Turkish Abandoned Ghost Town | Kayaköy Fethiye Turkey | Full Time World Travel Vlog 3
Turkish Abandoned Ghost Town | Kayaköy Fethiye Turkey | Full Time World Travel Vlog 3
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In this Turkey travel vlog, we visit the abandoned village of Kayaköy, near Fethiye. This place was deserted in the 1920s due to the population exchange policy between Turkey and Greece. We also visit another ancient site in Fethiye, the Amyntas Rock Tombs or Lycian Rock Tombs, which are carved into the side of the mountains overlooking Fethiye and the ocean.
As well as learning about these historical places, we also tried some delicious Turkish Meze at a restaurant overlooking Fethiye.
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Fethiye The Jewel of Turkey part 6 Kayakoy
Documentary and tourist guide to Kayakoy near Fethiye, Turkey. Including the villages history during the Greek Turkish war 1919-1922
and short hike to Af Monastery. Some unusual drone shots of Kaya.
Kayakoy, Fethiye hakinda belgesel filim, Ingilizce 1080 Full HD
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The full playlist ... Fethiye the Jewel of Turkey, including Olu Deniz, Calis Beach and Hisaronu
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TURKEY: Kayaköy - Ghost Town [HD]
The deserted village Kayaköy (Karmylassos), now preserved as a museum village, consists of hundreds of rundown but still mostly intact Greek-style houses and churches which cover a small mountainside.
It was built on the site of the ancient city of Carmylessus in the 18th century. It experienced a renewal after nearby Fethiye was devastated by an earthquake in 1856 and a major fire in 1885. After the Greco-Turkish War, Kayaköy was largely abandoned after a population exchange agreement was signed by the Turkish and Greek governments in 1923.
Many of the buildings were damaged in the 1957 Fethiye earthquake.
Today Kayaköy is a historical monument. Around 500 houses remain as ruins and are under the protection of the Turkish government, including two Greek Orthodox Churches, which remain the most important sights of the ghost town. There is a private museum on the history of the town. In the middle of the village stands a fountain source from the 17th century.
Kayaköy is located near Ölüdeniz and Fethiye, Turkey.
September 16, 2012
Fethiye Kayaköy Fethiye Muğla Turkey
Kayaköy, Muğla'nın Fethiye ilçesine bağlı tanınmış bir köydür. Kayaköy, birbirinden çok farklı iki yerleşim alanından oluşmaktadır.
Fethiyenin görülmesi Gereken En Güzel Yerleri │Kayaköy - Karmylassos / Fethiye
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Fethiyenin görülmesi Gereken En Güzel Yerleri │Kayaköy - Karmylassos / Fethiye
Kevin MacLeod sanatçısının Lord of the Land adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı ( altında lisanslıdır.
Fethiyede Gezilecek Yerler: Fethiye Kayaköy ve Hikayesi
5000 yıllık tarihi var demiştik. 5000 yıl önce Likyalılara ait Karmylassos kenti varmış burada. Sonra onbirinci yüzyılda, Rumlar buraya yerleşmiş ve bu kentin ismi “Levissi” olmuş. Yaklaşık 25.000 kişinin yaşadığı köy, yirminci yüzyılın başına kadar varlığını sürdürmüş. Köy denildiğine bakmayın, 3500 civarı harap ev göreceksiniz.
“Taksiyarhis” isimli Yukarı Kilise, hakim bir tepenin üzerinde kurulmuştur. Görülmesi gereken bir yapıdır. Panayia Pirgiotissa isimli Aşağı Kilise, bir zamanlar cami olarak kullanıldığı için daha korunmuştur. Kızlar Okulu ve Erkekler Okulu da görülmesi gereken yerler arasındadır.
Kayaköy’de binlerce yılın tarihini göreceksiniz, tatile Fethiye’ye gelen herkesin görmeden dönmemesi gereken bir yerdir. Kayaköy, Fethiye’nin gezilecek yerler listesinde olmazsa büyük kayıp yaşadınız demektir. Türkler ve Rumlar burada birlikte çok uzun yıllar yaşamışlar. İnsanların olmadığı Osmanlılar zamanında ufacık bir köy hayatının sürdüğü bir yermiş Kayaköy. Sadece geçimlerini tarımdan karşılasalar da bu bir türlü çözülemeyen su sorunu yüzünden aslında çok da başarılı olamamış. Osmanlılar çukur kısmında, Rumlar da yamaç kısmındaymış. Bu yüzden Rumların daha oturmuş bir düzenleri varmış. Tüm bunlara rağmen barış içinde iki devlet arasında bir ilişki varmış. Şehri göç zamanı boşaltma zorunluluğu olan Rumların şehri tamamen boşaltması ile Kayaköy hayalet bir şehre dönüşmüş. Buranın işte bu yüzden Fethiye için ayrı bir önemi var.
Öyle bir hava var ki Kayaköy’de sanki orada bir zamanlar yıllarca yaşayan insanlar dün hala oradalarmış gibi bir hisse kapılabilirsiniz. Aslında terk edilmemiş yalnızca orada o gün yoklarmış gibi hissettiren bir yerdir Kayaköy. Yıkılmış, dökülmüş virane haline gelmiş, bomboş sokaklarda evler arasında dolaşan turistler, hala geçmişin izlerini bunca yılın tarihi yapılarında ararcasına burada gezerler. Hemen dumanı tüten bir ev görseler orada soluğu alacaklarmış gibi.
Alıntı :
Fethiyedeki meşhur eski bir rum köyü olan kayaköyü ziyarete gittim. 1923 nüfus mübadelesinde bir gecede boşaltılan bu tarihi ve ilginç olan yeri çekip size göstermek istedim. Buraya isterseniz müze kartı, isterseniz cüzi bir rakamla girebiliyorsunuz. Daha öncede gidip gördüğüm bu güzel yeri aynı zamanda drone ile havadanda çektim. 5 bin yıllık olan bu köyle ilgili bazı bilgiler aşağıdadır.
Kayaköy, Muğla'nın Fethiye ilçesine bağlı tanınmış bir mahalledir.
Kayaköy, birbirinden çok farklı iki yerleşim alanından oluşmaktadır. Bunların birincisi; turizmde de önemli yeri olan, 19. yüzyıl başında kurulmuş, yamaçlara dayalı ve nispeten yakın tarihli bir yerleşim olmakla birlikte, Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemlerinde, tamamı Rum, 3000 nüfuslu bir kasaba boyutuna ulaşmış, eski adı Levissi şeklinde geçen mahalledir. 1957 Fethiye Depremi ile evler harabeye dönüşmüş olsa da, canlı müze niteliği ile turistlerin büyük ilgisini çekmektedir. Diğeri ise 1512 yılından itibaren Osmanlı tahrir defterlerinde geçen Kayı Köyü'dür. Başta 39 numaralı tahrir defteri olmak üzere bölgede Oğuzların Kayı boyuna mensup Türkmenlerin yerleştiğine ilişkin kayıtlar mevcuttur. Kayaköy'de gezilip görülecek yerler arasında büyük ve küçük kilise ile on dört şapel bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca küçük kilise yanında bir çömlek atölyesi (Çömlekhane) vardır. Küçük kilise yolundan yalnızca deniz veya yürüyerek ulaşımın mümkün olduğu Soğuk Su koyuna yaklaşık kırk dakikada gidilebilir. 1923 yılında gerçekleşen mübadeleyle Levissi'de yaşayan Rumlar Yunanistan'a göç ederken Kayaköy'e de Selanik ve civarından gelen muhacirler yerleşmişlerdir. Eski Kayaköy'ün turistik açıdan daha verimli değerlendirilmesine ilişkin tartışmalar sürmektedir.
Fethiye ölüdeniz:kayaköy
Στο χωριό φάντασμα Kayakoy - Λοιβίσι Όποιος Έλληνας βρεθεί στη Μάκρη - Fethiye είναι αδιανόητο να μη πάει στο χωριό φάντασμα. Δέκα χιλιόμετρα μόνο είναι η απόσταση για το μελαγχολικό Λιβίσι. Το χωριό το εγκατέλειψαν οι κάτοικοί του το 1923 με την ανταλλαγή των πληθυσμών μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας. Οι Έλληνες έφυγαν για να βρουν νέα σπίτια στην Ελλάδα. Περίπου 2.000 γυναικόπαιδα (οι άντρες είχαν οδηγηθεί αιχμάλωτοι σε καταναγκαστικά έργα) με μάτια φοβισμένα και σκοτεινή καρδιά ξεκίνησαν το βασανιστικό ταξίδι για τη Νέα Μάκρη του Μαραθώνα και το χωριό Φαράκλα στη βόρεια Εύβοια. Ωστόσο οι Τούρκοι που κατοικούσαν στην Ελλάδα δεν εμφανίστηκαν ποτέ στο χωριό. Από τότε παραμένει αλαφροΐσκιωτο χωριό με σπίτια όρθια, αλλά έρημα, χωρίς ταβάνια. Και μια πλατεία που ακόμα περιμένει να υποδεχθεί όποιον νοσταλγό θέλει να το επισκεφθεί. Το σημερινό του όνομα Καγιάκιοι. Είναι η αρχαία Καρμυλησσός. Η παρουσία Ελλήνων χρονολογείται από τη βυζαντινή εποχή. Από το 14o αιώνα, πολλοί από αυτούς, ήταν από τη Ρόδο και το Καστελόριζο. Κάποτε το χωριό είχε δικό του νοσοκομείο με πέντε γιατρούς, τρία φαρμακεία, δημοτικό σχολείο και βιβλιοθήκη. Πριν αρχίσουν οι διωγμοί οι Έλληνες ήταν 6.500 και μόνο 500 οι Τούρκοι. Σήμερα στην Κάτω Ενορία βρίσκεται η Παναγία η Πυργιώτισσα, αφιερωμένη στα Εισόδια της Θεοτόκου. Στο κέντρο του χωριού υπάρχουν ερείπια από το ιερό του ναού της Αγίας Άννας. Στην Πάνω Ενορία είναι ο βυζαντινός ναός του Ταξιάρχη (Γιουκαρί Κιλίσε), ενώ άλλα εκκλησάκια υψώνονται στις κορυφές των λόφων. Η επίσκεψή μας στους λατρευτικούς χώρους των χριστιανών μας έδωσαν την εικόνα της επόμενης ενός καταστρεπτικού σεισμού. Στην αγκαλιά της Λυκίας - Ελλάδα ταξίδι
Panoramio Φαράκλα
Πανοράμιο Λοιβίσι
Kayakoy, Turkey
We visited the Greek Ghost Town of Kayakoy, Turkey and were mesmerized by the evocative song of the Muslim afternoon call to prayer.
Kayakoy, the ghost village
A village or town 8km south of Fethiye in southwest Turkey which was abandoned in 1923 by the Anatolian Greek speaking Christians at the end of the Greco-Turkish war. Really worth a visit
#TimezoneJunkies #hitchhiking #Turkey #hitchhike
In this episode we say goodbye to our lovely Turkish camping family and hitchhike a short distance of 23 kilometres from Inlice beach to Fethiye where we couchsurf and go on a hitchhiking daytrip to the Ghost town of Kayaköy.
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The best destination in Turkey (Fethiye, Kayakoy)
Kayakoy which also called Ghost Town is one of the best destinations to see in Turkey. Natural beauty combined with its interesting history. If you looking for a relaxing holiday, that place is the best destination for you. Additionally it is just 10 min to the sea called Oludeniz.
“Levissi”: A Mysterious Ghost Town & the Sorrowful Story of Kayakoy
The infamous conclusion of the Greco-Turkish War in 1923. A decision, mutually made by two governments, costing tens of thousands their roots, their culture, their home. A decision not based on the consent of the governed, but a handful who governed. As humans we all treasure our roots, our birthplaces, our communities- those we live and share life with. Similarly, we are all connected by the searing pain of displacement, forced migration or even economically-induced relocations. Whether in the West, South or the East we innately relate to those heartbreaks and pain- Do we ever learn from our history?
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Kayakoy Fethiye Turkey.AVI
Abandoned Ghost Town at Kayakoy (near Fethiye), Turkey
Kayakoy Ghost City near Fethiye Turkey
Kayakoy is a ghost village about 4 miles from Fethiye on the Turkish coast . Greek Christians lived there until 1925 but deserted en masse after a population exchange agreement by Turkey and Greece. It is now a museum village with Greek style houses, numbering around 500. Only the facades remain, the rest have probably been looted but also damaged in 1957 by an earthquake. It is high on a mountain side. It was built in the 18th century but badly damaged by an earthquake in 1856. In 1900, its population was around 2000. A great place to visit. Nearby are a restaurant and a souvenir shop.
Kayakoy Ghost Town Turkey: Near Oludeniz in Fethiye
Kayakoy ghost town in Turkey sits near Fethiye centre and the popular coastal holiday resort of Oludeniz. This deserted, lifeless town with crumbling houses and empty streets, has an overwhelming aura of nostalgia. Sometimes called a ghost village, locals abandoned it after the Turkish Independence war when Turkey and Greece agreed on population exchanges. Greek people used to call it Levissi.
The area is the setting for the book “Birds Without wings” by the famous author Louis de Bernières. It also famously appeared in the film the Water Diviner which featured Russell Crowe. It is one of Fethiye’s biggest tourist attractions. As well as exploring the abandoned village, tourists eat in nearby restaurants and explore on horseback. Although tours run to the village, it is possible to get there via local transport and explore independently. The entrance fee is displayed at the ticket gates. When you visit the area, seeing Kayakoy is a must.
Further Information
• Read more about Kayakoy Ghost Town in Turkey:
• Other Things to Do in Fethiye:
• Our Turkey Blog:
Hayalet Köy | KAYAKÖY
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Kayaköy, Fethiye’de hüzünlü bir köy ismi. 1923 yılında mübadaleyle köyde yaşayan 3000 Rum Yunanistan’a göç eder ve köye bir daha kimse yerleşmez ondan sonra, yerleşen de mutlu olamaz. O kadar muhteşem bir mimariye sahip ki hiçbir evin manzarası diğer evin manzarasını kesmiyor. Kilisesi duruyor, okulu duruyor, öyle ki her an zil çalacakmış da çocuklar dışarı çıkacakmış gibi.
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Tomb of Amyntas & Kayakoy | TURKEY
A glimpse at the two historic sights of Fethiye: Tomb of Amynthas & the abandoned village of Kayakoy, APRIL 2016.
Read the full story here:
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