in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up bright and early to begin my 10-day adventure through the country with Armenia Travel. Come along with me as I try Armenian lavash for the first time and visit the Matendaran Museum in Yerevan!
Armenia Travel:
I met up with my guide, Gayane from Armenia Travel, and rode through Yerevan. It’s one of the oldest cities in the world at 2,800 years old. The area has been continuously inhabited for 8,000 years!
The Matendaran is a huge museum that houses over 17,000 manuscripts. Inside, I met my museum guide, Nadia. Only 1% of the manuscripts are available to be viewed by the public. I learned that the Armenian alphabet was created in the year 405. The alphabet didn’t have numbers until the 16th century. They used letters as numbers.
There were several ancient, beautiful manuscripts, including some made of parchment. There was even a petrified manuscript, as well as the largest and smallest manuscripts in the country.
I also saw the first printed Armenian book from 1512 and the first printed Bible from 1666. They started coloring the manuscripts around the 8th centuries and the dyes were made from all kinds of materials!
I also saw an impressive ivory book from the 6th century. There are only 3 of them in the world. There was also a book with gold and silver binding, a manuscript of criminal law, a huge silver Bible, and more! You can also see restored manuscripts.
You can see how they made the dyes for the books in another hall. Most of the silver books were New Testaments.
Then, it was time to eat lunch at Restaurant Lavash, which focuses on traditional Armenian cuisine. Lavash is an Armenian flatbread. I loved the setting. Next to our table, I could watch the women in the kitchen make the bread and bake it in a tandoor.
I started with some delicious homemade pomegranate wine. I’d never had it before. It was the house wine and was so good! I was in love with it!
Then, I had some lavash, puri (Georgian bread), walnut paste, and Greek salad with walnuts, olives, and tomatoes. Then, there was also an Asian salad. The Greek salad had some delicious, string-cheese-style feta cheese and I loved the crunch from the walnuts.
The walnut paste was almost like a walnut hummus and came with cucumbers and tomatoes. You eat it with the puri. It was full of walnut flavor that comes out later and had a nice texture mixed with the oil. I loved the super thin lavash with the walnut paste. It was thin like a crepe and is actually a UNESCO dish!
The Asian salad had eggplant, carrots, tomatoes, herbs, bacon, mushrooms, and a nice glaze. The salad was so refreshing and crunchy! The combination gave it a nice Caspian vibe!
Next, I tried kufta, a beef and tomato dish that almost looks like eggs. It’s fresh, buttery ground beef with an egg-like taste. After that was Armenian a grainy porridge with nice mushrooms. Next was pumpkin stuffed with beef, beans, and vegetables. The beef was like a beef stew while the pumpkin was a little hard and dense. It was super unique!
I followed that with a delicious, semi-sweet red wine made from pomegranate. I could feel the alcohol in it!
For dessert, I had gata, which was part of the biggest gata in the world! There was also a huge, layered Armenian dessert called milfoy.
The gata is stuffed with dried fruit and has lots of layers of dough. The top is crunchy, while the inside is very creamy. It’s a delicious, layered cake that reminded me of Greek baked dishes.
I hope you enjoyed visiting the Matendaran and trying Armenian lavash for the first time with me in Yerevan! If you did, please give this video a thumbs up and leave a comment. Also, please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss any of my upcoming travel/food adventures!
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My name is David Hoffmann. For the last decade, I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food, and history! Since starting David’s Been Here in 2008, I have traveled to over 1,100 destinations in 76 countries, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube channel, travel blog, and social media sites.
I focus a great deal on food and historical sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, from casual street food to gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning about the local history and culture.
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EXPLORING ARMENIA:The Armenian Apostolic Headquarters in Historic ETCHMIADZIN
SUBSCRIBE: - Etchmiadzin, the Holy See, Armenia. For more info, see For more videos from Armenia, search youtube under 'vstefanu armenia'. Vic Stefanu, Armenia is a nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region straddling Asia and Europe. Among the earliest Christian civilizations, it’s defined by religious sites including the reconstructed Greco-Roman Temple of Garni and 4th-century Etchmiadzin Cathedral, headquarters of the Armenian Church. Another pilgrimage site is Khor Virap Monastery, in the foothills of Mt. Ararat, just across the border with Turkey
Kembali ke Masa Lalu
Hagia Sophia atau Aya Sofya
adalah sebuah bangunan bekas basilika, masjid, dan sekarang museum, di Istanbul, Republik Turki dan dari masa pembangunannya di tahun 537 M sampai 1453 M, bangunan ini merupakan katedral Ortodoks dan tempat kedudukan Patriark Ekumenis Konstantinopel
Kecuali pada tahun 1204 sampai 1261, ketika tempat ini diubah oleh Pasukan Salib Keempat menjadi Katedral Katolik Roma di bawah kekuasaan Kekaisaran Latin Konstantinopel.
Bangunan ini menjadi masjid mulai 29 Mei 1453 sampai 1931 pada masa kekuasaan Kesultanan Utsmani. Kemudian bangunan ini disekulerkan dan dibuka sebagai museum pada 1 Februari 1935 oleh Republik Turki.
Terkenal akan kubah besarnya, Hagia Sophia dipandang sebagai lambang arsitektur Bizantium dan dikatakan telah mengubah sejarah arsitektur.
Bangunan ini tetap menjadi katedral terbesar di dunia selama hampir seribu tahun sampai Katedral Sevilla diselesaikan pada tahun 1520.
Bangunan yang sekarang ini awalnya dibangun sebagai sebuah gereja antara tahun 532-537 atas perintah Kaisar Rowami Timur Yustinianus I dan merupakan Gereja Kebijaksanaan Suci ketiga yang dibangun di tanah yang sama, dua bangunan sebelumnya telah hancur karena kerusuhan.
Bangunan ini didesain oleh ahli ukur Yunani, Isidore dari Miletus dan Anthemius dari Tralles.
Gereja ini dipersembahkan kepada Kebijaksanaan Tuhan, sang Logos, pribadi kedua dari Trinitas Suci, pesta peringatannya diadakan setiap 25 Desember untuk memperingati kelahiran dari inkarnasi Logos dalam diri Kristus.
Walaupun sesekali disebut sebagai Sancta Sophia (seolah dinamai dari Santa Sophia), sophia sebenarnya pelafalan fonetis Latin dari kata Yunani untuk kebijaksanaan. Nama lengkapnya dalam bahasa Yunani adalah Naos tēs Hagias tou Theou Sophias atau Tempat Peziarahan Kebijaksaan Suci Tuhan.
Pada 1453 M, Konstantinopel ditaklukkan oleh Utsmani di bawah kepemimpinan Sultan Mehmed II, yang kemudian memerintahkan pengubahan gereja utama Kristen Ortodoks menjadi masjid. Dikenal sebagai Aya Sofya dalam ejaan Turki, bangunan yang berada dalam keadaan rusak ini memberi kesan kuat pada penguasa Utsmani dan memutuskan untuk mengubahnya menjadi masjid.
Berbagai lambang Kristen seperti lonceng, gambar, dan mosaik yang menggambarkan Yesus, Maria, orang-orang suci Kristen, dan para malaikat dihilangkan atau ditutup. Berbagai atribut Keislaman seperti mihrab, minbar, dan empat menara, ditambahkan.
Aya Sofya tetap bertahan sebagai masjid sampai tahun 1931 M. Kemudian bangunan ini ditutup bagi umum oleh pemerintah Republik Turki dan dibuka kembali sebagai museum empat tahun setelahnya pada 1935. Pada tahun 2014,
Aya Sofya menjadi museum kedua di Turki yang paling banyak dikunjungi, menarik hampir 3,3 juta wisatawan per tahun.
Berdasarkan data yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Budaya dan Pariwisata Turki, Aya Sofya merupakan tempat di Turki yang paling menarik perhatian wisatawan pada 2015.
Dari pengubahan awal bangunan ini menjadi masjid sampai pembangunan Masjid Sultan Ahmed (juga dikenal dengan Masjid Biru) pada 1616, Aya Sofya merupakan masjid utama di Istanbul. Arsitektur Bizantium pada Aya Sofya mengilhami banyak masjid Utsmani, seperti Masjid Biru, Masjid Şehzade (Masjid Pangeran), Masjid Süleymaniye, Masjid Rüstem Pasha, dan Masjid Kılıç Ali Pash
Sumber :
History of what today is: Armenia [#7]
A small nation with a large history, and next is Australia!
Ում է պարտական Ամերիկան ?-Дух времени Следующий шаг Тизер - newarmarian
Александр Дугин-И пусть никого не смущает, что нас с нашими союзниками объединяет одно: отвращение к американской гегемонии. Враг моего врага - мой друг. Это нормально: наивно было бы записывать в друзья только тех, кто любит нашу историю и культуру, читает Пушкина и Толстого. Друзья СССР, собиравшиеся 85 лет назад в Москве, не знали никакого Пушкина и знать не хотели. Но они ненавидели империализм и видели в Советском Союзе альтернативу злу. То же и сегодня: на нашей стороне все те, кто испытывает ненависть к американскому произволу и европейским гей-парадам. Запад навязывает миру свои правила игры и свои ценности. И когда мы покончим с этим, мы будем решать другие проблемы - с тем же Китаем или исламским миром. Образно говоря, американская гегемония - это как раковая опухоль планеты. Надо сперва вырезать её, а уж потом лечить китайский «насморк» или исламскую «головную боль». Никто не говорит, что мир после конца Америки будет идеальным и гармоничным. Но самой страшной угрозы уже не будет.
Armenia! | Met Exhibitions
Watch a video preview of the exhibition Armenia!, on view at The Met Fifth Avenue from September 22, 2018, through January 13, 2019.
Helen Evans, Mary and Michael Jaharis Curator of Byzantine Art
This is the first major exhibition to explore the remarkable artistic and cultural achievements of the Armenian people in a global context over fourteen centuries—from the fourth century, when the Armenians converted to Christianity in their homeland at the base of Mount Ararat, to the seventeenth century, when Armenian control of global trade routes first brought books printed in Armenian into the region.
The exhibition is made possible by The Hagop Kevorkian Fund.
Additional support is provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Giorgi Family Foundation, The Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation, the Karagheusian Foundation, The Nazar and Artemis Nazarian Family, the Ruddock Foundation for the Arts, The Strauch Kulhanjian Family and The Paros Foundation, Aso O. Tavitian, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Related programs are made possible by the Armenian General Benevolent Union.
Production Credits:
Director: Kate Farrell
Producer: Melissa Bell
Editor: Alex Guns
Camera: Sarah Cowan, Stephanie Wuertz
Production Coordinator, Lighting: Kaelan Burkett
Original Music: Austin Fisher
Photos and Images courtesy of:
Sam Fogg, London, Photo by David Brunetti
Hrair Hawk Khatcherian
Adrian Kitzinger
Library Special Collections, Charles E, Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles
Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum
The Pierpont Morgan Library
© 2018 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh uncover their past
(27 Nov 2010)
AP Television
Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh, 22 October 2010
1. Wide top view of Stepanakert , the capital of Mountainous Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
2. Same, closer view of Stepanakert
3. Wide of the mountain from where the Azerbaijan forces shelled Stepanakert
4. Various of houses damaged by bombardment
5. Wide of children
6. Wide of damaged buildings
7. Wide of house wall with scars caused by shrapnel, broken windows
8. Wide of linen drying on ropes
9. Wide of government building
10. Wide of Karabakh national flag atop of the government building
11. Set up shot of Bako Saakyan, president of the unrecognised Republic of Mountainous Karabakh
12. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Bako Saakyan, President of Nagorno- Karabakh:
Sniper duels and similar situations still occur there. That's why we constantly put forth various proposals in order to lessen the tension on the front line, in particular we suggested to remove the side snipers away from the border area. Unfortunately, all our proposals are ignored by Azerbaijan, and we, together with the group of mediators represented by the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe), have certain difficulties in this and we encounter a non-constructive attitude which doesn't contribute to the lessening of the level of tension.
13. Wide of street in Stepanakert
14. Set-up shot of Grigori Iskhanyan, lecturer in Artsakh State University, Stepanakert, and his sister, Irina Ishkhanyan, economic professor at the same university
15. Various of Grigory and Irina preparing tea
16. Various of pictures of Armenian men in traditional dress
17. Wide of Grigory and Irina preparing tea
18. Wide of wooden carving on mantelpiece
19. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Grigori Iskhanyan, Lecturer, Artsakh State University:
Tigranakert is one of three cities named in honour of the Tzar (Tigran), and it was on the territory we had no right to visit - I've already said there was a prison, and we could not come up to that mountain. We knew that there was a city over there. We could not take part in excavation work, we were not allowed to do it. And today, thank God, historic justice has triumphed, and for today this is priceless.
20. Wide of excavation work site in Tigranakert
21. Wide pan of Vagran Loretsyan staff member of the Tigranakert Archaeological museum.
22. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vagran Loretsyan, Tigranakert Archaeological Museum:
All this was buried under the ground to deliberately wipe out any traces of Armenia. This is a church from the fifth or sixth century A.D., and this architecture was used in the earlier Christian period and later in Gothic architecture.
23. Various of fragments of the church
24. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vagran Loretsyan, Tigranakert Archaeological Museum:
The stones with crosses and Armenian inscriptions were taken out deliberately, we do not know where they are now. In the walls of Azerbaijan houses abandoned (by dwellers) small fragments of the church stones were found.
25. Wide of excavation site
26. Wide of archaeological museum
27. Wide of people entering the museum
28. Close up of name board on the wall
29. Mid of visitor with guide
30. Close clay vase, camera tilt up
31. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Museum Guide (no name given), pointing to an exhibit:
This is an early Christian era cross, and our historians insist that the first cross like this was found in Ireland, and the second one - here. The first of such crosses ever found were from Ireland, and the second was found in Tigranakert.
32. Close up photograph and sketch of the cross
33. Mid of stone fragment with a carved cross
34. Close up same
35. Wide of glazed pottery fragment on the table
an independent state.
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Megerian Carpets: Weaving Treasures in Armenia
A tour of the Megerian Carpet Factory and Museum in Yerevan, Armenia
Today Show on AMGA Armenian Television Station
Today Show on Armenian Television Station located in Glendale AMGA Armenian Media Group of America
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Smithsonian Curator Visits Armenia - Ambassador Heffern's Video Blog - Episode32
Մատենադարան-Գանձասարում ներկայացվել են բացառիկ արժեքով գրքեր
Ապրիլի 18-ին Մեսրոպ Մաշտոցի անվան Մատենադարան-Գանձասար գիտամշակութային կենտրոնում տեղի ունեցավ Ստեփանոս Երեց Հազարջրիբեցու (18-րդ դար) Հանգիտագիրք և պ․գ․թ Արմեն Մալխասյանի Հայկական կազմարարության Արցախ-Ուտիք դպրոցը գրքերի շնորհանդեսը, որին ներկա էին Արցախի թեմի առաջնորդը, նախարարներ, մտավորականներ, հյուրեր Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունից։
18 апреля в научно-культурном центре Матенадаран-Гандзасар им. Месропа Маштоца состоялась презентация книг Степаноса Ереца Азарджрибеци (18век) «Ангитагирк» и к.и.н. Армена Малхасяна «Переплетная школа Арцах-Утика», на которой присутствовали предводитель Арцахской епархии, министры, представители интеллигенции, гости из Республики Армения.
On April 18, Matenadaran scientific-cultural center after Mesrop Mashtots hosted the presentation of Stepanos Erets Hazarjribetsi’s (18th century) book ‘Hangitagirk’ (historiography) and books written by a Candidate of Historical Sciences Armen Malkhasyan “Artsakh-Utik School of Bookbinding”. The event was attended by the head of the Artsakh Diocese, ministers, intellectuals, guests from the Republic of Armenia.
Sejarah manusia tak lepas dari yang namanya kemenangan dan kekalahan, keberhasilan dan kegagalan, maupun cerita cinta dan perang. Berbicara mengenai perang, pastinya tak lepas dari yang namanya pembantaian.
Pembantaian sendiri berarti sebuah pembunuhan massal yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok manusia dengan tujuan memusnahkan kelompok tertentu. Sepanjang sejarah terdapat banyak pembantaian manusia, baik itu pembantaian besar maupun kecil. Berikut ini adalah 5 pembantaian manusia terbesar sepanjang sejarah.
1. Holocaust
Holocaust adalah sebuah pembantaian massal yang dilakukan oleh NAZI yang dipimpin oleh diktator terkejam sepanjang sejarah, Adolf Hitler. Hitler yang saat itu memimpin Jerman di Perang Dunia ke-2 menugaskan anak buahnya untuk membunuh orang Yahudi, kaum homoseksual, gipsi, dan semua kelompok yang tak sejalan dengan NAZI. Pada saat itu kaum Yahudi dianggap sebagai golongan kaum terendah, sehingga Hitler berusaha untuk memusnahkan kaum Yahudi dari muka bumi. Maka tak heran jika korban Pembantaian Holocaust sebagian besar adalah kaum Yahudi.
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Noah's Ark Found: 2010 on Mount Ararat in Turkey! Documentary
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2)ALERT! Rise of Russia to World Power in Bible Prophecy!
3)Breaking News: Angels don’t play this HAARP!
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23) ALERT Kundalini spirit invading the Church Masquerading as the Holy Spirit Be Vigilant!
24) Woe! Babylon the Great become a fallen Kingdom: A blackveil bridge in a cradle of filth
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28) Biblical History of the Land of Israel
11)Again,Axis Shift pattern point to June 2914 ( Pole shifting in the very near future!):
12)Gog Magog identified,It is not Russia: Click below:
13) Watch-Out: Word of Faith Teachedrs: Origin & Error Of their Teaching (full film):
14)Watch It: Should Christian Observe the Sabbath or the New Covernant? :
15)Mark of the Beast 666
16)Breathe On Us - Kari Jobe (Worship Song with Lyrics) 2014 New Album:
17)7 Trumpets of Revelation | The Final 7 Plagues of 3rd Woe (Trumpet 7):
18) Watch the the 10 prohibited and abandon places in the link below.
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Watch this man who ate himself to death at the link below:
22) A must Watch video as time is drawing nearer! The war between
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Armenian Memorial
Archeology - exploring the past with modern technology | DW History Documentary
Today modern archaeology often works with digital technology. Geophysics has allowed thousands of ancient sites to be located - a huge gain for science.
The dig is no longer the be-all and end-all of archeology. We accompany some archeologists on their journey into the virtual past. Geophysics comprises a range of techniques with various geological and military functions. Geomagnetism is used to locate enemy submarines or potential reserves of oil or other minerals. Now, German and Irish archeologists have teamed up to use it to trace prehistoric grave systems. Researchers in western Germany are applying it to locate ancient procession and pilgrimage routes. Shipping archeologists in Bremerhaven are availing of digital technology to create virtual models of shipwrecks and, in Berlin, archeologists and game designers have also embarked on a joint project. As luck would have it, they scanned every millimeter of a temple in the Syrian city of Aleppo, not suspecting that, soon afterwards, the complex would be largely destroyed in the country’s civil war. Their virtual model is evidence that the study of the past can have uses for the present, just as technologies of the present can help us to study the past.
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Tigranakert : An Armenian Odyssey Part 2
Chronicles the discovery of an ancient Armenian city on territory occupied by Armenian forces since the Karabagh war.
According to historians there were as many as 5 major cities built by Tigran the Great at various strategic positions throughout the Armenian Empire, ranging from Lebanon to the Caspian Sea. Each of these cities was named after the king -- Tigranakert. The greatest Tigranakert, the capitol of the realm and the residence of Tigran himself, is widely believed to have been in the vicinity of modern Diyarbakir.
Of the several Tigranakerts, the general locations of only two of them have ever been known for sure - the Tigranakert near Diyarbakir and the Tigranakert of Artsakh - but archaeologists have never been able to find their remains.
This film is about the rediscovery of the Tigranakert of Artsakh, located in the present day Agdam region currently controlled by the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh. For an exact map location please see the Recording Date and Location info in the Statistics and Date tab, right beneath the ratings box.
The existence of the Tigranakert of Artsakh has never been a secret, though its precise location has never been revealed until now. Historical evidence can be found in the works of the 7th century historians Sebeos and Movses Kaghankatvatsi. Sebeos makes repeated references to the Tigranakert of Artsakh, or Utik (the classical Armenian name of the province just east of Artsakh where the city is located), and Kaghankatvatsi, in his History of Aghvank, makes mention of 'T'grakerti Vank (monastery)' and its head priest: archeologists believe the church they discovered just beneath the fortress of Tigranakert, as seen in the film, is most likely this very same monastery.
Additional historical evidence of Tigranakert of Artsakh/Utik includes a 13th century inscription at the famous Gandzasar monastery left by a pilgrim from 'Tigranakert'.
According to Hamlet Petrosian, as late as the 15th century the area where the fortress has been found was called 'T'krakert' or 'Tarnayurt'; corruptions of the original name which had been kept alive by locals long after the city itself had disappeared. (Similarly, 'Diyarbakir' is a corrupted form of Tigranakert as well.)
Finally, another bit of corroborative evidence not mentioned in the film is a coin of Tigran the Great that was found in this same area many years ago, now on display at the history museum in nearby Stepanakert.
Acid Pauli @ Garni Temple for Cercle
Acid Pauli playing an exclusive live set at Garni Temple in Armenia for Cercle.
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☞ Acid Pauli
☞ Viken Arman
Video credits:
Artists: Acid Pauli
Venue: Garni Temple
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: Narek Chakhoyan
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Drone: Jérémie Tridard
Special thanks to Guevo and Leo from The Triângûlum Community, Giorgi from Origami and to the Armenian government, specially the culture and tourism ministry for the support.
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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【K】Armenia Travel-Artashat[아르메니아 여행-아라라트]코르 비랍 수도원/Khor Virap Monastery/Artashat Mountain/Cave
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[한국어 정보]
아르메니아 사람들에게 아라라트산은 어머니와 같은 산이다. 외국에서 힘들고 외로울 때 이 아라라트 산을 생각하며 향수를 달랜다고 한다. 아라라트산자락 끝에 코르비랍이 덩그러니 서있다. 코르비랍에는 아르메니아가 서기 301년에 로마보다 앞서 기독교를 국교로 삼은 사연이 얽혀있으므로 많은 기독교 성지 순례자들이 찾아오는 곳이다. 코르비랍의 주성전인데 종교사적으로 의미 있는 곳이어서 그런지 약간의 헌금을 한 후 종교의례를 치루는 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 주성전 옆 부속성전에는 항상 많은 사람들로 붐빈다. 왜냐하면 이 건물 지하에 20미터 깊이의 지하 동굴이 있는데 모두들 동굴에 내려가 보고 싶어 하기 때문이다. 서기 287년 트르다트 아르메니아왕이 이곳으로 왔을 때 그리고르 루사보리치는 군인이었는데 여러 신들에 게 제물을 바치라는 아르메니아 왕의 명령을 거역한 죄로 이 동굴에 뱀, 전갈과 함께 14년 동안 갇히게 된다. 14년이 지나 그가 기적적으로 살아나자 왕이 놀라 서기 301년에 세계 최초로 기독교를 국교로 승인하게 되었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Mount Ararat Armenian people is like the mother and the mountains. When thinking about this difficult and lonely in a foreign Mount Ararat, and soothes and perfumes. Ararat foothills at the end of this Accor birap So Deng stand. Accor birap has come to find a place in Armenia ahead of Rome in AD 301 years, so intertwined with the story of Christianity as the state religion ginseng are many Christian pilgrims. Inde main temple of Cortona birap then place a grungy historical significance as a religious offerings after undergoing some religious rituals could see the look. Next to the main temple, the temple is always crowded with many parts. Because there is an underground cave 20 meters deep going down to the basement to want to see both the caves. AD 287 years when the king came to Armenia teureu darts here and barley Le Russa was a striking soldiers offer sacrifices to the gods are many snakes in a cave in Armenia sin by disobeying the command of the king, is stuck 14 years with scorpions. Over 14 years he was approved as the state religion of Christianity for the first time in the world to miraculously survive the surprise party secretary Wang 301 years.
■클립명: 유럽145-아르메니아01-02 아라라트 산, 코르 비랍 수도원/Khor Virap Monastery/Artashat Mountain/Cave/Religious ceremony
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김찬호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 7월 July
유럽,Europe,,아르메니아,Armenia,,Republic of Armenia,김찬호,2009,7월 July
Arpa, Yeghegnadzor, Armenia, HD Review
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Set in the centre of Yeghegnadzor, Arpa Hotel offers rental bikes, free Wi-Fi in public areas and modern rooms with satellite TV. It is a 5-minute drive to the Gladzor University Museum.
A sofa, minibar and refrigerator feature in the bright rooms at Arpa Hotel. Each one is bright, offering parquet floors, stylish wooden furnishings and views of the mountains or garden.
À la carte Armenian and European meals are served in the restaurant, where a daily breakfast buffet is also offered. On sunny days, guests can relax with a drink in the hotel garden.
The spectacular southern Armenian countryside is ideal for hiking, and the historic Noravank Monastery is approximately 20 minutes’ drive away.
Staff at the Arpa are happy to provide guests with more information on local sights and transport links at the 24-hour front desk. Free on-site parking is provided.
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