Weihnachtsspecial 2017 - Weihnachtsmarkt Teil 3: Münster [FMA]
Vlogs & FMA's auf Simply Kaddi
Heute nehme ich euch in Teil 3 meines Weihnachtsspecials mit auf den Weihnachtsmarkt nach Münster.
Dort gibt es keinen großen zusammenhängenden Markt, sondern 5 kleinere Märkte, die alle ihren ganz eigenen Stil haben.
Diese befinden sich:
• im Rathaus Innenhof
• beim Kiepenkerl-Denkmal
• bei der Lambertikirche
• am Aegidiimarkt
• vor der Überwasserkirche
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???? Tonprogramm: Audacity
???? Schnittprogramm: Sony Movie Studio Platinum Suite 12: *
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Van hits pedestrians killing 4 and injuring 20 in Germany's Muenster
Four people have been killed in the western German city of Muenster after a van drove into people sitting outside a popular restaurant.
The driver of the vehicle died after shooting himself, police said. They are not looking for more suspects.
About 20 people are reported injured in the incident, which occurred near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town. Six are said to be in a serious condition.
BREAKING! Several dead in Germany as van ploughs into crowd in Muenster
Source: DONT' FORGET TO SUBSCIBE TO OUR CHANNEL Image copyright Paul Fegmann Image caption Images on social media showed furniture strewn at the scene around the city's Kiepenkerl statue
Gedenkfeier zur Zerstörung Dülmens 1945
Mit einer Gedenkfeier gedachten die Dülmener am Samstag der Zerstörung der Stadt von vor 70 Jahren. Am 21. und 22. März 1945 hatten die Alliierten mit Luftangriffe Dülmen fasst vollständig zerstört.
Advent in Münster – Ein Wintermärchen. Münsters Weihnachtsmärkte im Film
Der Film zeigt einen kurzen Eindruck über alle fünf Weihnachtsmärkte in Münsters Innenstadt. Weitere Infos wie einen Stadtplan und andere Angebote im Advent etc. erhalten Sie auch unter
Unter einem romantischen Lichterhimmel begrüßt auf dem Platz des Westfälischen Friedens (Rathausinnenhof) der größte und älteste Weihnachtsmarkt in Münster seine Gäste. Hier gibt es nicht nur eine riesige Auswahl an Schmuck- und Kunstgewerbeständen, auch ein Kinderkarussell und vielseitige kulinarische Angebote bereiten Groß und Klein Freude.
Mit seiner prächtigen Krippe, einer sechs Meter hohen Holzpyramide, einer Märchenwelt und vielen attraktiven Verkaufsständen lädt der Aegidii-Weihnachtsmarkt die ganze Familie zum entspannten Bummeln ein. Für eine weihnachtliche Stimmung sorgt ein schönes Glockenspiel zu jeder halben Stunde.
Die kleinen blauen Spitzdachhäuschen des Lichtermarkts am Fuße von St. Lamberti setzen glanzvolle Akzente. Umgeben von historischen Bogenhäusern und neben einer großen Weihnachtstanne funkeln Lichter und Weihnachtsschmuck um die Wette – und bringen alle Besucher zum Strahlen.
Der Lichtermarkt schließt bereits am 21. Dezember.
Der jüngste Weihnachtsmarkt Münsters erfreut seine Besucher mit jeder Menge Handwerkskunst und einer Vielzahl besonderer Leckereien.
Das besonders romantische Ambiente verdankt der Giebelhüüskesmarkt seiner Lage vor der einzigartigen Kulisse der Überwasserkirche.
Auch der Giebelhüüskesmarkt schließt bereits am 22. Dezember.
Über den Drubbel kommt man zum Weihnachtsdorf am Kiepenkerl: In dem kleinen Weihnachtsdorf rund um das Denkmal des münsterschen Kiepenkerls laden urige Stände mit westfälischen Spezialitäten und vielfältigem Kunsthandwerk zum Verweilen und zum gemütlichen Genießen ein – denn auch kulinarisch kommen Gäste hier immer wieder auf ihre Kosten.
Social Media
Erhalten Sie auf Facebook und Instagram unter #adventinmuenster und #exploremuenster Infos rund um die Weihnachtsmärkte und zeigen Sie uns mit den Hashtags Ihre schönsten Adventsmomente in Münster.
Der Film wurde produziert im Auftrag von Münster Marketing.
Three dead in Germany as van ploughs into crowd in Muenster | Breaking News Today
Three dead in Germany as van ploughs into crowd in Muenster | Breaking News Today
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Three people have been killed in the western German city of Muenster after a van drove into people sitting outside popular restaurants.
The driver of the vehicle died after shooting himself, police said. They are not looking for more suspects.
About 20 people are reported injured in the incident, which occurred near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town. Six are said to be in a serious condition.
Police have closed the area and asked people to avoid the city centre.
The perpetrator drove into several cafe and restaurant terraces in a major square in the centre of Muenster, police spokeswoman Vanessa Arlt told the AFP news agency.
Another police spokesman, Andreas Bode, said it was still too early to declare the incident an attack and could not confirm the suspect's identity. German media has reported that the driver may be a German national with mental health problems.
Authorities also said a suspicious object was found in the van but did not specify what it was.
The Kiepenkerl statue is located in a popular pedestrian area in the middle of the historic old town. There are traditional inns and restaurants in the vicinity with outdoor seating.
Photographs posted on social media showed tables and chairs strewn outside the Grosser Kiepenkerl restaurant, which is popular with tourists.
Daniel Kollenberg, who witnessed the aftermath, told the BBC: I think it is a deliberate attack because it's not allowed for cars to go in this area.
He said, People are calm, but really shocked, adding that people were scared and disbelieving that such an attack could happen in Muenster.
Ulrike Demmer, the federal government's deputy spokesperson, said the government's thoughts were with the victims and their families.
The incident comes at a time of a heightened concern in Europe, following a spate of jihadist attacks using vehicles to kill pedestrians in the UK, France and Sweden.
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★** ★ Christmas Market ★** ★ Münster-Westfalen
In Münster gibt es in diesem Jahr gleich fünf verschiedene Weihnachtsmärkte im Ambiente der Altstadt. Alle liegen nur wenige Minuten Fußweg voneinander entfernt. Insgesamt um die 250 Weihnachtsmarkt-Stände laden zum Bummeln, Schauen, Staunen und Genießen ein. Auch der Prinzipalmarkt erstrahlt in der Zeit der Weihnachtsmärkte im Lichterglanz. Ein umfangreiches Veranstaltungsprogramm während der Adventszeit rundet diese Weihnachtsmärkte noch ab.
Der größte und älteste der fünf Weihnachtsmärkte in Münster ist der Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Rathaus-Innenhof. Der Rathaus-Innenhof erstrahlt im romantischen Lichtermeer. Hier befindet sich auch der Eingang zum Weihnachtsbasar der Wohlfahrtsverbände.
Der Weihnachtsmarkt am Kiepenkerl-Denkmal findet vor dem Denkmal des münsterschen Kiepenkerls statt. Das festlich dekorierte Weihnachtsdorf erwartet seine Besucher unter anderem mit kulinarischen Genüssen.
Der Weihnachtsmarkt vor der Lambertikirche findet im Ambiente der Lambertikirche und der historischen Bogenhäuser statt. Dieser auch als Lichtermarkt bekannte Weihnachtsmarkt Münsters wird geprägt durch seine kleinen blauen Spitzdachbuden.
Der Aegidii-Weihnachtsmarkt ist in nur 5 Minuten vom Prinzipalmarkt aus erreichbar. Neben der Vielzahl attraktiver Verkaufsstände gehören eine Krippe und eine 6 Meter hohe Holzpyramide zu den Wahrzeichen.
Der Giebelhüüskesmarkt vor der Überwasserkirche ist der jüngste Weihnachtsmarkt der Stadt Münster. In romantischem Ambiente können die Besucher beim Duft von Waffeln und Glühwein verweilen.
Three dead as van drives into German crowd in Muenster
Three people have been killed in the city of Muenster, in western Germany, after a van drove into pedestrians.
The driver of the vehicle killed himself, police said, without providing further details. They are not looking for more suspects.
About 30 people are reported injured in the incident, which occurred near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town. Some are said to be in a serious condition.
Police have closed the area and asked people to avoid the city centre.
They said a suspicious object was found in the van but did not specify what it was. Police spokesman Andreas Bode said it was still too early to declare the incident an attack.
The Kiepenkerl statue is located in a popular pedestrian area in the middle of the historic old town. There are traditional inns and restaurants in the vicinity with outdoor seating.
Photographs posted on social media showed tables and chairs strewn at the scene.
An eyewitness told the BBC that he saw the vehicle drive at speed into a restaurant's seated area, so he was sure it was a deliberate attack.
Ulrike Demmer, the federal government's deputy spokesperson, said the government's thoughts were with the victims and their families.
In December 2016, a lorry ploughed into a crowd at a Christmas market in the German capital, Berlin, killing 12 people.
Kiepenkerle wurden umherziehende Händler im niederdeutschen Sprachgebiet zwischen Sauerland und Hamburg genannt, die zum Fahrenden Volk gehörten. Sie brachten Nahrungsmittel wie Eier, Milchprodukte und Geflügel in die Städte und versorgten im Gegenzug die ländlichen Gebiete mit Salz, Nachrichten und anderen Waren. Deutsche Händler, die in dieser Form die Grenze zu den benachbarten Niederlanden überschritten, wurden dort Kiepkerel, im Norden auch Kiepkerl genannt. Der Name leitet sich von der Kiepe ab, einer aus Holz und Korbgeflecht bestehenden Rückentrage, mit der die Kiepenkerle zu Fuß über Land gingen, um den Bewohnern in den Gemeinden ihre Waren zu verkaufen, die sich in und an der Kiepe befanden. Zur traditionellen Tracht der Kiepenkerle in Westfalen gehören neben der Kiepe eine Mütze (Kipp), Pfeife (Mutz), blauer Leinenkittel (Kiel), Stock (Krückmann) und Holzschuhe (Holsken) oder Schuhe mit Gamaschen. Unter ihnen waren keineswegs nur Männer, sondern auch Frauen wie Kiepenlisettken aus Schalksmühle.Heute spielen die Kiepenkerle vor allem im Rahmen von Folklore und im Tourismus, beispielsweise als Stadt- oder Museumsführer eine Rolle. Dieser Brauch ist besonders im Münsterland verbreitet. Auch spielt traditionell ein Kiepenkerl die Rolle des Buern beim Singspiel O Buer, wat kost dien Hei?, das ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Lambertussingens ist. Der Kiepenkerl ist eines der Symbole der Stadt Münster. Im Kiepenkerlviertel wurde ihm 1896 am Spiekerhof ein Denkmal errichtet. Dieses Denkmal war im Zweiten Weltkrieg lange Zeit unbeschädigt und diente daher den Nationalsozialisten 1944 als Vorlage für ein Propagandaplakat mit der Aufschrift Trotzdem und dennoch – Wi staoht fast! . Nach der Zerstörung wurde eine originalgetreue Kopie angefertigt, welche 1953 durch Bundespräsident Theodor Heuss eingeweiht wurde. Eine weitere Kopie dieser Statue aus Edelstahl, geschaffen von Jeff Koons anlässlich der Skulptur.Projekte 1987, ist als Exponat des Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden an der National Mall in Washington D.C. zu sehen.Eine lokale Radiostation im Kreis Coesfeld trägt den Namen Radio Kiepenkerl. In Bielefeld sowie Herford gibt es ähnliche Statuen. Quelle: Wikipedia. Der gesprochene Text von WikiBotter basiert auf Artikeln aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und wurde AUTOMATISCH erstellt. Er steht unter der GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation und Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar. Der Text ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike verfügbar, zusätzliche Bedingungen können anwendbar sein. Einzelheiten sind in den Nutzungsbedingungen auf Wikipedia beschrieben. Wikipedia® ist eine eingetragene Marke der Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
Car plows into crowd in Munster, Germany in latest terror attack.
At least three people have reportedly been killed and several more injured (perhaps fatally) after a car rammed into a crowd on the streets of Muenster, a city in western Germany.
Images of the scene of the incident, which unfolded around the Kiepenkerl statue in Munster’s old town, are beginning to emerge on Twitter. Around 30 people are believed to have been injured, according to RT.
However, unconfirmed reports circulating online said 7 had been killed, and another 50 had been injured.
Ascheberg-Davensberg ein beschaulicher Ort im Münsterland
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Moment when a van ploughs into crowd in Muenster, Germany [min 0:23] - Terrorist attack
Video that shows the moment when a van run over a crowd in Munster, Germany
Several people have been been killed in the city of Muenster, in western Germany after a van drove into pedestrians.
The driver of the vehicle has killed himself, police said.
About 30 people are reported injured in the incident, which occurred near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town.
Police asked people to avoid the city centre while they respond to the incident.
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There is a restaurant located in the vicinity of the Kiepenkerl statue and photographs posted on social media showed tables and chairs strewn at the scene.
In December 2016, a lorry ploughed into a crowd at at Christmas market in the German capital, Berlin, killing 12 people.
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Three dead and up to 30 injured after van ploughs into crowd in Munster - 247 News
SEVERAL people are dead and up to 30 injured after a van ploughed into a crowd in Germany today.Dramatic pictures show tables and chairs strewn across a square in Munster after the transit careered into pedestrians in the old town area of the city.The driver is believed to have shot himself, local police say.Armed cops have swooped on the scene and have warned people to stay away from inner city areas.Police tweeted: Kiepenkerl There are dead and injured.Please avoid the area.More information can be found here.We are on site. Six of the people injured in the crash are believed to be fighting for their lives in a critical position, German media has reported.What we know so far: It is not yet known if the incident was terror-related.Other shocking pictures show panicked people calling for help in chaotic scenes, as others rush to the aid of the injured.A witness told German newspaper Bild: I heard a loud, thumping blow, and suddenly people were yelling 'Oh my God'.Everyone ran to the front.A minute later, there were patrol cars. Following the deadly incident, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokeswoman said: our thoughts are with the victims and their families. The horrific crash comes exactly one year on from a terror attack that shook Stockholm.While police are yet to confirm the latest incident, five people were killed and at least a dozen were seriously injured when the hijacked lorry ploughed through crowds on April 7 last year.The crash took place near the statue Kipernkel statue.Kiepenkerl is a statue of a travelling merchant which sits in the heart of Munster's city centre.The male figure, which was destroyed in the Second World War before being restored in 1953, is shown carrying a basket, pipe and smock.The city square, which has a population of about 300,000, is known as a popular meeting place for locals.The Gothic City is known for its 13th century cathedral.For the latest news on this story keep checking back at Sun Online, where we will bring you live updates as soon as they happen, before anyone else.Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/thesun, and follow us from our main Twitter account at @TheSun, where we will bring you this story and all the rest of the top news and exclusives of the day.Thesun.co.uk is your go to destination for the best celebrity news, football news, real-life stories, jaw-dropping pictures and must-see video.
Das Hotel & Restaurant Clemens August im Herzen des schönen Münsterlandes lädt seien Gäste ein: Treten Sie ein und lassen Sie den Alltag hinter sich. Ob Tagung, Vereins-Ausflug, Firmen- oder Privat-Feier das gemütliche und familiär geführte Hotel bietet seinen Gästen Entspannung, Natur und Bewegung - je nach Wunsch. Mehr unter hotel-clemens-august.de
Reports of vehicle driving into crowd in German town of Munster
►Reports of vehicle driving into crowd in German town of Munster
►A van has rammed into crowds of pedestrians in the western German city of Munster killing several people and leaving dozens injured. The driver is believed to have killed himself in the seconds after the incident which police officials have suggested could have been a terror attack.
The incident has drawn immediate comparisons with the December 2016 truck attack in Berlin that killed 12 people.
Police said a large-scale operation was underway with all available emergency resources called to Munster.
Part of the medieval old town has been placed on lockdown as police, firefighters, rescue and emergency vehicles swarm to the scene.
According to the vehicle, described by some witnesses as small truck, rammed into crowds of people who were sitting near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town.
Driver crashes into crowd in Münster leaving several dead and more than 30 injured - 247 News
A man shot himself after ploughing a van into a crowd of people in Germany leaving three dead and more than 30 injured this afternoon.Authorities are treating the incident, which happened in Kiepenkerl, a market square in the western town of Münster, as a terror attack - although this is yet to be officially confirmed.Three people are believed to be dead, six in critical condition and dozens more injured after the vehicle was driven at high speed towards families dining outside traditional restaurants Grosserer Kiepenkerl and Kleiner Kiepenkerl.Police said the driver shot and killed himself at the scene and they are not looking for any further suspects - although there were unverified reports two people jumped from the van and escaped.First pictures from the scene show a busy pedestrianised square with a mass of chairs and tables in disarray moments after the smash.Families previously enjoying food and sunshine close to the Kiepenkerl statue appear scattered; tending to victims on the floor and pointing towards the devastation.One year ago to the day, five people were killed and 14 were injured when a stolen beer truck ploughed into a crowd in Stockholm.One photo from the scene of today's incident shows what appears to be a grey van crashed into the side of a building.A security source said: The scenario is such that an attack cannot be ruled out. An eyewitness said: I heard a loud, thumping blow and suddenly the people cried out 'oh my God'.Everyone ran to the front.A minute later there were patrol cars. Lena, a 21-year-old student, said: I was traveling with friends by bike when we suddenly came across screaming people.They were yelling 'get away, away'.We were scared that a bomb would go off or we would be shot at. Police cleared the area and part of the old town was sealed off.Police said on Twitter the situation is still confusing and to wait for official statements.A fire department spokesman said around 50 people have been affected by the smash.The whole of Münster mourns this terrible event, our sympathy goes out to the relatives of those who were killed, and we wish the injured people fast and speedy recovery, Lord Mayor Markus Lewe said.The Federal Government has expressed its condolences to the victims and their relatives.Our thoughts are with the victims and their relatives. Must do everything to clarify the facts, she wrote on Twitter.In August 2017, several people were killed and many more injured in a Barcelona van attack.The vehicle, bearing the logo of a hire firm, was driven into pedestrians on the busy Las Ramblas street, a tourist hotspot.It was the eighth such attack in Europe so far in 2017.Vehicles being driven into crowds is an increasingly common terrorist tactic, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries across the continent over the past 12 months, including some in London.On June 3 2017, a rented van was driven into pedestrians in the London Bridge area.The three attackers then got out of the van a
Amokfahrt von Münster: Jens R.s Vater spricht über seinen Sohn - WELT
Amokfahrt von Münster: Jens R.s Vater spricht über seinen Sohn - WELT
Von Florian Flade, Kristian Frigelj | Stand: 09.04.2018 | Lesedauer: 4 Minuten Der Tatort: Vor dem Kiepenkerl-Denkmal in Münster fuhr Jens R. am Samstag in eine Menschenmenge Quelle: dpa/Guido Kirchner/Guido Kirchner Der Vater des Amokfahrers von Mün...
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Attacke in Münster: Polizei identifiziert Todesopfer
Es war ein frühsommerlicher Tag in der Studentenstadt, die Tische vor den Lokalen am Münsteraner Denkmal Kiepenkerl gut besetzt, als gegen 15.30 Uhr ein VW-Bus in die Gruppe der Restaurantgäste pflügt.Zwei Menschen sterben, etliche werden verletzt.Zunächst schwanken die Angaben zu den Opferzahlen st ...
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Several dead as van drives into German crowd
Several people have been been killed in the city of Muenster, in western Germany after a van drove into pedestrians.The driver of the vehicle has killed himself, police said.About 30 people are reported injured in the incident, which occurred near the Kiepenkerl statue in the old town.Police asked people to avoid the city centre while they respond to the incident.There is a restaurant located in the vicinity of the Kiepenkerl statue and photographs posted on social media showed tables and chairs strewn at the scene. In December 2016, a lorry ploughed into a crowd at at Christmas market in the German capital, Berlin, killing 12 people. Did you witness this incident? If it is safe to do so, please share your experience with us by emailing .Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also contact us in the following ways: : +447555 173285 Tweet: @BBC_HaveYourSay Upload your pictures / video here Send an SMS or MMS to 61124 or +44 7624 800 100
Hochzeitsfotograf Coesfeld - Elephant and Butterfly | Münster, Ahaus, Dülmen, Borken, Hamm
Photography: Elephant and Butterfly
music: MOND |