Killinkosken kappeli ja sankarihautausmaa (Killinkoski)
Killinkosken kappeli ja sankarihautausmaa.
Kantatie 65 (Kuru-Virrat) [22 October 2013]
22. lokakuuta 2013, Kantatie 65 Kuruilta Virroille.
Lempäälän kanava 2.6.2011
Boat/ship canal in Lempäälä, Finland.
Built in 1867-1874, updated in 1958-1961 to make suitable for timber rafting. Today canal is used mainly by boats and ships. In 1988, fatal accident occured where four people died due to heavy current when their boat capsized.
[FinLine 2018] Slideshow
29 skaters from multiple countries participated on the Street Gliders' FinLine inline skating event in July 2018, skating a 383-kilometer round-trip in Central Finland both starting and finishing in the City of Jyväskylä.
There have been skaters from all around the world during the history of FinLine. All skaters with basic skating and good braking skills are welcome! For more information on FinLine and how to register for the next summer, see
#streetgliders #finline #inlineskating #finland
Kayaking Kiiminkijoki from Hepoköngäs to Haukipudas
Kayaking trip to Kiiminkijoki, Finland, in May 2010.