Compass Hotel Kherson, Kherson, Ukraine
Compass Hotel Kherson - Buche das Hotel gleich! Spare bis zu 20% -
Featuring free Wi-Fi and a solarium, this hotel is located 5 minutes walk from Dniepro riverbank and 10 minutes’ drive from Kherson Train Station. It offers air-conditioned rooms with a minibar.
All the classically decorated rooms at Compass Hotel Kherson include carpeted floors and a work desk. Bathrooms come with a hairdryer.
The hotel’s restaurant with prehistoric décor and wall paintings serves European cuisine. Meals can also be enjoyed on the summer terrace.
Guests of Compass Hotel Kherson can work out in the gym or relax in the Turkish sauna with the swimming pool. Beauty treatments, a massage service and the solarium are also available.
Kherson’s pedestrian Suvorova Street and the Fine Arts Museum are 7 minutes’ walk from Compass Hotel Kherson. Kherson Airport is 20 minutes’ drive away, and a shuttle service is provided on request.
Фотоальбом Українці 1894 року (Київщина, Полтавщина, Херсонщина)
Фотоальбом Самійла Дудіна Українці (Київщина, Полтавщина, Херсонщина) з етнографічної подорожі 1894 року.
Дудін (Марцинкевич) Самуїл Мартинович (1863-1929) народився в селі Рівне на Кіровоградщині.
Долею схожий на Тараса Шевченка, отримав заслання у молодості за українство. Захоплення фотографуванням і етнографією стало містком-повернення до повноцінного життя. Вважається одним з найкращих фотографів початку ХХ ст.: Самійло Дудін, один із найвидатніших фотографів європейського рівня, якого називають співцем Середньої Азії. Самійло Мартинович зробив понад 600 фотографій для Всесвітньої виставки у Парижі 1899 року. З’ясувалося, що і нині прикрашають зібрання етнографічного музею у Гамбурзі 495 скляних негативів С.М. Дудіна 1899 р. про казахів. Шедеврами фотомистецтва фахівці називають 2000 знімків, зроблених Дудіним у Середній Азії. (автор багатьох наукових праць про мистецтво буддизму та ісламу) І сьогодні С. Дудін вважається найкращим знавцем туркменських килимів. Самійло Дудін відомий, також, як художник та ініціатор створення в 1895 році Російського етнографічного музею в Петербурзі.
У 1911 р. в Києві вийшла «Ілюстрована Шевченківська бібліотека» (24 книги) з роботами художника Самійла Дудіна. Він виконав 27 ілюстрацій до петербурзького видання «Кобзаря», ілюстрував повісті Гоголя «Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки» та «Миргород».
За кількістю та різнобічністю своїх обдарувань Дудін нагадував «ренесансних людей»: художник (закінчив Академію мистецтв, учень Рєпіна), вчений-орієнталіст та етнограф, колекціонер (зібрав унікальну колекцію східних килимів, неперевершеним знавцем яких вважається й досі), бібліофіл, учений-мандрівник
Самійло Дудін помер 8 липня 1929 р. на 66-му році від розриву (паралічу) серця з фотоапаратом у руках, перебуваючи зі студентами-географами на університетській станції у селищі Саблиному під Ленінградом, де керував літніми практичними роботами студентів.
У слайдшоу міститься 103 фотографії з перекладом оригінального опису:
Хата, Амбар, хлів і сарай, клуня та сараї (Київська, Полтавська, Херсонська губ.)
Старовинні рушники (Полтавська губ.)
Дівчина у святковому вбранні (Полтавська губ.)
Жінки у святковому одязі (Полтавська губ.)
Дівчата, жінки і чоловіки - традиційний одяг (Полтавська губ.)
Свято. Дівчата на вулиці. (Полтавська губ.)
Діти на вулиці (Полтавська губ.)
Група селян (Херсонська губ.)
Група жінок (Херсонська губ.)
Типи верхнього одягу: кобеняк з кобкою, кожух (Херсонська губ.)
Вбрання нареченої (Херсонська губ.)
Молодиця. 20 років (Херсонська губ.)
Портрет дівчини. 20 років (Херсонська губ.)
Сліпий бандурист з поводирем (Київська губ.)
Кобзар з поводирем (Полтавська губ.)
Сліпці-жебраки (Полтавська губ.)
Сліпці. Поводирі (Полтавська губ.)
І інші - дивись відео
HalynaMyroslavaThe Flight/ГалинаМирослава Політ
Dedicated to wonderful person, my virtual friend Patriczia (
Thanks to Mykhailo Mykhailovych Tarkhan(Михайло Михайлович Тархан) or MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH TARKHANOV(Михаил Михайлович Тарханов), Ukrainian and Russian Soviet Avant-garde graphic artist.
Born in Zin'kiv in Ukrainian or Zen'kov in Russian (Poltava Region, Ukraine). Lived in Ukraine, then in Moscow. Tarkhanov began to study art in 1905, when he entered the famous Stroganoff Art Institute (which later became VKhUTEMAS) in Moscow. His schoolmates during this period included D. Burliuk, V. Mayakovsky, and other artists who soon became prominent in the Russian avant-garde. He graduated and received his M.A. in Applied and Decorative Arts in 1915.
He was called to the Russian Army in Tzaritzin on the Volga river in 1916 as an artist-topographer. In April 1918 he was hospitalized and released and came back to Moscow.He was called to the Russian Red Army again in July 1919 and served in the First Moscow Reserve Division through January 1921. In 1921, he became a draftsman at the Moscow District Military-Engineering Committee.
Tarkhanov continued his studies at VKhUTEMAS, the famous school of Russian Avant-garde art from 1921 through 1927 under such prominent Russian Avant-garde artists as Vasili (Wassily) Kandinsky, Vladimir Favorsky, and Nikolay Kupreyanov
Friend of V. Favorsky and V. Kandinsky. Exhibited in 1919 (Moscow) with Rodchenko; in 1926 (Moscow) with Kliun, Lissitzky; in 1931 (Paris) with Altman, Klutsis, Lebedev, Popova (p/h), Telingater, etc.
Mikhail Tarkhanov created a unique and previously undiscovered series of non-objective water-based and starch-textured compositions, which he called Picturesque-Textured Improvisations.
While Tarkhanov was widely known for his works in book design, the restrictions of Socialist Realism from 1932/1933 until his death prohibited him from openly exhibiting any of abstractions.
After the Soviet Union dictated Socialist Realism as its official style, abstract work became dangerous. Tarkhanov made secret abstractions at the same time as his official work for various Soviet institutions. Only a small number of people knew about his underground activity. Avant-garde style still was tolerated then for exhibition design, and many prominent figures, including Lissitzky, Suetin, Stenberg, and Klutsis, turned to that field. Tarkhanov worked internationally and nationally, designing Soviet exhibits organized by VOKS in Paris, London, and New York, as well as domestic exhibits at the State Literary Museum, the Rare Book Museum, and others.
Tarkhanov's distinguished pedagogic career began in 1929. He was appointed to lead the various graphic disciplines at the Moscow Polygraphic College in 1930-1941. He was professor at the Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (MIPIDI) in 1944-1952, etc.
In 1947 M. Tarkhanov was nominated to the Senior Lecturer position.
Tarkhanov gave numerous lectures on art including lectures in State Academy of Artistic Sciences.He also wrote various articles including articles for VKhUTEIN and the periodicals Polygraphic Production
Tarkhanov's works are recognized at home and abroad. They may be seen in the former Soviet Union in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, and other major museums. Several years ago the Getty Center, known for its collections of Avant-garde materials such as the Lissitzky archive, Bauhaus works and others, acquired 31 works by Mikhail Tarkhanov.
His works were in
State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow)
State Russian Museum (Leningrad - St. Petersburg)
State (Pushkin) Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow)
Kherson Museum of Fine Arts (Kherson, Ukraine) 15 works
Kirgiz State Museum of Fine Arts (Frunze, Kirgizia)
Semipalatinsk Museum of Fine Arts (Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan)
Tula Museum of Fine Arts (Tula, Russia)
The Getty Center (Los Angeles, U.S.A.)
San Diego Museum of Art (San Diego, U.S.A.)
Halyna Myroslava The flight.
Галина Мирослава Політ.
Дома лучше! Херсон/Сезон 2/Выпуск 8 (eng sub)
Дома лучше и Женя Синельников посетили еще один портовый город на Юге Украины - Херсон! Херсон или как его еще называют город кораблей был построен императрицей Екатериной II в XVIII веке. Поэтому очень много здешних достопримечательностей напоминают о тех временах. Как выглядит Херсонская крепость; какие тайны хранит Екатерининский собор; чарующая прогулка на лодочке живописными херсонскими плавнями и душевная экскурсия местными двориками. Смотрите, думайте, оставайтесь с нами!
#домалучше #орелирешка #херсон
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Лучший антагонист для Хмельмена - MALE MALEVICH
Лучшее альтернативное название лестницы в Одессе и фильма - Алена Вареник
Лучшее название для яхты - Михаил Биденко
“Дома лучше” - новое детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал.
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Орёл и Решка. 15 сезон. Рай и Ад-2
Орёл и Решка. Звёзды
Орел и решка. 16 сезон. Перезагрузка. АМЕРИКА
Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям (17 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-2 (18 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (19 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Морской сезон/По морям-3 (20 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Мегаполисы (21 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Чудеса света (22 сезон)
Орёл и Решка. Ивлеева VS Бедняков (23 сезон)
Орел и решка за кадром. Смешные и неудачные дубли
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Дома лучше с Женей Синельниковым
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женя синельников дома лучше херсон
Viking Cruise Lomonosov Kherson Tour Part II
The only other Kherson sights of interest is along the waterfront. A ship symbol, that resembles the Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria, sits high above the harbor; a memorial to the first Black Fleet. A short walk there, a short walk through a park with nothing of interest except a bench with locks, placed by newlyweds to show their commitment, e.g. nothing will ever separate them.
Sorry Kherson, but there's really very little to see in your city.
Ukraine tries its hand at building projection art. [VIDEO].flv
From -- Cool! Great idea!
Bronze Treasure | Virtual Museum Tour
The Mykolayiv Regional Museum of Local Lore. It is thanks to Olvian artefacts that this museum came to be. But half a century later it became a so-called bridgehead for museums in Odesa, Kerch and Kherson. And many decades later a stupid error of two researchers became a reason to stop the replenishing of the museum’s collection with unique displays, for example its bronze treasure trove.
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Kryvyi Rih
Kryvyi Rih or Krivoi Rog is a city in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine; it is the 8th most populous city in the country. It lies within a large urban area, administratively, incorporated with Kryvyi Rih Municipality as a city of region significance. It also serves as the administrative center of the district although it is not part of it. The city extends for 126 km from north to south.
Standing on the Saksahan and Inhulets river, Kryvyi Rih has been a major settlement for most of its history, going back to its founding as a postal city in 1775 by the Cossaks. A military settlement until 1860, it was part of Kherson, although it was incorporated during the 20th century with areas of Yekaterinoslav. The township began to expand at an astonishing rate at the beginning of the 1880s. Kryvyi Rih's urbanization was unplanned; French and English investment was brought on by a boom in metallurgy, iron mining and investigation of rich deposits of iron ore. The building of the Yekateryninska Railway in 1884 built for transportation of ore to Donbas transformed Kryvyi Rih into a major industry town that culminated in city status in 1919. Nationalization and investment spurred by soviet authorities led to extensive growth. In 1934 Kryvorizhstal was built, the first of more than 500 factories. The city also gave rise to the foundation of Kryvyi Rih National University. Financially, the city's growth after the nazi occupation increased due to economic reforms. Also, investment spurred by Ukrainian Independence, market economy and the 2014 revolution led to extensive regeneration, particularly in the city centre.
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Theatre in Forest: Luhansk theatre continues performing against all odds
Not an ordinary type of theatre. Right under the open skies of Kherson region, in the middle of a small forest there is a theatre stage full of actors...
The Luhansk theatre troop is the highlight of the international theatre festival this year. The troop left the city at the beginning of the Russian-backed separatist occupation two years ago.
This play about love and heartbreak by a famous Ukrainian playwright was in the works over two years ago. But they never got the opportunity to premier it in their native city of Luhansk.
Check out our website:
Following a Ray | Virtual house-museum of Polina Rayko
Polina Rayko was an ordinary peasant woman, she had neither higher education nor artistic one. When all her family died, she took a brush and painted all inner and external surfaces of the house.
Polina Rayko's fresco is a unique creative act, when the soul pours out on everything in the surrounding world and humanizes it. This art is full of life and at the same time it has sacral meaning.
Her house is surprising and inimitable creation having worldwide meaning.
The world culture is rich in artists of natural gifts such as Niko Pirosmani (Georgia), Tivadar Kosztka Csontváry (Hungary),
Henri Rousseau (France), Maria Prymachenko (Ukraine).
Polina Rayko is a pearl, that hasn't been discovered yet.
Polina Rayko's painting is exceptional, it has unique spiritual strength. These inconceivably beautiful works radiate light and breathe incredible creative power.
The house painted by Polina Rayko is situated in Tsiurupins'k town of Kherson region (Ukraine). Year after year unique paintings are crumbling , the old country house is ruining. There isn't enough financing to save, restore and preserve it. In the near future this house is likely to exist only in a virtual form.
We suggest reconstructing one of the rooms in Polina Rayko's house as a 3D video projection. In this projection, all the dimensions of the walls of this room as well as frescoes on all four walls and ceiling would be carefully reproduced.
© Constantin Rudeshko | MMXII
«Это сам Потемкин!». Фильм к выставке
В 2019 году исполняется 280 лет со дня рождения светлейшего князя Г.А. Потемкина-Таврического. Он был одним из наиболее значительных персонажей истории XVIII столетия и самым влиятельным вельможей екатерининского царствования, фаворитом и тайным супругом императрицы, ее другом и соратником.
Показать многогранность образа Потемкина позволяют экспонаты масштабной выставки «”Это сам Потемкин!”. К 280-летию светлейшего князя Г. А. Потемкина-Таврического» (Эрмитаж, залы Зимнего дворца, 8 декабря 2019 – 29 марта 2020 года)
К выставке выпущен видеофильм о светлейшем князе Г.А. Потемкине-Таврическом.
Автор фильма – Манас Сираканян.
Рассказывает Наталья Бахарева, старший научный сотрудник Отдела истории русской культуры Государственного Эрмитажа.
В фильме использована музыка из записей:
Grétry: La caravane du Caire (RIC 345)
Outhere –
Guiseppe Sarti: Complete Chamber Music & Keyboard Works (TC.721950)
Tactus –
Guiseppi Sarti: Russian Oratorio (AMS91)
André Charlin Discs –
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Сайт Государственного Эрмитажа:
Эрмитажная Академия:
Crossing the Dnieper near Cherkasy
Crossing the Dnieper river near Cherkasy, with train nr.148 Odessa-Kiev. This is the area of Kremenchuk reservoir, that's why the river is so wide here. Átkelés a Dnyepper folyón a 148-as számú Odessza-Kijev vonattal Cserkaszinál. A vasút itt a Kremenchuki víztározó területén halad át, ezért ilyen széles a folyó. Ha érdekel a térség vasúti közlekedése, olvasd el vonatkozó írásomat: Пересечение реки Днепр возле Черкасс, с поездом № 148 Одесса-Киев
ДахаБраха та їхній Київ · Амбасадори Ukraїner
Відомі українці у проєкті «Амбасадори» під час прогулянки знайомлять з особливими для них місцями у рідному місті. У п’ятнадцятій серії учасники етно-гурту @DakhaBrakha покажуть близький кожному з них Київ — місто з багатою історією, що вражає насиченістю сучасного життя.
Разом із музикантами багатоманітну столицю України досліджує засновник проєкту @Ukraїner Богдан Логвиненко.
Читайте наш лонгрід:
Dozens Reported Killed In Eastern Ukraine Fighting
High-caliber weapons fire echoed sporadically Tuesday through the eastern city of Donetsk and the mayor urged residents to stay home a day after fighting between Ukrainian troops and separatist rebels reportedly killed dozens. Donetsk mayor Oleksandr Lukyanchenko said 40 people, including two civilians, were killed Monday after troops repelled a rebel attempt to seize control of the airport, Ukraine's second-largest. Local morgues were overflowing with bodies and rebel leaders said Tuesday that the death toll could rise up to 100.
Round Table: Culture in a decentralization process. UCMC 04.06.2019
Round Table: Culture in a decentralization process
Yevhen Nyschuk, Minister of Culture of Ukraine
Lidiya Yevtushenko, State Expert of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
Yulia Yesmukhanova, Deputy Director of the USAID DOBRE Program
Olga Zaporozhets, Program Manager of NORD - Ukrainian Cultural
Leonid Maruschak, head of the art and culture department of Ukrainian Crisis
Media Center;
Valentyna Kostenko, head of the Velykokopanivska ATC
(Kherson oblast)
Lyudmyla Pavlinska, Head of the Zavodska ATC (Ternopil
Olga Zhuravinska, head of the culture, family, youth, sports and tourism department of the Borshchivska ATC (Ternopil oblast)
Gennady Vereskun, head of the Belovodsk Museum, advisor
Of the ATC head on Culture (Luhansk Oblast)
Eugenia Molar, art critic, cultural infrastructure researcher
VR180 3D. Calendar BTS. Karina in Askania Nova
VR180 video backstage of a calendar photo session.
Under The Scythian Sun — print+digital calendar project about Kherson region, Ukraine.
Location: Askania Nova
Photographer: Egor Serduk
Model: Karina Tretyak, ST Models agency
Dress: Kateryna Savchenko
VR-video: SUN Media Group
Idea: Alexey Miroshnikov, GRADES branding agency
Promo video about calendar:
ONUKA та її Київ · Амбасадори Ukraїner
Проєкт «Амбасадори» показує, яким бачать своє місто його відомі мешканці. У десятій історії співачка та солістка гурту ONUKA Ната Жижченко покаже свій рідний Київ — велику і надзвичайно різносторонню столицю України. Познайомитись з людьми, які творять це сучасне місто, разом з Натою вирішив засновник проєкту Ukraїner Богдан Логвиненко.
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Ukraine 1917-1923 Trident Overprints - Powerful Specialized Stamp Collection.
- we sell stamps and stamp collections through our weekly stamp auctions; we also offer free stamp collecting resources to help you with your philately!
Ukraine 1917-1923 Trident Overprints - Powerful Specialized Stamp Collection. A spectacular collection in two large albums collected using the The Trident Issue of the Ukraine by Roberts & Dr Seichter (information accompanies). The collection has been divided by the regional types with strong sections for Kiev types I, II, III & IV (this type being an early official trial apparently rejected in October 1918 in favour of type III), Tschernigov, Zitomir, Poltava, Odessa types I, II, III, IV, V & VI, Kharkov I, II, III & IV, Yekaterinoslav & II, Kherson red overprints and Podolia. Around 80% mint / never hinged mint & 20% used the collection, which includes blocks & other multiples have been displayed to a high standard with the different overprint types usually identified by there sub- types and we often see different types (up to 5) in se-tenant pairs, strips & sheetlets, other interesting items include two different colour opts together, misplaced opts in multiples, tete- beche, damaged opt, Soviet reprints identified, special printings including the Kiev IV, used incl identified postal markings PLUS SO MUCH MORE. Many stamps have been signed by experts incl Arnold, Biermann, Borek, Bulat, Friedel, Hennig, Kruger, Pohl, Romeko, Dr Seichter, Senf and the Ukrainian Phil Verb. amongst others. There is also a collection of FORGERIES arranged on separate pages in the back of the album which have been arranged by regional types. A spectacular collection (approx 4000 genuine stamps & 380+ forgeries)
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Maidan Self-Defense in Action
Reporters of LIVE TV take a tour of the Maidan's barricades.
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