???????? Extreme experience in Karosta Prison Liepaja, Latvia, Letonia.
En este video, el ejército rojo nos detiene y nos lleva en la prisión militar de Karosta.
In this video, the Red Army detain us and take us to the military prison of Karosta.
Foto: Keith Ruffles CC
In this episode Ruben Alonso is prisoner in Karosta an old soviet military prison.
Cámara/Camerawoman: Carolina Caluori
Voz en off/Voice-over: Karin Barbeta
Música/Music: Jose Chinesta y Jose Vilchez
Extreme night in Karosta Prison in Latvia
Extreme night in Karosta Prison, Liepaja, Latvia.
You will be able to step into the shoes of a prisoner on a dark and dismal night.
Liepāja In Your Pocket - Karosta Prison (Karostas cietums)
Latvia's very own version of Alcatraz, but without the water, the sharks and the view of the Golden Gate bridge. The ominous brick building has however been witness to some ghastly crimes over the past century. Originally built as an infirmary in 1900, it was used as a military prison by a long succession of regimes including the Soviets, Nazis and most recently, the Latvians. Indeed, the last prisoner was detained here as recently as 1997, a disturbing thought once you've seen the frightening scenes inside. Although the Nazis sentenced 'criminals' such as Latvian deserters to death here and executed them outside in the yard, the post-independence Latvian military mostly imprisoned barroom brawlers, drunks and seamen who went AWOL and then usually only for a few days. A tour of the building will reveal the horrible life lived by the inmates and the graffiti they left behind. Above the door in the solitary confinement cell is a cryptic message: 'izeja no elles' or 'exit from hell.'
Guides are also happy to tell you the tale of the ghost that haunts the prison and how doors often swing open by themselves, how light bulbs screw out of their sockets and how visitors and staff have felt the disturbing cold of a presence not of this earth. The hauntings were even investigated in an episode of the SciFi Channel's Ghost Hunters International. They claimed it was one of the most active locations they had ever visited.
Visitors can take a simple tour with a guide or audio guide, participate in a reality show (in English or German), spend the night in a cell or do the ultimate and become a prisoner for the night including regular bed checks, verbal abuse by guards in period uniforms and experience the horrors of using the latrine (see website for details). For participatory events you must call ahead and reserve a time.
Karosta Prison - Liepaja, Latvia
- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company)
Karosta Prison Liepaja
Read more at:
Photos from:
- Liepaja, Latvia
Photos in this video:
- Karosta Prison by Stevelegassick from a blog titled Beach and sunset town
Karosta Prison - Liepaja- Latvia / Karostas cietums - Liepāja - Latvija
The prison started functioning over 100 years ago
This is the only military prison in Europe open to tourists
The prison nobody has ever ecaped from
In different surveys Karosta prison is named as the most surprising and most unusual hotel in the world
Ghost Hunters International from the USA called Karosta Prison the most ghost haunted place in the world
The garrison prison of Liepāja’s Karosta was built at the beginning of the 20th century and in all times it has been used as a short term disciplinary penalty place for navy sailors and non – commissioned officers since the beginning of the 20th century.Garrison sailors, who participated in the events of the revolution in 1905, served their sentence in the prison.The building has been used as a short term disciplinary penalty place for sailors and non-commissioned officers by both the Soviet and Latvian Navy. The last of the convicts have scratched calendars, drawings, slogans, catchwords and messages on the walls of the cells just a short time ago, in 1997.
Excursions in Karosta Prison are guided only. During the excursion you will have an opportunity to see the prison, which has not changed since tsar times, get to know history of Karosta and interesting events from prison life. Also, to see prison cells and a punishment cell as well as an exposition by museum of Karosta prison about WWII, Kureliesi, soviet times and third latvian Awakening in Liepaja.
Ghost Hunters International S1 E23 Karosta Prison
???????? Karosta Fortress, Fortaleza de Karosta, Liepaja, Latvia, Letonia.
Ruben Alonso visita la fortaleza de Karosta, un viaje al subterráneo de una base militar naval que guarda leyendas y misterios de más de un siglo de historia.
Ruben Alonso visits the Karosta Fortress, an underground trip into a naval military base that keep secrets and mysteries during more than a century of history.
Cámara/Camerawoman: Carolina Caluori
Voz en off/Voice-over: Karin Barbeta
Música/Music: Jose Chinesta y Jose Vilchez
Karosta Prison
The last military prison in Latvia
Karosta former secret military town in Liepaja city, Latvia
Karosta used to be a secret military town. It is located in the city of Liepaja, Latvia. Now it is a place where tourists and artists go for great moments of inspiration, given by unique sights you can see there. A cathedral surrounded by soviet apartment blocks. Waves crushing against a blasted fortress. Many abandoned houses, like in Chernobyl area. A prison for tourists, where they can feel like prisoners. Forests, a lake, the Baltic sea. Breakwater and a broken swing bridge. A castle waiting for someone to repair it. Karosta. A very special place. And wonderful background music by Enya - Water shows the hidden heart.
【K】Latvia Travel-Karosta[라트비아 여행-카로스타]소련정권 군인 교도소/Military Prison/Experience/Lodgment/Accommodation
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
카로스타란 이름 자체가 군사항구란 뜻으로 이곳은 200년 전 러시아 황제 알렉산더 3세에 의해 건설된 거대한 발틱 함대 해군기지였다. 하지만 구소련의 해체와 함께 이 거대한 요새도 그 운명을 같이했다고 한다. 이곳엔 과거 소련시절 악명 높은 카로스타 교도소가 있다. 건설된 지 100년이 넘었는데 주로 반란을 꾀하거나 중형을 저지른 군인들이 수감됐다. 이곳 교도소의 경비가 어찌나 삼엄했는지 교도소가 세워진 이래 100년 동안 이곳을 탈출한 죄수는 한명도 없었다고 한다. 마침 학생들을 위한 체험 프로그램이 있었는데 단순한 견학이 아니라 진짜 죄수 취급을 받는다고 한다. 실제 학생들은 교도소 수감 절차를 따라 저렇게 감방에 구금되는 경험을 한다고 한다. 사무실도 예전 모습을 그대로 보전하고 있었는데 구소련이 운영하던 교도소 시설 중 일반인에게 공개되는 곳은 이곳이 유일하다고 한다. “이곳은 학생들에게 살아있는 역사현장으로 가치가 있죠. 책 10권을 읽은 것보다 한번 보는 게 낫습니다. 소련정권하의 현실을 피부로 느낄 수 있는 곳이죠.” 교도소장은 VIP 코스라며 우리를 의무실로 안내했는데 과거 수감자들에게 겁을 주기 위한 방법이었다고는 하지만 어째 보는 것만으로도 으스스하다. 바짝 긴장한 우리들에게 소장은 당시의 감방규칙을 설명해주었다. “이곳 감방에는 화장실이 없어요. 수감자들은 매일 두 번 화장실을 사용할 수 있는데 한번에 30분씩 시간을 줍니다. 30분이면 충분합니까? 그럼요 당신은 어떻습니까? 모르겠네요? 흥미로운 건 30분이 개개인을 위한 시간이 아니라는 점, 이 감옥 전체 사람들이 사용해야 된다는 거죠.” 이곳 교도소의 가장 흥미로운 부분은 체험뿐 아니라 숙박도 가능하다는 점이다. 대신 실제 교도소의 규칙을 지켜야 하고, 과거 죄수들이 먹던 음식에 불만이 없어야 한다는 것이 조건이란다.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아01-10 소련정권 군인 교도소/Military Prison/Experience/Lodgment/Accommodation/Soviet regime
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박성주 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,,라트비아,Latvia,Latvija,Latvijas Republika ,박성주,2011,5월 May
Karosta EN
Karosta is a northern neighbourhood which occupies one third of Liepāja city (Latvia). It is a spectacular, paradoxical and unique site not only in Latvia but also in the world's history and architecture. Its environment reflects the interaction of tsarist Russia military elegance and Soviet militarism.
Karosta as an independent city area originated during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1890 to the north of Liepāja city the massive construction of fortifications and a military camp was begun.
During the Soviet time Karosta was a closed and covert zone with no admission even for the citizens of Liepāja.
【K】Latvia Travel-Liepaja[라트비아 여행-리예파야]카로스타 감옥 죄수 체험/Karostas Cietums/Prison/Fort/Prisoner/Jailbreak
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
비슷비슷한 모양에 쓸쓸한 분위기의 집들. 해변과 가까워질수록 더욱 으스스해지는 공기가 리에파야의 첫인상이다. 소비에트연방 시절 출입이 엄격히 금지됐던 이 음산한 해변엔 콘크리트 잔해만이 발트해를 향해 쓰러져 있다. “제 뒤로 보이는 것은 오래된 해군 방어 시설이에요. 러시아 황제 알렉산드르 3세가 건설했어요” 지금은 힘없이 무너진 콘크리트 덩어리일 뿐이지만 100여 년 전 이 건물은 부동항이 간절했던 러시아 제국의 중요한 해군 요새였다. 구한말 러일전쟁을 위해 발트함대가 출발한 곳도 이 바다. 하지만 그 명성도 흐르는 세월과 파도를 막을 순 없다. 소비에트 군대가 철수한 후 리에파야의 군사 지역은 사람들이 떠나고 버려진 건물들만 남았다. 그런데 잘 관리된 듯 선명한 붉은색의 이 건물엔 그리 오래되지 않은 것 같은 군용차가 마당에 서 있고 철조망도 그 쓰임을 잃지 않은 것처럼 보인다. 내리는 비가 운치를 더하는 이곳은 카로스타 군사 감옥. 가이드는 조금 과묵한 사람 같다. “한 줄로 서” “앞으로 가” 투어는 그렇게 갑자기 시작되었다. 만 원 정도를 내면 한 시간 동안 죄수가 되어볼 수 있다. “제자리에 서” “1905년 러시아에 혁명이 일어나자 이 지역 군대에 복무하던 선원들도 그 혁명에 가담했다. 그러나 혁명은 빠르게 진압되었고 반란에 가담한 자들을 가둘 곳이 필요했다. 당시 이 해군기지에는 감옥이 없었기 때문에 군사령관은 원래 군사 병원이었던 이곳을 군사 감옥으로 바꾸기로 결정했다” 통역가는 투어를 포기하고 나만 남았다. “계속 가. 너는 내 지시대로만 행동한다” 100여 년간 한 명도 탈옥하지 못했다는 이곳. 따라와” 처음 끌려간 곳은 생각보다 크고 밝은 방이었다. “여기에 서” 늦었지만 자기소개를 해야 할 차례인가 보다. “너와 같이 일하는 자들은 누구인가? 우리가 알고 싶은 건 너와 접촉하는 사람들이 누구인지다” “KBS입니다” “KBS” “너와 연락하는 자가 누구인가?” “KBS의 양 사장님입니다” “너는 우리의 군사 기지와 군함을 촬영했다” 다 맞는 말이니 부인할 수도 없다. “나가” 조사가 끝나면 감옥에서의 일과가 시작된다. 군인이니 전술 훈련은 필수다. “장비를 어깨 위에 올려” “뛰어, 뛰어!” “수감자들은 이렇게 감옥 건물을 50바퀴 돌아야 했다” “여기로 들어가” “들어가” “양손은 벽에 대라” 그렇게 7번 방에 갇혔다. “이 방에는 물도 없고 텔레비전도 없고 게임기도 없고 무선 인터넷도 없었다. 바다가 보이는 기막힌 전망만 있었지. 손을 등 뒤로 내려. 좌향좌. 문밖으로 나와” 말없는 복종에 익숙해질 무렵, 문이 열린다. “참여해 주셔서 감사합니다. 발밑을 조심하세요” 레닌과 마르크스가 출소를 반겨주는 듯하다. “가족들과 함께 왔어요. 아이들 마음에 들었으면 좋겠네요” “뭔가 배운 게 있었니?” “그냥 포로들이 어떻게 살았는지” “들어오자마자 아이들이 여긴 너무 낡았다고 했어요. 모든 게 낡고 우울하대요” 2차 세계대전 당시 누군가는 소비에트 군복을 입고 또 누군가는 나치 군복을 입어야 했던 라트비아인들. 이 감옥의 주인이 소비에트에서 나치로 바뀌는 동안 라트비아는 인구의 12퍼센트를 잃어야 했다.
[English: Google Translator]
Houses with similar appearance and lonely atmosphere. The closer you get to the beach, the more chilling the air is in Riepaya's first impression. This shabby beach, where strict admission to the Soviet Union was banned, is the only concrete rubble falling to the Baltic Sea. What I see behind me is an old naval defense facility. It was built by Russian emperor Aleksandr III. Now it is just a mass of concrete that has collapsed without strength, but more than 100 years ago, this building was an important naval fortress of the Russian Empire, which had been in desperation. This is where the Baltic Fleet departed for the Russo-Japanese War. But its reputation can not stop the flowing waves and the waves. After the withdrawal of the Soviet army, the military areas of Liefaya were left with abandoned buildings. However, it seems that a well-managed red-colored building stands in the yard with a military car that does not seem so old and the barbed wire has not lost its use. This is the Karosta military prison, which adds to the raining rains. The guide seems a little tame. In a row Going forward The tour began so suddenly. If you pay 10,000 won, you can be a prisoner for an hour. In place. In 1905, when the revolution occurred in Russia, the crew who served in the army in that area joined the revolution. But the revolution was quickly suppressed and needed a place to hide those who were involved in the rebellion. Since there was no prison in this naval base at the time, the military commander decided to change this military hospital to a military prison. Go on. You act only according to my instructions. This is where you have not escaped for one hundred years. The first place I was taken was a bigger and brighter room than I thought. Here it is It is late but it is the turn to introduce myself. Who are those who work with you? What we want to know is who is in contact with you. KBS. KBS. Who is it to contact you? You are the President of KBS. You shot our military bases and warships. You can not deny it. When I'm done, the work in prison begins. Tactical training is a must. Put the equipment on your shoulder. Run, run! The prisoners had to turn 50 rounds of the prison building. Go in here. Go in. Hands on the wall...
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아04-12 100년간 탈옥을 못한 카로스타 감옥 죄수 체험
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
바다,sea,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,
고원역사/자연지역,historic site,기타장소,place,기타체험,체험,,experience,구조물,structure,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 김가람20186월리예파야LiepajaLiepājaJune걸어서 세계속으로
Free to dream in military prison in Liepaja. Latvia.
Liepaja Karosta Prison
Impression of the former Karosta Prison in Liepaja Latvia. Part of a serie of movies made during our road trip through Poland and the Baltic States
In prison in Liepaja, Latvia
My sister and I were locked up a Soviet prison in Liepaja. Fortunately for us we were freed by French journalists ;)
Abandoned and in ruins - Karosta Prison in Liepaja
Liepaja põhjaosas laiub Karosta, omal ajal üks suurimaid sõjaväekomplekse Lätis. Liepāja Karosta kui salajane sõjaline rajatis eksisteeris ka nõukogude ajal. Nõukogude Liidu okupatsiooni ajal oli Karostas palju aastaid Nõukogude sõjaväebaas laevade ja allveelaevadega. Külma sõja ajal oli see NSVLi Balti mereväe peamine toetusbaas. Põnev on Karosta sõjasadama vangla, mis pakub tõeliselt erakordse ja unustamatu kogemuse
Karosta (War Port) is a neighbourhood in the north of Liepāja in western Latvia by the Baltic sea. Karosta was constructed in 1890-1906 as a naval base and later served as a base for the Soviet Baltic Fleet. Karosta military prison has now been converted into a museum.
Exploring ABANDONED Soviet Fortress in Karosta, Liepāja, Latvia
A quick video of my last few days in the wonderful Liepāja. I go North of the city to see a completely different side of the area and find an incredible living museum with a haunting UUSR past.
Subscribe for new travel videos every Tuesday and keep up to date with my adventures on social media:
Karosta: Life After The USSR (Ghost Town Documentary) | Real Stories
The abandoned military port of Karosta,in Western Latvia has seen some of the most influential and disturbing eras of modern times from Russian Tsarist origins, to Nazi and then Soviet occupation. When the Russian army left in1994 after Latvian independence, Karosta became largely un-inhabited and most structures fell to ruin. In the late 1990s, the area was troubled by high unemployment, street crime and drug problems. This documentary explores how the residents of Karosta have coped throughout the years without infrastructure and order, and examines how community organisation K@2 aims to stimulate positive change by means of art, culture, education,and co-operation to give residents hope of a better future.
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Karosta - Karinis Miestelis
Žavintis Karuosto atšiaurumas. Ar atšiaurus žavesys... Tai išskirtinė, paradoksali ir unikali vieta ne tik Latvijos, bet ir pasaulio istorijoje bei architektūroje. Karuostas yra vienas nekasdieniškiausių turizmo objektų Latvijoje. Jis gali patikti arba nepatikti, tačiau abejingų tikrai neliks.
Jei tau reikia išsirinkti savo kelionės tikslą, tad kodėl nevykus ten, kur vienu metu galima pamatyti daug unikalių dalykų -- daug vienintelių ir išskirtinų dalykų Latvijoje, Baltijoje, Europoje, pasaulyje...
Karuostas yra didžiausia istorinė-karinė teritorija Baltijoje.