Inside the Ambarita Village (Execution Site of Siallagan King) SUMATRA
Are you ready to see the stone chairs of famous King Siallagan and an execution block in an adjoining courtyard of Ambarita village in North Sumatra, Indonesia? Those who are up for a luridly graphic description of past executions and (ritual cannibalism) will enjoy the video I recorded in Samosir Island which lies within the largest volcanic lake in the world.
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Other Videos recorded in Indonesia:
Traditional House of BATAK TOBA - Samosir Island, INDONESIA
At the New House Ceremony with Daud Manggalatung , Toraja SULAWESI
At the Art Cafe Aras with Aras Parura, Toraja SULAWESI
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#Sumatra #executionSite #RitualCannibalism
Stone Chair of King Siallagan
When you are exploring Samosir Island, do not forget to check out the wonderful Stone Chair of King Siallagan. Be sure to hire a local guide, so you can hear and see the wonderful story of this King.
INDONESIA: Rumah Bolon, King's Tomb and Stone Chair (Lake Toba) (HD-video).mp4
Music: Kolintang Minahasa - Opowananatas
Footage of some of the most interesting places round Lake Toba (Sumatra).
Included are Rumah Bolon, King's Tomb at Tomok and Stone Chair at Ambarita.
INDONESIA Ambarita, Lake Toba (hd-video)
At this small village at Samosir island, Lake Toba you can visit the King Siallagan's stone chairs.
This was a court of justice times ago.
The Batak houses are still inhabited and there is a small museum.
Samosir Tour - Batu Kursi (stone chairs)
Visit Samosir Island, this video we make to show you how beatifull samosir is. For more info
Famous but Deadly Ambarita Stone Chairs Samosir Island, North Sumatra
Ambarita is the last important cultural sight for tourists on Samosir Island. Two circles of stone chairs still remain; one was used for village councils while the other is where criminal were tried, tortured, beheaded and reputedly, prepared for dinner.
20140215 Something is moving in Ambarita
20140215 Something is moving in Ambarita
Tobameer Simanindo Sumatra
Simanindo is een klein Toba Batak dorp op het noordelijke deel van het Tobameer, ongeveer 16 km van Ambarita. je kunt hier het gerestaureerde huis van de Toba Batak koning te bekijken.
Dit huis is inmiddels veranderd in een museum. Aan de voorzijde van het museum is een rij van oude Toba Batak graven van de oude Simanindo koningen.
Naast het huis van de Simanindo koning is een replica van een traditioneel Simanindo Batak dorp.
De traditionele Batak dans word dagelijks uitgevoerd .
Traditional House of BATAK TOBA - Samosir Island, INDONESIA
The Indonesian island of Sumatra is the sixth-largest island in the world. The rich ethnic diversity and historical heritage in Sumatra are reflected in the architecture of the island. Batak Toba culture centres on Lake Toba - the largest volcanic lake in the world and the sacred island of Samosir that lies within it. I was very pleased to have met a wonderful guide in the village called Ambarita known for its ancient courtyard in a beautiful setting of traditional Batak houses. What I love about Toba houses is the cosmological order represented in a variety of religious art forms.
The gable ends of traditional houses, for example, are richly decorated with the cosmic serpent Naga Padoha carved in wood or in mosaic, lizards, double spirals, female breasts, and the head of the singa, a monster with protruding eyes that is part human, part water buffalo, and part crocodile or lizard. Even the layout of the village symbolises the Batak cosmos. Many of these symbols found in wooden sculptures are magic signs or fertility symbols, such as female breasts. Other symbols of Batak mythology include the baringin or banyan tree as the cosmic tree uniting the levels of the Batak cosmos, the hornbill, aboriginal boy-girl twins, star constellations, magic numbers, and the magic colours red, white, and black. Besides the traditional houses, these symbols are found on textiles, funerary masks, boats with hornbill figureheads, the wooden staffs of datu, and megalithic monuments.
Traditional houses of Batak Toba are made up of three sections. A substructure of large wooden pillars resting on flat stones protects the structure from rising damp. The substructure is strengthened by beams mortised into the piles which double as night stalls for cattle. The large steeply-pitched saddle back roof dominates the structure. The roofs are traditionally thatched, and with no internal roof trusses they provide a large internal space. Sharply projected triangular eaves and gables overlap all around the substructure. The living area, which is supported by lateral and transverse beams, is small and dark. Light enters through a small window in each of the four sides. The inhabitants spend most of their time outdoors and the house is largely used for sleeping. An attic space is provided by a flat wooden ceiling over the front third of the living area. Family heirlooms and sometimes shrines are stored here. Traditionally, the Toba Batak would cook over a hearth at the front of the living room making the living area smoky. With recent changes in hygiene practises, the kitchen is now often in an extension at the rear of the house.
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►YouTube Channel: ◄
Other Videos recorded in Indonesia:
Stone Chairs AMBARITA VILLAGE - Execution Site of SIALLAGAN KING
At the Art Cafe Aras with Aras Parura, Toraja SULAWESI
At the New House Ceremony with Daud Manggalatung , Toraja SULAWESI
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Living Arrangements in Contemporary Gunjur, GAMBIA
Inside the BAMBOO HOUSE on Stilts with Susu Myatsuwin, MYANMAR
Karen Hilltribe Village - Mae Hong Son Province, Northern Thailand
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#TraditionalHouse #Samosir #Indonesia
Sialagan village, Ambarita, Lake Toba
A short guided introduction by Ms. Ani, an actual descendant from the Batak Sialagan kings about Sialagan village (or Ambarita village) in Lake Toba - famous for its death sentences and cannibalism in the past, before Christianity came.
INDONESIA Tomok and the King's Tomb, Lake Toba (hd-video)
You will find King Sipabutar's tomb in the centre of this small village. There is a local market at the harbour.
From Tuk Tuk you could go by bike (5 kilometres).
Sceneries of Medan & Lake Toba, Indonesia
Medan, Lake Toba, Samosir Island, Parapat, Berastagi, Pematang Siantar, King Sidabutar, Tomok Village, Ambarita Village, King Siallagan, Stone Chairs, Execution Place, Sibolangit, Sipiso piso
Batu Kursi Siallagan Pulau Samosir ( Siallagan stone chair , a tourism from Samosir Islands)
Video Amatir yang menceritakan sedikit perjalanan saya menuju batu kursi siallagan
( A little story from siallagan, Toba Lake Samosir Regency , Indonesia )
Bagian Kedua : Sejarah Batu Kursi Persidangan Siallagan oleh Ir. Gading Jansen Siallagan
Sejarah Batu Persidangan Huta Siallagan Kabupaten Samosir BAGIAN KEDUA oleh Ir. Gading Jansen Siallagan dalam Acara The 2nd ASEAN Resource Center (ARC) Workshop & Launching: ASEAN Pool of Experts on Civil Service (A-EXPECS)
ASEAN Pool of Experts on Civil Service (A-EXPECS) yang menggelar Sharing Session di Objek Wisata Huta Siallagan.
Ir. Gading Jansen Siallagan termasuk raja ke-17 Siallagan.
Gading lahir di Kota Medan pada tanggal 24 Maret 1956, beliau adalah lulusan Teknik Fisika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) angkatan '78
Setamat dari ITB, Ir. Gading muda bekerja di industri pesawat terbang IPTN Bandung bagian sistem kendali pesawat terbang, Gading Siallagan mengambil pensiun pada tahun 2005 lalu berubah profesi menjadi seorang pendidik di salah satu SMP terkemuka di Bandung, namun demikian beliau masih tetap mencintai dalam bidang perancangan pesawat terbang, dimana pada tahun yang sama, Ir. Gading di kontrak oleh ITB untuk membuat pesawat WISE yaitu pesawat yang dapat terbang satu meter diatas permukaan laut....under construction.
PT Dirgantara Indonesia adalah industri pesawat terbang yang pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia dan di wilayah Asia Tenggara. Perusahaan ini dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. DI didirikan pada 26 April 1976 dengan nama PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio dan B.J. Habibie sebagai Presiden Direktur.
Sekarang Ir. Gading ini mengabdikan dirinya menjadi juru kunci Batu Persidangan Huta Siallagan, padahal ribuan mantan pegawai IPTN hijrah ke perusahaan pesawat terbang kelas dunia seperti Airbus hingga Boeing dengan gaji ribuan EURO per bulan.
Pada Acara Sharing Session ini, Ir Gading mampu membius para anggota delegasi se ASEAN dengan kemampuan beliau dalam menerangkan sejarah Batu Kursi Persidangan Huta Siallagan dengan lugas, smart dan guyonan segar serta berkelas, 40 menit berlalu tanpa terasa.
Ambarita op Samosir
Bezoek in 2008 aan het Batakdorp Ambarita op Samosir.
A Visit to Batu Kursi Raja Siallagan, Samosir, Sumatera
Thursday 7th February 2019
We walked from Tuktuk to Batu Kursi Raja Siallagan, a little village with stone chairs, batak houses and an execution area. After paying a couple of dollars to enter we saw tourists from Malaysia being guided around and watched part of his act – all in Indonesian, but with demonstrations of the execution methods. He also played the hasapi, a two-stringed Batak instrument, and sang the chorus of a Batak song, “Sinanggar Tullo.”
Indonesia Trip : Ambarita Stone Sumatera Utara Indonesia, Mopon EN
Indonesia Trip : Ambarita Stone Sumatera Utara Indonesia
Ambarita, 5km north of Tuk Tuk, features a group of 300-year-old stone chairs where important matters were discussed among village elders. Here wrongdoers were tried and led to a further group of stone furnishings where they were bound, blindfolded, sliced, rubbed with garlic and chilli, and then beheaded.
Rumours abound that the story is the product of an overactive imagination and that the chairs are just 60 years old. On the premises you can peek into a traditional Batak kitchen.
The Stone Chairs of Ambaritha are the relics from the past, that tell us the story that once upon a time, Batak practised some kind of cannibalism. This was where the council of rulers had their meetings, and one of them is to decide the fate of the culprit who had committed some crime or enemies captured. Nearby the Stone Chairs, there is a house, where the culprits or enemies are put behind bars prior to execution.
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KOPPI Ambarita Village & Huta Siallagan History
Mengenal lebih dalam tentang Sejarah dan cerita Tradisi & Budaya dari desa Ambarita dan kampung Siallagan di pulau Samosir.
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SURANTA SEMBIRING, Amd. Par ( Ketua KOPPI 2017 -2020 )
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