【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]홍고린 엘스 일몰/Gobi Desert/Gurvansaikhan/Khongoryn Els/Sunset
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
목적지인 홍고린 엘스에 도착했다. 이곳은 고비사막에서 좀처럼 보기 힘든 모래사막이다. 최고 높이 약 300m, 길이 약 180km에 이르는 거대한 모래언덕. 특히, 모래언덕에서 기이한 소리가 나는 것으로 유명한데 때문에 ‘노래하는 모래’라는 별명을 가지고 있다. 이미 많은 이들이 다녀간 흔적이 모래 위에 선명하다. 나도 황금빛 모래 언덕에 올랐다. 하지만 생각보다 모래 위를 걷는 게 쉽지가 않다. 푹푹 빠지는 모래가 발목을 잡는 통에 코앞에 정상을 두고도 한참이 걸린다. 모래 언덕 너머에서 불어오는 바람이 나를 더 힘들게 한다. 모래를 밟고 올라갈 때마다 기이한 소리가 나기 시작했다. 모래를 발로 밟으면 그 빈틈으로 모래가 다시 채워지면서 나는 소리가 신기했다. 힘들 게 올라온 수고를 보상할 만큼 붉은 모래언덕이 정말 아름답다. 정상에 오르기 전까지는 상상도 할 수 없던 신비로운 자연의 모습이다. 광활하고 거대한 대자연 속의 인간이 한 없이 작게 느껴지는 순간이다. 아래를 내려다보니 이제야 막 언덕을 오르는 여행자들이 보인다. 씩씩하게 올라오고 있는 사람들. 반갑게도 또 한국인이다. “모래언덕에 올라오니까 어떠세요? “ “새로운 풍경이예요. 일단 너무 힘들고요 힘든 반면에 올라오니까 처음 와 가지고 새로운 것 같아요.” 이곳에 힘겹게 올라오는 이유가 또 있다. 바로 모래언덕에서 일몰을 보기 위해서다. 오렌지 빛으로 물든 하늘과 지평선이 맞닿아 환상적인 광경을 만들어낸다. 고비사막이 준 최고의 선물이다.
[English: Google Translator]
I arrived at the destination Hong Gollin Els. This is a sandy desert rarely seen in the Gobi Desert. A huge sand dune with a maximum height of about 300m and a length of about 180km. In particular, it has a nickname of 'singing sand' because it is famous for its quaint sounds on sand dunes. The trail that many people have already visited is clear on the sand. I also went to the golden sand dunes. But it is not easy to walk on the sand than you think. It takes a long time to put the top in front of the nose when the sinking sand catches the ankle. The wind blowing over the sand dunes makes me harder. Every time I stepped on the sand, a strange sound began to emerge. When I stepped on the sand, the sound filled up as the sand filled in the gap. The red sand dunes are so beautiful to compensate for the hard work. It is a mysterious nature that I could not imagine until I reached the summit. It is a moment when the vast and gigantic human being in the nature feels small. Looking down, I can see travelers just up the hill. People who have come up briskly. Glad to be a Korean again. Why do not you come up to the dunes? It's a new landscape. Once it's too hard, it's hard, but on the other hand, it's a new one with the first one coming up. There's another reason for coming here hard. Just to see the sunset in the sand dunes. The orange sky and the horizon touch the sky, creating a fantastic sight. It is the best gift given by the Gobi Desert.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Хонг Голлин Элл хүрэх газраа хүрч ирэв. Энэ бол говь цөлийн элсэн цөл юм. 300 метрийн өндөртэй, 180 км урттай их хэмжээний элстэй. Тухайлбал, элсэн манхан дээр түүний сонин дуу чимээнээс үүдэлтэй дуулдсан элс нэртэй байдаг. Олон хүн аль хэдийн очсон зам нь элс дээр тодорхой байна. Би бас алтан элстэй элсэн манхан руу явсан. Гэхдээ таны бодож байгаагаас элсэн дээр алхах нь амар биш юм. Шагай элс нь шагайнд хүрэх үед хамрын өмнө дээд талд байрлуулна. Элс элсэн манхан дээр салхи салхилах нь намайг улам хүнд болгодог. Би элсэн дээр гараад ирэхэд хачин дуу гарч ирэв. Би элсэн дээр гараад элсэнд элсний бөглөсөн шиг дуугарав. Улаан элсэн манхан нь шаргуу хөдөлмөрлөхөд маш сайхан байдаг. Энэ бол дээд хэмжээний уулзалтад хүрэх хүртэл би төсөөлж чадахгүй байсан нууцлаг шинж чанар юм. Энэ нь байгалийн асар их, том биетэй хүн шиг санагдах үе юм. Би доошоо харвал толгодын дэргэдэх аялагчдыг харж болно. Хурдан гарч ирсэн хүмүүс. Солонгост дахин баярлагтун. Чи яагаад ууланд бууж ирээгүй юм бэ? Энэ бол шинэ газар нутаг. Энэ нь маш хэцүү үед энэ нь хэцүү, гэхдээ нөгөө талаас, энэ нь эхнийх нь гарч ирсэн шинэ зүйл юм. Энд ирэхэд өөр нэг шалтгаан бий. Зүгээр л элсэн манхантай нар жаргахыг хараарай. Улбар шар тэнгэр, тэнгэрийн хаяанд тэнгэрт хүрч, гайхалтай харагдана. Энэ бол Говь цөлийн хамгийн сайхан бэлэг юм.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-14 고비사막 11 모래 사막 언덕 홍고린 엘스, 일몰
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳소리,sound,일몰/야경,sunset, night view,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
Dalanzadgad, Mongolia
Earth Zoom for Mongolia city in Dalanzadgad
2011 Mongolia 28 Omnogovi Yolin Am
Mongolia Omnogovi Yolin Am
Mongolia Road Trip 13 / Dalanzadgad City Centre (Walking into a supermarket and out) / Walk 114
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From :
Dalanzadgad (Mongolian: Даланзадгад; ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠨᠵᠠᠳᠠᠭᠠᠳ) is the capital of Ömnögovi Aimag in Mongolia. It is located 540 kilometers (340 mi) south of the national capital Ulaanbaatar. The altitude of the city center is 1,470 meters (4,823 feet).
As of 2011, its population is 19,396.
The Dalanzadgad Airport (ZMDZ/DLZ) is served by regular domestic flights from and to Ulaanbaatar. There are summer and winter timetables.
In 2007 the Mongolian Civil Aviation Authority built a new airport with a paved runway. The runway is second longest in the country after Chinggis Khaan International Airport. Before that, the airport had only one gravel runway.
The Dalanzadgad town has a paved road connecting it with capital Ulaanbaatar city.
Dalanzadgad experiences a cold desert climate (Köppen BWk) with cold winters and hot summers. By Mongolian standards it is one of the warmest places in the country during winter. Along with Tsetserleg and Arvaikheer it was warmer than Hohhot in January 2014 and 2015. A unique steppe micro-climate with running streams and lush grass can be found in the nearby Yolyn Am valley.
There is GSM coverage in the city the same as in other major locations - the coverage is good for about a mile out of the city. Usually, the city is also supplied with electric power 24 hours a day. Near Dalanzadgad, at 43°31′54.38″N 104°24′4.16″E, there is a longwave broadcasting station working on 209 kHz with 75 kW.
From :
Ömnögovi (Mongolian: Өмнөговь Ömnögovǐ, South Gobi) is an aimag (province) of Mongolia, located in the south of the country, in the Gobi Desert. Ömnögovi is Mongolia's largest aimag. The capital is Dalanzadgad.
The province is rich in mineral deposits, including gold and copper. Agriculture is of minor importance. Vegetables are grown in some oases, e.g. in Dal near Dalanzadgad.
As the aimag has various sights to offer, tourism is gaining importance. Ömnögovi includes several well known tourist areas, including the Flaming Cliffs, Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park and Khongoryn Els - The Singing Sand Dunes.
According to a 2009 survey, 73.5% of the residents of Omnogovi are Buddhists, 2.9% are Christians, 23.3% do not identify with a formal religion, and 0.3% adhere to other formal religions.
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We drive around Dalanzadgad (Даланзадгад; ᠳᠠᠯᠠᠨᠵᠠᠳᠠᠭᠠᠳ), the capital of Ömnögovi Aimag in Mongolia and launch-pad for most South Gobi travel. It is located 540 kilometers (340 mi) south of Ulaanbaatar, at an altitude of 1,470 meters (4,823 feet.)
On Top of the Khongoryn Els Sand Dunes in Mongolia
View from the top of the Khongoryn Els sand dunes in Omnogovi province, Mongolia, after spending an exhausting hour climbing up the steep wall of sand. It was extremely windy so you can't hear anything I'm saying in the video, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't important...
Mongolia Road Trip 18 / Singing Dunes, Khongoryn Els, Duut Mankhan (An Exhausting Hike) / Walk 118
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Khongoryn Els also called Duut Mankhan is popularly known as the Singing Sands. It lies within the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park in Mongolia. The sand dunes extend to over 965 square kilometres (373 sq mi) area.
The dunes extending up to the foot of the high Altai Mountains range, lie about 180 kilometres (110 mi) from Dalanzadgad. It is at a distance of 130 kilometres (81 mi) along the desert tracks to Bogd in Övörkhangai in the north, and 215 kilometres (134 mi) to Bayanlig on the northwest in Bayankhongor. Travel through the desert is by jeeps.
Mongolia has three types of deserts, and some of it has enough grass for livestock to graze, but the Khongoryn Els, in the extreme south of the Gobi Desert, has a huge range of sand dunes – 6–12 kilometres (3.7–7.5 mi) wide, 100 kilometres (62 mi) long (180 kilometres (110 mi) is also mentioned) and rising to a height of 80 metres (260 ft) (a maximum height to the apex can be 300 metres (980 ft)). They are similar to the dunes of Egypt. The sands have attractive curves which end in a sharp edge, making wave like patterns on the sand. They continually change shape due to wind and reflect yellow-white colours as the intensity of light changes during the day.
As the sand is moved due to winds or is in the process of collapse due to small avalanches, a strong sound is made giving it the name Singing Sands. A French team has explained this phenomenon as due to a thin surface coating of slate over the sand grains which causes the sand to make a resonant sound. The sound is also attributed to heat, the weather conditions in the desert and to the avalanche effect caused by the sand particles moving harmoniously. This sound is also compared to the sound made by an aircraft during take-off and landing stages. Its length and width vary. The largest of these dunes is found in the northwestern end of the range.
The northern border of the dunes is skirted by a small river, the Khonggoryn Gol, where green pastures are noted. The river is sourced by subterranean flows from the mountains forming its valley. Grazing by camels and horses of the nomadic population of the area is noted. The wildlife recorded consist of Saker falcons, Pallas's sandgrouse and Saxaul sparrow, Corsac fox or red fox.
From :
Khongoryn Els are some of the largest and most spectacular sand dunes in Mongolia. Also known as the Duut Mankhan (Singing Dunes – from the sound they make when the sand is moved by the wind), they are up to 300m high, 12km wide and about 100km long. The largest dunes are at the northwestern corner of the range. From afar the dunes look painted on the south horizon in front of those gorgeous granite mountains.
Up close you get more texture as the sand forms peaks that look like whipped meringue. Getting to the top (45 minutes to one hour) is exhausting; every step forward is followed by a significant backslide, and as you approach you may be sandblasted as the wind shears the lip off the dune and showers you with stinging sand, but the views of the desert from the sandy summit are wonderful. The dunes are also a popular place for organising camel treks (per hour/day T10,000/30,000, plus the same again for the guide fee). Most local herders can arrange treks. You'll have to walk the dunes yourself, but the camel can carry your gear. A two- or three-day walk through the dunes would likely be the highlight of your trip and its greatest challenge. A mini naadam featuring horse racing and wrestling is held here in August.
The dunes are about 180km from Dalanzadgad. There is no way to get here unless you charter a vehicle or are part of a tour.
From Khongoryn Els it is possible to follow desert tracks 130km north to Bogd in Övörkhangai, or 215km northwest to Bayanlig in Bayankhongor. This is a remote and unforgiving area and you shouldn’t undertake either trip without an experienced driver and full stocks of food, water and fuel.
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Dalanzadgad Mongolia Gobi Desert Adventure | Visit Mongolia 戈壁 #Mongolia
Today we bring you right into the heart of Mongolia. After spending 2 days in the capitol Ulaanbaatar we continue our trip into the Gobi Desert.
The Gobi Desert is a vast, arid region in northern China and southern Mongolia. It's known for its dunes, mountains and rare animals like snow leopards and Bactrian camels. In the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park, the Khongoryn Els sand dunes are said to sing when the wind blows. The park also features the deep ice field of Yolyn Am canyon. Dinosaur fossils have been found at the red Flaming Cliffs of Bayanzag.
It covers parts of northern and northwestern China, and of southern Mongolia. The Gobi is most notable in history as part of the great Mongol Empire, and as the location of several important cities along the Silk Road.
The Gobi is a rain shadow desert, formed by the Himalayan mountain range blocking rain-carrying clouds from the Indian Ocean reaching the Gobi territory.
The Gobi measures over 1,600 km (1,000 mi) from southwest to northeast and 800 km (500 mi) from north to south. The desert is widest in the west, along the line joining the Lake Bosten and the Lop Nor (87°–89° east). It occupies an arc of land 1,295,000 km2 (500,000 sq mi) in area as of 2007; it is the fifth-largest desert in the world and Asia's largest. Much of the Gobi is not sandy but has exposed bare rock.
In its broadest definition, the Gobi includes the long stretch of desert and semi-desert area extending from the foot of the Pamirs, 77° east, to the Greater Khingan Mountains, 116°-118° east, on the border of Manchuria; and from the foothills of the Altay, Sayan, and Yablonoi mountain ranges on the north to the Kunlun, Altyn-Tagh, and Qilian mountain ranges, which form the northern edges of the Tibetan Plateau, on the south.
Gobi Desert near Dunhuang
A relatively large area on the east side of the Greater Khingan range, between the upper waters of the Songhua (Sungari) and the upper waters of the Liao-ho, is reckoned to belong to the Gobi by conventional usage. Some geographers and ecologists prefer to regard the western area of the Gobi region (as defined above): the basin of the Tarim in Xinjiang and the desert basin of Lop Nor and Hami (Kumul), as forming a separate and independent desert, called the Taklamakan Desert.
Archeologists and paleontologists have done excavations in the Nemegt Basin in the northwestern part of the Gobi Desert (in Mongolia), which is noted for its fossil treasures, including early mammals, dinosaur eggs, and prehistoric stone implements, some 100,000 years old.
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【K】Mongolia Travel-Omnogovi[몽골 여행-엄너고비]헤르멘차브/Gobi Desert/Khermen Tsav/Grand Canyon/Dinosaur
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
나는 마지막 목적지인 몽골의 그랜드 캐니언이라 불리는 헤르멘차브를 향해 떠난다. 인터넷은 물론이고 전화도 되지 않는 오지. GPS에 의지해 목적지까지 가야한다. 점점 어두워지기 시작한다. 어둠이 깊어지기 전에 우리는 두 번째 야영 준비를 했다. 가져온 모든 재료로 넣어 만든 볶음밥. 오랜만에 한식으로 끼니를 해결한다. 아름다운 밤하늘이 펼쳐졌다. 다음 날 먼 길을 가기 위해서 일찍 서둘렀다. 출발 전, 다시 한 번 헤르멘차브의 위치를 확인한다. 마지막 목적지인 헤르멘차브로 가기 위해 이틀째 달리는 중이다. 울퉁불퉁 험한 도로 때문에 몸이 저절로 들썩이며 좌우로 흔들린다. 눈앞에 몽골의 그랜드 캐니언이라는 명성에 걸 맞는 웅장한 풍광이 서서히 나타난다. 드디어 헤르멘차브에 도착했다. 울란바토르에서 1,800km를 달려 마주한 표지판. 붉은 고비사막이 만든 웅장한 절경. 남고비사막 서쪽 끝. 아직까지 외지인이 가기에는 힘든 숨겨진 보물 같은 땅, 헤르멘차브. 남고비사막은 20세기 초 미국 고고학 탐사 팀이 최초로 공룡의 화석을 발견하면서 ‘공룡의 땅’이라 불릴 정도로 원시 그대로다. 갑자기 뿌연 안개가 밀려오기 시작한다. 시야를 흐리는 안개의 정체는 모래 폭풍이다. 서 있기 힘들 정도로 강한 바람 때문에 몸이 자꾸 뒤로 밀려난다. “봄철에는 사막 지역에서 모래폭풍이 자주 일어납니다. 모래폭풍이 일어나면 정말로 위험해집니다. 멀리 있는 것이 잘 보이지 않고, 사진 촬영을 하기 상당히 어렵고, 차량 이동 시 앞이 보이지 않아 힘듭니다.” 결국 나는 이틀 걸려 도착한 헤르멘차브를 2시간 만에 떠나야 했다. 너무나 아쉬웠다.
[English: Google Translator]
I am heading for the last destination, Mongolia's Grand Canyon, called Hermansev. It's not just the internet, nor the phone. I have to rely on GPS to get to the destination. It starts getting darker. Before the darkness deepened, we prepared for the second camp. Fried rice made with all imported ingredients. I have been eating Korean food for a long time. A beautiful night sky unfolded. The next day I rushed early to go a long way. Before departure, once again confirm the location of Hermenechav. We are running for the last two days to go to Hermenheim, our last destination. Because of the rugged road, the body shakes itself from side to side. There is a magnificent view in front of Mongolia's Grand Canyon. I finally arrived at Hermene Chave. Signs facing 1,800km in Ulaanbaatar. A magnificent view of the Red Gobi Desert. The remaining desert west end. Hidden treasure land, Herman Chave, still hard to go outside. The southern desert is as primitive as it was in the early 20th century when the US archeological expedition team first discovered dinosaur fossils and was called the land of dinosaurs. Suddenly the fog starts to pour. The fog that blurs vision is a sand storm. The body is pushed back because of the strong wind that it is hard to stand. Sandstorms often occur in desert areas in the spring. Sandstorms are really dangerous. It is difficult to see far away, it is very difficult to take a photo, and it is difficult to see the front of the car when moving. In the end, I had to leave Hermen Cheve in two hours. I was so sorry.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Би Германдев гэгчийг нэрлэв. Энэ бол зөвхөн интернет, утас биш юм. Би очих газар руу очихын тулд GPS-д найдах хэрэгтэй. Энэ нь харанхуй болж эхэлдэг. Харанхуйн өмнө гүнзгийрч, бид хоёр дахь баазад бэлтгэв. Бүх төрлийн найрлагатай шарсан будаа. Би солонгос хоолоо удаан хугацаанд идэж байна. Гайхалтай сайхан тэнгэрийн тэнгэр нээгдэв. Маргааш нь би эрт ухасхийлээ. Явахаасаа өмнө Херменехавын байршлыг дахин батална. Өнгөрсөн хоёр өдөр бид Хермэншим рүү очих сүүлчийн очих газартаа ажиллаж байна. Хатуу замаас болж бие нь эгц талаас нь чичирдэг. Монгол улсын Grand Canyon-ийн урд талд гайхамшигтай үзэсгэлэн байдаг. Эцэст нь би Hermene Chave-д ирсэн. Улаанбаатарт 1,800 км-ийн урд талын тэмдэг. Улаанбаатарын цөлийн гайхалтай үзэгдэл. Үлдсэн цөлийн баруун төгсгөл. Нууцлагдмал газар, Херман Чавах, гадуур явахад хэцүү байдаг. Өмнөдийн цөл нь 20-р зууны эхээр АНУ-ын археологийн экспедицийн баг анх удаа үлэг гүрвэлийн чулуужсан олдворуудыг олсон бөгөөд үлэг гүрвэлийн газар гэж нэрлэдэг байсан. Гэнэт манан асгаж эхлэв. Алсын хараа харанхуй манан бол элсэн шуурга юм. Хүчтэй салхитай тул бие нь зогсоход хэцүү байдаг. Хавар цөлөрхөг газарт элсэн шуурга тохиолддог. Цасан шуурга үнэхээр аюултай. Холын зайнаас харахад хэцүү, зураг авахад маш хэцүү байдаг, машин урд яваа машины урд харагдахад хэцүү байдаг. Эцсийн эцэст би Хермен Кэшийг хоёр цагт орхих хэрэгтэй болсон. Намайг уучлаарай.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-18 고비사막 15 몽골 그랜드 캐니언 헤르멘차브
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳전망대,observatory,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Mongolia Travel-Dalanzadgad[몽골 여행-달란자드가드]남고비의 중심/Dalanzadgad/Gobi Desert/Filling/Petrol/Station
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[한국어 정보]
다음 날. 나는 200km를 달려 남고비의 중심도시, 달란자드가드에 도착했다. 입구에 들어서면 가장 먼저 만날 수 있는 게 주유소다. 여행자들은 절대 그냥 지나칠 수 없는 곳이다. 그런데 운전기사가 주유기를 내려놓더니 차를 돌려 반대편으로 돌아온다. 알고보니 푸르공 승합차에는 주유 통이 두 개란다. “한번 주유하면 많이 달려도 연비가 400km 정도여서 고비사막은 마을에 있는 주유소의 거리가 멀기 때문에 주유소를 만날 때마다 기름을 많이 넣어야 됩니다.” 달란자드가드 도심으로 좀 더 들어가 봤다. 나무 한 그루 없는 고비사막과 달리 도심 중앙 공원은 나무들로 가득한 것이 인상적이다. 중앙공원 안으로 들어가 보니 생각보다 울창하게 나무들이 숲을 이루고 있다. “고비사막과 아름다운 달란자드가드 지역에 지난 몇 년간 사막화로 인한 모래이동이 상당히 늘어난 것으로 나타났어요 그래서 이를 보호하기 위한 목적으로 2007년부터 한국과 협력해서 녹색 벨트 프로젝트를 시행했습니다. 그 결과 90헥타르 땅에 나무숲을 조성하고 부지런한 시민들이 꾸준히 가꾸어왔습니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
next day. I reached 200km and arrived in the center of the rain, Daranjadgard. When you enter the entrance, the first thing you can meet is the gas station. It is a place that travelers can never pass. Then the driver drops the lube and turns around and returns to the other side. As you can see, there are two gas bottles in a purse-compartment van. If you run a lot, you can run a lot, but the gas mileage is about 400km, so you have to put a lot of oil every time you meet a gas station because the gas station in the village is far from the town. Daranjadgard Unlike the Gobi Desert without a tree, it is impressive that the central park is full of trees. When I entered Central Park, the trees are thicker than I expected. The Gobi Desert and the beautiful Dolanjardgard area have shown a significant increase in desertification sand movement over the past few years. As a result, 90 hectares of land have been planted with trees and diligent citizens have been steadily growing.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Дараагийн өдөр. Би 200 км-т хүрч, борооны төвд Данжжаджард хүрлээ. Ороход орох хамгийн эхний зүйл бол шатахуун түгээх станц юм. Энэ бол аялагчдын хэзээ ч өнгөрөх боломжгүй газар юм. Дараа нь жолооч пааланыг дусааж, эргэн тойрон эргэж, нөгөө тал руу буцдаг. Та харж байгаагаар цүнхэнд хоёр вантай лонх байдаг. Yeoseo түлш нь маш олон талаар нэг удаа цэнэглэх үед 400km Говийн цөл dalryeodo тосгонд хийн станц хоорондын зай хол газрын тос нь маш сонирхолтой та хийн станц харах бүрт тавьж байна. Би Даланзадгад хот болгон бага зэрэг илүү харсан. Хотын төв паркийн дагуу ямар ч мод нь говь цөлийн мод дүүрэн байдаг ялгаатай нь гайхалтай юм. Намайг Төв цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнд ороход моднууд миний хүлээж байснаас ч өтгөрдөг. Говийн цөл, гоё сайхан элсэрхэг тул энэ нь Өмнөд Солонгос нь Ногоон хэрэм төсөл хэрэгжүүлж байна хамтын ажиллагаа 2007 оноос тэднийг хамгаалах зорилгоор дээр харуулсан хамгаалагч нутагт сүүлийн хэдэн жил эрс нэмэгдсэн байна гаруй улмаас цөлжилт Өгөөмөр нүүдэл надад өгч байна. Үүний үр дүнд 90 га газарт ой мод, хөдөлмөрч иргэдийн найрлага нь тогтмол тариалдаг байна.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-10 고비사막 8 남고비 중심 달란자드가드
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳공원/광장,park, square,기타장소,place,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월엄너고비 주Omnogovi ProvinceӨмнөговь남고비주May걸어서 세계속으로
Mongolia - Sand Dunes Gobi desert 2009
Mongolia - Sand Dunes Gobi desert 2009
Mongolia Biking: From Bayan Zag to Halzangyin Els-Bayan Zag
Mongolia Biking 2007: East to Gobi Desert
From Bayan Zag to Halzangyin Els-Bayan Zag
Mongolia 2009 June, Khongoryn els in hard wind
Mongolia 2009 June, Khongoryn els in hard wind
Mongolia - Orkhon Valley Trail Rides
Spending time with a nomad family is just one of the charms of these exciting trail rides in the Orkhon Valley. Choose between the comfort of the Ger Trail, the freedom to explore into the wilderness on the Camping Trail with pack yaks or the adventure of riding in two diverse areas on the Dunes & Steppes of Mongolia ride.The Hiking & Riding Tour is suitable for less experienced riders.
We pass through Ulaanbaatar on our way to the South Gobi.
Across the Gobi
We drive WNW of Dalanzadgad, at the northern edge of the Gobi desert, flanked by the Gurvan Saikhan. The Gurvan Saikhan (Гурван Сайхан, lit. three beauties), is a mountain range in the Ömnögovi Province of southern Mongolia. It is named for three subranges: Zuun Saikhany Nuruu (the Eastern Beauty), which flanks us at first; the Dund Saikhany Nuruu (the Middle Beauty), whose foothills we drive along next; and the Baruun Saikhany Nuruu (the Western Beauty), which we will eventually cross at Havtsgain Hundiy on our way to Khongoryn Els. Towards the end of this clip we are at 43.59 deg N, 103.14 deg E, ie along the dirt track 24 between the yurts at Bumbai and the formations of Gegeetiyn Hondiy (see map at
Khongoryn Els to Bulgan
We drive from Khongoryn Els to Bulgan soum in Umnugovi aimag, Mongolia; then head to the Gobi Mirage ger camp.
Gobi Desert Rolling
Rolling down on a Gobi Desert dunes in Khongoryn Els, Mongolia