The unique island of Kihnu in the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic has UNESCO recognition for the folk and traditions of the families who live and work there all year round.
The men and women do tend to live very different lives but their long established folk traditions, customs and music hold them together in such a unique way in these modern times.
3 day celebrations of wedding is a typical reason why UNESCO has given their blessing on such a one off way of life!
Kihnu and Saaremaa, Estonia!
Please watch: It's ALL GOOD for the Honeymoon | CauseBox Unboxing Summer 2019
I finally visited Kihnu and Saaremaa! I am so grateful I had this opportunity, as the culture here was so different than what I've grown used to in Narva. The sun is officially out and my friend Allison and I rode bicycles, ate delicious food, and visited Kaali crater. I even swam in the Baltic Sea (wasn't as cold as you'd think.)
I have embarked on a Fulbright-funded journey to ESTONIA! The views expressed on this youtube channel do not reflect the views of Fulbright.
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Visit the Island Run by Women
On the little island of Kihnu, seven miles off the coast of Estonia, women run the show. The island still functions as one of the last matriarchal societies left in the world. Historically, Kihnu’s men spend most of the year fishing at sea in order to provide for their families back home. In their absence, the women lead the community of 400 strong, cultivating a vibrant folk culture while protecting and preserving their ancient traditions.
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Kihnu island Estonia
Kihnu's Wedding Songs
Kihnu is an island in the Baltic Sea. With an area of 16,4 km² it is the largest island in the Gulf of Riga and the seventh largest island of Estonia. The length of the island is 7 km and width 3.3 km, the highest point is at 8.9 m above sea level.
The island belongs to the Pärnu County of Estonia. Together with neighbouring islands it forms the Kihnu Parish, the smallest municipality of the country with an area of 16,8 km².
604 people live on Kihnu as of 2007 that is 69 pupils in the basic school. There are four villages: Lemsi, Linaküla, Rootsiküla and Sääre. To get to Kihnu, it is possible to take a plane or ferry from Pärnu, or over the ice in winter.
Kihnu's mittens, troi, ülalistmine and striped skirts are famous in many countries, basically among craftsmen and scientists.
UNESCO proclaimed Kihnu's cultural space and traditions as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 7, 2003. The Baltic islands of Manija and Kihnu are home to a small group of traditional people. For many years, the men of Kihnu have been frequently gone to sea while the women ran the island and became the guardians of the island's cultural heritage, which includes handicrafts, dances, games and music. Music is an especially important part of the island's traditions, and accompanies handicrafting, religious feasts and other celebrations. Ancient runo-styled songs are also important, as are traditional clothings adorned with decorations and bright colours that symbolize ancient legends and poems.
Kihnu (Estonian island 1931)
Näidis: Meie läänerannik ja saared (1931) tumm
Üksikettevõtja - filmimehe Theodor Lutsu (1896-1980) poolt asutatud filmiettevõte, mis tootis mängufilme, vaatefilme, täitis välis- ja kaitseministeeriumi tellimusi, filmides kaitseväe elu-olu, reservväelaste kordusõppusi, Kaitseliidu suvelaagreid jm. Hoiul on T. Lutsu 23 filmi (2 filmi valmisid 1927. a. T. Lutsu teises firmas Siirius-Film).
Kihnu island trip 2016 - Kinhu saar Estonia
Kihnu - is a little island, about 16 sq km, situated in the southeast of Estonia. I've traveled there in the end of July 2016, and made some video footage with my Sony AS-100V action camera.
Just trying my skills with PP CC2015.
Music: Ketsa - Roll On (DRM Free)
Visions of Kihnu
EstDocs 2014 Short Film Festival
Madis Ligema
2nd Place Award
Kihnu tuletorn | 2019
Kihnu tuletorn toodi Pitkänä ninale 1864. aastal osadeks lahti monteerituna Inglismaalt ja pandi kohapeal uuesti kokku. See on üks neljast Eesti randade säilinud malmtuletornist. Samal ajal ehitatud ning samasuguse välimusega majakad asuvad veel ka Vormsil ja Vaindlool. Virtsu tuletorn hävis 1917. aastal.
Kihnu tuletorn on valge, koonilise kujuga ning varustatud laternaruumi ja rõduga. Tule kõrgus merepinnast on 29 ja maapinnast 28 meetrit.
Kihnulased ise kutsuvad tuletorni puakiks.
Majakas on mänginud olulist rolli kihnlaste elus. Kasvõi sellepärast, et saare hoonetest hoidis just Kihnu tuletorn pidevat ühendust välisilmaga, kuni 1898. aastal mööda merepõhja Kihnu toodud telefoni kaabliga mandriga püsikontakt loodi.
Kihnu tuletorn on säilitanud oma algupärasuse, moderniseeritud on vaid valgusseadmed. Teenindushoonetest on säilinud petrooleumiait, kelder, kaevumaja ja tall 19. sajandist ning elamu, generaatorihoone ja saun 20. sajandi teisest poolest. Torni renoveeriti 2018. aastal.
Kihnu tuletorni külastab aastas keskmiselt 8000 inimest.
Heinoi Eller - Kodumaine viis
Täispikk kihnu video on
#kihnu #tuletorn
Old motors as tradition in Estonia - vpro Metropolis
The Estonian island Kihnu is known for it’s traditional dresses and it’s old motors. Due to the geographical isolation and longing for traditions, this island has fifty motors from the early 20th century riding around. Patriot Marge drives one of those, but not for fun: ‘Everyone who can afford it buys a car. A motorcycle is annoying.’
vpro Metropolis was a video project by Dutch broadcast organisation vpro, that ran from 2008 to 2015. Metropolis is made by a global collective of young filmmakers and TV producers, reporting on remarkable stories from their own country/city. We made a trip around the globe on one single issue: from local beauty ideals to Elvis impersonators, to what's it like being gay, or an outcast or a dog in different cultures.
More videos and full episodes:
Visit additional youtube channels bij vpro broadcast:
vpro Broadcast:
vpro Metropolis:
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vpro World Stories:
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vpro VG (world music):
vpro 3voor12 (alternative music):
vpro 3voor12 extra (music stories):
Munalaid Harbor, Estonia (Ferry Kihnu-Munalaid-Kihnu)
Munalaid Harbor, Estonia (Ferry Kihnu-Munalaid-Kihnu)
58° 13.68’N, 24° 07.11’E
The main task of Munalaid Harbour is to operate the ferry boat traffic. Ferry boats go from here to Manilaid and Kihnu Harbours. Passenger boat Amalie sails to the island of Kihnu with about 1 hour and the passenger boat Mann reaches Munalaid in about 10 minutes.
KIHNU 2017: Metsamaa pärimustalu suvekohviku avamine (lühiversioon)
Kihnu Estland
En liten vacker ö i Estland som är sjukt charmig och den sista ön i Europa som är styrd av kvinnor.
WATERCOLOR RETREAT // Trip to Kihnu island, Estonia
I spent 5 days on an Estonian island called Kihnu to enjoy folk dance, village life, seaside views and watercoloring. The nature was so inspiring that I managed to paint many small watercolor pictures that I was really happy about. AND because of that I decided to open my own Etsy shop to sell the high quality prints of my paintings to you, my hiking friends!
So, if you want a small reminder how beautiful the world can be, just visit: and order yourself a print!
By buying these prints you will support me directly in making these hiking-related videos on here and it will inspire me to continue my journey on the art world. Thank you!
Music by Chillhop:
AJMW - OldTricks:
Birocratic – If I Tried:
Listen on Spotify:
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Estonia (3 seasons):
My dog Luna’s gear (Estonia):
Fjällräven Classic, Sweden 2019:
New Zealand, 2019:
Annapurna Circuit, Nepal 2017:
Facebook group:
Ferry Liisi Parnu - Kihnu Estonia
Ferry Liisi route Parnu - Kihnu 2014
All videos about the Pärnu since 1992
Kihnu Räimeretk 2017 50FPS 1080P
Kihnu Herring Hike is the opening event of local tourist season at small Estonian island 06.05.2017
Kihnu culture - authentic and real
- Tiny Kihnu island is a place to experience well preserved traditional lifestyle in the rushing world, where not many this kind of authentic communities have remained.
Even today Kihnu people speak local dialect and wear traditional folk clothes. Runic songs and specific dances are part of their celebrations. Also local handicraft and games describe the culture well.
Summer University Course Learn and Experience Baltics: Nature, Culture and Spa Tourism takes participants to the island of Kihnu to experience it directly.
Kihnu Troi Cast On
A knitting tutorial on how to do the Kihnu Troi Cast on - a type of braided cast on, also known as the Estonian or double braid cast on.
Estonian women above Kihnu and (almost) beach landing
Backstage: ASI, LAV