MALTA - Manikata: Pumpkin Festival 2011
We visited the Manikata Pumpkin Fest which was organised by the Koperattiva Rurali Manikata (KRM) (Rural Cooperative of Manikata) organized its third annual pumpkin fair along the streets of Manikata at its Parish Church of St Joseph, on Sunday, October 30, 2011.
The Pumpkin Fest is to highlight the best of what Manikata has to offer and raise funds for projects spearheaded by Koperattiva Rurali Manikata and the Manikata Parish Church.
Stands were set up selling fresh fruits and vegetables, typical Maltese foods in pumkin base, crafts and pumpkin sculpture, children playing area, exhibition of vintage cars and motorbikes, Hospice and Permaculture from Rabat.
All proceeds from the event went towards financing KRM projects, including the restoration of Ir-Razzett tal-Qasam; suppporting the Funny Farm horse sanctuary, the development of a rural heritage trail stretching from Għajn Tuffieħa to Manikata; the planting of endemic and indigenous trees, shrubs and plants; the planting of olive trees in abandoned fields in order to turn them into profitable olive groves; and the restoration of the armoury of the former Għajn Tuffieħa Royal Marines Training Centre.
Another raising fund was organized by the Arab Culture Information Society in aid of the injured people of Gaza in Gaza War.
Live entertainment featuring The Quicksand Band and Maltese folk music by 2 musicians from Gozo (Astra Folk Group).
With kind permission, 3 traditional Maltese melodies arranged, played and recorded by Benny & Tonia were used as background music for this video.
Note: Video only shows some of the activities.
Videophotographing, photos and editing by Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech.
Produced by Alfred and Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech, Mosta, Malta.
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MALTA, MALAYSIA & OTHER (Jasmine's Videos)
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Koperattiva Rurali Manikata - The Rural Heritage Trail
EDEN 2009 - Mellieħa and the Hamlet of Manikata (Malta)
Mellieħa is a rural village ideally situated in the northwestern part of the island of Malta. Known for its wonderful sandy beaches, world-class hotels and restaurants, Mellieħa is one of Malta's most pristine regions.
Together with the Hamlet of Manikata, the region makes up one of the country's most important historical areas.
Mario Cardona, member of Koperattiva Rurali Manikata
Lejla għaż-żiffa fl-inħawi pittoreski tal-Manikata.
Lejla ghaz-ziffa fl-inhawi pittoreski tal-Manikata.Dan huwa dak li assistejna ghalih fl-okkazzjoni ta' lejliet il-festa ta' San Guzepp.Din l-attiva' imtella' minn Koperattiva Rurali Manikata kienet akkumpanjata minn mixja fl-inhawi tal-Manikata Rural Heritage Trail.
Manikata to Mellieha
Manikata to Mellieha for hillclimb
Maltese Archipelago - Malta - Manikata - Golden Bay
Maltese Archipelago - Malta - Manikata (Mellieha) - Golden Bay,
Location: 35° 56.067'N, 14° 20.662'E
Bdiewa fil-Manikata spiċċaw bi ħsarat kbar fir-raba,kawża tal-maltemp.
Bdiewa fil-Manikata spiccaw bi hsarat kbar fir-raba taghhom minhabba l-maltemp li ghamel fl-ahhar tax-xahar li ghadda.Ghalkemm il-Gvern kien qal li l-bdiewa setghu jghatu dettlaji ta' kemm saritilhom hsara, l-awtoritajiet ma wrew l-ebda interess biex jghinu lill-dawn lill-bwieda biex jergghu jqumu fuq saqajhom
Manikata Festival
Festival in Manikata Malta. Look at the band with that strange instrument!!
Il-Knisja tal-Manikata tinsab taħt theddida....
Deskritta bhala ikona tal-arkitettura moderna u kemm-il darba nghatat prominenza f'rivisti internazzjonali.Illum il-Knisja tal-Manikata tinsab taht theddida.Dan wara li l-Awtorita' ghall-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar, approvat applikazzjoni tal-Kappillan tal-lokal sabiex jaghmel zvilupp biswit il-Knisja.One News tkellem mal-Perit Richard England li kien iddisinja din il-knisja.
Manikata traffic problem
This keeps happening every morning even if signs were put up that heavy vehicles can't go through this road. Unfortunately nobody from the law enforcement is doing something to enforce this and ease the congestion. Also an easier solution would be to fix the road made of cement by making it smoother for vehicles and make it one way so that vehicles are only allowed to go uphill from there while the narrow road should be also done one way so that only vehicles going downhill could go through it, that would solve a lot of traffic problems
upsailing manikata
Il-PL iħabbar il-proposti tiegħu għall-qasam tal-biedja.
Il-Mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat illum zar lill-komunita tal-bdiewa fil-manikata u hemmhekk elenka l-proposti ta Gvern gdid ghall-qasam tal-biedja.Joseph Muscat qal li l-prijorita hija li jistabilixxi mill-gdid politiku responsabbli ghall-biedja, bhalma se jaghmel ghas-sajd.U dan biex gvern gdid jaghti l-importanza misthoqqha lil dawn l-oqsma