Kashima Jingu JAPAN Power spot 4k 鹿島神社 茨城
鹿島神宮 武甕槌大神 Kashima Jingu, a comprehensive good luck force to work-life, is a power spot in the Kanto strongest class.
Is also referred to as the power spot should go is that wavering.
The leader and innovator and independent entrepreneurs who bundle the people and organizations,
This shrine would like you to visit when you rush a turning point and their way of life. There is a following of divine favor.
· Game luck: difficult to confront and win the game
- Determination: cut off the doubts, proceed without hesitation in the strong will
And behavioral force: the power to proceed splash those that interfere
- Leadership: leadership and negotiation force to accomplish the transformation led to the people
· Amulet: cut off the demons (bad luck, evil destiny, the way)
Ibaraki Prefecture Kashima court 2306-1
Kashima Jingu shrine office
TEL: 0299-82-1209
〒314-0031 茨城県鹿嶋市宮中 2306-1鹿島神宮武徳殿
・勝負運 : 困難に立ち向かい、勝負に勝つ
・決断力 : 迷いを断ち、強い意志で迷わず進める
・行動力 : 邪魔するものをはねのけ進むパワー
・統率力 : 人を導いて変革を成し遂げる統率力・交渉力
・厄除け : 魔(悪運・悪縁・邪魔)を断つ
【VANLIFE JAPAN】#4 Kashima Jingu Shrine(鹿島神宮) - Places to Visit in Japan / Carstay
Kashima Jingu Shrine is a Shinto shrine that is said to have been built by Emperor Jinmu of the around 660 BC.(Ibaraki Prefecture)
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Kashima-jingu Shrine, Ibaraki
Fantastic Places in Cool Japan :
Kashima Jingu Shrine in Kashima City, Ibaraki Prefecture is said to have been built in 660 BC and is a high-class palace with many national treasures and important national cultural assets. It is also known that the god of military power is enshrined and athletes pray for victory. What kind of power is hidden in the grand head shrine of Kashima Shrine, which is the oldest and largest shrine in the Kanto region and about 600 nationwide?
Photos :
Music : otowabi.com
Japan's three major shrine ”Kashima Jingu” 日本三大神社 鹿島神宮
Kashima Jingu is located Kashimashi, in Ibarakiken.
Saito Sai - Japanese Spring Festival at Kashima Shrine
Saito Sai is a 1200 year old Japanese Spring Festival in Kashima in Ibaraki Prefecture where people wear colorful robes and carry wooden staves that they clash together. It's a lively festival with a lot of humor as people paint their faces and wear funny dolls and such.
Part of the festival commemorates the Sakimori. Sakimori were border guards in Kyushu set up in the mid-7th Century when Japan feared invasion after being defeated in battle with Chinese forces when they were aiding one of Korea's three kingdoms. Many of the Sakimori were called up from the Kanto area such as places around Kashima because they were a hardy people used to fighting and had their own weapons. Many of the Sakimori of the area would stop at Kashima Shrine to pray for their safe passage before embarking on their 3-year tour of duty not counting the time it took to get there and back. When they were passing through Osaka, they were overheard singing songs remembering their homes. Many of these songs were put in the Man'yoshu, an 8th Century anthology of old Japanese poetry.
The festival takes place March 9th every year.
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Kashima Odori (Kashima Dance), Yoshiahama Suga shrine (Aug. 1st 2017)
Shinto and Bushido - 14th Shinto Seminar at Kashima Shrine, Ibaraki
presentation at the 14th Shinto seminar at Kashima shrine
September kashima matsuri ibaraki 2012
鹿島神宮例大祭 茨城県鹿島市で 9月に開催 人形山車 囃子 手踊りなど 千葉県香取市 佐原の大祭とよく似ている 下座連(囃子方)の交流もあるようだ 多数の提灯を長い竿に取り付けて神宮に奉納する「提灯まち」も見もの
Menemukan Jepang Utara JNTO TVC Versi Kanto & Tohoku
TVC - 2016
Sebuah Pengantar pesona dari kota regional. Versi Kanto bagian Utara dan Tohoku
Cek detail lebih lanjut dari sini: (
TVC - 2016
An Introduction of the charm of regional cities. Northern Kanto and Tohoku version.
Check more detail from here: (
Shindo Munen Ryu Kenjutsu (2) - 33rd All Japan Kobudo Demonstration
A demonstration during 33rd All Japan Kobudo Embu Taikai at the Budokan in Tokyo.
The Shindo Munen Ryu is a traditional Kenjutsu school, founded in the early 18th century by Fukui Hyoemon Yoshihira. This school was blooming towards the end of the Edo Period (mid 17th century).
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----- Credits -----
Footage by Seido Co., Ltd.:
Jiki Shinkage Ryu Naginata-jutsu - Sonobe Masami - Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2019
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School: Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu
Event: Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2019
Date: 03/11/2019
Venue: Meiji Jingu, Nishisando Shibachi
Founder: Matsumoto Bizen-no-Kami Kino Masamoto
Current representative: Sonobe Masami (Sōke 18th generation)
The Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu origins lie in Matsumoto Bizen no kami Kino Masamoto, about 500 years ago. Matsumoto combined the best elements of the Kurasuma Ryū from the Kansai area with the most efficient sword techniques of the Kashima style in the Kanto area, and created towards the end of the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) his own school of swordsmanship called Kashima Shinden Shinkage Ryū. The 7th head master of the school later changed its name to Jiki Shinkage Ryū; name that is still used nowadays.
Sonobe Hideo, a disciple of the 14th headmaster Satake Kanryūsai (and Satake’s wife Shigeo) was learning at the same time Ryūgo Ryū Naginata-jutsu. She blended some of the Kenjutsu techniques she had learned from the Satakes with her Naginata knowledge and created a set of 25 Kata that would then constitute the Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu. As the 15th headmaster of the lineage, she trained many students.
The school is characterised by techniques and postures that can be used for both attack and defence, such as Kowaki no Kamae or Kuruma-gaeshi. The main Kuruma-gaeshi techniques are Mizuguruma and Kazaguruma, which draw their inspiration from the flow and the forces of natural phenomenons (water and wind). Those are brilliant and bold moves that can subdue the opponent with the minimum use of power.
The Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu was influential in the inception of Naginata as a modern Budo.
--- CREDITS ---
Footage by Seido Co., Ltd.
--- MUSIC ---
風雲の時 by おとわび (
#JikiShinkageRyu #BudoStudies #KobudoDemonstration
香取神宮 Katori Jingu
Chiba Prefecture Katori
Katori Shrine protect the east of Kanto in Kashima Jingu and the pair, it is the entire region guardian. Flow of water of Lake Kasumigaura-Kitaura, Tonegawa and becomes a source of power, it has the strongest spiritual power, Chiba Prefecture.
The contents of the myth, long ago, (your Shrine of Ise-Naiku) Amaterasu, but tried to Osameyo the country of Japan, the Turbulent Gods strife, had been disturbed.
If Omikami is to consult with God eight million, Tenhobiinochi but was sent in that it is God that has excellent (Mikoto of Amenohohi), Izumo Province of powers chief god (Okuninu Shinokami) so had to follow in, then Ten'itokena彦 (Amenowakahiko) has been sent. Heaven juvenile Yoshihiko also without heart of loyalty, Akirakunidama God the daughter of (depression properly bite of once in a while) ShitaTeruhime (Shitateruhime) as his wife, tried to take over the naturally country, has passed away It was.
Because such it was followed twice, and Omikami is to carefully consult with God eight million, gods align the mouth, I mentioned the futsunushi what appropriate. Since there Ta Keo hammer Okami (your deity of God-Kashima Jingu of takemikazuchi) was offered, it was now to be both dispatched to Izumo.
KeiTsunushi, Futagami of Ta Keo mallet is pierces upside down and disconnect the ten grip sword arrived in small nvl of Inasa of the Izumo Province (your Hama of Inasa) (sword of Totsuka), and represented the Wuwei powers all-father is the fact that there is no objection to your instruction of Omikami, receives a flat country Hirohoko (Hirohoko of Kunimuke), Futagami is and pacified the country of Japan, it has been Fukumei to Omikami of the original .
大御神は八百万神に相談すると、天穂日命(あめのほひのみこと)がすぐれた神であるということで遣わされましたが、 出雲国の大国主神(おおくにぬ しのかみ)に従ってしまったので、次に天稚彦(あめのわかひこ)が遣わされました。 天稚彦もまた忠誠の心なく、 顯國玉神(うつしくにたまのかみ)の娘の下照姫(したてるひめ)を妻として、自ずから国を乗っ取ろうとしましたが、亡くなってしまいました。
このようなことが二度つづいたので、大御神が八百万神に慎重に相談させると、神々が口を揃えて、経津主神こそふさわしいと申し上げました。 そこへ武甕槌大神(たけみかづちのかみ・鹿島神宮の御祭神)が申し出られたので、 共に出雲に派遣されることになりました。
経津主、武甕槌の二神は出雲国の稲佐の小汀(いなさのおはま)に着いて十握剣(とつかのつるぎ)を抜いて逆さに突き立て、武威を示されると 大国主神は大御神の御命令に全く異議はありませんということで、平国の広矛(くにむけのひろほこ)を受け取り、二神は日本の国を平定して、大御神の元へ復命されたのです。
Jiki Shinkage Ryu Naginata-jutsu - Sonobe Masami - Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2018
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School: Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu
Event: Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2018
Date: 03/11/2018
Venue: Meiji Jingu, Nishisando Shibachi
Representative: Sonobe Masami (18th generation)
The Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu origins lie in Matsumoto Bizen no kami Kino Masamoto, about 500 years ago. Matsumoto combined the best elements of the Kurasuma Ryū from the Kansai area with the most efficient sword techniques of the Kashima style in the Kanto area, and created towards the end of the Muromachi Period (1336-1573) his own school of swordsmanship called Kashima Shinden Shinkage Ryū. The 7th headmaster of the school later changed its name to Jiki Shinkage Ryū; name that is still used nowadays.
Sonobe Hideo, a disciple of the 14th headmaster Satake Kanryūsai (and Satake’s wife Shigeo) was learning at the same time Ryūgo Ryū Naginata-jutsu. She blended some of the Kenjutsu techniques she had learned from the Satakes with her Naginata knowledge and created a set of 25 Kata that would then constitute the Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu. As the 15th headmaster of the lineage, she trained many students.
The school is characterized by techniques and postures that can be used for both attack and defence, such as Kowaki no Kamae or Kuruma-gaeshi. The main Kuruma-gaeshi techniques are Mizuguruma and Kazaguruma, which draw their inspiration from the flow and the forces of natural phenomenons (water and wind). Those are brilliant and bold moves that can subdue the opponent with the minimum use of power.
The Jiki Shinkage Ryū Naginata-jutsu was influential in the inception of Naginata as a modern Budo.
--- CREDITS ---
Footage by Seido Co., Ltd.
--- MUSIC ---
“Bamboo Forest” by Rhythm Scott (soundstripe.com)
In partnership with Nihon Kobudō Shinkō-kai:
Kasama Ibaraki Japan / 3 MAR 2013
Apaato Mitsukaido
Percebem que agora não estou no meio de um monte de plantação de arroz!
Apartamento em Tenmancho em mitsukaido. Mais pra perto do centro da cidade, mas ainda interiooooor.
Tennen Rishin Ryu - Otsuka Atsushi - Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2019
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School: Tennen Rishin Ryū
Event: Meiji Jingu Kobudo Demonstration 2019
Date: 03/11/2019
Venue: Meiji Jingu, Nishisando Shibachi
Founder: Kondō Kuranosuke
Current representative: Ōtsuka Atsushi (Kanchō 4th generation)
Tennen Rishin Ryū was founded by Kondō Kuranosuke, and is a Sōgōbujutsu which includes Kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, Jūjutsu, Bōjutsu (staff techniques), Kappō (respiration techniques), Kiai-jutsu (warcry techniques) and the like.
It is known that at the end of the Shogunate, the 4th Sōke of Tennen Rishin Ryū, Kondō Isami, with the disciples Hijikata Toshizō and Okita Sōji, started the “Shinsengumi”, a special police force organized by the Bakufu (Shogunate) to fight against its opponents.
It is thought that Kondō Kuranosuke, who is said to be from Tōtōmi, mastered Kashima Shintō Ryū at the end of his “Musha Shugyō” through the country (= a kind of travel dedicated to gaining skills in combat), and then founded the Tennen Rishin Ryū style.
When Kondō Kuranosuke arrived at Edo, he established a Dōjō at Yagenbori (present Higashi Nihonbashi in Tokyo) on the one hand, and out of enthusiasm used to go teach lessons in Sōshū (present Kanagawa Prefecture) and Tama, in the Bushū (Musashi) Province, on the other hand.
Kondō Isami being from Tama himself, it is thought that this personal link also led to this kind of touring lessons.
Nowadays, there are training for instance at the Ushiku Dōjō, at the Tokyo Dōjō, and at the Tama Dōjō.
--- CREDITS ---
Footage by Seido Co., Ltd.
--- MUSIC ---
風雲の時 by おとわび (
#TennenRishinRyu #BudoStudies #KobudoDemonstration
Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu with Colin Andrews and Alex Cousland
Kasumigaura Lake in Ibaraki, Japan
MONONOFU-vol.5 TV- Kawagoe Yabusame 河越流鏑馬
河越流鏑馬 Yabusame is a type of mounted archery in traditional Japanese archery. An archer on a running horse shoots three special turnip-headed arrows successively at three wooden targets.
This style of archery has its origins at the beginning of the Kamakura period. Minamoto no Yoritomo became alarmed at the lack of archery skills his samurai had. He organized yabusame as a form of practice.
Día Nevado en Tomobe (^_^)
Dia nevado en Tomobe, Ibaraki-ken!
Snow day in Tomobe!