Mongolia - Erdene Zuu - Kharkhorin - Хархорин
Mongolia - Erdene Zuu - Kharkhorin - Хархорин
(N47°11'60 E102°50'32)
CAPITAL of the MONGOL EMPIRE | Kharakhorum, Mongolia
We spent a day in Kharakhorum - the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire.
Not much is left of the actual ancient capital. It looks like an empty field with a stone turtle. We stopped by Erdene Zuu Monastery and the Kharakhorum Museum. The best part was the exhibition ger beside the museum. We played some games, got our names written in Mongolian, and tried on traditional clothing.
This is day 11 on G Adventures Nomadic Mongolia tour.
Much love and happy travels
xo Meggie Kay
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Hey! I'm Meggie Kay! I'm a travel and lifestyle vlogger/blogger. I'm just a 20-something Canadian girl who loves to explore the world. But more than that, I'm a serial expat and who loves to share my travels and life in foreign countries. So far I've lived in the USA, Germany, Singapore, and New Zealand and currently living in Japan. Join in on the adventure!
#Mongolia #GAdventures #NomadicMongolia
The Orkhon valley is the cradle of nomadic civilization, the seat of the imperial power of the steppes. Before the Mongol Empire, various Turkic empires had their capital at various locations in the valley. The Göktürks is the first Turkic empire here in the 6th century and its second installation in the 8th century produces a stone stelle that commemorates a pair of brothers: Bilge Khan and Kul Tegin. The stele has inscriptions in the old Turkic runic script and Chinese. It was clear that empire had many relationships with the Tang dynasty of China; the stelle praises Chinese technology as well as lamenting on its negative influences on cultural assimilation. The Uyghur revolted the Göktürks, forming the Uyghur Empire at Khar Bagas. The fall of the Uyghur empire led to the migration of Uyghur west and south west to their current location in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, China. The Khitan was a Mongolic tribe who had dominated the valley before their formation of the Liao Dynasty in northern China. When defeated by the Jurchen, they retreated west to establish the Kara-Khitai khanate, which was eventually absorbed into the Mongol empire in the 13th century. It is very interesting to know that the term Cathay was phonetically derived from Khitai, and the Russian word for Chinese is Khitai.
The Mongols was the last to dominate the valley. Genghis Khan built his supply base at Kharakhorum while Ogedei turned it into the capital of the Mongol Empire. People from all over the world came to pay tribute to the empire at Kharakhorum. Kublai eventually shifted the capital to Xanudu in inner Mongolia, then to Khanbaliq, current site of the Forbidden Palace in Beijing, China. When the Mongols were banished from China, subsequent rulers administer from Central Mongolia with proximity to the Orkhon Valley.
Our journey started from the northern end of the Orkhon Valley close to Ogii Nuur; visiting Kul-Tengi moment, then Khar Balgas, before arriving at Kharakhorum. Karakorum is located in the modern town of Kharkhorin, and Erdene Zuu (Hundred Treasures) monastry was built using the ruins of Karakorum in the 16th century. At its peak, Erdene Zuu houses thousands of monks, but much were destroyed in the 1937 communist purge. Today, the restored monastery was converted into a museum, and beside it is a small but functional monastery. It has no living quarters and the small pool of Buddhist monks lives in Kharkhorin.
93 Хархорин, Монголия. Kharkhorin, Mongolia. Серия 93. World for Love.
Направляясь вглубь Монголии мы не смогли пропустить Хархорин. Это сейчас он выглядит как небольшой одноэтажный поселок. А когда-то на его месте был древний город Каракорум, который небольшой отрезок времени был столицей Монгольской империи.
Going deep into Mongolia we couldn't pass Harkhorin. Now he looks as the small one-storey settlement. And once on his place there was an ancient city of Karakorum which the small interval of time was the capital of the Mongol empire.
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제국의 유물을 보러 박물관에 들어가 봤다. 구 소련 탐험가들이 폐허에서 도시를 발견했고 그 후 수도의 유적들이 발굴되었다. 이곳을 도읍으로 정한다는 칭기즈칸의 명령이 담긴 비석도 발견됐다. 유물과 기록으로 복원한 카라코룸은 당대 최고의 도시였다. 당시 이곳을 방문한 유럽인은 남북 2500미터, 동서 1300미터인 도시의 웅장함에 놀랐다고 한다. “카라코룸은 할방가스에서 기원이 되었습니다. 1220년도에 칭기즈칸의 명령으로 군인과 전쟁을 위한 수도가 되었어요. 칭기즈칸의 세 번째 아들 오고타이칸이 카라코룸을 부흥시켰죠. 1235년에 칸이 궁전을 세우기 시작했습니다. 칭기즈칸의 손자인 멍흐 칸이 칸의 자리에 올라 카라코룸을 발전시켜 당시 국제적인 도시로 만들었습니다.” 카라코룸은 수도이자 몽골군의 중앙군이 있던 곳이라고 한다. 칭기즈칸은 이곳을 중심지로 중국 원정을 감행해 몽골제국을 열었다. 그의 아들 오고타이도 이곳에 궁전을 짓고 세계 대원정을 떠났다. 당시 아시아 대륙을 넘어 러시아, 헝가리, 폴란드 등 유럽까지 진출하며 세계 역사상 가장 광활한 영토를 지배했다. 그 후 13~14세기에 힘에 의한 평화 팍스 몽골리아가 이어졌다. 막혔던 동양과 서양간의 길이 뚫리고 동서간의 무역이 증진되어 세계의 간격이 좁혀졌다.
[English: Google Translator]
To see the remains of the Empire looked into the museum. The former Soviet explorers found a city in ruins after the capital were excavated. It establishes a monument in the capital were found containing the command of Genghis Khan. Karakorum restoring the relic was recorded and the best contemporary city. At the time Europeans visited this place are surprised as 2500 meters north-south, east and west of the city grandeur of 1300 meters. Karakorum was at the origin halbang gas. Year in 1220 by order of Genghis Khan may doeeoteoyo for soldiers and war. Third son of Genghis Khan Khan ohgotayi pieced revive the Karakorum. Khan began to build the palace in 1235. Meongheu up the grandson of Genghis Khan Khan Khan located in the Karakorum was created to develop a cosmopolitan city at the time. Karakorum is said that where the capital and the central group of the Mongolian military. Genghis Khan is to launch a Chinese expedition to the center of the place opened the Mongol Empire. Ohgotayi his son also built a palace here, left the world for the visitors. At the time of entry across the Asian continent to Europe, Russia, Hungary, Poland, and ruled the vast territory in the history of the world. After the Peace Pax Mongolia led by strength in the 13th and 14th centuries. Makhyeotdeon length between East and West ttulrigo trade between East and West is promoting narrowed the gap in the world.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골03-14
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 문형열 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 7월 July
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,박물관,museum,institution, gallery, relic, history,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,아시아,Asia,,몽골,Mongolia,,,문형열,2015,7월 July,,,,
Mongolian Kharkhorin (Khara-Khorum) Ruins
Mongolian Kharkhorin (Khara-Khorum) Ruins
Mongolia Tour Guide: National Museum of Mongolia - powered by SIXT rent a car
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Өвөрхангай аймгийн Төгрөг сумын иргэн Д.Цэдэнжамц өөрийн санаачилгаар музей байгуулжээ
У.Эрдэнэбат Монголын эртний нийслэл Хархорум
МУИС-ийн Монгол судлалын хүрээлэнгийн цуврал лекц:
МУИС-ийн Археологи, Антропологийн тэнхимийн доктор, профессор У.Эрдэнэбат Монголын эртний нийслэл Хархорум сэдэвт лекц 2019 оны 3 сарын 29-нд боллоо. Уг лекцийг бүрэн эхээр нь хүргэж байна.
Хархорин сум Толгойн боолт Harhorin sum tolgoin boolt
Хархорин сум Толгойн боолтны ойролцоо Harhorin Tolgoin booltnii oiroltsoo
Хархорум, 13-р зуун цогцолборын төсөл. (Хархорин)
Өвөрхангай аймаг Хархорин сум
Торгоны зам ба эртний нийслэл Хархорум хот, нүүдэлчдийн түүх, зан заншил, түүх өв соёлыг олон улсын аялал жуулчлалын төв болгон хөгжүүлэх, Торгоны зам-Хархорум хот, түүх өв соёлын Олон Улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурлыг зохион байгуулах, нүүдэлчдийн өв соёлыг соёл урлаг, уугуул нутгийн иргэдийн уламжлалт зан заншлаар дамжуулан сурталчлах зорилгоор 2017 оны 7 дугаар сарын 17-21-ны өдрүүдэд Хархорин сум, Өвөрхангай аймагт “Торгоны Зам-Хархорин” соёл, уламжлалын арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулагдаж байна.
Хѳтѳлбѳр :
- “Их хаадын удам” соёл, урлагийн арга хэмжээ
- “Торгоны зам- Хархорум” Олон Улсын Эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурал
- “Хосгүй үнэт бүтээлийн үзэсгэлэн”
- “Хархорум зоог” Монгол үндэсний хоолны фестивал
- “Нүүдэлчин монгол” арга хэмжээ
- “Цамын дэг” шашин соёлын арга хэмжээ
- “Адуучин” соёлын үйл ажиллагаа
- Хархорумын худалдааны гудамж
- Циркийн болон морьтон баатруудын тоглолт
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Хархорин Бидний Нутаг
Хархорин нутгийн дуу
Mongolie 2014 : de Tövkhön Khiid à Hustai, via Karakorum
Nous commençons ce diaporama par le site du monastère de Tövkhön, isolé en montagne assez difficile d'accès, belle visite parmi de beaux paysages. Ensuite nos logerons dans la région avant d'entreprendre une autre journée de visite Karakorum (aujourd'hui Kharkhorin) où nous visitons le musée consacré à Gengghis Khan. De beaux paysages grandioses ponctuent ce diaporama qui se termine par les chevaux Przewalski, une race que l'on trouve en Mongolie essentiellement.
Нууц ертөнц... Үзэсгэлэн... Хархорум музей
Миний хотын түүх - Монголын сүүлчийн хааны ордон 1
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3 minut Harhorin chinzorig
Өвөрхангай аймгийн нэгдсэн музейн боловсрол, сургалтын хэлтсийн танилцуулга,мэндчилгээ --
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Day 1: Drive to one of the natural spectacular Khugnu khan national park. You will see the little bit of the Gobi desert which called. On the way have a Lunch between 13;00 pm or 14;00 pm. Elsentasarkhai. Overnight in nomad families guest Ger. Camel riding around one hour, free time in the evening.
Day 2: Drive to Orkhon Waterfall, which was formed by volcanic eruptions about 20.000 years ago, the waterfall cascades from a height of 20 km. It is a scenic, tranquil spot and the surrounding nature is undisturbed, where is hiking well. Overnight in nomad family guest Ger. Free time after arriving.
Day 3: Drive to Terkhiin tsagaan Nuur ( Terkh White Lake ) (spelled also white lake). On the way visit Erdenezuu moastery shortly. Have a lunch in Kharkhorin village ( around 12;30 or 13;00 pm ) , then continue drive. Terkh white lake area It contains spectacular mountain scenery and rock formations formed by volcanic eruptions. There are a good spot for bird watching and photographing. Free time after arrive. Overnight in local families guest Ger.
Day 4: Around 10;30 or 11;00 am Today, start horse trip to Khorgo dead volcano by horse around it takes around 5-6 hour. Have a picknick lunch. Horse trip back to family and free time evening. Overnight in same family.
Day 5: Drive to Kharakhorum ancient city of Mongolian Great Empire which was formerly a great capital city built by Ogoodei Khan(Chinggis Khan's successor and third son) in 1235. Visit to oldest Buddhist monastery Erdenezuu and you will see modern style historical museum.
Day 6: Drive back to Ulaanbaatar city, on the way lunch.
If you would like to do some shopping souvenirs and cashmere in Ulaanbaatar city.