Exploring MONASTERIES and THE HOLY MOUNTAIN Fruska Gora | vojvodina, serbia | ENJOY WATCH
Fruska Gora, the mountain in Vojvodina, close to Novi Sad, in the northern part of Serbia, is home for 18 monasteries. It is called „The holy mountain“. Over 35 Orthodox monasteries were built on Fruška Gora, of which 17 survived. Most of the monasteries were built from the 15th to 18th century. In this video, I explore Fruska Gora and its beautiful monasteries. Enjoy in their tranquility, peace, and beauty.
First stop is Hopovo monastery. It is believed to be the first monastery founded by Đurađ Branković at the beginning of the 16th century, and to have included a church dedicated to Saint Nikola at the time. A sign above the entrance to the church led to the confusion about the church's origins, stating that it was built in 1576, but it was later established that this was the date the current church was built in place of the old one. Due to its architecture and rich cultural and religious history, Novo Hopovo Monastery is considered one of Serbia's most significant monasteries. The Monastery was a scholastic center for many centuries, and literacy was taught to Serbs coming from as far as Belgrade. The famous writer and philosopher Dositej Obradović took his vows here and served as a monk for three years.
Krusedol monastery was founded by the Branković family, the last despots of Srem. The temple is dedicated to the Annunciation.
Velika Remeta monastery was first mentioned in official historical scriptures in the sixteenth century. The men's monastery is devoted to St. Dimitrije and is completely surrounded by dormitories.
Beočin monastery is a women's monastery dedicated to the Ascension of Christ and is located near the Beočin village, on the northern side of Fruška Gora, between two hills overgrown with thick forest. The exact time when it was built is unknown, but there are scripts that mention it in the 16th century.
Šišatovac monastery is located in the Šišatovac area, on the southern slopes of the western Fruška Gora. Probably the most well-known period for this place was around the year of 1812 when Sisatovac monastery was a home of archimandrite Lukijan Musicki, who managed to make this monastery a gathering place of the most important intellectual elite of that time: Vuk Karadzic, Jakov Gercic, Petar Ivanovic Kepen, and many others.
In the monastery, Nikola Tesla treated cholera in his youth and recovered from healing water. When he got up from the hospital bed, he saw a bright white pigeon that followed him for the rest of his life. How important the healing of Nikola Tesla was, today knows the whole of humanity. Under the motto Where are Tesla's people, there is Tesla's Smiljan, Tesla's scientific foundation from Philadelphia has initiated the idea to build a replica of Tesla's birth house, a church from Smiljan, and Tesla tower within the Sisatovac monastery.
Fruska Gora was an island in the Pannonian sea before 90 million years. It is long 75 kilometers, wide 15 kilometers with the highest peak of 539 meters. In the time of the Roman The mountain's name originates in the old Serbian word Fruzi of which singular form is Frug; and its adjective is Fruški, which was used for naming the Frankish people Empire, its name was Alma Mons, meaning the fertile mount. The mountain's name originates in the old Serbian word Fruzi of which singular form is Frug; and its adjective is Fruški, which was used for naming the Frankish people. Fruška Gora was declared a national park in 1960.
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Religious music: Orthodox Psalm 135 fruska gora
National Park Fruska Gora - Serbia
Monasteries - Grgeteg...Krusedol...Novo Hopovo...Staro Hopovo...Velika Remeta
Serbia Travel - Fruska Gora
Fruška Gora je, pre svega, pogodna za pešacenja i izlete u prirodu. Najveća pešacka staza koja prolazi kroz brojna sela i na kojoj se nalaze gotovo svi planinarski domovi jeste staza fruškogorskog maratona. Oznake se najčešće nalaze na drveću, u obliku kruga ispunjenog belom bojom u kome je nacrtano crveno srce. Ako se držite ovog znaka, sigurno pre ili kasnije stižete negde. Najpoznatija izletišta su Stražilovo (kod Sremskih Karlovaca), zatim Testera (u blizini sela Čerević), Popovica, Cortanovacka suma, Iriski Venac, Hopovo, Zmajevac, Letenka...
Odmor je moguć u više planinarskih domova koji imaju veoma pristupačne cene, i manjih hotela. Mesto Vrdnik poznato je po banji i izvoru tople mineralne vode, a brojna fruškogorska sela čuvena su po svojim vinima.
Na Fruškoj Gori se nalazi veliki broj kulturno istorijskih spomenika. Najpoznatiji i najvredniji su fruškogorski manastiri, koje je podizala despotska porodica Branković, nastavljajući kult stare i slavne Nemanjićke države. Ova planina je sa mnogobrojnim skirvenim udolinama bila pravo mesto za osnivanje manastira. Na Fruškoj Gori je nekada bilo 35 srpskih pravoslavnih manastira, od kojih je danas sačuvano 16 manastira, od kojih su samo neki iz videa manastir Novo Hopovo, Krušedol, Grgeteg, Velika Remeta...
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Fruska Gora is, above all, suitable for hiking and excursions to nature. The largest pedestrian walkway that passes through many villages and where almost all mountain huts are located is the trail of the Fruska Gora marathon. The most famous excursion sites are Strazilovo (near Sremski Karlovci), then Tester (near the village Cerevic), Popovica, Cortanovac forest , Iriski Venac, Hopovo, Zmajevac, Letenka ...
Vacation is possible in several mountain huts with very affordable prices, and smaller hotels. The town of Vrdnik is famous for its spa and its source of warm mineral water, and numerous Fruska Gora villages are famous for their wines.
There are a large number of cultural and historical monuments on Fruska Gora. The most famous and most valuable are the monasteries of Fruska Gora, which were built by the Despot family Brankovic, continuing the cult of the old and famous Nemanjic state. This mountain, with many corridors, was the place to establish a monastery. At Fruska Gora, there were once 35 Serbian Orthodox monasteries, of which 16 monasteries have been preserved today, some of which are from the video: Novo Hopovo, Krusedol, Grgeteg, Velika Remeta ...
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Music: Bora Dugic Tren
Sanja Ilic & Balkanika Tashana
National Park Fruska Gora - Serbia
Monasteries - Jazak...Mala Remeta...Ravanica
Orthodox Monastery Hopovo in Serbia.
Fruškogorski manastiri
(Fruškogorski manastiri)
12 x 30, year of production 1991-1997
During the Turkish occupation, monks from central Serbia sought refuge on the mountain Fruska Gora where they founded around thirty monasteries. Within this 12 episode series, the wonders of 12 of these monasteries are presented in an informative and engaging way. These are: Novo Hopovo, Velika Remeta, Ravanica, Grgeteg, Jazak, Beočin, Kuveždin, Mala Remeta, Rakovac, Fenek i Krušedol. Narrator and guide, the late serbian writer, historian and professor, member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Dejan Medaković, leads viewers through the history and beauty of these cultural and historical monuments, some of which date back to the 15th century.
Manastir Krusedol
Manastir Krusedol, Fruska Gora, Srbija.
U manastirskoj crkvi leže i posmrtni ostaci mnogobrojnih značajnih Srba. Između ostalih tu su sahranjeni patrijarh Arsenije III Čarnojević, mitropolit Isaija Đaković, patrijarh Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta, grof Đorđe Branković, vojvoda Stevan Šupljikac, knjeginja Ljubica Obrenović i kralj Milan .
Novo i Staro Hopovo Srbija Fruska gora Ново и Старо Хопово Фрушка-гора
Novo i Staro Hopovo - darovi Brankovića
Novo i Staro Hopovo Srbija Fruska gora
Novo i Staro Hopovo Serbia Fruska gora
Ново и Старо Хопово Србиjа Фрушка-гора
Monastery Rakovac
Mountain of Fruska Gora, Serbia.
Fruška gora - Manastiri
Muzička pratnja Subotić Borislav Sremac u dva glasa
☦☦☦2016, Србија, Манастир Крушедол(1509) Фрушка гора
Манастир Крушедол (саграђен 1509, задужбина светог Максима Бранковића), 22328 Крушедол, тел: 022/460-001. Храм Благовештења Пресвете Богородице (1509.); капела светог владике Максима (прва половина 18. века). Намесник манастира: јеромонах Пајсије Будимир, са братијом.
Манастир Крушедол припада Епархији сремској Српске православне цркве и представља непокретно културно добро као споменик културе од изузетног значаја. Налази се на јужној страни Фрушке горе у Војводини.
Сам манастир се налази у атару села Крушедол, на путу између сремског градића Ириг и села Марадик. Манастир је задужбина породице последњих српских деспота у Срему - Бранковића. Саграђен је између 1509 и 1514. године. Породица Ђорђа Бранковића, два патријарха Српске православне цркве и краљ Милан Обреновић су сахрањени у Крушедолу.
2016, апрель, Сербия, Krušedol, Фрушка Гура
Krušedol монастырь (построен в 1509 г., основанный св Maxim Бранкович), Krušedol 22328, тел: 022 / 460-001. Храм Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы (1509); часовня святого епископа Максима (первая половина 18 века). Regent монастыри монах Pajsije Budimir, с монахами.
Tour de Srem & Fruska gora 2014
Datum: subota 27. septembar 2014.
Naziv ture: Tour de Srem & Fruška gora 2014
Alternativni naziv: Giro d' Srem & Fruška gora 2014
Trasa: Novi Sad - Sremski Karlovci - Banstol - Čortanovci - Beška - Maradik - Krušedol - manastir Krušedol - Irig - Rivica - Vrdnik - manastir Vrdnik Ravanica - Zmajevac - Stari Rakovac - manastir Rakovac - Novi Rakovac - Ledinci - Sremska Kamenica - Novi Sad (centar)
Putanja: Kružna
Pređeno: 83,5 kilometara
Više detalja na:
Los monasterios de Fruska Gora (qué ver y qué hacer en Serbia)
Una escapada a los lugares más alejados de Serbia. En esta oportunidad nos fuimos a buscar los monasterios de Fruska Gora, ubicados a las afueras de Novi Sad, pero que se extienden hasta Croacia. Aquí encontramos monasterios muy antiguos e incluso pudimos conversar con los monjes que habitan aquí.
Una experiencia inolvidable y enriquecedora.
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Manastiri Fruške Gore
Velelepni manastiri našega Srema i sto metara dalje.
Lagani spust Zmajevac-Rakovac Fruška gora
Manastir Velika Remeta - Monastery Velika Remeta
The Velika Remeta Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery located in the village of Velika Remeta on the Fruška Gora mountain in northern Serbia. It is one of several monasteries of Fruška Gora. Wikipedia
Address: Fruska Gora National Park, Remeta - Grgeteg, Velika Remeta
Phone: 022 2468112
music -
Divna Ljubojevic - Blagosloven jesi Gospode - Blessed be the Lord
Crveni čot - Pavlasov čot - Beočinski manastir
Datum: subota 04. 01. 2014.
Pešačenje: Beočin selo - Osovlje - Stene Orlovac - Crveni čot - Pavlasov čot - Beočin
Trasa: Beočin selo - Tajni skriveni kamenolom - Rasadnik Nacionalnog parka Fruška gora - Osovlje - Staze zdravlja na Osovlju - Orlovac - Misteriozni vojni objekat - Pavlasov čot - Manastir Beočin - Restoran Beli čin
Na snimku se vidi deo atmosfere prilikom prolaska jednim od naj lepših delova (neki kažu najdivljijih) na Fruškoj gori.
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Pešačimo u prirodi,lišće,izvor sumporne vode kod Manastira Hopovo Staro 20111112