70th Anniversary of Holy Dormition Convent Novo-Diveevo
On Saturday, October 19, Holy Dormition Convent Novo-Diveevo in Nanuet, NY, marked the 70th anniversary of its founding – specifically, the first Liturgy celebrated here. Leading the festivities was Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York.
Russia 2018: Why Russian urban residents often go to the village? One of the reasons
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Music by Epidemic Sound (
ES_Screaming Out (Tribute Version) (Instrumental Version) - Martin Hall
ES_The Guitar And Me 2 - Henrik Nagy
ES_The Guitar And Me 4 - Henrik Nagy
ES_Loco Loca - Andreas Jamsheree
Solovetsky Monastery, Solovki (Russia) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Solovetsky Monastery in Solovki, Russia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Located on the Solovetsky Islands, a small archipelago in Solovki, Russia, is the Solovetsky Monastery.
The site was founded by two monks in the 1400s and after a generous land donation the monastery was substantially expanded.
The secluded location of the islands was a perfect stronghold throughout the Livonian, Crimian and Russian Civil Wars.
The surrounding walls are four to six meters in thickness and encompass the village where the monastery is located.
A source of great pride for the monks inhabiting the monastery were the expansive manicured grounds and gardens.
Solovetsky Monastery and village now cover all the Solovetsky Islands and are open for visitors and pilgrims.
Zvenigorod Monastery, Russia ????????
The Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery (the Storozhi monastery of St. Savva) is a Russian Orthodox monastery dedicated to the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos. It is the preeminent landmark of Zvenigorod, a town 48 km west of Moscow.
What does the biggest monastery in Russia (and Europe) look like?
St. Cyril-Belozersk Monastery in the Vologda Region keeps legacy of Russian tsars.
St. Cyril-Belozersk Monastery was founded in the late 14th century and became the largest monastery not only in our country, but also in Europe. Its total area spans more than 12 hectares and the monastery walls are more than two kilometers long. It also played an important role in Russia’s political affairs.
Ivan the Terrible visited the monastery many times and wished to spend the rest of his days here. His kids and future rulers also spent time here. As a result, St. Cyril-Belozersk Monastery is a vital part of Russian history. In 1924 the monastery was closed and turned into museum. Its main task is to preserve its legacy and buildings.
Golden ring of Russia: monastery near Rostov
The Golden Ring of Russia (Russian: Золото́е кольцо́ Росси́и) is a vast area in which old Russian cities are located in a ring-like arrangement and a well-known theme-route. The cities are located northeast of Moscow and were the north-eastern part of the ancient Rus'.[1] The Golden Ring of Russia formerly comprised the region known as Zalesye. The idea of the route and the term were created in 1967 by Soviet historian and essayist Yuri Bychkov, who published in the newspaper Sovetskaya Kultura in November–December 1967 a series of essays on the cities under the heading Golden Ring.[2]
These ancient towns, which also played a significant role in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserve the memory of the most important and significant events in Russian history. The towns have been called open-air museums and feature unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 12th–18th centuries, including kremlins, monasteries, cathedrals, and churches. These towns are among the most picturesque in Russia and prominently feature Russia's onion domes.
Rostov Velikiy is known as Rostov-Veliky (Rostov the Great) to distinguish it from the larger Rostov-on-Don. It is among the oldest of cities in Russia, having first been mentioned in chronicles in 862. Its most impressive sight is the white-stone kremlin which stands on Lake Nero and is now a museum-reserve. The city also has three monasteries and museums dedicated to the art of painting on enamel for which the city is famed.
Соловки, Спасо-Преображенский монастырь / Solovki island, Russia, monastery
Соловки, Спасо-Преображенский монастырь / Solovki island, Russia, monastery
Соловецкий монастырь, фильм 2 / monastery on Solovki island, video 2:
Ива (Ирина) Афонская, поэтесса, художница, фотограф из Москвы, переехавшая жить в Болгарию. Член Союза писателей России и Союза русскоязычных писателей Болгарии.
в России:
ДИВНОЕ ДИВЕЕВО - фильм о Серафимо-Дивеевском монастыре (2016)
Паломники приезжают сюда из самых дальних уголков планеты, чтобы помолиться в храмах, пройти с Богородичной молитвой по святой Канавке, окунуться в святые источники и утолить жажду из источников духовных.
Дивеевский монастырь ‒ четвёртый удел Пресвятой Богородицы на земле после Иверии, Афона и Киево-Печерской лавры. Здесь находится рака с мощами Серафима Саровского ‒ одного из самых почитаемых русских святых.
Дивеево поражает своей красотой, вдохновляет своей историей, но особенным это место становится благодаря присутствию благодати Духа Святого. Именно поэтому люди давно уже его называют «дивное Дивеево».
Автор и режиссер - Андрей Холенко
Композитор - Вадим Преображенский
Операторы - Андрей Холенко, Юлия Галочкина, Кирилл Пальмовский
Диктор - народный артист России Владимир Березин
Продюсеры - Алёна Шмакова, Андрей Холенко
Производство Студии Фильмотограф, 2016
Перевод субтитров на английский, греческий и китайский языки выполнен при поддержке Движения Русь Православная, Председатель - Виктор Семёнов.
Сайт фильма - diveevo.tv
Russian Spring
Russian Spring
Sfintele Nebune pentru Hristos de la Man.Diveevo, 1
un documentar despre viata sfintelor Nebune pentru Hristos de la Man.Diveevo din Rusia, Pelaghia, Pasa si Maria.
Traducerea o gasiti la :
The Village Teacher (1947) movie
Village Teacher was the first postwar production by Soviet director Mark Donskoy, of Gorky Trilogy fame. Vera Maretskaya stars as Varenka, a starry-eyed young Moscow teacher who accepts a post in a forsaken Siberian village. The story follows Varenka's career from the pre-revolutionary Czarist regime to the end of WWII. It is a period of great unrest in the world and shattering personal heartbreak for Varenka.
The Village Teacher (1947) movie
Genre: Drama
Production Co: Soyuzdetfilm
Directed by Mark Donskoy
Writing Credits: Mariya Smirnova
Music by Lev Shvarts
Cinematography by Sergey Urusevskiy
Vera Maretskaya as Varvara Varenka Vasilievna Martinovna
Pavel Olenev as Igor Petrovich, school custodian
Daniil Sagal as Sergei Dmitriyevich Martinov
Vladimir Lepeshinsky as Prov Voronov, as a boy
Vladimir Maruta as Voronov, a gold miner
Vladimir Belokurov as Bukov, a gold miner
Anatoli Gonichev as Yefim Tsigankov, as a boy / Sergei Tsigankov, his son
Emma Balashova as Dumya, a girl
Dmitri Pavlov as Prov Voronov, as an adult
Rostislav Plyatt as The Secondary School Headmaster
Boris Belyayev as Ivan Zernov, a boy
Oleg Shmelyev as Nikita Bukov, a boy
N. Bershadskaya
Aleksey Konsovskiy
Anna Lisyanskaya
A. Lsak
Nadir Malishevsky
Boris Runge
Aleksandr Zhukov
M. Maritka
Iosif Vankov as Bukov's guest
Additional information:
I’ll teach you to dream, said the film’s heroine to the children starting their life. In 1984 this promise became the name of a documentary by G. Chukhrai, Yu. Shvyryov and M. Volotsky about the life of one of a kind poet and hero of the national cinema, Mark Donskoy. The Italian neo-realists believed that their art originated from the flow of life typical of Donskoy’s films, considered the director their predecessor and emulated his poetic approach to everyday life. In the early 1970s Mark Donskoy’s name was included in the West in a number of lists of the best film directors of modern time.
Russian Сemetery & Outskirts of Fryazino City. Visit my Grandparents Graves on May, 9
Link to part 1:
Hello guys:) I congratulate you with Victory Day and I would like to show you my first music film. It is a war film “Summer Day of 1943”. A few words about this film. My son went to a music school and they often had concerts. So the musicians that you will see in this film are music school students and their guitar teacher. They play famous Russian melodies: Гевиксман “Березовые сны” (Gevixman “Birch dreams”) and Новиков “Эх, дороги” (Novikov “Eh, roads”). Thank you for watching. Hope you will like my film. Happy Victory Day! С Днем Победы!
???? A few words about me. My name is Valeria and I live in Moscow. I have 3 youtube channels:)
My DIFFERENT RUSSIA channel is about Russian history and traditions. Here there are many tips for those people who are planning a tour to Russia. ???? Subscribe now:
Orthodox Russia is a channel about Orthodox life in Russia. You will find a lot of info about Russian Orthodox monasteries and holy springs, you will learn a lot about Orthodox saints. ???? Subscribe now
DIFFERENT RUSSIA Life channel is about my everyday life. Here you will also find many tasty and simple recipes :) ???? Subscribe now:
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Композиция Light Sting принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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E Minor Prelude
Композиция Earnest принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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Композиция Dial M принадлежит исполнителю Twin Musicom. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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С момента своего основания в 1638 г. донской “Межигорский монастырь” предназначался для донских казаков. Географически был расположен на склоне высокого плоскогорья, в земле представлявшую обширную, однообразную низменную степь, почва солонцеватая и малоплодородная, но богатая лесами. Дон в иных местах обращается в ручей, а в других местах образует пруды. В узких руслах Дон течёт быстро, и иногда весной лёд запирает всю реку в этих местах, поднимает воду и разливами наносит вред населению. Что же касается появлению здесь казачества, то с давних времён в некоторой степени этому способствовали Аланы, Гунны, Хазары, Печенеги, Половцы которые здесь проходили, некоторые оседали и перемешивались между собой.
В 1570 г. при Иоанне Грозном Донское казачество было признано официальным. И уже во второй половине XVI в. в труднодоступных местах появляются первые постройки, было основано 4 городка, в том числе и г. Медведицкий в 1595 году (ныне г. Серафимович).
Между 1652—1662 гг. по благословению Патриарха Никона, начинается строительство монастыря, которое закончилось в 1665 г. Предполагалось, не отлагая времени освятить храм в честь Преображения Господня, но сложившиеся обстоятельства воспрепятствовали благому намерению, которое было совершено, только спустя пять лет в 1670 г.
В 1712 г по челобитной игумена Феодосия за монастырем утверждается, для прокорма (обители) рыбная ловля на р.Дон от Усть-Хоперского рубежа до Хованского перелаза. Если насельники пытались приобрести, что-нибудь для монастыря, то сами же казаки отнимали у монастыря землю, распахивали сенокосы, на что игумен Феодосий жаловался Войсковой канцелярии, которая помогла устранить обиду лишь на короткое время. После смерти Феодосия в 1719 г (в схиме Феодосии), правил его преемник игумен Илларион до 1729 г., после ушел на покой и скончался в 1733 г. (в схиме Илия).
9 сентября 2012 году произошло Великое освящение храма Казанской Божией Матери в праздник 360-летия Усть-Медведицкого Спасо-Преображенского женского монастыря. Открыт верхний храм (верхняя часть Храма Казанской иконы Божией Матери), на реставрацию которого ушло более 20 лет.
В данное время сестры монастыря делают чудодейственную мазь которая помогает при телесных болезнях.
Матушка Митрофания: 8-961-084-62-89 Билайн, 8-902-311-24-67 Теле 2.
Адрес в ВК:
Почтовый адрес для писем: 403441 Россия, Волгоградская обл., г. Серафимович, ул. Преображенская, 7.
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Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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Russia: Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral
Russians are awesome - we love Russia:
Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral or Belaya Gora (White Mountain) Monastery is the biggest cathedral in the Urals, situated 120 km from Perm and 80 km from Kungur.
Father Igumen Varlaam was the builder and first Abbot of the Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery Cathedral. It was constructed as a missionary church by the Russian Orthodox Church within an area where many Russian Orthodox Old-Rite Church congregations were located.
Construction of the monastery church began in 1902 and it was consecrated in June of 1917. Four hundred (400) monks lived at the monastery in 1917. Their daily schedule was prayers from 3 to 6 AM, then work. Lunch was 11:30 to noon, then 2 hours of rest. Return to work from 2 to 5. Last service was the day was from 6 to 10 PM.
In 1914 the Grand Duchess Elisabeth Phedorovna Romanova visited the monastery.
The monastery was captured during the Russian Revolution by the Red Army in October 1917. Fighting left some monks dead and others were deported. The Abbot of the monastery was tortured to death in 1918 and the monastery was converted into a mental hospital. The great bells of the monastery were broken into pieces with sledge hammers and the artwork of the monastery was largely destroyed.
The monastery was used as a hospital for shell shocked soldiers and civilians during and after the Second World War. A mental patient burnt off the roof of the monastery church in 1979 and the building was abandoned.
A dedicated group of eight monks rushed to stablize the building in 1993 and it has been undergoing restoration ever since that year.
North 57 degrees 23.542' and East 56 degrees 13.787' at an elevation of 465 meters. Especially in winter months, Belaya Gora looks unusually beautiful. From the elevation, one has a 360 degree view over the typical vast forest landscape of the Urals.
Walking my dog in the Russian Countryside - Summer 2017
Walking my dog in the Countryside - Russian Nature -Summer fun
Most Beautiful place to visit In Russia by Slides of world
Russia is Most Beautiful place in the world. To visit Russia you may refresh your mind. So the most Beautiful traveling zone in Russia is-
Dargavs, the City of the Dead
Dargavs is located at the Dargavskaya Hollow in North Ossetia-Alania. Dargavskaya Hollow is protected from clouds and winds by mountains which create a special dry microclimate.
St. Petersburg
The most beautiful city in Russia is full of romantic ambiance, bridges, museum-like streets and imperial spirit. Russian’s northern capital has an unparalleled cultural history that will be of interest to genuine lovers of all things classical: theatre, ballet and opera.
Altai Mountains
The Altai Mountains is a complex system of the highest mountains in the Siberian ridges, separated by deep river valleys and extensive hollows. The Altai National Reserve and the Katunskiy National Reserve together form the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Golden Mountains of Altai.
Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal is the biggest, deepest and most diverse lake on Earth. The region offers a similarly diverse range of opportunities for holiday makers, including living in small wooden houses with little convenience and amenities, sitting on the shore of the Lake Baikal .
Zapovednik ‘Stolby’ Nature Reserve
Stolby Nature Reserve is located in the north-western spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, bordering the Central Siberian Plateau. The reserve borders the city of Krasnoyarsk in the north east, and can be easily reached by bus from the center of the city.
Lake Onega and Kizhi Island
Located in the north west, Lake Onega is the second largest fresh water lake in Europe. The lake has a huge diversity of fish, including sturgeon, salmon, trout, whitefish, bream, catfish, eel and others, and a significant number of relics of the Ice Age
Lena Pillars
Lena Pillars is a natural park in Russia, located on the banks of the Lena river in Yakutia’s Khangalassky region, near the town of Pokrovsk.
The Valley of Geysers
Located inside the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Valley of Geysers is one of the largest geyser fields in the world, and the only one in Eurasia.
Krasnodar Krai
Krasnodarskiy Krai traditionally attracts lovers of spas, beaches and gastronomic tourism. The three most popular destinations include coastal Sochi, Gelendzhik and Anapa.
The Solovki Islands
The Solovetsky Archipelago, also know as Solovki, is located in the western part of the White Sea, between the Karelian coast of Pomerania and the Summer of the Onega Peninsula, near the Arctic Circle, and consists of six large, and more than a hundred small, islands.
So don't miss those amazing place.....
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Παναγία Καζάν Κόκκινη Πλατεία
Nizhny Novgorod, bell ringing at diveevo
Solovki 2007 Part 1
Journey to Solovki 2007