Official Imagefilm City of Kronberg im Taunus (English)
The Image-Film of the City of Kronberg im Taunus (Germany) was produced by the staff position for media and economic development of the City of Kronberg im Taunus. The Film presents Kronberg im Taunus primarily as a desired location for local recreation, leisure, cultural activities and business. The Film primary is aimed to companies operation internationally, guests, visitors and tourists.
The shooting of the Image-Film continued for two years and ended during spring 2017. The first performance has taken place on the 21st of May 2017 in the Cinema “Kronberger Lichtspiele”.
The publication of the Image-Film of the City of Kronberg im Taunus is based on the internet site of the City of Kronberg im Taunus ( via link to the stream on Youtube.
Associations, institutions and companies, who want to use the Film for their purposes of information and advertising are invited to set a link to the Image-Film on their own internet site.
If you have any questions, please consult the staff position for media and economic development of the City of Kronberg im Taunus. E-Mail:
Andreas Bloching
Staff position for media and economic development
City of Kronberg im Taunus
Kronberg im Taunus, May 2017
Offizieller Imagefilm Stadt Kronberg im Taunus (Deutsch)
Der Image-Film der Stadt Kronberg im Taunus ist eine Produktion der Stabstelle Medien & Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Kronberg im Taunus und im Auftrag des Magistrats der Stadt Kronberg im Taunus. Der Film (produziert deutschsprachiger und englischsprachiger Fassung) präsentiert Kronberg im Taunus in erster Linie als gefragten Naherholungs-, Kultur- und Unternehmensstandort und richtet sich vor allem an national wie international operierende Firmen sowie Gäste, Besucher und Touristen.
Die Dreharbeiten für den Image-Film begannen im Frühjahr 2015 und wurden im Frühjahr 2017 abgeschlossen. Die Uraufführung erfolgte am 21.05.2017 in den Kronberger Lichtspielen.
Die Publikation des Image-Films der Stadt Kronberg im Taunus erfolgt über die Internet-Seite Stadt Kronberg im Taunus – per Link zum Stream auf YouTube.
Vereine, Institutionen, Verbände und Unternehmen, die den Image-Film der Stadt Kronberg im Taunus für Ihre Informations- und Werbezwecke nutzen wollen, werden gebeten auf ihrer Website direkt auf den Film zu verlinken.
Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Stadt Kronberg im Taunus, Stabsstelle Medien & Wirtschaftsförderung, E-Mail:
Andreas Bloching
Stabsstelle Medien & Wirtschaftsförderung
Stadt Kronberg im Taunus
Kronberg im Taunus, im Mai 2017
Umzug des Schützenvereins in Kronberg
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Procession of the Rifle Club in Kronberg
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. A rifle club is recorded by Neubronner as the group marches to a bar in Kronberg, Taunus.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Mary's Land in Kronberg/Taunus
Gruß von Florian Ripka, stellvertretender Geschäftsführer von KIRCHE IN NOT Deutschland.
Hochzeit Dodo Neubronner in Kronberg
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 1918
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Dodo Neubronner's Wedding in Kronberg
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Dodo Neubronner's Wedding in Kronberg shows amateur footage of Neubronner's daughter and her bridegroom together with wedding guests in front of Johanniskirche in Kronberg, Taunus.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Kronberger Eisenbahn
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 1905
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Kronberg Railway
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Kronberg Railway is a shot of a passing train lasting only a few seconds.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Eislauf auf dem Kronberger Teich
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Ice Skating on Kronberg Pond
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Ice Skating on Kronberg Pond shows amateur footage of a frozen lake that is used for ice skating by the locals. Children appear on sleds and with skates and the footage also includes onlookers on a bench.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 1903
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Up in the Air
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Up in the Air shows two of Neubronner's sons on a trapeze.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Julius Neubronner mit Enkelkindern
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Julius Neubronner With His Grandchildren
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Julius Neubronner with his Grandchildren shows the amateur filmmaker performing gymnastics with his grandchildren and a dachshund.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Carl Neubronner mit Tochter Ilse
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Carl Neubronner With His Daughter Ilse
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Carl Neubronner with his Daughter Ilse shows Julius Neubronner's son at play with his daughter. Lying on his back, Carl balances the child on his feet, then the child does a forward roll.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: Toboganning
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. Tobogganing shows amateur footage of the snow covered Viktoriastraße in Kronberg, Taunus, and people tobogganing.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
Familie Neubronner geht spazieren
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 1903
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: The Neubronner Family Takes A Walk
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. The Neubronner Family Takes a Walk shows staged footage of a walk. The scene has been shot in a forest scenery. The boys carry wooden hoops, Julius Neubronner is also visible.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.
LOST PLACES: Das KG-Werk | Deutschland (Urban Exploration/last trip HD)
Fanpage-Facebook (Infos, News, neue Ziele, alte Ziele, Nachfrage etc.)
Da heute ein schöner Tag anbrach beschlossen wir uns auf den Weg zu diesem alten verlassenen Gebäude/Haus (KG-Werk) zu machen. Diese Location filmten wir schon mal und dachten uns alles etwas neu aufzufrischen (Video) oder den neusten Stand zu übermitteln.
Das Gebäude war früher angeblich ein alter Blumenladen. Aus eigener Sicht, Betrachtung und Forschung sind wir der Meinung das es früher ein Wohnhaus war.
Man kann deutlich erkennen das dass Gebäude von Vandalismus befallen ist. Es ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit bis dieser schöne und kleine Lost Place dem Erdboden gleich
gemacht wird.
Since today is a beautiful day dawned, we decided on our way to this old abandoned building / house (KG-work) to make. This location we filmed this before and thought we all refresh something new (video) or to transmit the latest version.
The building was once supposedly an old flower shop. From my own point of view, observation and research, we believe that it was a house before.
One can clearly see the building that is affected by Vandal. It's only a matter of time before this small and beautiful lost place to the ground
is made.
Nach weiteren Recherchen stiess ich darauf das in diesem Werk Papierwaren hergestellt wurden wie zum Beispiel Klebestreifen für Industrielle Verpackungen. Darüber hinaus wurde auch Papier veredelt. Nähere Informationen bzgl. der Werkschließung usw entziehen sich leider meiner Recherchierten Kentnissen. Die Neubronner KG mit Hauptsitz in Oberursel bestehr bis heute. (Von : Blaulicht500)
! Hinweis !
Das betreten von solchen Gebäuden wie z.B. alte Villen, Fabriken, Gebäude, Hochhäuser sowie Denkmäler und so weiter, ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Erlaubnis der Besitzer gestattet. Wenn dies jedoch nicht beachtet wird, kann das Folgen haben, wie z.B: Anzeigen oder sogar im schlimmsten Fall eine Freiheitsstrafe !
Thermen Hotel Bad Soden
Entspannen und genießen im Thermen Hotel.
Der Kurort Bad Soden steht für Erholung und Entspannung. Mitten im Herzen dieses beschaulichen Städtchens findet sich das Thermen Hotel, mit dem der Aufenthalt ganz besonders angenehm ist. Dafür sorgt unter anderem die Tatsache, dass kein anderes Hotel besser zu erreichen ist als das Thermen Hotel im Taunus. Die Autobahn A66 ist nur 5 km entfernt und auch Haltestellen für öffentliche Verkehrsmittel wie die S-Bahn befinden sich in unmittelbarer Umgebung.
Die Zimmer selbst sind helle und freundlich eingerichtete Räume, die Ihnen zahlreiche Annehmlichkeiten wie kostenloses WLAN, TV, Radio und ein eigenes Telefon bieten. Damit Sie die frische Luft von Bad Soden auch stets genießen können, handelt es sich außerdem um Nichtraucherzimmer. Das Thermen Hotel Bad Soden ist eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, um nach einem harten Arbeitstag oder einem erlebnisreichen Ausflug zu entspannen und den Tag ausklingen zu lassen.
Wer mal etwa ratlos sein sollte, findet an der Rezeption im Thermen Hotel im Taunus von morgens bis spät abends stets wertvolle Ratschläge, zum Beispiel zu Sehenswürdigkeiten, Einkaufsmöglichkeiten oder aktuellen Events in der Stadt. Für die richtige Verpflegung sorgt schließlich das Restaurant Kronberger. Es lädt zu einer großen Auswahl an Gerichten zu fairen Preisen ein.
Ob für einen kleinen Ausflug über das Wochenende, einen geschäftlichen Aufenthalt oder den Familienurlaub im Grünen - das Thermen Hotel Bad Soden bietet für jeden Anspruch genau die passende Lösung. Überzeugen auch Sie sich vom hohen Komfort und der geschmackvollen Einrichtung bei einem gleichzeitig sehr guten Service rund um die Uhr.
Bei Onkel Willi Lindheimer in Schwalbach
(c) Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.
Germany 190?
Director: Julius Neubronner
English title: At Uncle Willi Lindheimer's in Schwalbach
Synopsis: Julius Neubronner (1852-1932), a chemist and inventor from Kronberg was one of the first people to film in the Rhine-Main region. He purchased his first camera in 1903, a Kino manufactured by Dresdner Foto-Firma. With his camera Neubronner recorded historical events as well as the everyday life of his family. Furthermore, he also shot short sketches performed by himself and his family on a stage set-up in the garden of their home. At Uncle Willi Lindheimer's in Schwalbach shows amateur footage of birthday guests coming through a garden door.
Brought to you by 'filmarchives online', the web gateway to European film archives:
With the support of the MEDIA Plus programme of the European Community.