Kete' Kesu Kampung Budaya Toraja
Mendiang Petrus Kasa Ranteako, mantan Kepala Desa Talung Penanian, Kecamatan Randan Batu, Kabupaten Tana Toraja Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, meninggal enam bulan lalu. Tapi jenazah baru diupacarakan Kamis 20 Februari 2014 petang. Presiden SBY dan Ibu Negara Hj Ani Yudhoyono menyaksikan prosesi pemakaman yang dikenal dengan istilah Rambu Solo.
Upacara adat ini diawali dengan Mapa Pangan, keluarga mediang beriringan membawa persembahan berupa Tedong Bong atau kerbau belang dan babi. Dilanjutkan dengan Ma' Badong, pembacaan syair dan doa. Lalu kerbau ditambatkan pada tiang di lapangan.
Saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan duka cita dan belasungkawa kepada keluarga besar almarhum. Semoga almarhum hidup tenang di dunia yang diberkati oleh Tuhan, kata Presiden SBY dalam sambutannya.
KeTe Kesu (Tana Toraja)
Ke'te' Kesu' is the most complete settlement and the village is over 400 years old. The site consists of a compound of houses and rice granaries, burial place (with tau-tau effigies placed in front of the ancient cliff graves + modern mausoleums for the now Christian Toraja), ceremonial ground, ricefields and water-buffalo pasture.
The village is comprised of eight “Tongkonan”, set in rows facing each other, complete with connected rice barns. The walls of the Tongkonan are adorned with beautiful carvings and buffalo horns, which serve as a mark of the homeowner’s status. A Tongkonan is the traditional house of the Torajan people, distinguished by its oversized boat-shaped roof. The construction of Tongkonan is a laborious task, and usually requires the help of all family members. In the original Toraja Society, only those of noble blood were given the right to build Tongkonan, while the common people lived in smaller, less elaborate houses.
The face of the nearby cliff is hollowed with caves, which are ancient crypts. The caves were carved by masters of their skill, and take many months to make. According to tradition, those of noble status were buried in higher holes, while commoners rested at the foot of the hill. Torajans believe that the higher one is buried, the easier the pathway to Paradise. Haunting, life size tau-tau, which are effigies of the dead, perch high across face of the cliff. Built to resemble the deceased, they stand watch outside each tomb, as symbols of each cave’s “inhabitants.”Some of the tombs are secured with iron bars to prevent the theft of these. Coffins also hang from the walls of the hill, shaped in various forms of dragons, pigs, and buffalo. The wooden crates were engraved with great accuracy and beauty, but are now crumbling with age.
Kete kesu, Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Inside a Tana Toraja House at KeTe Kesu (Tana Toraja)
Ke'te' Kesu' is the most complete settlement and the village is over 400 years old. The site consists of a compound of houses and rice granaries, burial place (with tau-tau effigies placed in front of the ancient cliff graves + modern mausoleums for the now Christian Toraja), ceremonial ground, ricefields and water-buffalo pasture.
The village is comprised of eight “Tongkonan”, set in rows facing each other, complete with connected rice barns. The walls of the Tongkonan are adorned with beautiful carvings and buffalo horns, which serve as a mark of the homeowner’s status. A Tongkonan is the traditional house of the Torajan people, distinguished by its oversized boat-shaped roof. The construction of Tongkonan is a laborious task, and usually requires the help of all family members. In the original Toraja Society, only those of noble blood were given the right to build Tongkonan, while the common people lived in smaller, less elaborate houses.
The face of the nearby cliff is hollowed with caves, which are ancient crypts. The caves were carved by masters of their skill, and take many months to make. According to tradition, those of noble status were buried in higher holes, while commoners rested at the foot of the hill. Torajans believe that the higher one is buried, the easier the pathway to Paradise. Haunting, life size tau-tau, which are effigies of the dead, perch high across face of the cliff. Built to resemble the deceased, they stand watch outside each tomb, as symbols of each cave’s “inhabitants.”Some of the tombs are secured with iron bars to prevent the theft of these. Coffins also hang from the walls of the hill, shaped in various forms of dragons, pigs, and buffalo. The wooden crates were engraved with great accuracy and beauty, but are now crumbling with age.
Ke'te Kesu Village' Toraja Sulawesi Indonesia
Een bezoek aan Ke'te Kesu Village' op Sulawesi.
Asal Usul Desa Ke'te 3
Ke'te' Kesu' is one of the traditional villages in North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia… where many tourists come to see the preserved living tradition. Not only the tongkonan (traditional clan house) but also along (rice barn), cemetery, nature caves used as cemetery etc.
Tourists can also watch the traditional carving process including the making of the beautiful carved coffin.
Tinting Sarungallo, one of the elders in the village, tells us the history of the village... starting from the arrival of Puang ri Kesu', the to manurun, the ancestor who came down from the sky.
The interview was held in December 2013.
Kete Kesu Village - Tanah Toraja
A Cemetery in Rantepao, Tanah Toraja, South Sulawesi.
Kete Kesu Tanah Toraja Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia 2019
Kete Kesu adalah suatu desa wisata di Tana Toraja Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia. Tongkonan adalah nama rumah adat. Saya cinta Tana Toraja. Saya Cinta Indonesia. Ayoo datang ke Kete Kesu.
Thank you very much, Drone Pilot by Bro Edhy IG
INDONESIA | Makam Gua KE' TE' KESU di Tana Toraja
Kete Kesu adalah suatu desa adat Tana Toraja .kehidupan tradisional masyarakat dapat ditemukan di kawasan ini. Di dalam Kete Kesu terdapat peninggalan purbakala berupa kuburan batu yang diperkirakan berusia 500 tahun lebih.
Kete Kesu Village is a village destination having beautiful panorama located in Bonoran, North Toraja, Sulawesi. This tourism village offers you a complete condition of Tana Toraja society-life which respects the tradition a lot. If you go here you need to respect thes rules made by the local people.
Video by @kittyfeliciaramadhani
No Copyright Music by:
Wings — Nicolai Heidlas Music
Kete Kesu Village
Kete Kesu Villa Tour with
Objek Wisata Kete' Kesu' Rantepao Toraja Utara
Kete Kesu adalah suatu desa wisata di kawasan Tana Toraja yang dikenal karena adat dan kehidupan tradisional masyarakat dapat ditemukan di kawasan ini. Di dalam Kete Kesu terdapat peninggalan purbakala berupa kuburan batu yang diperkirakan berusia 500 tahun lebih
Beck sound
Musik: wanna
Pemusik: ikson
Kete Kesu Toraja Utara
Tourism village in North Toraja, Indonesia, famous for its custom and traditional life...
There are ancient relics of stone burial site which is approximately over 500 years old...
Desa wisata di Toraja Utara, Indonesia yang dikenal karena adat dan kehidupan tradisional masyarakat...
Terdapat peninggalan purbakala berupa kuburan batu yang diperkirakan berusia 500 tahun lebih...
Music: Arcadia - Wonders by Kevin MacLeod
KeTe Kesu Tombs (Tana Toraja)
Ke'te' Kesu' is the most complete settlement and the village is over 400 years old. The site consists of a compound of houses and rice granaries, burial place (with tau-tau effigies placed in front of the ancient cliff graves + modern mausoleums for the now Christian Toraja), ceremonial ground, ricefields and water-buffalo pasture.
The village is comprised of eight “Tongkonan”, set in rows facing each other, complete with connected rice barns. The walls of the Tongkonan are adorned with beautiful carvings and buffalo horns, which serve as a mark of the homeowner’s status. A Tongkonan is the traditional house of the Torajan people, distinguished by its oversized boat-shaped roof. The construction of Tongkonan is a laborious task, and usually requires the help of all family members. In the original Toraja Society, only those of noble blood were given the right to build Tongkonan, while the common people lived in smaller, less elaborate houses.
The face of the nearby cliff is hollowed with caves, which are ancient crypts. The caves were carved by masters of their skill, and take many months to make. According to tradition, those of noble status were buried in higher holes, while commoners rested at the foot of the hill. Torajans believe that the higher one is buried, the easier the pathway to Paradise. Haunting, life size tau-tau, which are effigies of the dead, perch high across face of the cliff. Built to resemble the deceased, they stand watch outside each tomb, as symbols of each cave’s “inhabitants.”Some of the tombs are secured with iron bars to prevent the theft of these. Coffins also hang from the walls of the hill, shaped in various forms of dragons, pigs, and buffalo. The wooden crates were engraved with great accuracy and beauty, but are now crumbling with age.
TORAJA LAND - Kete Kesu Tourism Object
Toraja Land Tana Toraja Toraja Tourism South Sulawesi Tourism Indonesia Tourism Toraja Travel Guide Toraja Culture South Sulawesi Wisata Tana Toraja Wisata Sulawesi Selatan Wisata Indonesia
INDONESIA Rantepao and surroundings (Sulawesi)
Londa, Ketekesu, Bori and Palawa.
Villages from round Rantepao, Sulawesi (Celebes).
These Tana Toraja places are of famous for their rock graves and tongkonan houses. Londa has hanging graves.
(re-upload because of music copyright claim)
Visit Kete Kesu in Toraja land
Toraja Land Tana Toraja Toraja Tourism South Sulawesi Tourism Indonesia Tourism Toraja Travel Guide Toraja Culture South Sulawesi Wisata Tana Toraja Wisata Sulawesi Selatan Wisata Indonesia
Menanti Senja @Kete Kesu - Rantepao, Toraja Utara
via YouTube Capture
Mayatnya Awet, 3 Tahun 1x Dikeluarkan | Tana Toraja | Londa & Kete' Kesu
Adventure eksplore Tana Toraja
Senin, Sept 23 2019
Bareng kawan2 dari Makassar untuk eksplore keindahan Tana Toraja
Budaya yang unik dan menjadi magnet dunia
Untuk part 2 ini di hari senin kami mendahului perjalanan kami yang kedua sbb :
1. Londa
2. Kete' Kesu
Ayooo datang ke toraja
Dijamin gk nyesel
KETE KESU - Tempat Wisata Alam Budaya KETE KESU Tanah Toraja
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Keindahan OBJEK Wisata KETE KESU Tana TORAJA - RUGI Jika Anda Tak Berkunjung Ke Tempat Ini
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