Kiruna Kyrka (Church): A Visit Kiruna Film
Kiruna Kyrka is my absolute favourite historical building in Sweden so I wanted to film a tribute to it before it is moved. Who knows how much of the building will be destroyed when they attempt to move it to the new city centre?
Copyright information: Please feel free to use the clips in this film for personal use but please use the original youtube link. If you wish to use the raw files for commercial use, please contact me first.
Kiruna Kyrka (Church) - Lego World Sweden 2019 Stockholm
Kiruna Kyrka
From Swebrick member: andli
Lego World 2019
Stockholm – Sweden
Swebrick was at the Fanzone
Kiruna kyrka Kiruna kirik Kiruna Church (2018)
Lapland Sápmi Laponia Lapimaa
Kiruna Church / Kiruna kyrka / Kiruna kirik
Suurim positiivne shokk oli meile Kiruna vapustavalt pompöösne kirik- täielikult puust - palgid toodud Karjalast.
Yks fantastilisimaid kirikuid kus iial oleme olnud.... ja neid pole kohe teps mitte vähe olnud....
Kiriku lähitulevik?
Kogu Kiruna keskus töstetakse 3 kilomeetrit kaevandusest eemale kuna on avastatud sygavuses löhed, mis vöivad neelata kogu Kiruna keskuse kilomeetreid maa alla sygavikku.
Kirik seisab esimesena ja lähimal selle löhe veerest...
Kogu maailma teadlased on plaanis kaasas, kuidas tösta Kiruna sydalinn 3 kilomeetrit eemale kaevandustest...
Sellega on päris kiire...
Kiruna Church (Swedish: Kiruna kyrka) is a church building in Kiruna, Sweden, and is one of Sweden's largest wooden buildings.
The church exterior is built in a Gothic Revival style, while the altar is in Art Nouveau.
In 2001, Kiruna Church was voted the most popular pre-1950 building in Sweden, in a country-wide poll conducted by the Swedish Travelling Exhibitions, a government agency connected to the Ministry of Culture.
It is considered to be the Shrine of the Nomadic people.
The church was built between 1909–1912, and consecrated by Bishop Olof Bergqvist on 8 December 1912.
Since 1913, the church is included in the Jukkasjärvi parish in the diocese of Luleå.Gustaf Wickman was the church's architect and the famous altarpiece is a work of Prince Eugen, Duke of Närke.
The church's wood and logs came from Karelia.
The three-storey long house is covered by open, imaginatively designed deck chairs in both main and lateral ships. Especially the choir has a rich setting of boasting and carved maleries, inspired by Sami ornamentation. The altar plan from 1912 is very big and is a work by Prince Eugen.
The chairman, the pulpit and the open bench interior are designed by Wickman himself.
The church is one of Sweden's largest wooden buildings and a unique building from the beginning of the 20th century.
The style in which the church is built is neo-Gothic and the interior features features of national romance and the composition of the altar's duck art nouveau style.
The church has an almost square plan, comparing to a so-called central church, that is, the middle and transverse ship is as long, 16 meters.
The roof structure can be described as two prisms, ending at each end with a large windowsill that intersects, and the pointed ends of the church in all directions. The church's glazed upperparts give the church room a rich overlap. The floor material of the church is made of wood.
The buildings are lower, both the west west crest and the straight-ended choir to the east, flanked by a sacristia in the north and a diagonal hall to the south. The facade cladding and the red roof covering are of church flair.
A rider is at the intersection where the four seat roofs of the longhouse meet.
The church rests on a masonry rock of natural stone. The tower is in the form of a spire.
Within 30 years, Kiruna church must probably be moved when the mines from the ore mine in Kiirunavaara reach the church
Kyrkans trä och stockar kom from Karelia.
Det treskeppiga långhuset täcks av öppna, fantasifullt utformade takstolar i både huvudskepp och sidoskepp. Speciellt koret har en rik infattning av boasering och snidade gallerverk, inspirerad av samisk ornamentik. Altartavlan från 1912 är mycket stor och är ett verk av prins Eugen. Läktaren, predikstolen och den öppna bänkinredningen är ritade av Wickman själv.
Kyrkan är en av Sveriges största träbyggnader och ett unikt byggnadsverk från 1900-talets början.
Stilen, i vilken kyrkan är byggd är nygotik och interiören har drag av nationalromantik och altarets komposition andas jugendstil.
Kyrkan har en närmast kvadratisk plan, att jämföra med en så kallad centralkyrka, det vill säga att mitt- och tvärskepp är lika långa, 16 meter.
Takkonstruktionen kan beskrivas som två prismor, i var ände avslutade med ett stort fönsterverk, som skär varandra, och kyrkans spetsiga gavlar åt alla väderstreck. Kyrkans glasade överpartier ger kyrkorummet ett rikt överljus. Golvmaterialet i kyrkan är av trä.
Utbyggnaderna är lägre, både vapenhuset i väster och det rakt avslutade koret i öster, flankerat av en sakristia i norr och en diagonal sal i söder. Fasadbeklädnaden och den röda taktäckningen är av kyrkspån.
En takryttare står i skärningspunkten där långhusets fyra sadeltak möts.
Kyrkan vilar på en murverkssockel av natursten. Tornet är i form av en spira.
Inom 30 år måste Kiruna kyrka antagligen flyttas då gruvsprickorna från malmbrytningen i Kiirunavaara når kyrkan....
Drone: DJI MAVIC AIR Camera: FUJI XT 2 & Canon 5D MARK III Filmed & edited by Allan Tark
Company: Rein Mets
Summer 2018
Stockholm Sverige
Önnis on inimene Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
2. North-Silent Partner
This video is not for commercial purposes/ See video ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke. Enjoy watching!/ Head vaatamist!
3 tips on Kiruna | SAS
As a professional freestyle skier, Karin Stöckel is lucky enough to visit some of the world’s most breath-taking scenery. However, nowhere in her opinion matches her home town Kiruna in the far north of Sweden. Here, she tells us why.
Kyrkan i Kiruna / Church of Kiruna
Kiruna Kyrka. Church of Kiruna in Sweden. This church has been nominated to be one of the most beautiful building in Sweden. More about the church:
The church (and the whole city of Kiruna) will be moved to a new place in the 2010's and 2020's. How that will be done has not been decided.
Kiruna church, Kiruna, Sweden
Church of Kiruna, Northern Sweden. This church is considered to be the nicest in Sweden.
Lofoten & Kiruna
Trip from 10-11-2018 to 19-11-2018
Midnight Sun running in Kiruna, Sweden
Short vlog where I share my week in Kiruna, showing you the midnight sun and the city from another angle during one of my running sessions.
▼ more info + links ▼
A little thought I had is; how would a 30 hour day be? Would it be better or worse than our 24 hour day?
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Luossabacken and Kiruna 17.2.2019
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#parrotanafi #anafi #swedishlapland #kiruna #luossavaara
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