Address: Kroppedals Alle 3, Taastrup 2630, Denmark
Attraction Location
Kroppedal Museum Videos
Taastrupgaard Stemmer fra 'Gården'
Filmen stammer fra Taastrupgaard Museum. Produceret af Kanvasfilm for Kroppedal Museum.
World's Longest Viking Bridge
Opening of the World’s Longest Viking Bridge
In Copenhagen suburban city of Albertslund, the local Viking Village and the Kroppedal Museum have been building something special. For the last three years the world’s longest viking bridge have been in the making. It is a reconstruction of the original Ravning Bridge in Jutland build by Harald Bluetooth Gormsson for over a thousand years ago. More than a thousand children, craftsmen and volunteers have helped building the bridge and on Friday the 13th of September the bridge will be inaugurated with a grand Viking feast when the last two pillars of the bridge are put into the ground. The Viking Village and Kroppedal Musuem have been building the bridge with support from Nordea-Fonden and the Danish Outdoor Council. With help from more than a thousand children they have been crafting the world’s longest Viking bridge. Anders Garde Kongshaug, of the tourist production film company VNR, predicts that the bridge can become a new interesting tourist destination in the Copenhagen area: “The Viking Bridge will bring the town of Albertslund in the international press and the town will become more attractable for both visiting and living in”, Anders tells. The Viking Bridge connects four different Viking roads between the two cultural institutions and the also the two municipalities of Albertslund and Høje-Taastrup by going across the beautiful area of Store Vejleådalen.
“This has been a project of bridging in more senses that just building a bridge. Cultural institutions come together. Children come together. Professionals and volunteers alike. It is historical in any way possible. And now we have a state of the art piece of bridge that Harald Bluetooth constructed for a thousand years ago. The bridge is placed in a fantastic nature area with great potential for the dissemination of the Viking Age The 700 meter long road and bridge construction is completed and inaugurated on the 13th of September 2019. It will become an impressive live demonstration of Viking infrastructure and craftsmanship. No other place in the world can be found a reconstruction like this. And almost all of the 700 meters have been build by hand with Viking tools and techniques.
Vikingegravpladsen Snubbekorsgård
Billeder fra udgravningerne af gravpladsen ved Snubbekorsgård i Taastrup, foretaget af Kroppedal Museum i perioden 2006-2012, samt billeder af nogle af de fineste genstande fra gravpladsen.
World's Longest Viking Bridge_Opening Ceremony
Opening of the World’s Longest Viking Bridge
In Copenhagen suburban city of Albertslund, the local Viking Village and the Kroppedal Museum have been building something special. For the last three years the world’s longest viking bridge have been in the making. It is a reconstruction of the original Ravning Bridge in Jutland build by Harald Bluetooth Gormsson for over a thousand years ago. More than a thousand children, craftsmen and volunteers have helped building the bridge and on Friday the 13th of September the bridge will be inaugurated with a grand Viking feast when the last two pillars of the bridge are put into the ground. The Viking Village and Kroppedal Musuem have been building the bridge with support from Nordea-Fonden and the Danish Outdoor Council. With help from more than a thousand children they have been crafting the world’s longest Viking bridge. Anders Garde Kongshaug, of the tourist production film company VNR, predicts that the bridge can become a new interesting tourist destination in the Copenhagen area: “The Viking Bridge will bring the town of Albertslund in the international press and the town will become more attractable for both visiting and living in”, Anders tells. The Viking Bridge connects four different Viking roads between the two cultural institutions and the also the two municipalities of Albertslund and Høje-Taastrup by going across the beautiful area of Store Vejleådalen.
“This has been a project of bridging in more senses that just building a bridge. Cultural institutions come together. Children come together. Professionals and volunteers alike. It is historical in any way possible. And now we have a state of the art piece of bridge that Harald Bluetooth constructed for a thousand years ago. The bridge is placed in a fantastic nature area with great potential for the dissemination of the Viking Age The 700 meter long road and bridge construction is completed and inaugurated on the 13th of September 2019. It will become an impressive live demonstration of Viking infrastructure and craftsmanship. No other place in the world can be found a reconstruction like this. And almost all of the 700 meters have been build by hand with Viking tools and techniques.
Mere liv i Hovedgaden - borgmesteren kommer med en udfordring
Mandag d. 30. oktober rykkede 5.klasserne fra Charlotteskolen ind i den nedlagte Nordea filial i Hovedgaden i Hedehusene. En oplagt borgmester for Høje Tåstrup Kommune var også mødt op for at give eleverne en udfordring.
Interview med Anders lærer
I to uger har 6.klasserne på Charlotteskolen arbejdet med lokalhistorie og lokalsamfundsudvikling helt konkret. Med omdrejningspunkt i den gl. stationsbygning i Hedehusene har eleverne lavet udstilling og workshop for byens borgere.
København-Ringstedbanen og historien bag - TV-Ishøj
Igennem mange år har borgerne i Ishøj kunne følge med i opførelsen af diverse broer i ved Ishøj Landsby, når Banedanmark har bygget på den nye højhastighedsbane København-Ringsted. TV-Ishøj har fulgt en stor del af byggeriet og her et par måneder før indvielsen er en opsamling på det store projekt i kommunen og historien bag. Ifølge Banedanmark er indvielsen af København-Ringstedbanen planlagt til at skulle foregå fredag d. 31. maj 2019.
Levende lokalhistorie i Hedehusene - Interview med forælder
I to uger havde 6. klasserne på Charlotteskolen hands on på Hedehusenes lokalhistorie. Efterfølgende afholdte de over 2 dage workshops for byens borgere, hvor der blev produceret mursten, Smedet og meget mere på gammel vis og eleverne havde lavet en interaktiv udstilling i den gamle stationsbygning.