Kaunas Old Town, Lithuania
Kaunas Old town in Lithuania
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Kaunas Sharing Sights / Kaunas dalinasi vaizdais
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Kaunas Travel Guide
Kaunas tourism and travel information such as accommodation, festivals, transport, maps, activities and attractions in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas is a city in south-central Lithuania. At the confluence of the Neris and Nemunas rivers, Kaunas Castle is a medieval fortress housing historical exhibitions. To the east, the old town is home to the Kaunas Cathedral Basilica, with its ornate interior, and the Gothic spires of the Hanseatic House of Perkūnas. Laisvės Alėja, a pedestrianized street lined with trees and cafes, crosses the city from west to east.
Population: 295,269 (2016) United Nations
Medical tourism in Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas, Your One-Stop Shop For Medical Travel!
Lithuanian healthcare is renowned for quality and transparency: it strictly meets all of the European Union standards and offers world-class facilities and latest treatments, together with inexpensive travel and affordable prices. All of the above is even more true in Kaunas, home to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.
More about medical services in Kaunas:
Kaunas, Lithuania - Top Places To Visit - Silvija Travel Tips - Unravel Travel TV
Kaunas is the second-largest city in Lithuania after Vilnius and has historically been a leading centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas is home to a variety of festivals and events, including the famous Kaunas Jazz festival, Hanza days, Operetta, Pažaislis Classical Music festival, Bike show, Kaunas city days, Songs festival ( listed by UNESCO), International Modern Dance Festival and much more. The Old Town has a collection of ancient architectural monuments, the remnants of the 14th century with remains of Kaunas castle, the buildings of the Middle Ages in the Gothic and Art Déco styles. The Kaunas Fortress has a valuable military heritage composed of a number of buldings and walls that used to be a military complex. There are nine Forts around the city and the IXth Fort serves as a museum. The macabre collection of nearly 3,000 devils at the Devils’ Museum and the exhibitions showing the unique artistic styles of composer and painter M. K. Ciurlionis, as well as J. Maciunas initiator of the avant-garde Fluxus art movement. The Funicular in the city is a unique means of transportation, is still in use today, including the genuine pre-war wagon, wooden seats, and stop platforms. Even today the funicular takes people up to the hill, from which the panorama of the Kaunas city centre and Old town is wide open. Kaunas is the only city among Baltic States, where such means of transportation is available. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water entirely in Lithuania. Since the restoration of independence, improving substantially air and land transport links with Western Europe have made Kaunas easily accessible to foreign tourists.
- Kaunas Castle, Lithuania
- Town Hall, Kaunas
- Kaunas Cathedral Basilica
- Vytautas the Great War Museum, Kaunas
- Eternal Flame, Tomb of the Unknown Solder, Kaunas
- Statue of Liberty, Garden of Vytautas, Kaunas
- Žaliakalnis Funicular Railway, Kaunas
- Christ's Resurrection Church (Radio Factory, 1952), Kaunas
- St. Michael the Archangel's Church, Kaunas
- Kaunas Priest Seminary
- Vytauto Didžiojo tiltas (Great Bridge), Nemunas River, Kaunas
- Perkūnas (Thunder) House, Kaunas
- Lithuanian Bank / The Bank Museum, Kaunas
- River Memunas and Neris, Santakos Parkas, Kaunas
- Church and Monastery of Pažaislis, Kaunas
Kaunas Tourism
Lithuania Tourism
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Kaunas, Lithuania. A look around and tour of the city.
Kaunas, Lithuania, tour of the city.
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Trip to Kaunas and Vilnius.
My trip to Kaunas and Vilnius, Lithuania. I was there between March 18th-22nd 2019. I stayed at Kaunas City hotel.
I visited Devil's museum and The Great war museum.
In Vilnius I climbed to bell tower.
Kaunas old town, Lithuania
Kaunas old town, Lithuania 2001 ( Lietuva ) - Ковно
Kaunas is the second-largest city in Lithuania and has historically been a leading centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. In the Russian Empire it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915. It became the only temporary capital city in Europe during the interwar period.
Before Lithuania regained independence, the city was generally known in English as Kovno, the traditional Slavicized form of its name; the Polish name is Kowno; the Belarusian name is Koўнa, Kowna, Russian name was Ковно Kovno, although Каунас Kaunas has been used since 1940. The Yiddish name is Kovne (קאָװנע), while its names in German include Kaunas and Kauen.
Kaunas Old town, Lithuania
KAUNAS - gražiausias Lietuvos miestas
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#studiorar #kaunas #vaizdasisoro
NEW KAUNAS | Lietuvos ateities miestas | Future City of Lithuania
ARCHITEKTŪROS VIZIJA | Autorius: Marijus Surdokas | Sukūrė: Baltic Architects Group | balticarchitects.com
Vieną dieną, kai robotai atliks didžiąją dalį žmonijai reikiamo fizinio darbo, svarbiausias žmogaus gebėjimas bus kūrybingumas. O kūrybingiems žmonėms reikia unikalios gyvenamosios aplinkos.
NEW KAUNAS - Lietuvos ateities miestas.
Daugiau apie projektą:
In our Kaunas City - Video Tour part 2 we are visiting the largest monastery complex in Lithuania which is called -Pažaislio vienuolynas ir bažnyčia. We are taking you for a walk around the grounds of the monastery and the church itself. Our next stop is one of the Hydro Electric plants in Lithuania - Kauno Algirdo Brazausko hidroelektrinė (KHE). Built in 1960 it is still one of the biggest renewable energy plants in Lithuania. And our last stop is Christ's Resurrection Church which in Lithuania is called Prisikėlimo bažnyčia.
For the best panoramic views of Kaunas and more - watch our KAUNAS CITY - VIDEO TOUR PART 2!
Make sure you check KAUNAS VIDEO TOUR PART 1 -
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WEST TO EAST: We're a Scotsman (Western Europe) and Lithuanian (Eastern Europe) addicted to travel and exploration. We want to share our experiences in video format and create a channel for you to explore the world through visualisation. We hope you enjoy this video, and as ever, if you have any feedback or comments please leave them below.
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Mūsų pirmojo video turo aplink Kauno miestą, tęsinyje Jums rodome gražiausius pavasarinius vaizdus iš didžiausio Lietuvoje - Pažaislio vienuolyno. Pamatysite ne tik įspūdingus apylinkių vaizdus, bet ir pačio vienuolyno prieigas. Mūsų sekanti stotelė - Kauno Algirdo Brazausko hidroelektrinė (KHE) , didžiausia atsinaujinančius energijos išteklius naudojanti hidroelektrinė Lietuvoje. Paskutine mūsų stotelė šiame video ture - Kauno Kristaus Prisikėlimo bazilika dar žinoma kaip Prisikėlimo bažnyčia.
Norėdami pamatyti nuostabius vaizdus iš vienos gražiausių Kauno panoramos stebėjimo vietų, žiūrėkite mūsų video turo po Kauna antrąją dalį!
Nepamirškite peržiūrėti pirmąją KAUNO MIESTO VIDEO TURO dalį čia -
PRENUMERUOKITE: Naujus filmukus keliame kas savaitę!
WEST TO EAST: Esame keliautojų porelė iš Lietuvos ir Škotijos. Mėgstame atrasti naujas vietas bei perteikti jas nuotraukomis ir filmuota medžiaga, kuria vėliau dalinamės su mūsų žiūrovais internete. Tikimės jog šitas filmukas jums patiks, todėl prašome palikti savo komentarą su pasiūlymais.
Kaunas Castle / Lithuania
We share our Trip around Kaunas, Lithuania's City Centre and Old Town. A City flooded with rich history and beautiful architecture.
SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Week!
WEST TO EAST: We're a Scotsman (Western Europe) and Lithuanian (Eastern Europe) addicted to travel and exploration. We want to share our experiences in video format and create a channel for you to explore the world through visualisation. We hope you enjoy this video, and as ever, if you have any feedback or comments please leave them below.
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Šiame klipe dalinamės nuostabiais Kauno miesto vaizdais. Kaunas yra antras pagal dydį Lietuvos miestas šalies centrinėje dalyje, Nemuno ir Neries santakoje. Miestas didžiuojasi kompaktišku, gerai išsaugotu Senamiesčiu, kuriame daug vertingų kultūros ir architektūros paminklų kuriuos galite išvysti šiame klipe. Turtinga istorija ir įspūdinga kultūra apipinti miesto centro vaizdai perteikia nuostabią miesto atmosfera ir kviečia prisijungti prie šio video turo po Kauno miestą.
PRENUMERUOKITE: Naujus filmukus keliame kas savaitę!
WEST TO EAST: Esame keliautojų porelė iš Lietuvos ir Škotijos. Mėgstame atrasti naujas vietas bei perteikti jas nuotraukomis ir filmuota medžiaga, kuria vėliau dalinamės su mūsų žiūrovais internete. Tikimės jog šitas filmukas jums patiks, todėl prašome palikti savo komentarą su pasiūlymais.
Kaunas Guide, Lithuania ????????
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Kaunas, Lithuania Travel Video
I go to visit Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania on the first days of March. During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius was part of Poland between 1920 and 1939.
I walk near river, I visiting Old Town, City Center and local market.
KAUNAS - Lituania / Lithuania - Turismo, guía, travel, city tour visitar tourism guide - Lietuva
KAUNAS - Lituania / Lithuania
City tour - Guide - Travel
Con poco más de 400.000 habitantes, Kaunas es la segunda ciudad de Lituania y cuenta con algunos atractivos turísticos como la iglesia de la Resurrección de Cristo, a la que se llega con un funicular y desde donde se obtienen las mejores vistas de la ciudad, el edificio del Ayuntamiento, construido en el siglo XVI de estilo barroco, la iglesia de Vytautas, la Casa de los Truenos, antiguo edificio de los comerciantes de la liga hanseática, el Castillo de Kaunas o la iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel.
La ciudad cuenta con una gran cantidad de museos entre los cuales se destacan el museo del gran pintor y compositor lituano M.K.Ciurlionis, el museo de guerra de Vytautas el Grande, y el museo del demonio (diablo), único en el mundo que nos ofrece una colección de tres mil obras de este personaje mitológico.
Con el soporte audiovisual:
AKROPOLIS | Kaunas Shopping Center Presentation Video
AKROPOLIS | Kaunas - one of the biggest shopping centers in Europe, located in the heart of Kaunas city in Lithuania.
Kaunas Sharing Sights
Kaunas - the hearth of Lithuanian culture, tradition and history is just waiting to be discovered. Come over and see for yourselves!
Lithuania (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Lithuania in Europe.
Lithuania is situated on the Baltic Sea and has a long history, fortified castles and splendid palaces, a country that has many religious buildings and where religious faith has become an art form. Vilnius, the capital, is a city of Baroque mixed with Gothic, Renaissance and Classicism, a melting pot of culture. Its main landmark is Castle Hill with its red-coloured Gediminas Tower that marks the beginning of the city's history. The Boulevard begins in Cathedral Square where, adjoining the cathedral, is a fine white bell tower. The Cathedral’s interior still radiates a Gothic sense of space. The local people are particularly proud of the cathedral’s copy of the Turin Shroud. In the Middle Ages when the Grand Dukes ruled, the ancient capital of Trakei was the political centre of Lithuania’s power. The later built Water Castle is the real landmark of Lithuanian history. Grand Duke Vytautas had the castle extended and from it ruled a vast empire which, for a short time, stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Around forty kilometres northwest of Vilnius lies the archaeological site of Kernave, Lithuania’s ‘Troy’. The exhibits date from the tenth century B.C. until the Early Middle Ages. During the first centuries A.C., large settlements were established in the Pajauta Valley, which were protected by the Castle Mountains. On the edge of the Zemait Highland in the north lies Şiauliai, Lithuania’s fourth largest city, much of which had to be rebuilt after the Second World War and that since the sixteenth century had been an important market and trading city. Sundial Square is the city’s main landmark with its impressive sundial that was created for the city’s seven hundred and fiftieth jubilee in 1986. Full of European history, Lithuania has become a modern day country with magnificent castles, ancient towns, nature and culture and is a destination that is bound to please!
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