Karuizawa Nagano Japan
Some places in Nagano
#kirigamine highland
#yashimagahara wetland
#yashima shitsugen
#suwa lake
#shiojiri station
Drone Japan 4k 絶景 ドローン 空撮自然風景映像 夏の車山高原 ニッコウキスゲ 空中遊覧 DJI PHANTOM4PRO Kurumayama aerial Cruise
撮影機材 DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO 撮影日時 2017.7.20 11:23
使用BGMは業務用ライセンスフリー音源サイト『BGM ONLINE』より購入した音源であり、著作権上何ら問題ありません。
Kurumayama located at the boundary between Chino City, Nagano Prefecture and Suwa City. It is the highest mountain of Kirigamine, and the altitude is 1925 m.
The whole mountain area is called Kurumayama Plateau, it is a leisure spot where you can see various small animals and flowers, and facilities such as parks, museums, restaurants, tennis courts and grounds are also provided. In winter, you can enjoy skiing as a mountain skyscraper. On the top of the mountain there is a the summit of the mountain, we have installed the Carsy Meteorological Radar Observatory, which has been in operation since 1999.
Since the lift in the Kuriyama Highland ski area is also operating in the summer, it is possible to climb up to the vicinity of the summit with a lift, and you can easily climb the mountain. Because it is gentle and has many grasslands, the view is good, and various alpine plants bloom according to the season. Especially the Day lily of July is famous.
Drone Japan 4k 絶景 ドローン 空撮自然風景映像 初夏の車山高原 レンゲツツジ 空中遊覧 DJI PHANTOM4PRO Kurumayama aerial Cruise
撮影機材 DJI PHANTOM 4 PRO 撮影日時 2018.6.22 11:48
使用BGMは業務用ライセンスフリー音源サイト『BGM ONLINE』より購入した音源であり、著作権上何ら問題ありません。
Kurumayama located at the boundary between Chino City, Nagano Prefecture and Suwa City. It is the highest mountain of Kirigamine, and the altitude is 1925 m.
The whole mountain area is called Kurumayama Plateau, it is a leisure spot where you can see various small animals and flowers, and facilities such as parks, museums, restaurants, tennis courts and grounds are also provided. In winter, you can enjoy skiing as a mountain skyscraper. On the top of the mountain there is a the summit of the mountain, we have installed the Carsy Meteorological Radar Observatory, which has been in operation since 1999.
Since the lift in the Kuriyama Highland ski area is also operating in the summer, it is possible to climb up to the vicinity of the summit with a lift, and you can easily climb the mountain. Because it is gentle and has many grasslands, the view is good, and various alpine plants bloom according to the season. Especially the Day lily of July is famous.
[Pinoy Tour sa Japan] Shirakabako & Matsumoto Castle Nagano
Camera: Canon 80D
Hotel Shirakabako
Our vacation in the Shirakabako hotel
2010 02-Kakeyuonsen & Tateshina
We took Hana, grandma and great grandma on a 3 day trip to Nagano. We headed to Uead, where we had soba and wandered around Ueda Castle ( The first night we stayed in a forgotten onsen town called Kakeyuonsen between Ueda and Suwa. The hotel (kuroiwa) was modern, clean but lacked atmosphere. The food was good. The following day we drove over the snowy hills past a lake to Tateshina. We stopped off at a hidden Italian which was lovely and rustic in a European way. The hotel was on the Venus line at about 1,200m above sea level (a guess): Tateshina Kaoru Kaze. It was a lovely location and an amazing place to stay. We celebrated grandma's birthday that night over a wonderful kaiseki dinner. We had sunshine the whole 3 days. A nice trip.
Ducks and Carp in Lake Shirakabako, Japan
ماذا وجدنا في محافظة ناغانو | الجزء الأول
في الجزء الأول تشاهدون زيارتنا لمدينة سوا وبحيرتها المشهورة ومتحف الزجاج، ثم التزلج على الثلج وهو الجزء المرعب بالنسبة لي، لدرجة أنني نسيت تفقد الصوت فاضطررت لعمل الفيديو على الطريقة السينمائية الصامتة.
مونتاج الفيديو كما ستشاهدون استغرق مني مجهودا ووقتا طويلا.
أتمنى أن يعجبكم ولا تنسو المشاركة وتعليقاتكم الرائعة.