Meeting with Victor ORLY in Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museum, Kirovohrad, Ukraine
Meeting with Victor ORLY in Osmerkin Art-Memorial Museum. Kirovohrad, Ukraine; 2011
Зустріч з Віктором ОРЛІ в Кіровоградському художньо-меморіальному музеї ім. О.О.Осмьоркіна. Україна; 2011
Photographer Documents Disappearing Soviet Mosaics in Ukraine
Photographer Yevhen Nikiforov travelled around Ukraine for three years in search of mosaics from the 1950s to 1980s, the period of Soviet modernism. During this time he visited 109 towns and villages, where he found more than 1000 works. Some of them have already disappeared from public space as a result of Ukraine's so-called decommunization.
Ukraine began the official decommunization process in April 2015, with legislation outlawing communist and Soviet symbols.
The results of Yevhen's search were published in a book titled, Decommunized: Ukrainian Soviet Mosaics, a joint project of the Ukrainian publishing house Osnovy and Germany's DOM Publishers.
Hromadske spoke to photographer Yevhen Nikiforov and his publisher, architect Philipp Meuser, about finding the art works, mosaic art and the perception of art from the Soviet period.
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Ukraine, Explained.
Ukraine: Lenin busts escape 'decommunisation bill' to find shelter in Nivki
A modest collection of bust of former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was discovered on a private territory in Nivky=ii district, Kiev, Tuesday.
According to the reports, the collection is expecting the arrival of busts of one of the First World War Soviet military leader Grigory Kotovsky.
Video ID: 20170829-017
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Victor ORLY's present to a Ukrainian museum in Toronto
Подарунок Віктора ОРЛІ Українському музею у Торонто, Канада, 2012
Victor ORLY's present to a Ukrainian museum in Toronto, Canada, 2012
Ночь музеев. Кировоград 2013. Художественный музей. Night of Museums. Kirovograd 2013.
Ночь музеев. Кировоград 2013. Night of Museums. Kirovograd 2013. Museum of Art.
Ночь музеев — международная акция, основная цель которой показать ресурс, возможности, потенциал современных музеев, привлечь в музеи молодежь.
Впервые «Ночь музеев» была проведена в Берлине в 1997.
The Long Night of Museums (or the Night of Museums) is a cultural event where a group of museums and cultural institutions in an area cooperate to remain open late into the night to introduce themselves to new potential patrons.
Visitors are given a common entrance pass which grants them access to all exhibits as well as complimentary public transportation within the area.
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ukraine museum older atchitecture-it museum in southern bukovina,city tourizme Chernivtsi,manny home it see tourizme older ukranian people
life. Verry interest history and tradicion,-all year here open in summer
fair and fest concerts Buk branch
Фотоальбом Українці 1894 року (Київщина, Полтавщина, Херсонщина)
Фотоальбом Самійла Дудіна Українці (Київщина, Полтавщина, Херсонщина) з етнографічної подорожі 1894 року.
Дудін (Марцинкевич) Самуїл Мартинович (1863-1929) народився в селі Рівне на Кіровоградщині.
Долею схожий на Тараса Шевченка, отримав заслання у молодості за українство. Захоплення фотографуванням і етнографією стало містком-повернення до повноцінного життя. Вважається одним з найкращих фотографів початку ХХ ст.: Самійло Дудін, один із найвидатніших фотографів європейського рівня, якого називають співцем Середньої Азії. Самійло Мартинович зробив понад 600 фотографій для Всесвітньої виставки у Парижі 1899 року. З’ясувалося, що і нині прикрашають зібрання етнографічного музею у Гамбурзі 495 скляних негативів С.М. Дудіна 1899 р. про казахів. Шедеврами фотомистецтва фахівці називають 2000 знімків, зроблених Дудіним у Середній Азії. (автор багатьох наукових праць про мистецтво буддизму та ісламу) І сьогодні С. Дудін вважається найкращим знавцем туркменських килимів. Самійло Дудін відомий, також, як художник та ініціатор створення в 1895 році Російського етнографічного музею в Петербурзі.
У 1911 р. в Києві вийшла «Ілюстрована Шевченківська бібліотека» (24 книги) з роботами художника Самійла Дудіна. Він виконав 27 ілюстрацій до петербурзького видання «Кобзаря», ілюстрував повісті Гоголя «Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки» та «Миргород».
За кількістю та різнобічністю своїх обдарувань Дудін нагадував «ренесансних людей»: художник (закінчив Академію мистецтв, учень Рєпіна), вчений-орієнталіст та етнограф, колекціонер (зібрав унікальну колекцію східних килимів, неперевершеним знавцем яких вважається й досі), бібліофіл, учений-мандрівник
Самійло Дудін помер 8 липня 1929 р. на 66-му році від розриву (паралічу) серця з фотоапаратом у руках, перебуваючи зі студентами-географами на університетській станції у селищі Саблиному під Ленінградом, де керував літніми практичними роботами студентів.
У слайдшоу міститься 103 фотографії з перекладом оригінального опису:
Хата, Амбар, хлів і сарай, клуня та сараї (Київська, Полтавська, Херсонська губ.)
Старовинні рушники (Полтавська губ.)
Дівчина у святковому вбранні (Полтавська губ.)
Жінки у святковому одязі (Полтавська губ.)
Дівчата, жінки і чоловіки - традиційний одяг (Полтавська губ.)
Свято. Дівчата на вулиці. (Полтавська губ.)
Діти на вулиці (Полтавська губ.)
Група селян (Херсонська губ.)
Група жінок (Херсонська губ.)
Типи верхнього одягу: кобеняк з кобкою, кожух (Херсонська губ.)
Вбрання нареченої (Херсонська губ.)
Молодиця. 20 років (Херсонська губ.)
Портрет дівчини. 20 років (Херсонська губ.)
Сліпий бандурист з поводирем (Київська губ.)
Кобзар з поводирем (Полтавська губ.)
Сліпці-жебраки (Полтавська губ.)
Сліпці. Поводирі (Полтавська губ.)
І інші - дивись відео
National Aviation University at Kiyev, Ukraine
Impressive film about NAU university at Ukraine.
From Wikipedia:
National Aviation University (Ukrainian: Національний авіаційний університет) is a university located in Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine. It starts its history in 1933 when on the basis of Mechanical department of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was founded Kyiv Aviation Institute. The structure of the University consists of 16 institutes, 2 separate faculties, 3 lyceums, 6 colleges, 12 research institutes including their subdivisions and 8 departments. The university has its own Center for Culture and arts, a medical center, a library, and a museum of aviation. It runs a newspaper, Aviator, and a Yacht Club.[
Main historical dates
1898 - Mechanical department of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
1933 - Kyiv Aviation Institute
1947 - Kyiv Institute of Civil Air Fleet
1965 - Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers
1994 - Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation
2000 - National Aviation University[1]
[edit] Overview
The history of National Aviation University dates back to August, 1933. During the years of functioning National Aviation University prepared thousands of experts which work in Ukraine and almost 90 countries of the world. It became the leading institution for training specialists in civil aviation. Some of the alumni are notable industry organizers, scientists, state and military figures. They head educational institutions, air companies, design bureaus, factories, organizations and services within different departments. The university has powerful scientific schools in the fields of mechanics, management, electronics, materials science, electrical engineering, computer science and computer facilities. Academic activities are performed by a highly skilled scientific and pedagogical team, including 23 academicians, corresponding members of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, 280 doctors of sciences, professors, 830 candidates of sciences and senior lecturers, 54 honored people in science and engineering of Ukraine and winners of State prizes.[2]
[edit] International activities of the University
The University has joined the Bologna Convention that makes it possible for students to get diplomas of international standard and improve students mobility. The University professors and students have international research collaborations with universities in Spain, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, France, South Korea and other countries. The University is also in cooperation with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Two ICAO European Regional Training Centers are successfully functioning for aviation personnel training and upgrading.[2]
Ancient Find in the Yard: A stunning discovery at a local farmstead
A stunning discovery in Kirovohrad region of Ukraine. The residents of a small village found a stone statue that is supposedly three thousand years old. The ancient find is of the Scythian times. It was in the dump for an unknown period of time. Currently the locals are gettng ready to move the statue to the city's Museum of History.
The stone stelae is awaiting its destiny in a local farmstead. The village residents brought the statue here in order to protect it from illegal archaeologists. Meanwhile the discovery is washed and decorated, unless the scholars arrive to evaluate it.
It was found simply on the ground. The farmstead owners used the stone block instead of the boundary. The first to distinguish the human traits in the self-made fence was Ihor Kir'yakulov.
Ihor Kir'yakuov, local resident:
I saw it was a sculpture, so we decided to dig it up. We had to use special wooden sticks not to damage the statue.
The local experts claim the Scythian stelae to be an original. For once there were more than seven Scythian burials around the area. As a result, various ancient artifacts are quite common here.
Oleksandr Gordienko, history teacher:
It belonged supposedly to one of the nomadic tribes. Putting similar statues at the graves or any other burial mounds was a popular tradition. The nomads lived here since 1000 BC and till the end of nomadic era.
Take a look at this sculpture. Here's the chin, the nose, the eyes - it is a human face. If the scholars figure out the tool used to make the sculpture, we will probaby know the exact tribe who created it.
Some collectors have already tried to buy the discovered item. Not to lose the valuable sculpture, the authorities asked the cultural department for expertise. Afterwards the stelae will be moved to Kirovohrad Museum of local history and art. The museum already has 6 Scythian statues, and it is the largest collection in Ukraine.
Pavlo Rybalko, museum funds curator:
These sculptures are of high value. I cannot tell you te exact money equivalent, but we are highly interested, for the statues give us a brief overview of the ancient culture.
All that historians worry about is security. In 2008 the diggers found another ancient sculpture, but after the first expert evaluation it disappeared. The locals suppose, it is now a part of someone's private collection.
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KURSK Diorama - Blog2
Russian 1/48 scale figures, Frankensteined together for the foreground scene. Lots of fun hacking together these fellows.
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Galerie Capitale & Victor ORLY Inauguration
Дома лучше! Кропивницкий/Сезон 2/Выпуск 12 (eng sub)
Дома лучше и Женя Синельников приехали в Кропивницкий! Безумно красивый город, в котором впервые в Украине открылся профессиональный театр и сейчас хранит множество историй, связанных с этим искусством. А в самом выпуске вас ждет сюрприз, не пропустите!
Кропивницкий... Здесь Женя Синельников и Дома лучше посетили тот самый театр, где была поставлена Наталака Полтавка в 1882 года. Путешествие по городу привело в усадьбу Надия, известную как усадьба Тобилевичей. Здесь раскрывается трогательная и по-своему драматичная история любви Марии Заньковецкой.
Горожане шутят, что Кропивницкий или Кировоград, как он назывался прежде, малоизвестный город. Здесь хранится история родословной режиссера Тарковского, вы узнаете как и для чего использовали крепость святой Елисаветы, увидите фантастическую коллекцию антиквариата и книг Александра Ильина. По его биографии даже сняли сериал!Кроме того, в Кропивницком стоит памятник нобелевскому лауреату по теоретической физике и находится крупная майнинговая ферма!
0:37 Кропивницкий или Кировоград, как называть город?
1:17 Куда пойти путешественнику
4:19 Театр Кропивницкого, его история
7:25 Женя Синельников и Дома лучше показывают центр города
12:41 Хутор Надия, семейная усадьба Тобилевичей (известные, как Иван Карпенко-Карий и Панас Саксаганский)
17:10 Дендропарк в Кропивницком
26:38 Крепость святой Елисаветы, чем примечательна
36:50 Крупнейшая майнинговая ферма в городе
47:50 Сюрприз для зрителей
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“Дома лучше” - новое детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал.
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ADVENT FOG,Live In Kirovograd 20/04/2012 Filling To Pain
(Re)mapping Spaces of Historical Memory in Ukraine After the Euromaidan: Viktoriya Sereda
Read Sereda's article on this research here:
The post-Euromaidan search for new commemoration practices and the simultaneous attempt to sweep away symbolic elements of the Soviet past resulted, first, in the massive Leninfall and later in the Supreme Council of Ukraine's acceptance of the controversial decommunization laws.
At the same time, the annexation of Crimea and subsequent armored conflict in Donbass caused a massive resettlement of the affected population, creating displaced cultural spaces.
All of these processes launched another powerful wave of discussions about the past and the symbolic meaning of spaces in Ukraine.
This presentation focuses on mapping the changes in attitudes towards the past and the symbolic re-conceptualization of space at both the macro- and micro-level in a comparative cross-regional perspective.
Viktoriya Sereda is the current HURI MAPA Project Research Fellow, as well as an associate professor of sociology at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. Her research focuses on urban sociology, memory studies, nationalism and identity studies. Forthcoming publications include: “Shifts in national, regional and local memories and identities in post-Euromaidan Ukraine,” in Nationalities Papers (coming in 2017); “Ukrainian Past and Present: Legacies, Memory and Attitudes” (co-authored with A.Liebich and O.Myshlovska), in Ulrich Schmid, ed. Unity in Diversity: Region and Nation in Ukraine (Budapest: CEU Press, coming in 2017).
At HURI, Sereda is conducting research on national identity and historical memory in contemporary Ukraine. Her data is being integrated into HURI's MAPA: Digital Atlas of Ukraine project.
For more information about Sereda's research, see:
Presentation of the “Guide of decommunisation”. UCMC, 5.07.2016
Topic: “Presentation of the “Guide of decommunisation”
Svitlana Shlipchenko, scientific director at the Center for Urban Studies, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
Vladyslav Osmak, head of the Center for Urban Studies, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
Oksana Remenyaka, head at the art of innovative technologies department at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Leonid Maruschak, curator of Ukraine Crisis Media Center art initiative
Anastasiya Cherednychenko, chief editor at “Museum space”, NGO “Center for Museum Development”
Lesya Hasydzhak, head informative-analytical department at the NGO “Center for Museum Development”
Go Camp. Bokove village
Hi! My name is Ira and I'm Nasty. Come with us we show you our school life. We live in the village Side of the Kirovograd region, which is located in the center of Ukraine. My village is very beautiful and long. About 2 thousand people live here. Attraction of the village is the Holy source of Showing well. Its water cures from various diseases. Our school is In the center of the village. There are one hundred and four students. We like to have fun and to be active. Most of us like to play basketball, ping-PON, various games and singing Ukrainian songs. The school has a Museum. There you can see the life of the village in the late 19th century and early 20th century. We know we need to know English to be successful, but it is not so simple for us. So We ask for your help . Look forward to seeing you at our summer camp
Neon Yellow Ukrainian Heliodor gemstone from KGC
Gem: Heliodor (Beryl)
Weight: 4.28 cts.
Size: 12.1 x 8.9 mm.
Color: Lemon Yellow
Clarity: I (Rutile)
Cut: Oval
Locality: Ukraine
Treatment: None
Heliodor from Volodarsk-Volynskii is some of the most beloved and classic Beryl extant. Good gem material is scarce due to the fact that this locality has not produced any good specimens in years. This stone is brilliant with fantastic light return and glitter. There are small, yet notable, Rutile crystal inclusions in this stone that is indicative of Heliodor from the Ukraine, otherwise the gem is amazingly clean. This stone is such a nice bright lemon yellow color that will look fantastic in jewelry. Enjoy!
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Stalingrad 2nd 1943 diorama