Khustain nuruu and Terelj, Mongolia
Hustai National Park / Mongolia / Ecovolunteer program
For further information, please visit us :
or the website of Hustai National Park :
Khorgo-Terkh NP (Mongolia)
Khorgo-Terkh NP Mongolia
Mongolian ajrag game
tvwshee zuraglal 2012
Hustain nuruu
Mongolia_Монголия.Путешествие и отдых.
Mongolia, Монголия, Путешествие и отдых, Youghal Valley, The Monument to Genghis Khan, Ulan-Bator, Mountain Kuiten-Uul, the west of Mongolia, Bogd Khan Palace, Zaisan Memorial, The Hovd River, Ulaan-Taiga, The Tovkhon Hiyd Monastery, Gobi Altai, the South of Mongolia, The Zavahn River, Khustain Nurru National Park, Munkh-Hairhan-Ula Mount, The Nariyn-Gol River, Mongolian Altai, The Erdeni-Dzu Temple, Kharkhorin city, Khangai Mountains, The Gobi Desert, Yolyn Am Valley, Gorkhi Terelj National Park,
Mongolian Road Trip
Mongolian road trip taking us to Yolin Am valley, Khongor's sand dunes, Baga Gazriin Chuluu Mountain, Khustain Nuruu, Khogno Khan Mountain, Khar Khorum, Tsenkher Hot Spa, Khorgo volcano and Lake Terkhiin Tsagaan, Jargal Jiguur camp, Murun town, Lake Khuvsgul, Uran Togoo volcano, Amarbayasgalant Monastery and back to Ulaanbaatar... roughly 3000 miles
2017 07 24 Mongolia 01 Tuul gol
2017 07 24 Mongolia 01 Tuul gol
Passer montanus Ulaan Baatar Hustai Nuruu National Park
Ger home-stay
2017 GTSE- Terelj National Park, Mongolia
2017 Grand Trans-Siberia Express
Terelj National Park, Mongolia. 140617
Ulaanbaatar Bogd khan mountain Ovoo of Khiimori part 2
Sun brings winds
I wanted to climb Bogd khan mountain on my birthday! saying : it is the day when i first saw the light of the world! But my father said : You are stupid! There is calculated day!.
So he insisted on it! kkk
But these ppl are climbing it because the day was Tiger & Year was also Tiger. They seem don`t care about year beasts.
So why climbing days must be different?
-it seems logical, if everyone climb in same day it is going to be crowded! ppl who came late cannot be able to reach the Ovoo.
Myagmarsuren artsiin tsenher nuruu
Village to City 2014
Village to City is a project initiated by Peace Corps volunteers in Mongolia. The goal is to bring 10 students and 5 adult supervisors from rural Mongolia into the capital of Ulaanbaatar to visit companies and learn what opportunities are available and how to prepare for them. The students also participated in workshops regarding professionalism, networking, setting goals, creating educational plans, and peer education.
In 2014, we cooperated with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Kempinski Hotel, Murun Properties, Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi, Mongolia Talent Network, American University of Mongolia, SCMT (Samsung and MCSP), Zorig Foundation, Education USA, and Peace Corps Mongolia. Village to City reached students from Alag Erdene soum, Altanbulag soum, Bat Ulzii soum, and two schools from Orkhontuul.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the music featured in this video.
List of national parks of Mongolia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
List of national parks of Mongolia
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The National Parks of Mongolia include:
Altai Tavan Bogd National Park
Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area
Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park
Gorkhi-Terelj National Park
Gun-Galuut Nature Reserve
Khustain Nuruu National Park
Lake Khövsgöl National Park
Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area
Khorgo-Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park
Khyargas Nuur National Park
Mankhan Nature Reserve
Mongol Daguur Strictly protected area
Sharga Nature Reserve
Southern Altai Gobi National Park
Tsambagarav Uul National Park
Club Fred and the Quest for the Mongolian Medal - 2. Day of Mongolian Bike Challenge -
Flaming Cliffs to Khongoriin Els - 2.Day
distance 80km, ascent 1100m
We are steadly ascending the Gegeet valley in the Gurvan Saikhan mountain range. We camp on a mountain plateau between to ridges. Far South we can spot the dunes of Khangoriin Els, our tomorrows task.
Шүлэг: Д.Туяа, З.Цогтбаатар
Аялгуу: Я.Батбаяр
Дуучин: Ядамсүрэнгийн Батбаяр /МУСТА/
Шүлгэн хэлбэрээр
/Тарвагатайн нурууны сүрлэг уулс тэнгэр шүргэм ханхайгаад
Тансаг ариун рашаан булгын усаар амьд бүхнийг тэтгэнэ
Тайгын цэнхэр хөвчид нь бугын дуудлага уянгалахад
Тайван буурал аавын минь дүр сэтгэлд ургана
Тарвагатайн цэнхэр нуруу онгон дагшин нутаг
Тарвагатайн цэнхэр нуруу бурханы орон/
1.Эцгийн гар шиг түшин өсгөсөн Цагаан-Уул аа
Эхийн сүү шиг ивлэн ундаалсан Зартын гол оо
Хан тэнгэрт орой нь шүргэсэн Загастай уул аа
Халхад алдартай Солонготын даваа миний нутагаа
2.Өвөг дээдсээс шүтэн ирсэн Эрдэнэ уул аа
Үзэсгэлэнт хангайн гүнж нь болсон Тэгшийн гол оо
Сэрүүн хангайн эм нь болсон Халуун рашаан
Сэтгэлд дотно Тарвагатайн нуруу бидний нутагаа
Араатан жигүүртэн сүлжилдсэн аглаг хангайн нутаг
Арц далийн үнэр сэнгэнэсэн амар амгалангийн орон
Адуу мал нь багширсан атар баян хангай
Аялгуу дуу нь хангинасан амгалан цэнхэр нутаг
Тарвагатайн цэнхэр нуруу онгон дагшин нутаг
Тарвагатайн цэнхэр нуруу бурханы орон
3.Хамаг нууцыг өөртөө хадгалсан Марз уул аа
Хатан Сэлэнгийн цутгал болсон Идэрийн гол оо
Арван өртөөнөөс алслан харагдах Очирт Хайрхан
Амьдрал тэтгэх Тарвагатайн нуруу Монголын нутагаа
Mongolia Trip - Sand dune
Mongolia 2008 - Day Two. We stayed at a family's ger near some sand dunes. Here we are playing in the dunes.
Bogd khan's and Central tower
Mongolie Dariganga
Sous la yourte à Dariganga
Nomad Family in Terelj National Park
Mongolsko 2007 #1
Summer trip to Mongolia - part 1
Northern Mongolia - Hovsgol lake