Ketchaoua Mosque, Algiers مسجد كتشاوة : رمز لتاريخ العاصمة الجزائرية
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جامع كتشاوة من أشهر المساجد التاريخية بالعاصمة الجزائرية. يعود مسجد كتشاوة إلى العهد العثماني و تم بناءه من طرف حسن باشا سنة 1794م خلال فترة تبعية الجزائر للدولة العثمانية، و كلمة (كتشاوة) هي كلمة تركية تعني العنزة، وسمي بـ (كتشاوة) نسبة إلى السوق التي كانت تقام في الساحة المجاورة للمسجد والتي تحول اسمها لاحقا إلى ساحة الشهداء. أثناء الاحتلال الفرنسي للجزائر تحول المسجد إلى كنيسة، وهدم المسجد في عهد الجنرال الدوق دو روفيجو بتاريخ 1832م، وأقيم مكانه كاتدرائية حملت اسم (سانت فيليب)، حيث أقيمت أول صلاة فيها في ليلة عيد الميلاد 24 ديسمبر 1832م.
استُخدم المسجد التاريخي كمستودع للسلاح، ومسكن لرؤساء الأساقفة إبان الاحتلال الفرنسي للبلاد حتى تدميره عام 1844، وبعد تدميره، أنشئت مكانه كاتدرائية، بقيت مفتوحة حتى استقلال الجزائر عن فرنسا في 1962، لتتم لاحقًا إعادته إلى أصله كمسجد، وحينها تحوّل إلى أحد رموز استقلال البلاد، وأقيمت فيه أول صلاة في الجمعة الأولى التي تلت الاستقلال في 5 جويلية 1962 بعد مائة عام وأكثر من تحويل الاحتلال الفرنسي المسجد إلى كنيسة، وكان خطيبها العالم الجزائري الشهير (البشير الإبراهيمي).
حديثا، تولت وكالة التعاون والتنسيق التركية بأعمال ترميم المسجد والتي استمرت لنحو 5 سنوات، بعد أن أغلق بسبب زلزال شديد تعرضت له المنطقة في 2007، وقد تولت تركيا أعمال الترميم في عام 2013 بعد زيارة الرئيس التركي رجب أردوغان للجزائر و اعيد فتحه للصلاة خلال هذه السنة 2018.
The Kachawa Mosque is one of the most famous historical mosques in Algiers. It dates back to the Ottoman era and was built by Hassan Basha in 1794. The word Ketchawa is a Turkish word meaning goat, because at that time there was a nearby square market selling goats. Later on, it changed to the “Martyrs' Square”. During the French occupation of Algeria, the mosque was converted into a church and the mosque was demolished during the reign of a French General in 1832. A cathedral named Saint Philip was established there, and was first opened Christmas night, December 24, 1832.
The historic mosque was used as a repository of weapons and a residence for archbishops during the French occupation of Algeria until its destruction in 1844. After its destruction, a cathedral was built there. It remained open until the independence of Algeria from France in 1962. It was later restored to its original origin as a mosque. The first prayer was held on the first Friday after independence on 5 July 1962, after more than a 100 years since its conversion to a church by the French occupation.
Recently, a Turkish Agency for Cooperation and Coordination took over the renovation work of the mosque, which lasted for about 5 years, after it was closed due to a severe earthquake that hit the region in 2007. Turkey took over the restoration work in 2013 after the visit of Turkish President “Tayyip Erdogan” to Algeria and it reopened for the public this year 2018.
Algiers Ketchaoua Mosque ♥ مسجد كتشاوة روعة
Algérie - Alger, Mosquée Ketchaoua ♥ مسجد كتشاوة روعة
La Mosquée Ketchaoua (Djamaâ Ketchaoua) a été construite en 1436.
En 1832 sous la colonisation elle devint la cathédrale Saint-Philippe.
En 1962 elle est classée, avec l'ensemble de la Casbah au patrimoine mondial par l'U.N.E.S.C.O.
En 2013, restauration de la mosquée par un accord entre le ministère algérien de l’Habitat et l’Agence turque de coopération et de coordination (TIKA).
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Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Ketchaoua Mosque Destination Spot
Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Ketchaoua Mosque Destination Spot - Tourism in Algeria
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Ketchaoua Mosque is located in the historic Casbah in Algiers, which is located in the northern part of the city.
It is located approximately 250 metres west of the Great Mosque of Algiers, located near the Archbishop's Palace of Algiers and the National Library of Algeria.
The mosque, built during the rule of the Ottoman Empire, was once at the centre of the city.
Its strategic location, standing on the first of the Casbah’s stairways which led to the five gates of the city in the aristocratic district where the rich and the famous royal family members of the Ottoman Regency, political prominence and other rich business magnates lived.
It was built on the site of an Icosium; the original Phoenician settlement existed at the site of the mosque in the past.
The principal entrance to the mosque is through a flight of 23 steps.
At the entrance, there is an ornamented portico, which is supported by four black-veined marble columns.
Inside the mosque, there are arcades built with white marble columns.
The beauty of the mosque's chambers, minarets and ceilings of the mosque are accentuated by the distinct Moorish plaster work.
The mosque, which now overlooks the public square in the Casbah, with the sea in front,
has two octagonal minarets flanking the entrance, with Byzantine and Moorish design and decorations, presents a graceful sight.
Many of the white marble columns belong to the original mosque.
There is a tomb with the remains of San Geronimo enshrined in one of the chambers in the mosque.
In 2009, the Heritage Department of Algeria planned on carrying out improvements to the octagonal minarets,
the central vault of the main fascia and the abutting staircase inside the mosque.
These were planned to be completed over a 12 months schedule.
While the minaret of Ketchaoua Mosque, which was partially on the brink of partial collapse is now under restoration,
plans were developed for implementation, in three stages, including the restoration of the Casbah itself, in more general terms.
This plan, launched in September 2008, covers the renovation of several mosques in old Algiers and the conversion of a number of houses into libraries at an initial cost of 300 million Algerian dinars.
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ALGERIA , ALGIERS , KETCHAOUA MOSQUE , LA CASBA l جامع كتشاوة قصبة الجزائر العاصمة
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La mosquée Ketchaoua d'Alger retrouve sa splendeur
Témoin de plus de quatre siècles d'histoire tourmentée de l'Algérie, la mosquée Ketchaoua d'Alger, devenue église et cathédrale durant la colonisation française, s'apprête à rouvrir après des années de travaux. Durée : 00:56
Turkey restores symbolic mosque in Algeria
Turkey’s state development aid agency has restored a historic mosque in Algeria known as a symbol of the country’s independence.
The Ketchaoua Mosque was built during Ottoman rule in the 17th century in the neighborhood of Casbah in the capital of the north African nation, Algiers.
Though the mosque became a cathedral in the 19th century before once again becoming a mosque in 1962, it has retained its original grandeur.
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الجزيرة HD : تقرير عن جامع كتشاوة العتيق - الجزائر العاصمة Algiers-KETCHAOUA MOSQUE
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I spend a couple of days exploring Algiers دزاير, Algeria's capital city. I begin at the Martyrs' Memorial and Botanical Garden, before heading to the old city, where I visit Palais des Rais and the enchanting old streets of the Casbah (the largest Casbah in the Arabic world) and the Ketchaoua Mosque.
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#algiers #algeria #casbah
Jami' Ketchaoua, Algiers
Filmed by Dr Amine Kasmi for the Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries (AKDC@MIT)
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Scored by history, overhauled Algiers mosque to reopen
At the foot of the famed UNESCO-listed Casbah district in Algiers, the Ketchaoua Mosque has had a tumultuous past that, at one point, saw it turned into a cathedral under French rule. (AFP)
Scored by history, overhauled Algiers mosque to reopen
At the foot of the famed UNESCO-listed Casbah district in Algiers, the Ketchaoua Mosque has had a tumultuous past that, at one point, saw it turned into a cathedral under French rule.
Moments of Algiers | Algeria
• A short trip to Algiers, Algeria, where I had the chance to capture some moments of this beautiful city, hope you enjoy.
• I love making videos, they allow you to always remember amazing experiences, hope you enjoy.
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Algiers is the capital city of Algeria, on the country’s Mediterranean coast. It’s known for the whitewashed buildings of the Kasbah, a medina with steep winding streets, Ottoman palaces and a ruined citadel. The 17th-century Ketchaoua Mosque is flanked by 2 large minarets. The Great Mosque has marble columns and arches. The clifftop Catholic basilica of Notre-Dame d'Afrique features a large silver dome and mosaics.
Ralph Ghoche: Erasing the Ketchaoua Mosque (Nov 21, 2019) | Rendez-vous de l'Institut
Erasing the Ketchaoua Mosque: Catholicism, Assimilation, and Civic identity in France and Algeria
The lecture looks at the French policy in colonial Algeria of forcibly converting Muslim religious buildings in light of the recent debates around the building of mosques in Europe. It is focused on the case of the Ketchaoua Mosque in Algiers, seized by French officials in 1832 and rebuilt into a cathedral over the next decades. The resulting Arabizing forms of the cathedral are related to the assimilationist ideals of the Catholic Church and their effort to employ the outward expressions of Algerian culture as a clandestine measure to destroy Algerian religious identity.
Ralph Ghoche’s larger project examines the territorial interventions of the Catholic Church in Algiers in the nineteenth-century. It considers how the church reshaped urban space in Algiers through the construction and conversion of buildings in order to advance its aim of resurrecting Augustinian Christendom in North Africa. The project seeks to uncover the complex relationship between the church and the multiple actors who helped reconfigure Algiers into a French and largely Christian city. It is structured around three urban practices: the conversion of Muslim institutions, the consolidation of urban focal points as symbolic cynosures of Christian power, and the aesthetic expression of the buildings themselves and the hidden forms of violence perpetuated by these material forms of representation.
Edited by Flavien Eripret.
Top 10 Largest Cities of Algeria
Algeria is a North African country with a Mediterranean coastline and a Saharan desert interior. Many empires have left legacies here, such as the ancient Roman ruins in seaside Tipaza. In the capital, Algiers, Ottoman landmarks like circa-1612 Ketchaoua Mosque line the hillside Casbah quarter, with its narrow alleys and stairways. The city’s Neo-Byzantine basilica Notre Dame d’Afrique dates to French colonial rule.
Capital: Algiers
Capital and largest city: Algiers; 36°42′N 3°13′E / 36.700°N 3.217°E
Population: 40.61 million (2016) World Bank
Official language: Arabic
Top 10 cities of algeria.
10. Annaba
City in Algeria
Annaba is a port city in northeast Algeria. On the Cours de la Révolution, the main street with a broad central promenade, architecture reflects the city’s French colonial past. St. Augustine Basilica, completed in 1900, towers on a hill to the south. Below it sprawls the ruined city of Hippo Regius, with the remains of Roman villas and baths. The Musée d’Hippone exhibits mosaics and objects from the site.
Area: 18.92 mi²
9.Bab Ezzouar
City in Algeria
Bab Ezzouar is a suburb of the city of Algiers in northern Algeria. It is one of Algiers fastest growing municipalities and has seen many hotels and commercial malls being raised in the area.
8. Batna, Algeria
City in Algeria
Batna is the main city of Batna Province, Algeria. With a population of 290,645 it is the fifth largest city in Algeria. It is also one of the principal cities of the Chaoui area and is considered the capital of the Aures.
City in Algeria
Setif is an Algerian city and the capital of the Sétif Province, it's one of the most important cities of eastern Algeria and the country as a whole, since it's considered the trade capital of the country.
City in Algeria
Biskra is the capital city of Biskra Province, Algeria. In 2007, its population was recorded as 307,987.
City in Algeria
Constantine is the capital of Constantine Province in north-eastern Algeria. During Roman times it was called Cirta and was renamed Constantina in honour of emperor Constantine the Great.
City in Algeria
Tébessa, is the capital city of Tébessa Province, in the Shawi region of Algeria, 20 kilometers west from the border with Tunisia. Nearby is also a phosphate mine.
City in Algeria
Oran is a port city in northwest Algeria, known as the birthplace of rai folk music. Fort Santa Cruz, an Ottoman citadel rebuilt by the Spanish, sits atop Mount Murdjadjo and has views of the bay below. Nearby is the whitewashed Our Lady of Santa Cruz Chapel, built in honor of its namesake after a cholera epidemic. In La Blanca, the Turkish old town, is the 18th-century Pacha Mosque. It has an octagonal minaret.
City in Algeria
Boumerdès is the capital city of Boumerdès Province, Algeria. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea. It had a population of 28,500 in 1998 and 15,000 in 1987. Boumerdès is a seaside city located in the north of Algeria about 50 km east of Algiers.
1. Algiers
Capital of Algeria
Algiers is the capital and largest city of Algeria. In 2011, the city's population was estimated to be around 3,500,000. An estimate puts the population of the larger metropolitan city to be around 5,000,000.
mosque... Alger, Algeria (North Africa)
The Martyrs Square, Algiers / Place des Martyrs, Alger 2018 ساحة الشهداء الجزائر العاصمة
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ساحة الشهداء تقع في القصبة السفلى بالعاصمة الجزائرية. تزخر بتاريخ كبير حيث تدلُ الحفريات التي أجريت مؤخرًا على أن تاريخ المكان يعود إلى الحقبة النوميدية، كانت عبارة عن مجموعة من القصور ذات طابع اغريقي. أبان الاحتلال الفرنسي كانت مكانًا للإعدام العام للمقاومين الجزائريين من 1830م حتى الاستقلال.
يرجع اصل تسمية ساحة الشهداء الى عهد احتلال فرنسا للجزائر و قيام الجنرال روفيغو بتحويل مسجد كتشاوة إلى إسطبل بعد أن اعدم فيه من المصلين مايفوق أربعة آلاف مسلم كانوا قد اعتصموا فيه احتجاجا على قراره بتحويل المسجد إلى كنيسة، وكان يقول:«يلزمني أجمل مسجد في المدينة لنجعل منه معبد إله المسيحيين» ثـم هدم المسجد بتاريخ 1832 م، وأقيم مكانه كاتدرائية حملـت اسم سانت فيليب.
The Martyrs Square is located in Algiers, the capital of Algeria. The origin of the label Martyrs Square dates back to the era of the French occupation of Algeria when an army French general called Rovigo converted the mosque Ketchaoua to a stable after the executions of worshipers, including 4000 people who had held in protest against his decision to convert the mosque to a church. The demolition of the mosque took place on 1832, and a cathedral named St. Philip was installed.
Le président Bouteflika inaugure la mosquée Ketchaoua.
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