Kondalilla Falls - Awesome Rain forest Walk
Turns out I have never actually been here before this day
Vlog Ep.127
Miller Wilson on Youtube
Got a call from Nathan asking if I would be interested in the Kondalilla walk , so Stevie & I joined the group for the 4.7km return walk. Its an easy one guys, highly recommend if your looking for something to do on the weekend :)
Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Qld, Australia
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D.Veloped - Bring Em Home (feat. Edward Sharpe & T.I.)
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FIRST EVER VLOG | Kondalilla Falls and Montville | Visit Queensland
Our first ever vlog where we head to Kondalilla Falls and Montville at the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
We get up early in the morning to beat the crowds and we have the waterfall all to ourselves.
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Kondalilla Falls by Montville Grove accommodation
Montville Grove Accommodation uploaded these images to show you there's more to a romantic getaway than just your accommodation. Get out and enjoy the rainforest and walking trails to places like Kondalilla Falls.
Australia Monitor Lizard in Kondalilla Nationa Park Rockpool near Montville in Queensland.
In Australia during festive season almost whole country is having days off. Probably only retail and hospitality sectora are working . In these days it is quite normal people are going for holiday or at least short trips around their place of residency. We drove to Kondalilla National Park for a short walk around the waterfall through rainforest and what we experienced near the rockpool was the big Monitor Lizard. Probably resident of that place as he (or she) hasn't been scared of the people at all what is quite unusual.
W okresie świąteczno noworocznym kiedy to człowiek ma sporo dni wolnego normalnym jest, że się wybiera na wczasy gdziekolwiek lub przynajmniej na wycieczkę w okolice miejsca swojego zamieszkania. Pojechaliśmy sobie do Konadilla National Park niedaleko Montville zrobić małą przebieżkę po lesie deszczowym wokół wodospadu. Przy jeziorku spotkaliśmy dużą jaszczurkę - jaszczura rzekłbym. Podobnoż był to Monitor Lizard. Dosyć oswojony - nawet jadł z ręki - smakował mu bardzo ser feta.
Kondalilla National Park - Day Trip
This was a cool bush walk we did through Kondalilla National Park. The loop we did wasn't anything to hard and had some awesome attractions. It's quite thick rain forest which is good as it provides some good coverage on the hotter days but obviously on those over cast days you could find it a bit cooler then expected.
I'm really keen to get back and do the full loop another time!
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Track: Marin Hoxha - Endless [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Australia Adventures - Brekkie, Kondalilla Hike and Swim, Montville, Glasshouse Mountains
Jumping into the fall on Kondalilla hike was the climax of this trip.
We were also surprised by the intriguing beauty of the quaint Montville.
【K】Australia Travel-Montville[호주 여행-몬트빌]스위밍 홀/Kondalilla National Park/Swimming hole
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
반짝이는 태양이 아름다운 곳, 그래서 이곳 역시 선샤인코스트가 됐나보다. 밀림을 헤치고 1시간 남짓 걸었을까? 드디어 스위밍 홀에 도착했다. 콘달리아는 호주 원주민 말로 달리는 물이라는 뜻이다. 국립공원 내 물줄기들이 여기로 모여들어 자연스럽게 멋진 수영장이 됐다. 열대우림 속 오아시스, 스위밍 홀로 시원하게 몸을 던진다. 그 순간, 진정한 자연인이 된다. “이렇게 물속에 있으니 동심으로 돌아간 기분이에요. 굉장히 편안하고 즐겁네요. 자연 속에 있으니 에너지가 충전되는 느낌이에요” 그 옛날, 초기 정착민이었던 윌리엄 스케네가 잃어버린 소를 찾아 이곳에 들어왔다가 열대우림 콘달리아를 개척하기 시작했다. 하지만 그는 곧 퀸즐랜드 정부에 이 산을 증여했고, 숲 속 지상낙원은 다시 자연의 품으로 되돌아갔다. 오늘날, 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 윌리엄이 주는 선물을 받고 있다. “오늘 날씨 정말 좋네요. 이렇게 아름다운 자연과 나무들, 상쾌한 공기와 좋은 사람들이 어우러져 그야말로 최고의 하루였어요” 태초의 지구 모습을 고스란히 간직하고 있는 곳, 열대우림, 밀림 속에서 만난 자연은 때론 세상의 이치를 깨우쳐주고 또 한 편으로는 풍요와 자유를 준다. 콘달리아 국립공원엔 자연 정화와 치유가 있다. 해가 갈수록 더 많은 사람들이 이곳을 찾고 있다. 호주인들에겐 숨겨놓은 마지막 보물과도 같은 곳, 나는 열대우림이 그려낸 한 폭의 그림을 눈에 담았다.
[English: Google Translator]
It's a beautiful place with a sparkling sun, so here it is also the Sunshine Coast, did it walk an hour or so past the jungle, and finally it arrived at the swimming hall, which means that the water is running in the Aboriginal language of Australia. It is a natural swimming pool, which is a natural swimming pool with oasis in the rainforest and a swiming holliday, and at that moment, it becomes a natural person. I feel like I'm back in the water because I'm in the water. In the old days, William Scheune, who was the first settler, came in here and started exploring the rainforest Condahlia, but soon he gave the mountain to the Queensland government, Returned to the bosom of nature again. People are receiving the gift of William: Today's weather is really nice, it's the best day of the year, with such beautiful nature, trees, fresh air and good people. The nature that we meet in the world sometimes gives us a sense of the world and gives us abundance and freedom on the other hand.Condalia National Park has natural cleansing and healing.A more and more people are looking for this place In the same place as the last treasure hidden, I caught a picture of the width drawn by the rainforest.
■클립명: 오세아니아075-호주14-06 달리는 물이라는 뜻의 스위밍 홀
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 오성민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 4월April
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,역사/자연지역,historic site,온천/목욕/수영,spa,swimming,트레킹/산책,체험,,trek,오세아니아Oceania호주AustraliaAustralia오스트레일리아오성민20174월퀸즐랜드주Queensland퀸즈랜드April걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Australia Travel-Montville[호주 여행-몬트빌]콘달릴라 국립공원/Kondalilla National Park/Strangler fig
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
오스트레일리아 동물원에서 열대우림 지대를 가로질러 몬트빌로 향했다. 선샤인코스트의 힌터랜드. 콘달리아 국립공원이다. 등산로 초입부터 산행을 준비하는 이들로 붐빈다. “어디에서 오셨어요?” “한국에서 왔어요” “아~ 한국사람은 아직 못 만나봤어요” “안녕하세요” “저희는 오늘 콘달리아 폭포를 걷고 폭포가 떨어지는 열대우림에서 수영할거예요” 때 묻지 않은 자연 그대로의 모습을 간직하고 있는 열대 우림 지역. 콘달리아 국립공원은 1906년부터 보호를 받기 시작했으며 한동안 사람들의 출입이 제한돼 있었다. 물론 지금도 등산로 외엔 통제선이 쳐져 있다. 수천 년 된 거목들이 얽히고 설켜 장관을 이룬다. 특히 잎이 넓은 활엽수들이 울창한 밀림을 형성하고 있다. 일 년 내내 덥고 비가 많이 오는 열대 우림 속은 물기를 머금은 산소를 내뿜는다. 가슴까지 깨끗해지는 기분이다. 우거진 숲 속에서 사진 촬영이 시작됐다. 키가 70m는 족히 돼 보이는 큰 나무가 우뚝 서 있다. 가던 길을 멈추고 모두가 이 큰 나무에 관심을 보인다. 크기를 가늠할 수 없을 정도로 거대한 나무. 살인나무라 불리는 스트랭글러 피그다. 13명의 사람들이 양 팔을 벌려 둘레를 재본다. 하지만 쉽지 않다. “원래 있던 나무 위에 또 다른 나무가 뿌리를 내려 뿌리가 서로 엉켜있어 마치 한 나무처럼 보이는 거죠” 스트랭글러 피그는 다른 나무를 기어오르며 자라다가 결국 뿌리로 나무를 감아 죽게 만든다. 이 나무 역시 여러 갈래로 늘어진 뿌리가 범상치 않다. 콘달리아 국립공원 산행의 최종 목적지는 스위밍 홀을 찾아가는 것이다. “우드드래곤이다. 저기 나무 위쪽에 봐” 그 길 위에서 신비한 생명체를 발견했다. “이게 뭔가요?” “우드드래곤이에요” “위험한가요?” “괴롭히면 그럴 수 있는데 보통은 괜찮아요” 나무와 일심동체가 된 도마뱀이다. 사람들의 시선에도 태연한 모습이 참으로 평온해 보인다. “냉혈파충류라 일광욕이 필요해요. 호주는 일광욕하기 아주 좋은 곳이죠”
[English: Google Translator]
We headed to Montville at the Australian Zoo across the rainforest. Sunshine Coast hinterland. This is Condalia National Park. It is crowded with those who prepare for hiking from the beginning of the mountain trail. Where did you come from? We came from Korea. Oh, we have not met a Korean yet. Hello We will walk down Condalia Falls today and swim in the rainforest where the falls fall. A rainforest area that retains its shape. The Condalia National Park began to receive protection in 1906, and for a while people were restricted. Of course, there is a control line outside the trail. The giants of thousands of years are entangled and become a spectacular sight. Especially, leafy broad-leaved trees form thick forests. Throughout the year, hot and rainy tropical rainforests emit watery oxygen. It feels clean to the chest. Photographing began in a thick forest. A large tree stands tall with a height of 70 meters. Everyone is interested in this big tree. A huge tree that can not measure its size. Strangler pig called murder tree. Thirteen people open their arms and look around. But it is not easy. Another tree on its original tree, its roots tangled together, and it looks like a tree. Strangler pigs grow up climbing other trees, eventually roots trees to death. This tree also has many unusual roots. The final destination of the walk in the Condalians National Park is to visit the swimming hall. It's a wood dragon. Look over the tree there I found a mysterious creature on its way. What is this? Wood dragon. Is it dangerous? If you harass it, you can, but it's usually okay. It looks really calm in people's gaze. Cold-blooded reptiles and I need sunbathing. Australia is a great place to sunbathe.
■클립명: 오세아니아075-호주14-05 열대우림 자연 그대로 콘달릴라 국립공원
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 오성민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 4월April
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암역사/자연지역,historic site,트레킹/산책,체험,,trek,동물,animal,오세아니아Oceania호주AustraliaAustralia오스트레일리아오성민20174월퀸즐랜드주Queensland퀸즈랜드April걸어서 세계속으로
Kondalilla Falls, Kondalilla National Park, Queensland, Australia
Hiking trip to Kondalilla Falls with USC International
Montville Kondalilla Falls Weekend 2016
Our 32nd Wedding Anniversary trip to Montville, Kondalilla Falls, Queensland Aircraft Museum, Eumundi Markets and Baroon Pocket Dam. Staying at Montague's of Montville 27 April to 30th April 2016.
Jenny's Theme by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description:
Fork and Spoon by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Kondalilla NP | Blackall Range | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | QLD
Kondalilla National Park hike in Queensland. See to read more about Kondalilla National Park.
Please watch: Whale Watching Hervey Bay - Humpback Capital of the World
Kondalilla National Park
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Flying the DJI Phantom 2
Go Pro Hero 3+ Black edition. Narrow angle, 1080p, 24fps.
Song: Cold Pill by Tabrill ft. Domonic.
All music rights go to their respective owners.
Kondalilla Falls National Park
This is the most asked about place to visit in Montville. Check out the different walks available and all the absolutely beautiful scenery. montvilleinn.com.au
Bush walk through kondalilla national park australia
A walk through that i took in australia in kondalilla national park
Kondalilla Eco Resort (formerly known as Treehouses of Montville) - Montville - Australia
Save up to 25% with Smart Booking. Book it now:
Kondalilla Eco Resort (formerly known as Treehouses of Montville) hotel city: Montville - Country: Australia
Address: Cnr Kondalilla Falls Road & Cynthia Hunt Drive; zip code: 4560
Offering secluded accommodation surrounded by rainforest, Kondalilla Eco Resort (formerly known as Treehouses of Montville) is 5 minutes' drive from the town centre. All accommodation features a fireplace and a spa bath.
-- Kondalilla Eco Resort (formerly known as Treehouses of Montville)度假酒店提供位于热带雨林中的僻静小屋和别墅,距离镇中心有5分钟车程。所有小屋均设有壁炉和spa浴缸。度假酒店内设有免费私人停车场。 度假酒店提供小屋和架高的树屋别墅。所有小屋和别墅均提供烹饪设施、用餐区以及带沙发、电视和DVD播放机的起居区。部分小屋和别墅设有可观赏热带雨林迷人景致的天井平台。 度假酒店距离最近的机场——马卢奇郡阳光海岸机场(Sunshine...
-- Курортный отель Kondalilla Eco Resort (его прежнее название — Treehouses of Montville) находится в 5 минутах езды от центра города. В распоряжении гостей камин и гидромассажная ванна. На территории обустроена бесплатная частная парковка.
Kondalilla Falls are on the the Sunshine Coast hinterland near the town of Montville. These views are taken after 3 days of heavy rain. The main fall is shown first. On the way out the smaller Picnic Creek falls are shown.
Kondalilla Falls
Kondalilla Falls (Montville, Australia) 23.07.16 with Emily, Lia and Jessica.
Australia Adventures - The Secret Resort, Kondalilla Falls Hike
We discovered a Secret Treehouse Resort in Montville called, Secrets on the Lake.
The dream started with George and Aldy and was built by them. The woodwork is absolutely stunning.
Later, William and I wanted to jump into the Kondalilla Waterfall.
...not this time--BUT we will!
Night at Kondalilla eco resort
Finally got a night away at the Kondalilla eco resort, Montville, QLD.
Sunshine Coast Hinterland Australia-Maleny Town & Gardners Falls
A day trip from Brisbane or from the Sunshine Coast is well worth to include this place on your holiday. Leave your vehicle in the car park on the banks of the Obi Obi Creek and take a short, level walk downstream to Gardners Falls, a hidden gem in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
You’ll pass a number of rock pools which are shallow and ideal for smaller children who just want to splash about. Follow the bubbling waters downstream where the pools increase in size and enjoy a freshwater swim in the largest pool underneath the falls.
These delightful waters are bounded by a grassy verge and backed by native forest making it the ideal spot for a hinterland picnic or a post-swim snooze under a giant water gum.
Stop in Maleny or Montville for lunch and some shopping, don't miss the Gerrards Lookout on the way to Montville it has an awesome view. Visit Lake Baroon or stay at the Secrets Resort nearby.