Exploring Sumatra - Kerinci Seblat National Park #FamilyGoesToNationalPark Eps-8
Kerinci Seblat National Park is the largest national park on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. It has a total area of 13,791 km2, and spans four provinces: West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, and South Sumatra.
The park area includes a large part of the Barisan mountain range, which form the western spine of Sumatra island and includes the highest peak in Sumatra, Mount Kerinci (3,805 m), one of more than five active volcanoes in the national park. This mainly montane park includes hot springs, rivers with rapids, caves, scenic waterfalls, and the highest caldera lake in Southeast Asia - Lake Gunung Tujuh, while the Great Sumatran fault runs through the national park making the area of great interest to geologists. The park completely encircles the populated Kerinci valley.
Video edited by Giri Prasetyo
Music by Phillip Cuccias
Supported by EIGER Adventure
Indonesia Trip : Kerinci Seblat National Park Sumatera Barat Indonesia, Mopon EN
Indonesia Trip : Kerinci Seblat National Park Sumatera Barat Indonesia
The park area includes a large part of the Barisan mountain range which form the western spine of Sumatra island and includes the highest peak in Sumatra, Mount Kerinci (3,805 m), one of more than five active volcanoes in the national park. This mainly montane park includes hot springs, rivers with rapids, caves, scenic waterfalls and the highest caldera lake in Southeast Asia - Lake Gunung Tujuh while the Great Sumatra Fault runs through the national park making the area of great interest to geologists.
The park is home to diversity of flora and fauna. Over 4,000 plant species have been identified to date in the park area, including the world's largest flower, Rafflesia arnoldi, and the plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence, the titan arum.
The fauna include Sumatran tigers and the park is recognised under the Global Tiger Initiative as one of the 12 most important protected areas in the world for tiger conservation. A recent study shows that the Kerinci Seblat National Park in central Sumatra has the highest population of tigers on the island, estimated to be at 165-190 individuals. The park also was shown to have the highest tiger occupancy rate of the protected areas, with 83% of the park showing signs of tigers. In fact, there are more tigers in the Kerinci Seblat National Park than in all of Nepal, and more than in China, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam combined.
The national park is home for other kinds of big, medium and small cats, clouded leopard/macan dahan (Neofelis nebulosa), marbled cat/kucing batu (Pardofelis marmorata), leopard cat/kucing hutan (Prionailurus bengalensis) and Asian golden cat/kucing emas (Catopuma temminckii). The Asian golden cats can be found everywhere in the national park because the cats adapt well to various kinds of habitat including open space. One shot of camera trap gave a fabulous photo when a golden cat mother was moving a cub to another location with her mouth.
Other highly endangered species include Sumatran rhinoceros, Sumatran elephants, Sunda clouded leopard, Malayan tapir, Malay sun bear. In 2008 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added a second species of muntjak deer to the Sumatran list of fauna with the rediscovery of the Sumatran muntjac, a deer not recorded since the late 1920s and now concluded as a new species and not sub species. The park also protects more than 370 bird species, including the Sumatran ground-cuckoo rediscovered in the park in 2002.
The Kerinci area is home to more than 300 bird species, including 17 of Sumatra's 20 endemic birds, making it of particular importance to ornithologists and bird-watching enthusiasts.
The population of Sumatran rhinoceros in the park was estimated to number around 500 in the 1980s,[6] but due to poaching the Kerinci Seblat population is now considered extinct.
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Malayan Sunbear video in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra.
A Malayan Sun bear video image captured through camera trap by the KSNP's Tiger Monitoring Team in Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra.
Favorite Highland - Facts of the Kerinci Seblat National Park
Kerinci Seblat National Park, who does not know the enchantment of Kerinci Mountain and its Sumatran tiger habitat.
Kerinci Seblat National Park is the largest national park in Sumatra which has an area of 13,750 km² which covers four provinces,
namely West Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, and South Sumatra.
This national park consists of the Bukit Barisan Mountains which has the highest plateau region in Sumatra, Mount Kerinci (3,805 m).
This national park also consists of hot springs, fast flowing rivers, caves, waterfalls and the highest caldera lake in Southeast Asia, Gunung Tujuh.
Music :
Song: Asia Cruise - Selfish (THBD Remix) (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
West Sumatra (Indonesia) - Beautiful Time Lapse Video of West Sumatra (Indonesia)
West Sumatra (Indonesia) - Beautiful Time Lapse Video of West Sumatra (Indonesia)
West Sumatra is a province of Indonesia. It lies on the west coast of the island of Sumatra. The 2010 census recorded its population as 4,846,909, but the latest official estimate for January 2014 shows a population of 5,098,790. Its capital is Padang.
It borders the provinces of North Sumatra (Sumatera Utara) to the north, Riau and Jambi to the east, and Bengkulu to the southeast. It includes the Mentawai Islands off the coast.
The province includes large areas of dense tropical forest, which is home to a host of species including: Rafflesia arnoldii (world's largest flower), Sumatran Tiger, Siamang, Malayan tapir, Sumatran Serow, Rusa Deer, Malayan Sun Bear, Bornean Clouded Leopard, and many birds and butterflies.
The province includes two National Parks: Siberut National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park, as well as a number of nature reserves: Rimbo Panti Nature Reserve, Batang Palupuh Nature Reserve, Lembah Anai Nature Reserve, Lembah Harau Nature Reserve, Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, Beringin Sakti Nature Reserve.
Bahasa Indonesia;
Sumatera Barat adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang terletak di pulau Sumatera dengan Padang sebagai ibu kotanya. Sesuai dengan namanya, wilayah provinsi ini menempati sepanjang pesisir barat Sumatera bagian tengah dan sejumlah pulau di lepas pantainya seperti Kepulauan Mentawai. Dari utara ke selatan, provinsi dengan wilayah seluas 42.297,30 km² ini berbatasan dengan empat provinsi, yakni Sumatera Utara, Riau, Jambi, dan Bengkulu.
Sumatera Barat berpenduduk sebanyak 4.846.909 jiwa dengan mayoritas beretnis Minangkabau yang seluruhnya beragama Islam. Provinsi ini terdiri dari 12 kabupaten dan 7 kota dengan pembagian wilayah administratif sesudah kecamatan di seluruh kabupaten (kecuali kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai) dinamakan sebagai nagari.
Overland from Europe to Indonesia 9: Mount Kerinci - Sumatra
Mount Kerinci is located in Sumatra. With its 3805m it is the roof of Sumatra and the second highest peak of indonesia. It is also the highest active volcano in South East asia.
En route pour Kerinci !
Assez de temps passé en civilisation, il est temps de partir loin à une journée de mini bus sur des routes interminablement sinueuses. Direction Kerinci, le volcan actif le plus haut d’Indonésie et le sommet le plus haut de Sumatra (3805m). Bien différents de nos montagnes puisque situé au cœur d’un climat équatorial, son ascension est assez difficile et loin de la promenade du dimanche. Deux jours de grimpes quasiment seule dans une jungle dense pour finir sur la dernière partie dans un paysage plutôt lunaire entre roche volcanique, magma séché et émanation de sulfure !
West Sumatra | Wonderful Indonesia | Minangkabau | Sumatera Barat - Indonesia ????daBento™
West Sumatra is a province of Indonesia. It lies on the west coast of the island of Sumatra.
West Sumatra lies in the middle of the western coast of Sumatra, and has an area of 42,130.82 km². Geographic features include plains, mountainous volcanic highlands formed by the Barisan mountain range that runs from north-west to south-east, and an offshore island archipelago called the Mentawai Islands. The West Sumatran coastline faces the Indian Ocean and stretches 375 km from North Sumatra province in the north-west to Bengkulu in the south-east. The lakes of West Sumatra include: Maninjau (99.5 km²), Singkarak (130.1 km²), Diatas (31.5 km²), Dibawah (14.0 km²), Talang (5.0 km²). The rivers of West Sumatra include: Kuranji, Anai, Ombilin, Suliki, Agam, Sinamar, Arau. The mountains & volcanoes of West Sumatra include: Marapi (2,891 m), Sago (2,271 m), Singgalang (2,877 m), Talakmau (2,912 m), Talang (2,572 m), Tandikat (2,438 m).
The province includes large areas of dense tropical forest, which is home to a host of species including: Rafflesia arnoldii (world's largest flower), Sumatran Tiger, Siamang, Malayan tapir, Sumatran Serow, Rusa Deer, Malayan Sun Bear, Bornean Clouded Leopard, and many birds and butterflies.
The province includes two National Parks: Siberut National Park and Kerinci Seblat National Park, as well as a number of nature reserves: Rimbo Panti Nature Reserve, Batang Palupuh Nature Reserve, Lembah Anai Nature Reserve, Lembah Harau Nature Reserve, Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park, Beringin Sakti Nature Reserve.
The Minangkabau people inhabit the area of West Sumatra province on the island Sumatra. They speak Minangkabau language. They are predominantly Muslim, and they have a reputation throughout Indonesia as traders.
Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat - Sumatera Barat | Tempat Wisata di Indonesia
Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat adalah taman nasional terbesar di Sumatera, Indonesia yang memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 13,750 km² dan membentang ke empat provinsi yaitu Sumatera Barat, Jambi, Bengkulu dan Sumatera Selatan.
Taman nasional ini terdiri dari Pegunungan Bukit Barisan yang memiliki wilayah dataran tertinggi di Sumatera, Gunung Kerinci (3.805 m). Taman nasional ini juga terdiri dari mata air-mata air panas, sungai-sungai beraliran deras, gua-gua, air terjun-air terjun dan danau kaldera tertinggi di Asia Tenggara, Gunung Tujuh.
Taman nasional ini juga memiliki beragam flora dan fauna. Sekitar 4.000 spesies tumbuhan tumbuh di wilayah taman nasional termasuk bunga terbesar di dunia Rafflesia arnoldi, dan bunga tertinggi di dunia, Titan Arum. Fauna di wilayah taman nasional terdiri antara lain Harimau Sumatera, Badak Sumatera, Gajah Sumatera, Macan Dahan, Tapir Melayu, Beruang Madu, dan sekitar 370 spesies burung.
Diterimanya Warisan Hutan Hujan Tropis Sumatera ke daftar Situs Warisan Dunia oleh UNESCO, membuat Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat juga diterima sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO. Bersama dengan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser dan Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan.
Exploring Sumatra - Mt. Leuser National Park (TN Gunung Leuser) #FamilyGoesToNationalPark Episode-01
The first trip of our family exploring National Parks in Indonesia.
Mt. Leuser National Park (Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser) is a national park straddling the border of North Sumatra and Aceh provinces.
Video edited by my mate : Giri Prasetyo
Supported by : EigerAdventure
GoPro Mount Kerinci Sumatera Indonesia
One of the largest national parks in Indonesia, Kerinci Seblat protects almost 14,000 sq kilometres of tropical rain forests in central western Sumatra running down the Barisan mountain range and its foothills and covering parts of four provinces. Terrains varies from lowland forests up to the peak of mighty Mt Kerinci at 3,805 m.
The national park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra and one of the most important tiger reserves in the world.
Communities and Conservation in Sumatra
In Indonesia, where biodiversity and carbon rich forests outside formal protected areas are under enormous pressure for conversion to agricultural plantations or intensive forestry concessions, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is working with local partners to facilitate a new paradigm of forest management. We are supporting forest-edge communities to secure legal rights for sustainable forest management -- taking forest lands 'off the market' for conversion and placing it in the hands of its traditional custodians.
In the forests bordering Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), in Sumatra Indonesia, FFI is working Lembaga Tiga Beradik (L-TB) and local government to support fourteen forest-edge communities in two districts to secure legally recognised village forests in critical Sumatran Tiger habitat. Delivering against goals of biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and protection of the forest resources and ecosystem services on which the local communities depend. The following film illustrates our work with eight communities in Merangin District.
Harau valley, bukittingi, Sumatra, indonesia
Camera traps Seblat, Bengkulu, Sumatra January - March 2015 part 2
Captured a range of species such as Tapir, Great Argus Pheasant, Leopard Cat, Leaf Monkey, Greater Mouse Deer and Sambar Deer
Berbak - Sembilang , Indonesia
Located on the south-east coast of Sumatra, this biosphere reserve includes Berbak and Sembilang national parks as well as two wildlife reserves. It contains undisturbed swamp forest peat ecosystems as well as freshwater swamp forests, mangroves and lowland forests surrounding riverbanks with swamps that reach a depth of up to 10 metres. Palm oil plantations, rubber, traditional agriculture (rice fields, dry fields etc) and timber are the main economic activities.
Magnificent Mount Kerinci.m4v
It's another good time for us who hiked to Gn. Kerinci on 2012. Alex KL Hiking Meetup group and Jakarta Outdoor Adventurists Meetup Group joined together to conquer Mt. Kerinci and went to Gunung Tujuh Lake that surrounded by 7 mountains.
Mount Kerinci or Gunung Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia, and the highest peak on the island of Sumatra. Also the second highest mountain (3,805 m) in Indonesia after Carstenz Pyramid in Papua and the second highest volcano in Southeast Asia. Situated in Kerinci-Seblat National Park that is spread over West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu Provinces, it is home to Sumatran rhinos, tigers and elephants. Reaching the summit entails 7 hours trekking through tropical rainforest and 3 hours on gravel and sand.
Thanks to all of you who contributed the photos; Aniza & mr. Chul, few pictures I took from member's photo album in Facebook and the most from my own camera. Once again thank you for your participation in this hiking. You are allowed to leave a comment here.......
( final part journey from kerinci land crossing jambi west sumatera bengkulu rafflesia land crossing kerinci seblat protected forest go along west sumatera beach bengkulu )
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Sunrise on Summit of Gunung Kerinci
Mount Kerinci is the highest volcano in Indonesia (outside of Papua), and the highest peak on the island of Sumatra. It is surrounded by the lush forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, home to the endangered species of Sumatran tiger and Sumatran rhinoceros.
Elevation: 12,484′
Bukittinggi Panorama Park Monkey's - Sumatra - Indonesia!
Gunung Leuser National Park - Video Learning - WizScience.com
Gunung Leuser National Park is a national park covering 7,927 km² in northern Sumatra, Indonesia, straddling the border of North Sumatra and Aceh provinces, a fourth portion and three fourths portion, respectively. The national park, settled in the Barisan mountain range, is named after Mount Leuser , and protects a wide range of ecosystems. An orangutan sanctuary at Bukit Lawang is located within the park. Together with Bukit Barisan Selatan and Kerinci Seblat national parks, it forms a World Heritage Site, the Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra.
Gunung Leuser National Park is 150 km long, over 100 km wide and is mostly mountainous. 40% of the park, mainly in the north-west, is steep, and over 1,500 m. This region is billed as the largest wilderness area in South-East Asia and offers wonderful trekking. 12% of the park, in the lower southern half, is below 600 meters. Eleven peaks are over 2,700 m. Mount Leuser is the third highest peak on the Leuser Range. The highest peak is Mount 'Tanpa Nama' , the second highest peak in Sumatra after Mount Kerinci .
Gunung Leuser National Park is one of the two remaining habitats for Sumatran Orangutans . In 1971, Herman Rijksen established the Ketambe Research Station, a specially designated research area for the orangutan. Other mammals found in the park are the Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran rhinoceros, siamang, mainland serow, sambar deer and leopard cat.
After researchers put 28 camera-traps in July 2011, 6 months later the researchers found one male and six females and predicted the population is not more than 27 Sumatran rhinos which total population predicted is around 200 in Sumatra and Malaysia, half the population of 15 years ago.
Wiz Science™ is the learning channel for children and all ages.
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Background Music:
The Place Inside by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
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Mengejar harimau eps 02
Yayasan penyelamatan dan konservasi harimau sumatera wilayah taman nasional way kambas berkerja sama dengan Institut pertanian Bogor