David's Tomb Mount Zion, Jerusalem - Tomb of King David after the extensive renovation
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Tomb of David (King David), Jerusalem, Israel .... Listen to a Jewish prayers and a shofar blowing
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
Joel Kramer Tomb of David
Bible archaeologist Joel Kramer takes us on a hike around the City of David to look closer at a good possibility where David's family tomb was located. It's long but worth the effort.
Please check out more than two dozen other videos featuring Joel Kramer that can be found on my YouTube page! He's an incredible teacher.
The Tomb of King David, Jerusalem (Mount Zion), Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
A Video Tour to the Tomb of King David in Jerusalem
Tomb of King David - Today we are visiting a place at Mount Zion which is considered by both Christians and Jews to be the Tomb of King David. Both Gospels of Luke and Matthew claim that Jesus was a direct descent of King David, and thus Jesus is a legal inheritance of the throne.
The Tomb compound is right beneath the room of the Last Supper and it is divided into a large entrance hall that serves as a synagogue ......and the cenotaph room which is divided into separated women's and men's galleries. Here behind the tombstone, people leave notes with prayers and wishes from God.
The huge cenotaph over the Tomb of King David is in fact a Crusader Cenotaph, sealing the entrance to a cave that was found during the rebuilding of the Haga Maria Church not too far from here.
Since the crusaders believed that this is the place of the tomb of King David, they also assumed that the room of the last supper should be right above it. They relied on the verse from the Act of the Apostles (2:29) where Peter said to the remnant of Jesus' devoted followers during Pentecost: Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.
Each year during the festival of Pentecost, a beautiful Christian ceremony takes place at the Last supper room, while at the floor below near the Tomb of King David, Jewish people are praying as part of the Shavuot festival which also marks the time of King David's death. There is even a tradition of lighting 150 candles in David's memory -- one for each of the 150 Psalms he wrote.
Tomb of the Kings - Jerusalem, Israel, City of David
Holy Land Israel Tomb of King David Jerusalem
Skull of Goliath Found - killed by King David discovered in Jerusalem
Music used in this Video is by Purple Planet Music: Their Link is below
SUMMARY (Full story in 1 Samuel 17:51)
The Philistine army had gathered for war against Israel. The two armies faced each other, camped for battle on opposite sides of a steep valley. A Philistine giant measuring over nine feet tall and wearing full armor came out each day for forty days, mocking and challenging the Israelites to fight. His name was Goliath. Saul , the King of Israel, and the whole army were terrified of Goliath.
One day David, the youngest son of Jesse, was sent to the battle lines by his father to bring back news of his brothers. David was probably just a young teenager at the time. While there, David heard Goliath shouting his daily defiance and he saw the great fear stirred within the men of Israel. David responded, Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of God?
So David volunteered to fight Goliath. It took some persuasion, but King Saul finally agreed to let David fight against the giant. Dressed in his simple tunic, carrying his shepherd's staff, sling and a pouch full of stones, David approached Goliath. The giant cursed at him, hurling threats and insults.
David said to the Philistine, You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied ... today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air ... and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel ... it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.
As Goliath moved in for the kill, David reached into his bag and slung one of his stones at Goliath's head. Finding a hole in the armor, the stone sank into the giant's forehead and he fell face down on the ground. David then took Goliath's sword, killed him and then cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. So the Israelites pursued, chasing and killing them and plundering their camp.
Please watch: Face of Jesus appears in the sea on the rocks
Historical Video - The Tomb of King David (David's Tomb), Jerusalem Israel - before the renovation
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com 972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
קבר דוד המלך הוא מבנה בהר ציון שבירושלים, בו על פי המסורת העממית המוסלמית, היהודית, כמו
גם הנוצרית קבור דוד המלך. וזאת בניגוד למקרא הממקם את הקבר בעיר דוד.
המסורת הנוצרית מוסיפה ורואה בקומה השנייה של המבנה את חדר הסעודה האחרונה, בה סעדו ישו ותלמידיו לפני שנלקח אל מותו. אתר זה, המקודש לשלוש הדתות, היה לנקודת מגע וחיכוך ביניהם במשך השנים.
פטירתו של דוד מתוארת בספר מלכים א' (ב, י): וישכב דוד עם אבותיו וייקבר בעיר דוד. הדבר חוזר על עצמו במהלך תקופת בית ראשון, כשלגבי מרבית שושלת בית דוד מצוין בספר מלכים כי נקברו עם אבותיהם בעיר דוד.[1] ספר דברי הימים מוסיף הבחנה משנית, וקובע כי מקצת המלכים, כגון אחזיה[2] ויואש[3] נקברו בעיר דוד, אך לא בקברי המלכים.
בתקופת בית שני עוד היו קברי בית דוד ידועים. הם מוזכרים בספר נחמיה כנקודת ציון ידועה.[4]
האתר היה מוכר לתושבי ירושלים עד שלהי תקופת בית שני, ויוסף בן מתתיהו מספר על מספר פעמים שהקברים נבזזו כדי לשלם חוב מלכותי, תחילה על ידי יוחנן הורקנוס, שהוציא מהקבר שלושת אלפי כיכרות כסף, בהם שיחד את אנטיוכוס השביעי כדי שיסיר את המצור מירושלים.[5] חרה והחזיק אחריו המלך הורדוס... (קדמוניות טז, ז)
לפי התוספתא למסכת בבא בתרא (א, יא), קברי בית דוד... היו בירושלים ולא נגע בהם אדם מעולם. קבר דוד מוזכר גם במקורות עתיקים נוספים כגון נחמיה ג, הברית החדשה וכן בספרי היסטוריה רומיים. אלא שעם חורבן העיר ירושלים, חרבו כנראה גם הקברים, כך שמקומם לא נודע.
בניגוד למקרא, שכאמור ממקם את הקבר בעיר דוד, מקום הקבר הידוע כיום, נקבע על פי מסורת חלופית בת כאלף שנים לערך, המזהה את מקום הקבר דווקא בהר ציון, סמוך לחומה הדרומית של העיר העתיקה. בקומה התחתונה של הבניין עומד סרקופג מכוסה בפרוכת, המזוהה כקברו של דוד המלך. עד שנת 2007 עמדו על הקבר כתרי תורה שהובאו מקהילות יהודיות שנכחדו בשואה, אך אלה נגנבו ונעלמו.
האזכור הראשון של המסורת הקושרת בין הר ציון לקברו של דוד המלך מופיע בכתבי מוקדסי.[6] היהודי הראשון המזכיר את הר ציון כקברו של דוד הוא בנימין מטודלה, שביקר בירושלים במאה ה-12: למעלה ממעין השילוח בהר, שם מצודת ציון, ושם קברי המלכים, ושם בנין ישן קורים אותו היכל דוד מכוון כנגד המקדש בו מדליקים נרות לכבוד המקום לאור האמונה כי הוא בנין דוד - הוא המקום בו הוא שם את ארון האלוקים משהביאו דוד המלך עד שנבנה בית המקדש על ידי שלמה המלך.
ההיסטוריון אלחנן ריינר סבור[7] כי המסורת לקיום קבר דוד המלך במקום מוכחשת על ידי רבי בנימין מטודלה. בביקורו בשנת 1170, הוא כתב: קברי בית דוד והמלכים שקמו אחריו בהר ציון, ואין המקום ידוע. לדעתו, הוא בקש להכחיש את המסורת על אודות קברי בית דוד בכנסיית ציון. היה חשוב להימנע מיצירת הדעה כי קברו של אבי השולשלת המשיחית - דוד המלך - הוא בידי הנוצרים. ההנחה היא שאם הייתה מסורת יהודית מקבילה הוא היה מזכיר אותה.
A visit at David's Tomb (King David), Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
King David’s Palace Has Been Discovered in Jerusalem | The Key of David
Visit to learn more.
The Tomb Of David In Jerusalem With Pastor Begley
Pastor Paul Begley visits King Davids Tomb in Jerusalem
A visit to King David's tomb, during an exciting Jewish prayer. Jerusalem, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
David's Tomb Mount Zion, Jerusalem - Tomb of King David after the extensive renovation
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com 972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522 My name is.
The cemetery at Silwan is evidence of Jewish settlement in the area. But where were David and his family buried?
I'm not the owner of this video. It's just for educational purpose only. All right reserved to BBC.
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972- 54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522 King David's.
King David's Tomb, Jerusalem, Israel - Nov 25, 2016 by #DW
#king #david #tomb #jerusalem #israel #DW #holyland #pilgrimage #journey #video
King David's Palace Brings Biblical Account to Life
King David's Palace Brings Biblical Account to Life
King David's Tomb - Jewish prayer at the tomb. Mount Zion Jerusalem, Israel
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this calling in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, glide over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and see the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
The Dead Sea is an endorheic lake located in the Jordan Rift Valley, a geographic feature formed by the Dead Sea Transform (DST). This left lateral-moving transform fault lies along the tectonic plate boundary between the African Plate and the Arabian Plate. It runs between the East Anatolian Fault zone in Turkey and the northern end of the Red Sea Rift offshore of the southern tip of Sinai. It is here that the Upper Jordan River/Sea of Galilee/Lower Jordan River water system comes to an end.
The Jordan River is the only major water source flowing into the Dead Sea, although there are small perennial springs under and around the Dead Sea, forming pools and quicksand pits along the edges.[13] There are no outlet streams.
The Mujib River, biblical Arnon, is one of the larger water sources of the Dead Sea other than the Jordan.[14] The Wadi Mujib valley, 420 m below the sea level in the southern part of the Jordan valley, is a biosphere reserve, with an area of 212 km2 (82 sq mi).[15] Other more substantial sources are Wadi Darajeh (Arabic)/Nahal Dragot (Hebrew), and Nahal Arugot.[14] Wadi Hasa (biblical Zered) is another wadi flowing into the Dead Sea.
Rainfall is scarcely 100 mm (4 in) per year in the northern part of the Dead Sea and barely 50 mm (2 in) in the southern part.[16] The Dead Sea zone's aridity is due to the rainshadow effect of the Judaean Mountains. The highlands east of the Dead Sea receive more rainfall than the Dead Sea itself.
To the west of the Dead Sea, the Judaean mountains rise less steeply and are much lower than the mountains to the east. Along the southwestern side of the lake is a 210 m (700 ft) tall Halite (mineral) formation called Mount Sodom.
King David's Tomb - Jerusalem
City of David and Hezekiah’s Tunnel In Jerusalem
The first temple period excavation site in Jerusalem, Hezekiah's Tunnel, and thepool of Siloam.
Season 1, Episode 40