金城民防坑道 Civil defense tunnel under Jincheng - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第308集 全城最大的民用坑道,是1978年由金門民眾自衛隊出資興建,為了防禦砲戰的地下坑道.全長2500多米,入口處有一個關於坑道的展覽,出口位於金城市區的另一頭,距離入口有30多分鐘路程.坑道的部分地段還模擬了當年砲戰的轟聲及情境.
Cyonglin or Qionglin Village Tunnel (Kinmen, Taiwan)
The Kinmen / 金門縣 / 金门县 village of Qionglin or Cyonglin has an extensive military tunnel or bunker complex that runs underneath and connecting many parts of the village. The tunnel's total length is 1,355 meters with 12 exits and most of the network is 6 meters underground.
Due to the village's key strategic location on Kinmen, all the homes in the villages are connected by a network of tunnels, leading to the nickname Combat Village.
To improve the civil defense fortifications, work was begun on extending and upgrading the tunnels in 1976. With the village office as the center of defenses, the tunnels were extended towards the north and south. A command post was also built under the village office with connecting tunnels to air-raid shelters, bunkers, pillboxes and private homes.
Kinmen Civil Defense 金城民防坑道 英文版
Old Military Defenses on Kinmen, Taiwan
Kinmen was once on the front lines of the Chinese Civil War. Though it is all quiet today the legacy of the war lives on. The islands are still covered in military installations and defenses.
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A Walk Through Jincheng, Kinmen at Night
A walk through Jincheng, Kinmen, Taiwan at night.
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【Changebike Bike Travel】Folding Bike Travel in Kinmen of Taiwan
Travel Kinman's Historical sites with my folding bike for three days and two nights.
Kinmen Civil Defense Tunnel、Cihu Triangle Fortress、Zhaishan Tunnel
Chen jinglan's Western Style House、Shanhou Folk Culture Village、Shishan (Mt. Lion) Howitzer Front
Gugang Tower、Deyue Tower、Jinshui Elementary School
◤Folding bike brand of Professional Mountain Bike/700C Road Bike◢
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【ChangeBike Flagship Mountain bike model DF-812G】
【ChangeBike Hybrid Travel Bicycle DF-811K】
【ChangeBike 700C Road Folding Bike DF-702B】
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Tai泰 金門縣,金沙鎮老街往金城途中。(2010-07-14)
慈湖三角堡 Triangle Fort, Cihu Lake - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第302集 慈湖三角堡位於慈湖西側,碉堡四周挖掘了類似「護城河」的壕溝,周邊海灘是圍了鐵絲網的雷區,防止敵人越雷池一步.三角堡具有堅固的造型與迷彩外觀,是由塊石與混凝土砌成,內有哨所可供士兵住宿,三個端點均設有瞭望哨與射口,有樓梯可上堡頂,堡上亦設哨站.隨著兩岸情勢轉變,三角堡因而空置,轉而成為追求和平與保育鳥類生態的文化地景.
Taiwan Kinmen travelling vedio
Taiwan episode 16 - Kinmen Shamei : movie theater
This one definitely the movie day.
After being forbidden to enter because of the movie set (see previous episode), Edward wanted to show me a movie set...
That happened to be a movie theater (or was it a movie theater he wanted to show me in the beginning?)
Anyway it was awesome, the abandoned theater was awesome!
I hope you will enjoy this episode!
Music by Joakim Karud
Please like, share and subscribe!
Arriving/Leaving the Kinmen Airport (Kinmen, Taiwan)
Kinmen Airport or Shang Yi Airport / 金門尚義機場 / 金门尚义机场 (IATA: KNH, ICAO: RCBS) is a civilian airport serving Kinmen, Taiwan (ROC). It serves an average of 1.2 million passengers every year.
Kinmen Airport was originally established in 1949 in Sihung Village. In June 1951, the Ministry of National Defense ratified TransAsia Airways to launch its first flight to Kinmen and a once-a-week scheduled flight began to operate. On 23 August 1958, the flight was cancelled due to Second Taiwan Strait Crisis with the People's Liberation Army (PLA). The airport was then moved to Shang-i where it is now located, taken over by the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) in consideration of the war with PLA.
With the growing number of passengers traveling between Taiwan Island and Kinmen, the government started to reestablish the civilian flight between the two and it began operation in September 1987 by Far Eastern Air Transport, sharing the same apron and terminal building with ROCAF at the airport.
Taking the necessary steps to accommodate the passenger growth to Kinmen, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) coordinated with the government for general construction plan of NT$1.5 billion and built a new civilian airport at the northeastern side of the military airport. On 1 March 1994, the Kinmen Civil Airport was formally established, aiming at providing much more safety, convenience and comfort for the passengers and promoting the progress and prosperity of Kinmen. On 3 March 2000, the CAA implemented improvements of facilities, flight security and quality of service at the airport.
Far Eastern Air Transport (FAT) / 遠東航空, Mandarin Airlines / 華信航空 / 华信航空 and UNI Air / 立榮航空 have a number of flights to Kinmen / 金門縣 / 金门县:
Dancing in Kinmen tunnel (金門)
Enjoying & Dancing with 2015's first vacation!!
August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum (Kinmen, Taiwan)
The August 23 Artillery Battle Museum / 八二三戰史館 is a museum in Zhongzheng Park, Jinhu Township, Kinmen. The museum was built in 1988 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 23 August 1958 Artillery War during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis.
On the both sides of the museum main entrance are the carving of the names of the 587 ROC armed forces servicemen who lost their lives in the bombardment. On the left side are displayed the main air fighter used by the forces at that time and the main artillery piece. On the right side is one of the amphibious landing craft which played a vital role in transporting troops and materials during the battle.
The museum exhibits historical artifacts in 12 display areas for charts, photographs, documents, relics and models.
In 1958, Summer time as the worsening situation between Taiwan and China, in order to test the limits of the U.S.-Taiwan defense treaty, Mainland China planned to attack Kinmen and Matsu.
At 6:30 pm, on August 23, 1958, the Kinmen archipelago suddenly found them under massive artillery assault from Mainland China. When the Communists temporarily ceased fire on October 5, in just a short period of 44 days, 474,910 shells had landed on the islands. That calculated into an average of four shells per sq meter; the highest density in world record. It almost wiped out the entire Kinmen. The Communists officially stopped the war in 1978 when the United States officially recognized Beijing. The event is commonly referred to as “Battle of 823” in Chinese.
翟山坑道2/2 右線 Zhaishan Tunnel - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.11第299集 翟山坑道臨近海岸,為一可供登陸小艇泛水迴轉運補使用之小艇坑道,內區分為坑道與水道兩部份,水道內有停靠碼頭,坑道出口則有兵舍七間為人員掩蔽部.坑道入口廣場目前展示有海軍撥贈給國家公園的除役海軍船艦和武器.翟山坑道位於金門西南方,為一A字型戰備水道,總長約357公尺,鬼斧神工是不可錯過的觀光景點.
金門機場1/2 大廳 Kinmen Airport - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第309集 舊金門機場原本位於料羅的三谿橋(西洪五里埔),又名:西洪機場.1951年6月國防部核准復興航空公司班機飛航金門,每週1班,至1958年8月23日因砲戰而停航.現已廢除並改為金門農業試驗所的林地.新金門機場位於金門島中央南端,東南為尚義村,西為昔果山,南鄰料羅灣,北為雙乳山,現有土地面積約240萬平方公尺,行政區跨越金湖鎮與金寧鄉兩鄉鎮,對外交通有環島南路連接金城及山外兩城鎮,距離金城,山外兩大城市約各6公里.
20131106公視晚間新聞-金馬民防自衛隊 準軍人卻未公平待遇
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古寧頭戰史館1/2 戰地 Guningtou Battlefield History Museum - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第306集 一九四九年十月,共軍部隊分別乘坐了各種船隻二百餘艘出兵攻打金門.原本計畫由金門北岸的中蘭至後沙間登陸,為什麼會選擇這個地點是有理由的.這個地點是金門島中間最窄的部分,只要攻下這個區域,就可以將金門島中間切斷,使東,西半島不能相呼應,又可就近攻下太武山,取得制高點,如此就可以很容易的拿下金門.不料十月二十四日當晚啟航後,駕船的船伕,有的來自福州,泉州,他們對金門海域不熟,加上十月間強勁的東北季風的影響,使得船在海上行駛,方向不容易掌握.強勁的風將共軍的船向西吹,颳向嚨口,安岐至古寧頭一帶的海岸.等到天明船靠岸時,才發現登陸點與原計畫有出入,且船團已被散無法很快集結.但此時箭在弦上後退不得,只好強行登陸,將原本打散的軍隊且戰且集結,使這次戰役打得極不順遂,終於吞下失敗的後果.從嚨口到古寧頭北面的海灘,這一帶是地勢平緩,少曲折的砂岸.海岸外有從東北岸官澳,西園,洋山,中蘭,瓊林,後沙延續而來的蠔坪,平緩的沙灘礁石少,是容易登陸的地勢.如今海岸上早已不見任何當年所留下的遺蹟,只有後來幾十年內,島上守軍為了鞏固防線,在灘外遍插層層的軌條,一座座已將破損的碉堡,重要通道路口的管制哨,雷區內由於長期罕無人跡而雜草叢生,以及重要據點四周的壕溝.
Wuqiu Health Island Building Program, Taiwan
古寧頭戰史館2/2 歷史 Guningtou Battlefield History Museum - 福建,金門 Kinmen,Fujian
中國福建之旅2014.11.12第307集 古寧頭戰史館落成於民國73年(1984年),乃金門居民為紀念古寧頭聖戰,特別在戰地建「古寧頭戰史館」. 外形雄偉的戰史館是一幢仿古城堡式建築,內陳列戰利品,戰事文件及有功將領玉照,還有一幅幅巨大的國軍作戰情形的油畫.