Knuthenborg Safaripark
20130520 Denmark Knuthenborg Safaripark
A visit to the Knuthenborgh Safari park at Maribo, Denmark
Een bezoekje aan het Knuthenborg Safaripark in Maribo, Denemarken
Knutheborg SafariPark in Denmark
In this episode of Arcane Travels, we go to Southern Denmark to check out a place where you don't just get to see wild animals, you get to actually interact and touch them up close. This place is known as Knuthenborg Safaripark.
Knuthenborg Safaripark is a safari park on the island of Lolland in the southeast of Denmark. It is located to the north of Maribo, near Bandholm. It is one of Lolland's major tourist attractions with over 200,000 visitors annually, and is the largest safari park in northern Europe. It is also the largest natural playground for both children and adults in Denmark. Among others, it houses an arboretum, aviaries, a drive-through safari park, a monkey forest (with baboons, tamarins and lemurs) and a wolf and tiger enclosure.
The park is set in Knuthenborg, previously known as the medieval manor of Årsmarke, which was Denmark's largest private estate. In 1714, it became part of the new county of Knuthenborg. The park has its origins in 1867 when Eggert Christoffer Knuth (1838-1874) built a sturdy 4.6 mile wall around his property with stones fished out of the Smålandsfarvandet. He then hired English landscape architect Edward Milner who, on the basis of plans completed in 1870, laid out a park for his world collection of rare botanical plants as well as the many rhododendrons which are also a great attraction to tourists. There are several hundred species of exotic shrubs and trees. In 1926, the park became protected under a preservation order.
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Intro Music: Rain Dance by Sweater Beats
Video Editor: Bassey Aripko
Knuthenborg Safari Park, Denmark, June 1979.mpg
Kurztrip zum Safaripark Knuthenborg in Dänemark / Andy´s World
Hi Leute,
kennt ihr den Safaripark #Knuthenborg in #Dänemark? Wir sind auf einen Kurztrip mal rüber von #Rostock nach #Gedser und dann auf nach Maribo, Dänemark. Dort sind wir dann in den #Safaripark #Knuthenborg gefahren. Die Fahrt von dem Fähranleger in #Gedser dauert kaum 1 Stunde, dann ist man am Ziel.
Zu beachten ist einzig das der Park um 10.00 Uhr öffnet und schon um 18:00 Uhr schließt.
Bei Einreise nach #Dänemark sollte man auf alle Fälle an die Reisepässe der Kinder denken, denn es kann zu einer Stichproben Prüfung der Pässe kommen. Bei Erwachsenen reicht der Personalausweis.
Viel Spaß beim Anschauen des Videos....
bei min. 2:35 geht´s mit der Safari los....
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Bild, Ton, Animation und Musik von
Andreas Riedel
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Velkommen til Knuthenborg Safaripark
En del af De Danske SydhavsKyster
Knuthenborg er Nordeuropas største safaripark, hvor over 1.000 forskellige vilde dyr går frit omkring.
Knuthenborg Safaripark Denmark
Knuthenborg Safaripark Denmark
Visiting Animals in Knuthenborg Safaripark, Denmark 2015
Knuthenborg Safaripark is a safari park on the island of Lolland in the southeast of Denmark. It is located 7 km (on Rte 289) to the north of Maribo, near Bandholm. It is one of Lolland's major tourist attractions with over 200,000 visitors annually, and is the largest safari park in northern Europe. It is also the largest natural playground for both children and adults in Denmark. For more info, visit this:
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EHRENBERG Kommunikation
Lars Plougmann
Donald Hobern
Jane Mejdahl
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Tiger im Knuthenborg Safari Park, Dänemark
Tiger im Knuthenborg Safari Park, Dänemark
Leif Damgaard - Knuthenborg Safaripark.
Knuthenborg Safaripark er helt klart et besøg værd, meget børnevenligt.
Church and family outing
Møns Klint, Knuthenborg Safaripark, Rødby
Denmark Trip 2014 - Day 7 - Møns Klint, Knuthenborg Safaripark, Rødby
Film z 7 dnia wakacji letnich - odwiedziliśmy klif na wyspie Møn, safaripark Knuthenborg. Na koniec udaliśmy się na prom w Rødby by udać się do Niemiec (Puttgarden) i dalej do Polski.
Final movie from day 7 of our summer family road trip to Denmark. We visited Møns Klint cliffs and after that Knuthenborg Safaripark - most beautiful safari park in Europe. Finally we use a ferry from Rødby to Puttgarden to drive home.
First stop at Møns Klint is one of top 10 vacation spots in Denmark. There is huge amount of stairs down the cliff. Beautiful view at a bottom of cliff. It is accessible for family with toddlers, but better leave a trolley in a car.
Knuthenborg Safari park, the biggest one in Denmark and one of greatest safari park in Europe is a place you need to visit with kids. That spot can be whole day family attraction.
Looking for other summer vacation ideas? Please subscribe to our channel.
Endelige film fra dag 7 i vores sommer tur til Danmark. Vi besøgte Møns Klint klipper og derefter Knuthenborg Safaripark - smukkeste safaripark i Europa. Endelig bruger vi en færge fra Rødby til Puttgarden til at køre hjem.
Dyrekanalen i Knuthenborg Safaripark Part 1
Maribo & Knuthenborg Safaripark
Moment of happiness
Knuthenborg Safaripark - Live fra åbningen af Dinosaurskoven 2018
Danemark Danmark Maribo Safari Park
Knuthenborg Safari-Park// del 1
Jonas Brothers - Sucker
Owl City - Fireflies
Knuthenborg Safaripark 1998
Familiens tur til Knuthenborg Safaripark 1998
Betty Bantanos in Denmark - Part 16 - Knuthenborg (HD)
Knuthenborg part 2. HD
Dänemark, Danmark - Maribo Safari Park