3D modelling of the church of Kazan (Tallinn, Estonia)
3D BIM model and 2D drawings (views, plans and sections) of the Kazan church (official name Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Tallinn) was performed as the result of the point cloud composed with laser scanning works.
3D model was performed in accordance to the model designing requirements of the State Real Estate of Estonia and in cooperation with Gravicon Llc.
Church of Kazan completed in 1721 is the oldest extant wooden sacred building in Tallinn.
Purpose of the surveying was to store current situation of the building and its constructions. Also to create material basis for planning renovation of the church.
Tallinn Estonia Russian Orthodox Church
Tallinn Estonia Russian Orthodox Church, November 2011
Paskha service in St Varvara church in Kazan. Part 1.
St Varvara church (Orthodox) in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia in about 11.15 pm, 10 min before the beginning of night Paskha service. People worship 'plashchanitsa', symbolic image of Christ's body
MKHS Chorale Easter Tour Janni Church - Tallinn Estonia v1
Seliste Orthodox Church.Estonia.
58.294576, 24.070245
As a rule, the Orthodox churches built in the second half of the 19th century were stone buildings, but the Seliste Church, built in 1864, is a sternly ascetic wooden building with the interior following its simple and undecorated style. There is an impressive octagonal tower above the western entrance of the church, covered with a small onion dome. In 2001, the outside of the church was painted red and the window frames were painted white.
An interesting fact!
The church was built by monks from Riga who transported the components of the church from Riga across the ice in winter and then assembled the church here. The church and its surroundings were renovated and cleared in 1998.visitestonia.com
Orthodox temple in Tallinn, Estonia
- more about the trip to Estonia
006-Centre of Qazan (Kazan). Intersection of Pushkin and
At the intersection of Pushkin and Ostrovskiy streets. Yakitoria restaurant. Tuqay Square. Centre of Qazan (Kazan)- capital of Tatarstan. 25 April 2007
3D Tallinn
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【K】Estonia Travel-Tallinn[에스토니아 여행-탈린]중세 이정표, 성 올라프 성당 첨탑/St Olaf's Church/Spire/Stairs/Observatory
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[한국어 정보]
탈린의 거리를 걷다보면 어디에서든 눈에 띄는 높은 첨탑이 있다. 16세기에 완공된 올레비스테 성당의 첨탑 높이는 무려 159미터. 중세시대 탈린으로 들어오는 모든 무역선들에게 이정표가 되었던 건물이라 한다. 이 첨탑 위에 올라서면 탈린 시가지를 한눈에 내려다볼 수 있다는 말에 나는 용기를 내 발걸음을 옮겼다. 끝도 없이 이어진 나선형의 좁은 돌계단... 수백 년의 세월을 먹으며 윤이 나도록 반들반들해진 그 계단을 오르는 일은 생각만큼 쉬운 일이 아니었다. 지칠 대로 지친 나를 마음의 끈으로 잡아당겨주는 동료 여행자의 도움을 받아 마침내 나는 첨탑 위에 섰다. 그리고 발 아래로 펼쳐진 그 풍경 속으로 빠져 들어갔다. 청록빛 숲과 붉은 지붕, 그리고 회색 성벽이 조화롭게 어우러진 탈린의 모습은 동화 속에서나 꿈꿔왔던 그 모습 그대로였다.
[English: Google Translator]
Walking along the streets of Tallinn look anywhere there is a high spire stands out. Stephen Levy coming spire of the cathedral was completed in the 16th century, nearly 159 meters height. It referred to as the Middle Ages the building was a milestone for all incoming trading ships to Tallinn. At the end of the spire that can be written up on the Tallinn overlooking the city at a glance, I moved to step inside the container. What led to those stairs to climb infinitely eating glazed years Clicker become slippery narrow spiral stairway ... hundreds of years was not easy as I thought. With the help of the exhausted tired as me and pulling the straps to fellow travelers in mind, I finally stood on the steeple. And I went out into the landscape stretches down to speed. Forest turquoise and red roofs, walls and gray blend harmoniously appearance of Tallinn as it was dreamed eseona its appearance in fairy tales.
[Estonian: Google Translator]
Kõnnib Tallinna tänavatel otsida kusagil on kõrge tornikiiver paistab. Stephen Levy tulevad torn katedraali viidi lõpule 16. sajandil, ligi 159 meetri kõrgusel. See nimetatakse keskaja hoone oli verstapost kõik sissetulevad kaubalaevad Tallinna. Lõpus tornikiiver, millele saab kirjutada üles Tallinna vaatega lühidalt, kolisin samm sees konteiner. Mis viis need trepid ronida lõpmatult süüa klaasitud aastat Clicker muutuda libedaks kitsas spiraal trepp ... sadu aastaid olnud lihtne kui ma arvasin. Tänu kurnatud väsinud mind ja tõmmates rihma kaasteelisi meeles, ma lõpuks seisis torn. Ja ma läksin maastikus venib kuni kiirus. Forest türkiis ja punane katused, seinad ja hall segu harmooniliselt välimus Tallinn, nagu see oli unistanud eseona oma välimust muinasjuttudes.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아01-02 중세 이정표, 성 올라프 성당 첨탑/St Olaf's Church/Spire/Stairs/View/Observatory
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박현민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2008년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,유럽,에스토니아,Estonia,Eesti Vabariik,Eesti,박현민,2008,6월 June,하르유 주,Harju County,Harju Maakond,Harju
RP Objektide ringreis 2019
Autor: VK projekteerija Kerta Kõiv
Muusika: Sander Mölder x NOËP - Muhu Girl (
Church of the Holy Apostles - 3D Digitisation - Athena RC - Xanthi's Division (1080p)
The digitisation team of the Athena Research Centre (Xanthi's Division) has performed a complete exterior 3D digitisation of the church of Holy Apostles that is situated in the homonymous square in Thessaloniki, Greece.This was done within the framework of the EU funded 3D-ICONS project. This is a high definition (1080p) animation of 3D digital replica of the monument.
Old Tallinn xeniafoto.com/aero
Bordó Sàrkàny at Tallinn Medieval Days
Kohtuotsa & Patkuli City Viewing Platforms and Old Town Hall Observation Tower in Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia is a compact, scenic and and beautiful medieval town - luckily, it has many viewing platforms and observation decks, of which the entire city lays out in front of you! The first portion of this compilation of videos is from two scenic overlooks in the Old Town/Toompea Hill area; these afford amazing views and are free to get to, very little walking uphill required - just be prepared for the crowds!
Afterward, from high up is the Old Town Hall Observation Deck, way up in the white steeple in the historic Old Town Square - fantastic views abound, all over the city and particularly of the square itself.
These views are quite stunning - see them for yourself if possible, but if not soon enough, enjoy this video in the meantime!
Kazan kreml 3D
Kazanin kremli. Ortodoksikirkkoja ja moskeija.
Kreml in Kazan. Orthodox churches and a mosque.
Kazan Monastery in Vyshny Volochyok [CC]
The Kazan Monastery is an Orthodox women's monastery of the Kazan Icon located in Vyshny Volochyok, Russia.
Creative Commons Video by Medullaoblongata
Video released under Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY). You may share, copy, embed and modify as you wish, only mention me as source / author.
Audio: Almost in F - Tranquillity by Kevin MacLeod
I encourage you to release your own videos under creative commons
#creativecommons #russia #monastery #VyshnyVolochyok
Orthodox Easter setrvice 2008
St John's Church in Tallinn, Estonia
Rainy Day in Tallinn, Estonia (ASL)
I swear, it was sunny only 5 minutes before I began this video! Tallinn is picturesque when the sun is out, but I could only document rain in this vlog! Transcript below:
Hello! My name is Andrew. I'm continuing my travel vlog series about northern Europe. Today I'm in the city of Tallinn, in Estonia. Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia. Usually, this city is really beautiful, though today it's raining, so maybe not quite as beautiful. But just five minutes ago, I promise, the sun was shining! But all day the rain has been on and off, anyway...
Here is Tallinn's 'Old Town'. Behind me there is the old Town Hall, and this is the Town Square. Shooting off from the square are many, many small, narrow, cute streets with many shops and good restaurants. I just went with my dad to a small restaurant called 'Vegan Restaurant', and we had amazing food there!
This morning, I've just been walking around and looking at the grand churches and cathedrals, but soon I'll need to get back to the boat. Actually, this week I've been staying in the city of Helsinki, Finland. But it's possible to get on a boat that takes about two hours to get to Tallinn. It's very close! So many tourists go to Helsinki, then for one day, come to Tallinn, walk around for four or five hours, and then go back to Helsinki.
Today, yeah, it's raining, but I did actually enjoy walking around in Tallinn. Perhaps in the future I may come back...
[5 minutes later...]
Oh my god, this rain is awful! People usually come to Tallinn and take in the sights and say, 'Oh, wow, this city looks like it came straight from a fairytale, it's so beautiful! But today I feel like it's actually like a city from a disaster movie, dang...
[10 minutes later...]
Huzzah! The rain stopped, so now I'm headed back to the ferry to go back to Helsinki. Bye!
Thanks to my Dad for filming and accompanying me to Tallinn!
Medieval Days in Tallinn 2017
During the medieval days, Tallinn Old Town presents the true atmosphere of the blossoming Hanseatic times.
Kazan: CBM Eastern Bible School Documentary
kazan 2015
CBM Eastern Bible School
The Christadelphians hold two Bible Schools in the Russian speaking world each year. The Western School is normally in Ukraine and this year the Eastern School was held in Kazan, a major Russian city about 500 miles east of Moscow in the republic of Tatarstan. A team go out from the UK and Russian Brothers and Sisters travel to the school from as far away as Kazakhstan and Siberia.
This observational documentary video shows show what it’s like to be part of the week long Bible School and gives you a taste of all of the different activities from Bible study sessions, working with Russian translators, the work with the children, people just relaxing, an afternoon out in Kazan, a sports afternoon, three baptisms and much more. You get the serious side of things and a number of light-hearted moments to give you a real flavour of the event.
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