A tour around Khan As'aad Pasha in Old Damascus
A tour around Khan As'aad Pasha in Old Damascus.
This place was built in 1749 and is described as one of the finest and most ambitous work of architecture.
جولة في خان أسعد باشا في حارات دمشق القديمة
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Syria-Damascus-Dumma martyr Akram AL aiyon killed by Basha asad thugs 29-12-2011.mp4
Dummar, Damascus
DAHIYYAT DUMMAR, Damascus, Syria
Al Azem Palace - قصر العظم, Syria 2010
Azem Palace (Arabic: قصر العظم) is a palace in Damascus, Syria which was originally built in 1750 as a residence for the Ottoman governor of Damascus As'ad Pasha al-Azm. The palace now houses the Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions.
The architecture is an excellent example of Damascene traditional houses. The structure itself consists of several buildings and two wings: the harem and the salamlik. The harem is the family wing, which is a private space for the residents (the Azm family originally). This wing includes the kitchen, servant quarters, and the baths, which are a replica of the public baths in the city but on a smaller scale. The salamlik is the guest wing, and it comprises the formal halls, reception areas and large courtyards with traditional cascading fountains.
Used in the building of this palace were several types of stones including limestone, sandstone, basalt, and marble. This provided for a natural decorative appearance of the structure. The ceilings have painted wooden panels that display natural scenes.
In 1925, the Azm palace was heavily damaged by French artillery during the Syrian revolution. It has since been restored and became a museum of arts and folk traditions. It received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 1983.
Khan Assad Basha...خان أسعد باشا
آبدة معمارية تفوق نظائرها في جميع أنحاء البلاد التي انتشرت فيها الخانات الإسلامية. ولقد وصفه لامارتين عند زيارته إلى دمشق، بكثير من الإعجاب والتقدير لصانعيه ومصمميه
أنشئ هذا الخان في عام 1156ه/1743م وانتهى بناؤه عام 1167ه/1754م وهو ملك خاص لوالي دمشق أسعد باشا العظم ثم انتقلت ملكيته فيما بعد إلى عدد من التجار، ثم استملكته مديرية الآثار مؤخراً ورمم لاستخدامه سوقاً سياحية للصناعات الشعبية.
يقع هذا الخان في سوق البزورية الشهير حيث باعة العطارة والسكاكر، إلى جانب حمام تاريخي أنشئ في عصر نور الدين بن زنكي. وتبلغ مساحة هذا الخان 2500م2، ويمتاز بواجهة عريضة في وسطها بوابة ضخمة مزخرفة، يعلوها ساكف مزخرف بقوسين بارزين متشابكين وفوقهما تجويف من المقرنصات يحيطه قوس مركب من أحجار متشابكة مسننة بلونين أبيض وأسود متناوبين، وفوقه نافذتان وعلى جانبي القوس من الأعلى نوافذ مستطيلة، ومن الأسفل فتحتان مزودتان بفسقيتين. وفي واجهة البناء الجنوبية الغربية 31 مخزناً. وبعد دهليز عريض يستوعب غرفتين للحراسة ومصعدي الدرجتين، نصل إلى باحة ذات فتحة سماوية دائرية توحي أنها كانت مغلقة بقبة، وفي وسط الباحة بركة مثمنة. وجدران الباحة التي تشكل واجهات الغرف مبنية بالحجر الأسود والأبيض بمداميك متناوبة. ويحيط الفتحة السماوية ثمانية قباب تغطي الباحة عدا مركزها بمساحة 729م2 ولقد
The khan of As'ad Pasha al-Azem is situated along Suq al-Buzuriyyah in the old city of Damascus. It was built between 1751 and 1752 by the city governor As'ad Pasha al-Azem. It is one the most prominent khans of the old city, and covers an area of 2500 square meters.
The building follows a typical khan layout with two floors giving onto a central courtyard. The Khan is entered from Suq al-Buzuriyyah, through a monumental gateway lavishly decorated with stone carvings and roofed by a muqarnas semi-dome. The entrance leads to a square courtyard with shops on the ground floor, used for commerce and storage. The second floor, accessible by a staircase located to the right of the main entrance was used mainly for lodging, and has eighty rooms arranged along a gallery facing the courtyard.
The space of the courtyard is divided into nine equal square modules, where each module is covered with a dome raised on a drum pierced with twenty windows. The domes are supported by pendentives that transfer the load onto four piers and to the courtyard walls. An octagonal marble fountain occupies the center of the courtyard below the central dome. Each of the four courtyard walls has three doorways on the ground floor, flanked by two rectangular windows. The symmetry is maintained on the second floor where each gallery façade has three archways flanked by two smaller ones. The khan is built of alternating courses of basalt and limestone.
Three of the courtyard domes were destroyed in an earthquake seven years after the khan's completion. The openings were covered with wooden planks until 1990 when the khan was restored and the domes rebuilt. No longer used for commerce at the beginning of the twentieth century, the khan was used for manufacture and storage until it was restored in 1990 for touristic use. The khan will probably host the Natural History Museum of Damascus in the future.
Syria, Damascus Midhat Pasha Souq's strikes against Assad's. 17-7-2012
18+ Syria Aleppo Bustan Al Qasr FSA child soldier injured jan.2013
another war cime of the moderate rebels. Using child soldiers. UNICEF remains silent.
not for shock purposes, just for documenting FSA mercenaries war crimes in Syria against the Syrian people. If you are a minor or mentally unstable, please do not watch. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
FSA Free Syrian Army is the latest version of death squads in Syria accused of war crimes & crimes against humanity by the UN,HRW. Free Syrian Army's crimes against humanity including execution of captured anti-revolution civilians
خان اسعد باشا Tourism in Syria
Khan is located in the Old City of Damascus, south-east of the Umayyad Mosque in the center of trade market Bzourieh
(المختص ببيع التوابل والبزورات)، ويحتل مكانه بين المدرسة التنكزية وحمام نور الدين الشهيد حيث كان نزلاء الخان ينزلون مباشرة إلى الحمام مستخدمين ممراً مفتوحاً في الجهة الشمالية. يطل من الجهة الجنوبية على سوق الورق الضيق ويحتوي في هذه الجهة على 16 دكان، أما الجدار الشرقي فيطل على زقاق ضيق يدعى نزل معاوية.
اللمحة التاريخية:
بني خان أسعد باشا في عهد والي دمشق العثماني أسعد باشا العظم الذي حكم مابين عامي (1156-1170هـ) (1743-1757م)، والذي أراد إنشاء خان يعد من أعظم الخانات في عصره وكان له ذلك، استمر بناؤه 14 شهر بدءاً من عام (1166هـ/1751م) وانتهاءً بعام (1167هـ/1753م).
وقع زلزال دمشق الشهير بتاريخ (1173هـ/1759م) أي بعد ستة أعوام من بناء الخان مما أدى إلى هدم القبتين الوسطيتين الشمالية والجنوبية.
Old Town Damascus
Pictures of old town Damascus and its surrounding areas, Syria 2007
Old Town Damascus
Very beautiful tour of old town Damascus, Syria
مشوار في دمشق القديمة و النوفرة
Midhat Pasha Souk Straight Street (Damascus - Syria)
A report produced by Day Press TV (damascus - Syria)
This souk is often known as Souk al Taweel. It is parallel to Souk al-Hamidiyeh and runs from Bab Sharki to Bab al-Jabieh. It was built in 1878 by the governor of Damascus, Midhat Pasha. The most interesting vestige in this souk, is the Arabic style house known as Maktab Anbar.The souk is famous for its charm of showing craftsmen on their job.
Charming oriental coffee shops are one other charm to be added to Damascus visit Nofara near Omayad mosque sounds the most famous among Tourists.Public baths are also a characteristic of old traditional oriental communities. The tourist can enjoy visiting and trying many famous baths like: Nour El Din al Shaheed, ward bath, and Malek bath. However, Westerners are perhaps best familiar with Damascus in relation to the Apostle Paul, who was baptized by Ananias on Straight Street. Damascus also has a connection with John the Baptist: his head is believed to be in a chapel within the great Umayyad Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in the world.
Damascus has always been an important religious center (the Umayyad Mosque stands on the site of a Roman temple and a Christian church) and it remains so today. Among its many religious places are numerous mosques, several churches, and an important Shia shrine.
تقرير من إنتاجDay Press TV دمشق - سوريا
سمي سوق مدحت باشا بسوق الطويل.. انشأ عام 1878 في عهد والي دمشق ( مدحت باشا)، يمتد سوق مدحت باشا فوق الشارع الروماني الشارع المستقيم... الذي ورد ذكره في الانجيل والكتب المقدسة.. يقع هذا الشارع او في قلب دمشق القديمة وموازي لسوق الحميدية الشهير .
سوق مدحت باشا ، هو من أعرق أسواق دمشق القديمة من الاسواق الشرقية الهامة ،وهو مسقوف في الجزء الاول منه ولمسافة كبيرة وعلى جانبيه الحوانيت والمحلات ذات الصبغة التاريخية ، يخترق المدينة القديمة من باب الجابية إلى باب شرقي ويتفرع منه اسواق متخصصة كثيرة مثل سوق الحرير ، سوق البزورية ، سوق الخياطين ، سوق الصوف وغيرهم . وبأمكان الزائر إلى سوق مدحت باشا ان يلاحظ العراقة والتاريخ في كافة جوانب هذا السوق الاثري في البيوت والمحلات والمباني ، يوجد العديد من الخانات الاثرية القديمة والمساجد الاثرية والتفرعات االمليئة من روائع التاريخ مثل قصر النعسان الرائع و مكتب عنبر وهو عبارة عن بيت دمشقي رائع الجمال يمثل نموذج للبيت الشامي الدمشقي وقد اصبح الآن قصرا للثقافة يتميز القصر بساحاته الفسيحة ونوافذه ذات الزجاج الملون والزخارف وبجماليات كثيرة
وفي الجزء المكشوف من سوق مدحت باشا وقبل باب شرقي الاثري يوجد العديد من الكنائس العريقة والهامة مثل كنيسة حنانيا والتي تعود للعصر البيزنطي ومقدسات تعود لبدايات المسيحية واماكن تاريخية هامة ، وفي وسطه تقريبا ( مأذنة الشحم ) والمصلبة وتلة السماكة ، وتمتد على جانبي السوق المحلات والحوانيت ذات الاقواس والخانات الاثرية التي تحولت في داخلها حاليا إلى محلات واسواق والممرات الجانبية في هذا القسم من مدحت باشا تصل بك إلى حارات عريقة فيها الكثير من عبق التاريخ وحولت العديد من بيوتها إلى مطاعم شرقية راقية وجاليريات ومعارض للفن الحديث
يشتهر سوق مدحت باشا ببيع الصناعات النسيجية ، والعباءات الرجالية المذهبة ، والكوفيات ، والاقمشة الحريرية ، والصناعات المحلية المميزة ، والشراشف ، والديباج ، والمناشف ، والستائر ومحلات للبيع بالجملة ، وكذلك محلات لصنع وبيع المشغولات النحاسية والموزاييك والمصدفات ، ومحلات بيع القهوة والبن ، والمكسرات ، ومحلات للعطارة والاعشاب ومحلات صنع وبيع التحف والهدايا والسيوف والمصنوعات والمشغولات الشرقية الدمشقية الشهيرة
Ampitheatre in Busra, Syria
Ampitheatre in Busra, Syria
18+ Syria Rebels Storm Assad Army Positions in the Corniche 11-Oct-13 Daraya - Damascus
Syria 18+ Syria Rebels Storm Assad Army Positions in the Corniche 11-Oct-13 Daraya - Damascusداريا ــ ابطال الجيش الحر يقتحمون معاقل النظام في الكورنيش القديم 11
سوريا موقع خان اسعد باشا الاثري
صباح جدید:
يعد خان اسعد باشا من أهم خانات مدينة دمشق في اثناء الفترة العثمانية و يعدّ نموذجاً لبناء صالة مغلقة داخل المدينة, ولقد تم استخدام الخان حتى بداية القرن العشرين بالوظيفة التي انشئ من أجلها اي لتبادل البضائع و مكان لنوم التجار من ثم تم استخدامه مستودعاً للبضائع الخاصة بالمنطقة ...
تفاصيل على الرابط التالي :
قناة العالم الإخبارية
كما يمكنكم عبر التسجيل على عنوان البريد الالكتروني :barid@alalam.ir استلام احدث اخبار وتقاريرالقناة على بريدكم الالكتروني.
من اجل تسهيل وصول متصفحي الانترنت الى برامج القناة، تم وضع برامج واخبار القناة على موقع اليوتيوب.
Syria: Footage shows war-wrecked Maarat al-Numan Museum following SAA's recapture
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Footage filmed on Thursday shows the extent of the damage inflicted on the Mosaics Museum of the Syrian town of Maarat al-Numan in Idlib province, also known as Khan Murad Basha, after it was recaptured by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).
According to the director of antiquities and museums of Idlib, Ghazi Alloulo, the outer facade of the museum sustained great damage, however, most of the mosaic artifacts were saved by the protective sandbags that were placed over and around the artifacts after the start of the war.
Maarat al-Numan mosaics museum is nestled in a UNESCO-listed region of ancient villages. It was built in the 16th century, as a khan (Caravanserai) and was later converted into a museum. Among the museum's most prized works is a depiction of the birth and life of Hercules and a mosaic artifact depicting Romeo and Romulus.
According to reports by the UN cultural agency (UNESCO) the Maarat al-Numan Museum was targeted by heavy artillery several times during the combat in 2016 and 2018.
Video ID: 20200130-065
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Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
【K】Syria Travel-Damascus[시리아 여행-다마스쿠스]천년 넘은 하맘, 말릭 자하르 목욕탕/Hammam, Malik Zahir/Old Town/Bath
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[한국어 정보]
구시가지 골목을 걷다보면 밖에 수건을 내건 집을 볼 수 있는데 바로 이슬람식 목욕탕 함맘이다. 얼핏 보기엔 그저 시설 좋고 깨끗하지만 별다른 특색은 없는 목욕탕처럼 보이지만, 알고 보면 이 목욕탕은 거의 문화재급 목욕탕이다. 이 목욕탕이 처음 지어진 것은 985년, 무려 1,024년 전이다. 우리나라로 치면 고려시대부터 한 자리를 1,000년 넘게 지켜 온 목욕탕인 셈이다. “아버지와 삼촌들, 그리고 할아버지까지 모두 130년 동안 이 목욕탕을 운영하셨죠. 이 목욕탕 뿐 만 아니라 다마스커스내에 5개의 목욕탕을 운영하고 있어요.” 목욕탕 내부의 모습은 어떨까. 우선 눈에 띄는 점은 절대 알몸을 드러내지 않는다는 것. 그리고 뜨거운 물을 담아두는 큰 욕조가 없어 돌판 위에서 때를 불린다는 것이다. 또 남탕과 여탕의 구분이 없어 매주 월요일은 여자 손님만 받는다고 한다. 목욕이 끝나면 타월을 이용해 온 몸을 감싸고 휴식을 취한다. 중동의 목욕탕은 씻고 때 벗기는 일보 다 밥 먹고 차마시며 종일 수다 떨고 노는 사교장에 가까웠다.
[English: Google Translator]
Walk the alley outside the Old Town we can see the house puts a towel is the Islamic Hammam Hammam. At first glance yen just good clean facilities, but little is characteristic not look like the bathroom, it turns out the bathroom the bathroom is a little cultural asset class. The bath was first built 985 years, nearly 1024 years jeonyida. Korean Koryo Dynasty from one place to hit the watch for more than 1000 years on the count of the bathroom. My father and uncle, and grandfather did you both to operate the bath 130 years. The bathroom just as well as I'm running a five baths in Damascus. What about the look of the bathroom interior. First, it is noticeable that does not reveal the absolute naked. And it does not put a large tub of hot water tablets called when put on will have. Every Monday and again no distinction Eighteen yeotang is that only women receiving guests. After the bath wraps the whole body with a towel and relax. Middle of the bathroom is close to the watering hole is stripping bear to eat rice daily shaking He plays all day chatter when washing.
[Arabic: Google Translator]
السير في زقاق خارج البلدة القديمة يمكننا أن نرى المنزل يضع منشفة هي همام همام الإسلامية. في الين وهلة الأولى مجرد مرافق نظيفة جيدة، ولكن القليل هو سمة لا تبدو مثل الحمام، واتضح الحمام الحمام قليلا من فئات الأصول الثقافية. تم بناء حمام أول 985 سنة، ما يقرب من 1024 سنة jeonyida. كوريا كوريو سلالة من مكان واحد لتصل إلى ساعة لأكثر من 1000 سنة على عدد من الحمام. والدي وعمي وجدي هل كل من عمل الحمام 130 عاما. الحمام فقط، وكذلك أنا على التوالي لمدة خمس حمامات في دمشق. وماذا عن نظرة من الداخل الحمام. أولا، فمن الملاحظ أن لا تكشف المطلق عاريا. وأنها لا تضع حوض كبير يحتوي على أقراص الماء الساخن يسمى عند وضع على سيكون لديك. كل يوم اثنين ومرة أخرى لا تمييز ثمانية عشر yeotang هو أن النساء فقط استقبال الضيوف. بعد الحمام يلف الجسم كله بمنشفة والاسترخاء. وسط الحمام بالقرب من ثقب الري وتجريد الدب إلى أكل الأرز يوميا تهز ويلعب كل الثرثرة اليوم عند غسل.
■클립명: 중동125-시리아01-07 천년 넘은 하맘, 말릭 자하르 목욕탕/Hammam, Malik Zahir/Old Town/Bath
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이연식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 4월 April
,중동,Middle East,아시아,시리아,Syria,Syria,,이연식,2009,4월 April,다마스쿠스,Damascus,Damascus,
Damascus short videokhan Assad Pacha
khan Assad Pacha
Assad Would Be Legally Insane to Have Gassed His Own People After Trump Said the US Is Leaving Syria
Is Assad a lunatic? Demented? Why would he gas his own people after he had won against ISIS? This is Khan Shaykhun all over again. It just doesn't make any sense. So, we';re to believe that Assad is not only evil but stark-raving mad?!
As that crazy leftie Tucker Carlson tweeted: Assume Assad used chlorine gas. Is it worth starting a war? Overthrowing Assad results in chaos. Thousands die. We might see genocide of one of the last Christian communities in the Mideast. Does it make us safer? Region more stable? How’d regime change in Iraq & Libya end up?
And this from Ol' Tuck: Assume Assad used chlorine gas. Is it worth starting a war? Overthrowing Assad results in chaos. Thousands die. We might see genocide of one of the last Christian communities in the Mideast. Does it make us safer? Region more stable? How’d regime change in Iraq & Libya end up?
Remember this from Newsweek: Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.
See LIONEL in concert. On May 19, 2018 CE, Lionel of the United States (LOTUS) will grace the portals and storm the stage of New York’s fabled Cutting Room in his ASSUME THE LOTUS POSITION TOUR, an evening of (out)spoken word and the immaculate twang of Mother Bluegrass with his Lock ‘n Load trio. Lionel will astound his truth warrior audience with tales from the Conspiratorium, his dissection of fake news media charlatans and a look at the world through a prism that defies description and redefines comedy, satire and critical thinking. Lionel joins guitar flatpicking genius Bob Harris and banjo master Bob Sutor for a musical journey through the quintessential American musical art form that will bring our beloved republic together. You never knew the truth could be this fun. For tickets click:
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Palm Sunday Celebrations in Azm Palace Mueseum Vanessa Beeley Damascus Syria