Harika bir doğa içerisinde muhteşem bir tarihi değer Kuştul Manastırı.
Maçka Galyan vadisinde Atasu Barajı boyunca tabelaları takip ederek Şimşirli Köyüne ulaştıktan sonra Manastırı görebilirsiniz fakat manastıra yol yok.Orman içerisinden zorlu bir yoldan tırmanmak zorundasınız.Navigasyon kullanarak rahatlıkla gelebilirsiniz.Bence çok gizemli ve görülmesi gereken bir yer
Şimşirli Köyünde YILDIZOĞLU tesisleri var. Sahibi Osman Beyin hünerli ellerinden gürül gürül akan derenin üzerinde kahvaltı , alabalık veya et-balık yiyebilirsiniz.
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Ayrıntılı Bilgi;
Kuştul Manastırı, Trabzon İli Maçka ilçesi Esiroğlu Beldesi Şimşirli(Kuştul) Mahallesi sınırları içerisinde bulunan;ulaşılması güç bir kaya blogunun üzerinde kurulmuş ve daha sonra yapılan eklenti ve restorasyonlarla gelişmiş ,turizm açısından önem taşıyan bir tarihi değerdir.
Peristera adıyla anılan manastır, 752 tarihinde yapılmış olup 1203'te yağmalanıp bir süre terk edildikten sonra 1393'te tekrar faaliyete başlamıştır.
1904'teki yangında tamamen yanınca üçüncü kez yapılmıştır. Günümüze pek az kalıntısı gelen manastırın içindeki mağaranın kuzeyine yaslanmış küçük kiliseciğin çok eski olmadığı bilinmektedir. Manastırın içine girilince, iç avlunun sağında ve solunda iki-üç katlı manastır odaları yerleştirildiği görülmektedir.
Kuzeydekilerin misafir odaları, güneydekiler keşiş odaları olduğu düşünülmektedir.
1923’te nüfus mübadelesi ile boşaltılan manastırdan günümüze ana gövde ve yıkılmış yapı duvarları ulaşabilmiştir.
1903'te çekilen bir fotoğraftan manastırın; büyük bir kilisenin yanında haç planlı başka bir kilise ile manastır yapılarından oluştuğu anlaşılmaktadır.
Batı cephesinden bir merdivenle içine girilen manastır; geniş holleri ve salonlarıyla dikkat çekmektedir.
Haç planlı kilisesi zamanla yıkılmış ve hiçbir iz bırakmadan yok olmuştur. Bu yok oluşun manastırın define avcılarınca tahrip edilmesinden kaynaklandığı iddia edilmektedir.
Manastırın batıya uzanan dehlizleri olduğu belirlenmişse de bugün kullanılmaz durumdadır.
Detailed İnfo ;
Kuştul Monastery is located near Şimşirli village, Maçka district, Trabzon Province of Turkey. Founded in 752 CE at 30 km southeast of Trabzon, it was finally closed on January 17, 1923,
when the monks along with other Greeks were expelled to Greece.
After 1906 fire, it was restored. A monastery with the same name was inaugurated on June 16, 1978, in Naousa, Imathia, which is where the monks of Kuştul Monastery are buried.
The monastery is abandoned and only the base of the church survives today.
The monastery's Greek name is Saint George Peristereotas. The name was derived from the monk Peristereotis (peristeri meaning pigeon in Greek). Legend has it that a flock of pigeons
descended from the forests of Sourmena and guided three monks who were carrying the icon of Saint George to the place where the monastery was built.
During its heyday the monastery consisted of 187 rooms/cells and a large library which housed over 7000 volumes of works. In 1203 and after 450 years of continuous use,
the monastery was depopulated and for two centuries no monk lived within it.In 1398 permission was granted by the Emperor of Trebizond, Manuel III for the monastery to reopen.
In 1462 the monastery was partly destroyed when robbers and looters stole many of its heirlooms. Many of its possessions were also lost in the fires of 1483.
In 1501 the monastery was placed under the immediate jurisdiction (stauropegic) of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, and remained so until its abandonment.
The monastery was again depopulated following the Population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1922/23.
3D Reconstruction of Kaymakli Monastery. Trapezounta. Pontos.
3D Reconstruction of Kaymakli Monastery. Trapezounta. Pontos.
-3D Modeling and 3D Animation: Vladimir Nefidis, Architect.
-Video Editing: Gogo Kochov.
Trabzon Kaymaklı Manastırı-2
Sultan Rezidance - Trabzon - Turkey
Save up to 25% with Smart Booking. Book it now:
Sultan Rezidance hotel city: Trabzon - Country: Turkey
Address: Kavala Köyü Yukarı Calaplı Mahallesi No:4; zip code: 61100
Offering free WiFi and a garden, Sultan Rezidance is located in Trabzon, 7 km from Ataturk's Mansion. Hagia Sophia Museum is 9 km from the property. Free private parking is available on site.
-- Sultan Rezidance公寓位于特拉布宗(Trabzon),距离Ataturk's Mansion府7公里,提供免费Wifi和一个花园,距离圣索菲亚博物馆(Hagia Sophia Museum)9公里,设有免费内部私人停车场。 部分单位亦设有带洗碗机和冰箱的厨房。 Sultan Rezidance公寓距离依马克勒修道院(Kaymakli monastery)4.3公里,距离最近的机场——特拉布宗机场(Trabzon Airport)5公里。
-- Апартаменты Sultan Rezidance с бесплатным Wi-Fi и садом расположены в Трабзоне, в 7 км от особняка Ататюрка. Расстояние до храма Святой Софии составляет 9 км. На территории обустроена бесплатная собственная парковка.
-- تقع Sultan Rezidance في ترابزون على بعد 7 كم من قصر أتاتورك، وتقدم خدمة الواي فاي مجانًا وحديقة، ويقع متحف آيا صوفيا على بعد 9 كم من مكان الإقامة، وتتوفر مواقف خاصة للسيارات مجانًا في الموقع. يتوفر أيضًا مطبخ في بعض الوحدات مجهز بغسالة صحون وثلاجة.
Armenian churches : the Horomos monastery in Turkey
I started off the morning in #Cappadocia #Turkey with a magical sunrise, watching all of the hot air balloons fly. This was definitely the BEST sunrise that I have ever witnessed. Then I went on a tour, there are a few different tours, Green, red and blue. I chose the GREEN ROUTE. The green route is the most popular. I can't remember the companies name but there are a lot of companies that do these tours. All of the green tours are the same price (180TL/30 EUROS) Make sure you ask the company what the tour includes. I thought mine was really worth it,
it included: transport to & from hostel (we drove 110km) the tour guide (needed to make the rocks come alive) The first view point stop, Kaymakli underground city, Ihlara valley, Selime cathedral, lunch, the jewelry shop and Turkish delight tasting. The was a full day. This video was recorded July 18th 2018. IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE TOUR THEN POP THEM IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW.
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KSMK X FȺL - Together
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Song: Ikson - Horizon (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Odiporiko ston Ponto Fakeloi
Odiporiko ston Ponto (FAKELOI)
Harabeye dönen Vazelon Manastırı turizme kazandırılacak
Trabzon'un Maçka ilçesinde, ormanlık alanda yer alan ve 7 yıl önce Fener Rum Patriği Bartholomeos’un da ziyaret ettiği Kızlar Manastırı olarak ta bilinen tarihi Vazelon Manastırı, bakımsızlıktan harabeye döndü. Üzerlerine aşk ilanları yazılan, resimler çizilen ve kurşun deliklerinin yer aldığı freskleri yok olmaya başlayan manastırın çatısı da heyelan sonucu çöktü. Definecilerin de talan ettiği ve kaderine terk edilen manastır için harekete geçildi, restorasyon projesi hazırlandı.
Aya Nikola Monastery
Aya Nikola Monastery
Located in Kıyıköy/Vize/Kırklareli Turkey
Aya Nikola Monastery, is one of the oldest stone carving monasteries of the world. It's located in the Kıyıköy, Vize, Kırklareli Province. Monastery is one of the bests and it belongs Justinyen period (527 - 565 AD) in the 6th century.
Aya Nikola Manastırı
Kıyıköy Belediyesi/Vize/Kırklareli
Aya Nikola Manastırı, Türkiye'de Kırklareli ilindeki Kıyıköy, Vize kasabasında bulunan dünyanın en eski taş oyma manastırlarından biridir. 6. yüzyıldaki(M.Ö 527 - 565) I. Justinianus dönemine ait olup, kaya manastırlarının en iyi örneklerindendir.
Turkish adventures. Kemer & Cappadocia. #travel #turkey #kemer #cappadocia
Summer in Turkey.
Падение Трапезунда (Трабзона) 1916 / Fall of Trabzon
Падение Трапезунда (Трабзона) / Fall of Trabzon
Дата съёмки - март - апрель 1916
Жанр - Документальный, кинохроника, военный
Оператор - Семён Эсадзе
Производство - Скобелевский Комитет. Военно-Кинематографический Отдел
Падение Трапезунда (Трабзона) (1916) - Первая мировая война. Кавказский фронт. 1 (14 по новому стилю) апреля 1916 года Русские войска, поддержанные огнем кораблей Черноморского флота, прорвали оборону турецких войск на реке Кара-Дере и 5 (18 по новому стилю) апреля заняли турецкий приморский город Трапезунд (Трабзон).
Кинохроника. Российская Империя 1896 - 1917 / Russian Empire. Chronicle -
Военные фильмы -
Штурм и взятие Эрзерума 1916 / The Russian Capture of Erzerum -
Эрзерум взят Русскими войсками 1916 / The Russian Capture of Erzerum -
Черноморский флот. Корабельная артиллерия 1916 / Russian Black Sea Fleet. Naval artillery -
Хамадан взятый нашей доблестной армией 1915 / The Russian Capture of Hamadan -
Наша группа ВКонтакте / VK -
Трапезундская операция 23 января (5 февраля) 1916 - 5 (18) апреля 1916 года. Ряд успешных операций Русских войск Кавказской армии и Черноморского флота против турецких войск во время Первой мировой войны. Завершилась победой Русских войск и захватом турецкого черноморского порта Трапезунд.
Вслед за Эрзрумской операцией Кавказская армия генерала Николая Юденича провела наступление на правом фланге, где находился крупнейший порт Восточной Турции Трапезунд.
Трапезунд был стратегически важным портом на побережье, через него шло всё морское снабжение 3-й турецкой армии. Операция осуществлялась силами Приморского отряда генерала Ляхова (15 тысяч человек, 50 орудий), Батумского отряда Черноморского флота (капитан 1-го ранга Римский-Корсаков). Из Севастополя также были привлечены несколько боевых кораблей. Всего было привлечено 2 линкора, 4 эсминца, 2 канонерки, несколько тральщиков. Была использована десантная операция: высажено около 2 тыс. человек, морской десант 20 февраля захватил Атину, 23 февраля порт Ризу. 25 марта, с целью усилить Приморский отряд, в Ризе были высажены 2-ве Кубанские пластунские бригады (18 тысяч), их перебросили из Новороссийска. 1 апреля русские войска, поддержанные огнем кораблей Черноморского флота, прорвали оборону турецких войск на реке Карадере и 5 апреля заняли Трапезунд (Трабзон).
До середины мая Приморский отряд расширял захваченную территорию, его усилили 2-мя пехотными дивизиями (35 тысяч, перебросили из Мариуполя), создан Платанский укрепрайон, отряд стал 5-м Кавказским корпусом и держал территорию Трабзона до конца войны.
В итоге Трапезундской операции было прервано снабжение турецкой армии морем, отработано в бою взаимодействие Кавказской армии, Черноморского флота и морской авиации. В Трапезунде создана база Черноморского флота и база снабжения Кавказской армии, что упрочило её положение.
Победы Русского оружия были закреплены в секретном соглашении Антанты, по нему Англия и Франция признавали, что Российская империя после войны получит: области Эрзерума, Вана, Битлиса, Трапезунда, часть Курдистана.
С началом Первой мировой войны греческое и армянское население Трапезунда подверглось гонениям - геноциду. Греческое население округа сформировало отряды самообороны.После взятия города был Русской армией с апреля 1916 года по март 1918, Митрополит Хрисанф возглавил временное греческое правительство. Греческие отряды самообороны продолжили борьбу и с уходом русской армии вплоть до 1923 года, когда большая часть коренного православного греческого населения была переселена в Грецию.
Fall of Trabzon (Trebizond) (1916)
Cinematography - Semyon Esadze
Production Co - Skobelev Committee
Fall of Trabzon (Trebizond) (1916) - the Trebizond Campaign, also known as the Battle of Trebizond, was a series of successful Russian naval and land operations that resulted in the capture of Trabzon. It was the logistical step after the Erzerum Campaign. Operations began on February 5 and concluded when the Ottoman troops abandoned Trabzon on the night of April 15, 1916.
Effect on Armenians - prior to World War I, the vibrant Armenian community of Trabzon numbered 30,000. In 1915, during the Armenian Genocide, they were massacred and deported. After the Russian capture of Trabzon, some 500 surviving Armenians were able to return, as well as Armenian monks of the Kaymakli Monastery.
Hotel Ferah - Trabzon - Turkey
Hotel Ferah hotel city: Trabzon - Country: Turkey
Address: Merkez Mah. Lise Cad. No:12 Arakli; zip code: 61700
Located in Arakli, Hotel Ferah is 1 km from the marina and 500 metres from the seaside. Hotel has 24-hour front desk and free Wi-Fi. The rooms feature heating and TV with satellite channels.
-- Situé à Araklı, à 1 km du port de plaisance et à 500 mètres du littoral, l'Hotel Ferah propose une réception ouverte 24h/24 et une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite. Ses chambres sont équipées du chauffage et d'une télévision par satellite.
-- El Hotel Ferah está situado en Arakli, a 1 km del puerto deportivo y a 500 metros del mar. El hotel dispone de recepción abierta las 24 horas y conexión Wi-Fi gratuita. Las habitaciones cuentan con calefacción y TV con canales vía satélite.
-- Das Hotel Ferah liegt in Arakli und ist 1 km vom Yachthafen sowie 500 m vom Meer entfernt. Das Hotel verfügt über eine 24-Stunden-Rezeption und kostenloses WLAN. Die Zimmer bieten eine Heizung und Sat-TV.
-- Hotel Ferah ligt in Arakli, op 1 km van de jachthaven en op 500 meter van de kust. Het hotel heeft een 24-uursreceptie en gratis WiFi. De kamers zijn voorzien van verwarming en een televisie met satellietzenders.
-- Hotel Ferah酒店位于阿拉克勒(Arakli),距离码头有1公里,距离海边有500米。酒店设有24小时前台和免费的无线网络连接,客房配有暖气和卫星电视。 酒店的客房铺有镶木地板,设有带淋浴的私人浴室、一个吹风机,部分客房享有山景。 酒店供应传统的土耳其早餐,附近也有许多餐馆。 Hotel Ferah酒店距离特拉布宗机场(Trabzon Airport)有26公里,距离马克勒寺(Kaymakli Monastery)有33公里。
-- Отель Ferah расположен в поселке Араклы, в 1 км от пристани для яхт и в 500 метрах от моря. К услугам гостей круглосуточная стойка регистрации и бесплатный WiFi. Номера оборудованы системой отопления и телевизором со спутниковыми каналами.
-- يقع فندق Ferah في Arakli، ويبعُد كيلومترًا واحدًا عن المرسى، فيما يبعُد 500 متر عن شاطئ البحر، ويحتوي على مكتب استقبال يعمل على مدار الساعة، ويوفر خدمة الواي فاي المجانية، وتشتمل الغرف على تدفئة وتلفزيون مع قنوات فضائية.
Cappadocia, Turkey - Asia Minor Tours - Unravel Travel TV
Cappadocia is a historical region in Central Turkey. It is a region of exceptional natural wonders, in particular characterized by fairy chimneys and a unique historical and cultural heritage.
The area is a popular tourist destination, as it has many areas with unique geological, historic, and cultural features. The region is located southwest of the major city Kayseri, which has airline and railway service to Ankara and Istanbul. The most important towns and destinations in Cappadocia are Urgup, Goreme, Ihlara Valley, Selime, Guzelyurt, Uchisar, Avanos and Zelve. Among the underground cities worth seeing are Derinkuyu, Kaymakli, Gaziemir and Ozkanak. The best historic mansions and cave houses for tourist stays are in Urgup, Goreme, Guzelyurt and Uchisar.
Hot-air ballooning is very popular in Cappadocia and is available in Goreme. Trekking is enjoyed in Ihlara Valley, Monastery Valley (Guzelyurt), Urgup and Goreme.
Sedimentary rocks formed in lakes and streams and ignimbrite deposits that erupted from ancient volcanoes approximately 9 to 3 million years ago, during the late Miocene to Pliocene epochs, underlie the Cappadocia region. The rocks of Cappadocia near Göreme eroded into hundreds of spectacular pillars and minaret-like forms. People of the villages at the heart of the Cappadocia Region carved out houses, churches and monasteries from the soft rocks of volcanic deposits. Göreme became a monastic centre in 300—1200 AD. The first period of settlement in Göreme goes back to the Roman period. The Yusuf Koç, Ortahane, Durmus Kadir and Bezirhane churches in Göreme, and houses and churches carved into rocks in the Uzundere, Bağıldere and Zemi Valleys all illustrate history and can be seen today. The Göreme Open Air Museum is the most visited site of the monastic communities in Cappadocia (see Churches of Göreme, Turkey) and is one of the most famous sites in central Turkey. The complex contains more than 30 carved-from-rock churches and chapels, some having superb frescoes inside, dating from the 9th century to the 11th century.
Tours available with Asia Minor Tours to Cappadocia and Istanbul: History-Heritage-Nature
DAY 1: Depart from Dublin ot UK. Arrive to Istanbul Airport. Connect to your flight to Kayseri. Transfer to your hotel for overnight.
DAY 2: After breakfast start your History and Heritage Tour: Visit Goreme Open Air Museum, Pasabagi (rock formations with three different caps), Cavusin old Village (Ancient Greek buildings), Lunch, Avanos (Pottery Centre), Devrent Valley, Urgup (Fairy Chimneys). Return to your hotel for overnight.
DAY 3: After breakfast start your History and Heritage Tour: Visit Ihlara Valley, Derinkuyu Underground City, Lunch, Belisırma Village, Selime rock monastery, Pigeon Valley. Return to your hotel for overnight.
DAY 4: In the morning, after breakfast, transfer to Kayseri Airport for your flight to Istanbul. Free day in İstanbul at your leisure.
DAY 5: After breakfast transfer to Istanbul Airport for your return flight.
ASIA MINOR TOURS was established in 2006 taking group tours to Turkey. From the very start they decided, as a small company, that central to their philosophy was a close relationship with each of the customers and providing the personal touch that is so often forgotten in mass tourism today.
Now,may years on, they pride themselves on what they like to call 'Workshops for handmade tourism'. By working closely with individuals, groups and tour leaders they ensure that tours are designed with the customers' specific needs in mind. Managed by Niamh O'Malley and Memet Uludag, ASIA MINOR TOURS specialises in custom developed, cultural and special interest tours.
Asia Minor Tours
Fly to Cappadocia with Turkish Airlines
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Maquette of Panagia Soumela Monastery. Trapezounta, Pontos.
Maquette of Panagia Soumela Monastery.
Trapezounta, Pontos.
Maquette Construction: Nefidis Vladimir.
Video: Damianos.
3D Reconstruction of Saint George Peristereota Monastery. Pontos.
Η Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Γεωργίου Περιστερεώτα. Πόντος
3D Reconstruction of Saint George Peristereota Monastery, Pontos.
3D Modeling & 3D Animation: Nefidis Vladimiros. Architect.
Video Editing: Gogo Kotchov.
Music: Katerina Papadopoulou.
Çarpanak adası Gıduts S. Garabed Manastırı (Çarpanak Manastırı)
Gıduts Manastırı. S. Garabed Kilisesi (Kaynak: Mıkhitaryan Cemaati, Aziz Lazarus, Venedik)
Rivayete göre manastırın kurucusu Krikor Lusavoriç. Ermeni Kilisesinin ilk katolikosu Roma dönüşü S. Haç ve yedi aziz naaşından parçalar da beraberinde getirmiş. Çarpanak adasına vardığında “Bizi buraya göm” diyen bir ses işitmiş. Krikor Lusavoriç kalıntıları yedi yere gömüp üzerlerine de yedi azizin adlarını verdiği yedi kilise inşa eder ve öğrencilerinden birini ruhani önder olarak atar. Zamanla manastırdaki ruhani sayısı 500’e yükselir. Bir gün ruhanilerden üçü hastalanıp ölür. Hizmetliler ruhanilerin odasına geldiklerinde üzerlerinde “guduts” (bir grup) meleği toplanmış olarak görür ve birbirlerine bağırmaya başlar: “Guduts melek inmiş, guduts melekler...”. O günden beri manastır “Guduts Manastırı” olarak anılmakta
Vazelon Monastery Top # 7 Facts
Vazelon Monastery Top # 7 Facts