Грузия 2017 Крепость Хертвиси / Georgia/ Khertvisi Fortress / ხერთვისის ციხე /4k
Ходят смутные слухи, то в античную эпоху здесь уже существоал город и крепость. Есть популярный миф об осаде Хертвиси войсками Александра Макдонского, хотя реальный Александр в Закавказье не появлялся. Слух о городе звучат убедительно, поскольку Хертвиси стоит на важном стратегическом перекрестке, у соединения ущелья Куры с ущельем Паравани. Здесь во все века проходили караванные тропы и какое-то укрепление обязано было быть, хотя мы о нём ничего не знаем. Известно, что крепость сущетвовала в XII веке и сильно пострадала от землетрясения 1283 года, которое разрушило и соседнюю Вардзию.
В XVI веке сюда пришли турки и крепость лет на 400 перешла в их собственность. В 1624 году её брал штурмом Георгий Саакадзе, а в 1771 году - царь Ираклий II. Когда в 1828 году началась русско-турецкая война, крепость оказалась важным стратегическим объектом - по дорогам мимо крепости турки перебрасывали подкрепления в Ахалцихе и в Ахалкалаки. Поэтому сразу после взятия Ахалкалаки генерал Паскевич отправил в Хертвиси отряд под командованием барона Остен-Сакена. Судя по описанию Василия Потто, крепость в то время выглядела невзрачно: Крепость не играла значительной роли в качестве крепкого опорного пункта; ее стены не превышали одной или полутора саженей, а башни были неудобны для помещения в них артиллерии; но зато цитадель, стоявшая на громадной скале, была неприступна
Khertvisi fortress (Georgian: ხერთვისის ციხე) is one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia and was functional throughout the Georgian feudal period. It is situated in Southern Georgia, in Meskheti region. The fortress was first build in the 2nd century BC. The church was built in 985, and the present walls build in 1354. As the legend says, Khertvisi was destroyed by Alexander the Great.
In the 10th-11th centuries it was the center of Meskheti region. During the 12th century it became a town. In the 13th century Mongols destroyed it and until the 15th century it lost its power. In the 15th century it was owned by Meskheti landlords from Jakeli family. In the 16th century the southern region of Georgia was invaded by Turks. During next 300 years they have owned Khertvisi too.
Name Khertvisi comes from the verb designating the confluence of two rivers. In ancient times, during the march to the east, Alexander the Great saw the city-fortress Khertvisi.
Khertvisi fortress is a well-preserved complex construction. The buildings that is prreserved to this day belong to the X-XIX centuries. The fortress consists of two main parts - the citadel and the wall. The Citadel occupies a narrow ledge that is protected by a high vertical cliff. The towers of the fortress are well protected and standing out is the main tower - a building constructed of well-crafted and stacked stones. Also should be noted is the five-sided turret which protects the east side. The fortress is supplied with drinking water through a tunnel, attached from the northwest.
Khertvisi was repeatedly rebuilt. In 1356-1356, Zakaria Kamkamishvili, Treasurer of the King, built the tower and wall. In the XVI century the fortress belonged to the feudal family Hertvisari. In 1578 the Turks captured Khertvisi with other fortresses of Samtskhe - Saatabago. In 1828-1829, after the victory of Russia over Turkey, the fortress was returned to Georgia. At that time, Khertvisi, along with other Georgian fortresses, lost its strategic importance.
Khertvisi Fortress in Georgia
The Khertvisi fortress was first built in the 2nd century and legend has it was destroyed by Alexander the Great. It has a strategic position on a rocky hill between the Mtkvari and Paravani Rivers.
Khertvisi fortress
Khertvisi fortress is one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia and was functional throughout the Georgian feudal period. It is situated in Southern Georgia, in Meskheti region. The fortress was first built in the 2nd century BC
Captured with DJI Mavic Pro
Khertvisi Fortress / ხერთვისის ციხე / Крепость Хертвиси / - 4K aerial video footage DJI Inspire 1
Khertvisi fortress (Georgian: ხერთვისის ციხე) is one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia and was functional throughout the Georgian feudal period. It is situated in Southern Georgia, in Meskheti region. The fortress was first build in the 2nd century BC. The church was built in 985, and the present walls build in 1354. As the legend says, Khertvisi was destroyed by Alexander the Great.
In the 10th-11th centuries it was the center of Meskheti region. During the 12th century it became a town. In the 13th century Mongols destroyed it and until the 15th century it lost its power. In the 15th century it was owned by Meskheti landlords from Jakeli family. In the 16th century the southern region of Georgia was invaded by Turks. During next 300 years they have owned Khertvisi too.
Name Khertvisi comes from the verb designating the confluence of two rivers. In ancient times, during the march to the east, Alexander the Great saw the city-fortress Khertvisi.
Khertvisi fortress is a well-preserved complex construction. The buildings that is prreserved to this day belong to the X-XIX centuries. The fortress consists of two main parts - the citadel and the wall. The Citadel occupies a narrow ledge that is protected by a high vertical cliff. The towers of the fortress are well protected and standing out is the main tower - a building constructed of well-crafted and stacked stones. Also should be noted is the five-sided turret which protects the east side. The fortress is supplied with drinking water through a tunnel, attached from the northwest.
Khertvisi was repeatedly rebuilt. In 1356-1356, Zakaria Kamkamishvili, Treasurer of the King, built the tower and wall. In the XVI century the fortress belonged to the feudal family Hertvisari. In 1578 the Turks captured Khertvisi with other fortresses of Samtskhe - Saatabago. In 1828-1829, after the victory of Russia over Turkey, the fortress was returned to Georgia. At that time, Khertvisi, along with other Georgian fortresses, lost its strategic importance.
Since 2007, the Khertvisi fortress is included in the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage.
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Khertvisi Castle ( X-XVIII), Javakheti, Georgia
Agricultural Terraces
სამაუწყებლო კომპანია რუსთავი2ის მიერ მომზადებული სიუჟეტი თემაზე ზემო ჩხუტუნეთში არსებული ჯამე ქცეული მუზეუმად
დილის გადაცემა დილა მშვიდობისა საქართველო
ავტორები: რუსუდან ძნელაძე; ნინო ლაშხი; გიორგი კოკაია
ხერთვისის ციხე / Khertvisi fortress 4K
Roadtrip to Vardzia
Khertvisi Castle, Georgia, Samtskhe-Javakheti. ხერთვისის ციხე, სამცხე-ჯავახეთი.
მასობრივი გათავისუფლებები ასპინძის გამგეობაში და უკმაყოფილო მოსახლეობა
ასპინძის მუნიციპალიტეტის გამგეობაში შტატების შემცირება მიმდინარეობს. ჯერ კიდევ ივლისის თვეში დაწყებული რეორგანიზაცია, ხელმძღვანელებს სისირულეში ახლა მოჰყავთ. დაკავებული თანამდებობებიდან 18 თანამშრომელი გათავისუფლდა, რომლებიც აღნიშნულს აპროტესტებენ. ასპინძის მოსახლეობა აცხადებს, რომ მუნიციპალიტეტში უმუშევრობის პრობლემა დგას და ადგილობრივი ხელისუფლების მიერ გამგეობაში კადრების შემცირება სიტუაციას უფრო ართულებს.
Vardzia Resort, Samtskhe Javakheti, Georgia
Georgia. Vardiza
Georgia, 2017, Vardzia.
Switch to 1440p and enjoy ;)
As per wiki:
Vardzia (Georgian: ვარძია) is a cave monastery site in southern Georgia, excavated from the slopes of the Erusheti Mountain on the left bank of the Kura River, thirty kilometres from Aspindza. The main period of construction was the second half of the twelfth century. The caves stretch along the cliff for some five hundred meters and in up to nineteen tiers. The Church of the Dormition, dating to the 1180s during the golden age of Tamar and Rustaveli, has an important series of wall paintings.
Quick Musical Doodles by Two Feet
chongurs simebi gavubi aspindza
Один из дней нашего отдыха мы целиком посвятили посещению достопримечательностей Грузии. Сначала мы посетили крепость Хертвиси — одна из самых древних и лучше всего сохранившихся крепостей грузинского средневековья. Расположена в крае Самцхе-Джавахети, в южной части Грузии. Далее мы посетили крепость Ахалцихе или Ахалцихская крепость Рабат — крепость XVI-XVIII вв. на юге Грузии, в городе Ахалцихе, на территории исторической области Месхетия. В завершении дня мы заехали в центральный исторический парк Боржоми, чтобы прогуляться и набрать минеральную воду Боржоми.
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ASPINDZA 2017 Filmmaking HDV.GE
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Tel: 574 22 10 01
Web: hdv.ge
Photographer: Nino Zaridze
Video editor: Creative Group
Vardzia Resort Samtskhe Javakheti Georgia 1