Katra Masjid, Murshidabad, India in 4K Ultra HD
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry. At present it is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal.
Source from : wikipedia.
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কাটরা মসজিদের আসল ইতিহাস | The Katra Masjid Hazarduari at murshidabad.
কাটরা মসজিদের আসল ইতিহাস | The Katra Masjid Hazarduari at murshidabad.
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724.[1] It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
কাটরা মসজিদ মুর্শিদাবাদ রেল স্টেশনের ১৬০০ মিটার পূর্ব দিকে বাজারের মধ্যে অবস্থিত। ৫০.৬০ মিটার আয়তনের একটি বর্গাকার প্রাঙ্গণের মধ্যে একটি ভিতের উপরে এটি দন্ডায়মান। আয়তাকৃতির এক আইলে পাঁচ গম্বুজ বিশিষ্ট মসজিদটির পরিমাপ ৩৯.৬২×৭.৩২ মিটার। এর চার কোণে রয়েছে চারটি বুরুজ এবং বুরুজগুলি সরু হয়ে উপরে উঠে গেছে; প্যাঁচানো সিঁড়িপথ বুরুজের উপর পর্যন্ত প্রলম্বিত। বর্তমানে কেবল উত্তর-পশ্চিমে এবং দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমে দুটি পার্শ্ব বুরুজ বিদ্যমান আছে। মসজিদটি চতুর্দিক দ্বিতল কক্ষ সারি দ্বারা পরিবেষ্টিত। স্থানীয়ভাবে কাটরা বলে অভিহিত কক্ষগুলি মাদ্রাসা হিসেবে ব্যবহূত হতো। কাটরা মসজিদটি ঢাকার করতলব খান মসজিদ এর (১৭০০-১৭০৪ খ্রি.) অনুকরণে নির্মিত বলা যায়। পূর্বদিকের সম্মুখভাগে রয়েছে বহুভাঁজযুক্ত খিলানের মধ্যেস্থিত পাঁচটি প্রবেশ খিলান।
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2. বেলডাঙ্গা হাট সব কিছু জলের দামে | বাংলার একমাত্র সস্তা হাট | Beldanga Murshidabad Hat.Part-2
3. মুর্শিদাবাদ সিল্ক শাড়ির ইতিহাস | Murshidabad Silk Saree | Murshidabad silk sarees with History.
4. লুপ্ত গরদ করিয়াল শাড়ি | Murshidabad Silk Garad Korial Saree.
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#JANMABHUMI #KatraMasjid #কাটরা_মসজিদ #Murshidabad #WestBengalHi
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad. Most popular (famous) Sightseeing places (tourist spots) in Murshidabad is Oldest Muslim (Islamic) Masjid i.e., KATRA MOSQUE where Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan buried in Murshidabad. Katra Masjid & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad must visit. Oldest Islamic Architecture in Murshidabad is KATRA MASJID. One of the most attractive tourist spots in Murshidabad KATRA MOSQUE, oldest Islamic Masjid (Muslim Masjid). Murshidabad Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque Murshidabad) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. KATRA MOSQUE is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in West Bengal. Katra Masjid's importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase of Katra Masjid, Murshidabad. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry. At present Murshidabad KATRA MASJID (Katra Mosque & Tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan) is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal. Oldest Islamic architecture masjid Katra Mosque Indian archaeology survey. The dome of the Murshidabad KATRA Mosque destroyed in the 1897 earthquake. One of the towers of the Katra Masjid Murshidabad, the dome has fallen in the 1879 earthquake.
History of Katra Masjid Murshidabad: - Murshid Quli Khan on reaching old age, expressed his desire to construct his tomb adjacent to a mosque. Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan entrusted the responsibility for constructing the mosque to his trusted follower who was an architect, Murad Farash Khan.
Katra Masjid Murshidabad sightseeing place along with Hazarduari Palace, Hazarduari Museum, Nashipur Rajbari, Katgola Bagan Bari, Jain Temple, Yellow Mosque, Footi Masjid, Nizamat Imambara, Namak Haram Deoli, and Motijheel Masjid. Katra Mosque Murshidabad & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad. Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb inside Katra Masjid. Historical Katra Masjid of Murshidabad. Historical Nawabi Islamic (Muslim) Masjid of Murshidabad is Katra Mosque which badly affected by Earthquake (Bhumikamp).
Katra Mosque(Masjid) Murshidabad | INDIAN HISTORICAL PLACE
Katra Masjid , Historical Monuments in India ,most popular place in india,historical place in india
Katra Masjid Mosque in Murshidabad ,West Bengal , INDIA ,Historical Monuments in India , #murshidabad #india #katra #travelchannelmurshidabad
Please watch: Top 20 Place in Murshidabad, মুর্শিদাবাদের সেরা ২০ টি দর্শনীয় স্থান,
Katra Masjid Murshidabad | Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb
Amara koyekjon Murshidabad ghurte giyechhilam. Amra Kathgola bagan bari, Hazarduari, Katra masjid o Motijhil Park giyechhilam. Katra Masjid Murshidabad er purono masjid. Tar video dilam. Video ti bhalo lagle akti LIKE diben.
Date : 19th January 2019
Time : 4:12 pm
Place : Katra Masjid Murshidabad
Shot by Rintu Haldar
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Motijhil Park Lalbagh Murshidabad (Part 2 )????????
Kathgola Bagan Murshidabad ????????
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নমস্কার বন্ধুরা, আপনাদের সকলকে Amader Lalgola চ্যানেলটিতে স্বাগত জানাই। এই চ্যানেলটি মূলত Lalgola এবং Murshidabad কে যারা আজও ভালোবাসেন, তাদের জন্য।
মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার বিভিন্ন ঐতিহাসিক স্থান গুলি এই চ্যানেলের মাধ্যমে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করব , এছাড়াও এই জেলা সমন্ধে সাধারণ ধারণা হয় এমন ভিডিও দেওয়া হবে এবং লালগোলার বিভিন্ন সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান ও ঘটনার ভিডিও দেওয়া হবে।
তাই বন্ধুরা Lalgola এবং Murshidabad এর আরও নতুন নতুন ভিডিও দেখার জন্য আপনারা Amader Lalgola চ্যানেল টিকে SUBSCRIBE করুন।
Katra Masjid Beside Hazarduari Palace | Historical Tourist Place In Murshidabad | India
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চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন -
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724.[1] It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
At present it is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal.
বাংলার প্রথম নবাব মুর্শিদকুলী খানের আসল পরিচয় কি? || Katra Masjid, Murshidabad
আজ চলুন ঘুরে আসি কাটরা মসজিদ থেকে। কাটরা মসজিদ পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুর্শিদাবাদ রেল স্টেশনের ১৬০০ মিটার পূর্ব দিকে বাজারের মধ্যে অবস্থিত। এখানে এই মসজিদটির নির্মাতা মুর্শিদকুলি খান সমাহিত রয়েছেন মসজিদ প্রাঙ্গনে প্রবেশ তোরনের নিচে একটি সমাধিতে। মুর্শিদ কুলি খান ছিলেন বাংলার প্রথম নবাব। তার উপর মুঘল সাম্রাজ্যের নামমাত্র আধিপত্য ছিল, সকল ব্যবহারিক উদ্দেশ্যেই তিনি বাংলার নবাব ছিলেন। তিনি দরিদ্র দাক্ষিণাত্য মালভূমি ওড়িয়া ব্রাহ্মণ পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহন করেন। মুর্শিদ কুলি খানকে, হাজি শফি ইসফাহানি নামে ইরানের একজন উচ্চপদস্থ মুঘল কর্মকর্তা ক্রীতদাস হিসেবে ক্রয় করেন ও ইসলাম ধর্মে স্থানান্তরিত করেন, তাঁর নিজের নামানুসারে নতুন রাজধানীর নামকরণ করেন মুর্শিদাবাদ।
বর্তমানে এই মসজিদটির তত্ত্বাবধান এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষনের দায়িত্ব আর্কিওলজিক্যাল সারভে অব ইন্ডিয়া এবং পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের উপর ন্যস্ত রয়েছে ।
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Katra Masjid's History - Murshidabad || কাটরা মসজিদের ইতিহাস
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West Bengal Tourism - Murshidabad - Katra Mosque / Katra Masjid
Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
At present it is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal.
The mosque stands on a square plinth. It is a brick built mosque and is surrounded by double storied domed cells, which were built for those who read the Holy Quran in those days, they can also be called a Madrasa. All the rooms can in all accommodate 700 Quran readers. These rooms from a cloister to the huge courtyard in front of these rooms. Four big minars stand at the four corners. These are octagonal in plan and taper upwards. The two towers or the minarets in front of the mosque are 70 feet high and 25 feet in diameter. The whole mosque is quadrangular in shape, the whole mosque has no pillar support but it has been given support by a raised platform below the mosque or by several arches. The mosque has however been destroyed in the 1897 earthquake. Each minar has a winding staircase which leads to the top, one can see a major part of the city of Murshidabad from there. At the two ends of the mosque, two miratets measuring 70 feet high, are still existing to date in a dilapidated condition, they had domes which were destroyed in the 1897 earthquake. In 1780 AD, a traveller name William Hodges wrote that 700 Quran readers lived there in the mosque. Hodges in his book Select Views of India describes it as a grand seminary of Musalman learning, adorned by a mosque which rises high above all the surrounding buildings.
Katra Masjid, Murshidabad | মুর্শিদাবাদের কাটরা মসজিদের ইতিহাস
#mosque #katra #katramosque #katramasjid #history_of_katra_masjid
Katra Mosque, 2 km away from Murshidabad railway station. in 1723 architect named Murad Faras build this for Nova Murshid Quli Khan. this Bridge built Mosque is standing on a 24 M high square plinth.
Katra Mosque | Murshidabad | Katra Masjid
Katra Masjid, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India
Murshidabad -India????Berhampur katra Masjid .
নমস্কার বন্ধুরা, এটি আমার প্রথম ভিডিও।আশাকরি আপনাদের ভাল লাগবে।
আপনারা এই চ্যানেল থেকে Vlogs video পাবেন।
আমি আপনাদের বিভিন্ন জনপ্রিয় জায়গা দেখাব ভিডিওতে।
The Katra Masjid :---
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724.[1] It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
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Disclaimer - video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Katra Masjid/Katra Mosque/কাটরা মসজিদ/মুর্শিদকুলি খানের সমাধি/Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan/মুর্শিদাবাদ
Katra Masjid/Katra Mosque/কাটরা মসজিদ/মুর্শিদকুলি খানের সমাধি/Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan/Murshidabad/মুর্শিদাবাদ
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad. Most popular (famous) Sightseeing places (tourist spots) in Murshidabad is Oldest Muslim (Islamic) Masjid i.e., KATRA MOSQUE where Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan buried in Murshidabad. Katra Masjid & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad must visit. Oldest Islamic Architecture in Murshidabad is KATRA MASJID. One of the most attractive tourist spots in Murshidabad KATRA MOSQUE, oldest Islamic Masjid (Muslim Masjid). Murshidabad Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque Murshidabad) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. KATRA MOSQUE is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in West Bengal. Katra Masjid's importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase of Katra Masjid, Murshidabad. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry. At present Murshidabad KATRA MASJID (Katra Mosque & Tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan) is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal. Oldest Islamic architecture masjid Katra Mosque Indian archaeology survey. The dome of the Murshidabad KATRA Mosque destroyed in the 1897 earthquake. One of the towers of the Katra Masjid Murshidabad, the dome has fallen in the 1879 earthquake.
History of Katra Masjid Murshidabad: - Murshid Quli Khan on reaching old age, expressed his desire to construct his tomb adjacent to a mosque. Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan entrusted the responsibility for constructing the mosque to his trusted follower who was an architect, Murad Farash Khan.
Katra Masjid Murshidabad sightseeing place along with Hazarduari Palace, Hazarduari Museum, Nashipur Rajbari, Katgola Bagan Bari, Jain Temple, Yellow Mosque, Footi Masjid, Nizamat Imambara, Namak Haram Deoli, and Motijheel Masjid. Katra Mosque Murshidabad & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad. Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb inside Katra Masjid. Historical Katra Masjid of Murshidabad. Historical Nawabi Islamic (Muslim) Masjid of Murshidabad is Katra Mosque which badly affected by Earthquake (Bhumikamp).
I Fell In Love With You | KATRA MASJID | MURSHIDABAD TOUR | haunted place in west Bengal | Allsquare
I Fell In Love With You | KATRA MASJID | MURSHIDABAD TOUR | haunted place in west Bengal | Allsquare
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I Am Going Again. MURSHIDABAD VLOG SERIES ENDS. 12DAYS I WAS IN this town. I felt in love with this place, it's people, it's food, and it's history. I felt like it was home away from home.
video camera for vlogging this video was CANON 200D.
watch the full video series from first to last.
as I have shared important information and details regarding this place.
how to travel to Murshidabad?
things to do in Murshidabad.
Murshidabad tour plan
Murshidabad hotel Booking detail.
and most importantly Hazarduari palace of Murshidabad.
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the northeastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great center of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
At present, it is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal.
The Jagat Seths were a rich business, banking, and money lender family from Murshidabad, Bengal region in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, during the time of Nawab Siraj-Ud-Daula.
Jain Acharya Sri Bhratruchandra Suri was his spiritual guru. The Seths were among the most powerful bankers of India during the first half of the 18th century. RobEN Orme (official historian of East India Company) described Jagat Seths as the greatest shroff (money changer) and banker in the known world.
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Laughter is the best medicine and traveling is the best remedy
on a mission to spread vlog.
Indian travel vlogger who loves to travel and explore the unexplored parts and make a video out of it.
From- Kolkata
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BIG ALERT: I LOVE a bit of NOISE AND CHAOS, so it's part of my video.
Bhutan playlist-
Murshidabad series-
local destination vlog-
Murshidabad Trip : hazarduari,katra masjid,jahan kosha kaman,kathgola bagan,Nasipur palace
Murshidabad was a town and district of British India, in the Bengal Presidency. In the Mughal period, it was the capital of Bengal. The town of Murshidabad is on the left bank of the Hooghly River or the main channel of the Ganges.
In this video, we have covered Hazarduari, Katra Masjid, Jahan kosha Kaman, Kathgola Bagan, Nasipur palace.
How to reach Murshidabad: From Sealdah rail station take lalgola/hazarduari Express to reach murshidabad.
Where to stay: There many hotels around hazarduari and murshidabad rail station.
Stay tune with us for more travel stories.
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Tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan/নবাব মুর্শিদকুলি খানের সমাধি/Murshidabad Tourist Places
Tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan/নবাব মুর্শিদকুলি খানের সমাধি/Murshidabad Tourist Places
The Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in the Indian state of West Bengal. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry.
Lalbag Katra Masjid | Katra masjid full view | Katra masjid history | Murshidabad Katra masjid |
Lalbag Katra Masjid | Katra masjid full view | Katra masjid history | Murshidabad Katra masjid
Lalbag Katra Masjid
Murshidabad Katra masjid
Katra Masjid history
Katra Masjid video
Katra Masjid full view
Histrical placevideo
Jiaganj Katra masjid
History of Katra Masjid
===================================Indian best tourist place Indian amazing Masjid Indian old Masjid The KATRA MASJID (also known as KATRA MOSQUE) is a mosque and the tomb of NawabMURSHID QULI KHAN built between 1723 and 1724. It is located in the north eastern side of the city of MURSHIDABAD, in the Indian state of WEST BENGAL. Its importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of MURSHID QULI KHAN, who is buried under the entrance staircase. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry. Murshid Quli KhanNAWAB Nazim of BENGAL, BIHAR and ODISHA ZafarKHAN (Bengali: জাফর খান Persian:ظفر خان) Murshid Quli Nawab of MURSHIDABAD nawab of bengalReign1717– 30 June 1727PredecessorMUGHAL EMPIRESuccessorshuja-ud-din muhammad khanFull name Murshid Quli Khan Bornc. 1660 DECCAN PLATEAUDied30 June 1727(aged 66–67) MURSHIDABAD (present day in WEST BENGAL, India)BuriedKATRA MASJID, Murshidabad, IndiaSpouse(s)Nasiri Banu BegumReligion Born a HINDU in the DECCAN PLATEAU in c. 1670, Quli Khan was bought by Mughal noble Haji Shafi. After Shafi's death, he worked under theDIVAN of VIDARBHA, during which time he piqued the attention of the then-emperorAURANGZEB, who sent him to BENGAL as the divan c. 1700. However, he entered into a bloody conflict with the province's subahdar,azim-us-shan. After Aurangzeb's death in 1707, he was transferred to the Deccan Plateau by Azim-us-Shan's father the Mughal Emperor BAHADUR SHAH I. However, he was brought back as deputy subahdar in 1710. In 1717, he was appointed as the Nawab Nazimof Murshidabad by FARRUKHSIYAR. During his reign, he changed the Jagirdari system (land management) to the mal jasmani, which would later transform into the Zamindarisystem. He also continued sending revenues from the state t
Katra Masjid Murshidabad - Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb Katra Mosque Murshidabad. Most popular (famous) Sightseeing places (tourist spots) in Murshidabad is Oldest Muslim (Islamic) Masjid i.e., KATRA MOSQUE where Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan buried in Murshidabad. Katra Masjid & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad must visit. Oldest Islamic Architecture in Murshidabad is KATRA MASJID. One of the most attractive tourist spots in Murshidabad KATRA MOSQUE, oldest Islamic Masjid (Muslim Masjid). Murshidabad Katra Masjid (also known as Katra Mosque Murshidabad) is a mosque and the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan built between 1723 and 1724. KATRA MOSQUE is located in the north eastern side of the city of Murshidabad, in West Bengal. Katra Masjid's importance lies not only as a great centre of Islamic learning but also for the tomb of Nawab Murshid Quli Khan, who is buried under the entrance staircase of Katra Masjid, Murshidabad. The most striking feature is the two large corner towers having loopholes for musketry. At present Murshidabad KATRA MASJID (Katra Mosque & Tomb of Murshid Kuli Khan) is maintained and protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and the Government of West Bengal. Oldest Islamic architecture masjid Katra Mosque Indian archaeology survey. The dome of the Murshidabad KATRA Mosque destroyed in the 1897 earthquake. One of the towers of the Katra Masjid Murshidabad, the dome has fallen in the 1879 earthquake. History of Katra Masjid Murshidabad: - Murshid Quli Khan on reaching old age, expressed his desire to construct his tomb adjacent to a mosque. Nawab Murshid Kuli Khan entrusted the responsibility for constructing the mosque to his trusted follower who was an architect, Murad Farash Khan. Katra Masjid Murshidabad sightseeing place along with Hazarduari Palace, Hazarduari Museum, Nashipur Rajbari, Katgola Bagan Bari, Jain Temple, Yellow Mosque, Footi Masjid, Nizamat Imambara, Namak Haram Deoli, and Motijheel Masjid. Katra Mosque Murshidabad & Tomb of Murshid Quli Khan in Murshidabad. Nawab Murshid Quli Khan Tomb inside Katra Masjid. Historical Katra Masjid of Murshidabad. Historical Nawabi Islamic (Muslim) Masjid of Murshidabad is Katra Mosque which badly affected by Earthquake (Bhumikamp)
Credit music
1Creative music :Dizaro safari ncs
2Creative music :Culture code Make you move ncs
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3Creative music : Jebase turtel beach ncs
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